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This I Believe

This I believe. But what do I believe? I believe in a lot of things. That God is real. That

school is important. That littering and pollution is wrong. I believe in a lot of things, but what do

I write about? So I decided to write about believing. Everyone believes in something, I believe

that. Everyone believes in someone, I believe that. Everyone believes that their way is right, or

accepts others ideas, thoughts, and opinions. I believe that. I believe that this earth was made for

everyone to believe. I might not believe that your ideas are right. You might disagree with mine.

But either way we all believe that something is right and something is wrong. I believe that

climate change may not be real, but that doesn't mean that we aren't still emitting harmful toxins,

pollutants, and gases into the air, ocean, and even the ground. You may believe in this, the

person next to you may believe that it's all bogus. But we still are believing, aren't we?

I believe that if everyone keeps believing in something positive, then our beliefs will

spread. Some may believe that the world is in ruin, and that it is already too late to save anything

except themselves. I believe that is wrong, but what is my belief against yours? Or anyones? If

we stop believing then what happens? Nothing. We stop building, we stop experimenting, we

stop protecting others. Without beliefs, the world loses its color, its life, its joy, its sadness, its

loss, and its gain. Sometimes you need to understand someone else's beliefs to find what you

really believe in. We may believe, but when will we believe that it's time to start fixing things.

Sometimes a person has to not just believe, but trust. When we can trust each other, regardless of

our beliefs, then we can really see changes. This I believe.

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