MKTG 3009 Week 1 Introduction

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Market Planning Project

Spring 2023

Session 1
My contact details
n Farid Ahmed
n 9685 9686
n My background
n Subject objectives
MPP Learning Guide

n Rationale: Assimilate, integrate and explore marketing

concepts in other ‘isolated’ subjects
n Outcomes
n Marketing as a group activity
n Contribute as a team
n Manage a project
n Dynamic and complex nature of the market
n Bridge the gap
n Systems perspective
Subject Content
n See learning guide
n First 2 sessions – orientation
n Remaining sessions – group workshops
n In a group, create a marketing plan
n Teams of 5/6 on a selected a client organization
n Group commitment
Meeting Rules
n One person to contact the client
n One week prior to meeting, discuss questions with the
n Only one representative per group
n Questions lead to a conversation
n Appropriate dress standards
Memorandum of understanding
n As per learning guide
n Undertaking by the team
n Undertaking by the client
n Commercial in-confidence
Time table and topics

1. Interim report Session 6 20%

2. Final exam 20%
3. Final plan including
presentation Session 14 40%
4. Reflective journal Session 14 20%
1. Interim plan
n 20% of final assessable grade
n Session 6 at beginning of meeting
n Content (not to be regarded as exhaustive):
n Client Overview (eg ownership, size, organisation structure, products/services,
financial position, etc.)
n Current Marketing Situation (eg industry & market analysis & client’s position)

n SWOT analysis (and PESTEL, Porter…)

n Identification of key issue(s) facing the client – ie what has your analysis revealed
to you?
2. Final plans and presentations
n 40% of marks Session 14 comprised of 32% for the
marketing plan and 8% for the presentation
n Peer group evaluations
n Professional standard, approx 50 - 60 pages plus appendices
n Major research findings, analysis, recommendations
n 2 hard copies plus a USB of the presentation and completed
group report
n Sales pitch to the client to ‘sell’ the marketing plan
n 15 minutes presentation plus 15 minutes for questions
(times will be enforced)
n Team to choose presenters (at least two)
3. Reflective Journal
n 20% Session 14
n What you have learned
n What it means to you
n Distinction between theory and your decision making
n Weekly entries:
n Should relate to your marketing plan
n Commitment to the group each week
Reflective Journal
n Focus on your own learning
n Should address two sections in the journal
n Personal (and team)
n Critical (at least half)
n see guidelines
Journal Assessment
n Self and team reflection
n Critical reflection
n First 200 words of each entry will be assessed(!)
Peer evaluation through SPARK
n Session 4
n Session 8
n Session 14
Client Meetings
n Session 4
n Session 11
n Questions discussed with lecturer 1 week prior
n One representative per group
Group formation
n Form groups of 5
n Mutually arranged where feasible

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