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1. And suddenly she was so strange he couldn’t believe he knew her at all. Montag understands that his
wife has changed so much that he doesn’t know her anymore.
2. And it was suddenly so very wrong that he had begun to cry, not at death but at the thought of not crying
at death. Guy understands that he wouldn’t care if she died and that sends a chill down his spine.
3. The living room; what a good job of labelling that was now. – The living room was ever living, constantly
talking, that’s why Guy thought that it was a good label
4. When they stepped out of the car she had the Seashells stuffed in her ears. Guy thought he would die
because his wife drove with ears stuffed with seashells
5. He felt he was one of the creatures electronically inserted between the slots of phone-colour walls,
speaking, but the speech not piercing the crystal barrier. Guy felt as if he was trapped and his wife did not
notice him in his prison, even thought he was free physically.

2. Paraphrase the following sentences.

1. There was a tiny dance of melody in the air, her Seashell was tamped in her ear again. 2. He
knew she frowned in the darkness. 3. He explained it. 4. He held both hands over his eyes and pressed
them strongly as if to set the memory into its place. 5. She laughed oddly and went up again. 6. It had
put everything into perspective. 7. Well, wasn’t there a wall between him and Mildred, when you think
about it? 8. He started calling them relatives right away. 9. A cacophony of sounds gushed from the
walls. 10. He came out of the room sweating, he seemed like he would faint soon. 11. Turn the sound
down to the minimum! 12. And she pushed it up to one hundred and five miles an hour and he gasped.

3. Paraphrase these sentences using the vocabulary of the text.

1. It is very difficult to state when and where a word was used for the first time. 2. The
unexpected telephone call startled the woman and she shrieked. 3. When the girl saw a mouse she
screamed. 4. The boy whispered something to his neighbour, then they both shouted loudly and rushed
to the door. 5. Hearing the wrong answer, the examiner frowned, asking the student to make his
thought clear. 6. However busy the boy may be, when we see him, he is always solving chess problems.
7. We read the rules of the game again and again, but we were none the wiser. 8. When you drive by a
school keep the speed down to the minimum. 9. The music of the band was so loud the old man
perspired and was on the point of collapse. 10. When you think it over quietly you won’t find the
problem very difficult to solve.

4. Give definitions of these words.

Desperate -needing or wanting something very much: very serious or bad.

Originally - first of all: in the beginning; when something first existed.

Plateau - a period during which there are no large changes:

to scream to cry or say something loudly and usually on a high note, especially because
of strong emotions such as fear, excitement, or anger:

to whisper to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to
you can hear you:

5. Give Russian equivalents for the following.

the fathoms of blackness – глубины тьмы

the audio-Seashell broadcasting station – вещательная станция аудио-ракушек

the gibbering pack of tree-apes – бормочущая стая обезьян

the phone-colour walls – стены – телевизионные экраны

to tear the breath from one’s mouth – вырвать вздох из чьей-то груди (рта)

someone else’s house – дом кого-то другого

to crush memory into place – вбить воспоминание на место

to be more important than any other thing in a lifetime – быть более важным, чем что-либо в
целой жизни

an Electronic-Eyed Snake – змея с электрическим глазом

a creature electronically inserted between the slots of the phone-colour walls – существо,
электронно помещённое между пазами стен – телевизионных экранов

6. Explain the difference in the meaning and use between these English and Russian words,
seemingly alike.

crystal — кристалл – у нас это кристалл, то есть вещество, а у них – понятно, очевидно, чисто,

originally — оригинально. У нас оригинально – необычно, доселе невиданно, у них –


technician — техник. У нас техник – рабочий в технической сфере, у них – инженер, человек,
обученный какой-то технической науке.

plateau — плато. Вот тут не знаю. Можно сказать, что у нас плато – географический объект, а у
них – застой, но у нас тоже слово плато используют как застой, поэтому точной разницы назвать не

collapse — коллапс. У нас коллапс это существительное, означающее распадок, падение. У них
– глагол, означающий «упасть».

massage — мaccupoвaть. Возможно, тут имеется в виду, что у нас массировать – это только
проминать мышцы, а у них у слова massage есть значение «подделывать статистику».

vibrate — вибрировать. У нас вибрировать – совершать очень быстрые колебания, у них vibrate
означает то же, но может использоваться в словосочетании «vibrate with smth», то есть трястись от

barrier —барьер – разницы не понимаю.

7. Give English equivalents for the following.

снизить до минимума – to turn down to the minimum

старый анекдот – an old joke

стая обезьян – a pack of tree-apes

на грани обморока – on the point of collapse

стеклянная (прозрачная) преграда – a crystal barrier

снимок из газеты – a newspaper image

ехать со скоростью 100 миль в час – to push it up to one hundred and five miles an hour
поздно ночью – late at night

стоять, сложа руки – to stand arms folded

8. Explain the figurative meaning of the italicized words. Use the same words in their direct

1. The thunder faded. – Гроза затихла. – The color faded into pale red.(Gradually became silent)

2. The music died. – Музыка оборвалась. – The cat died. (Abruptly became silent)

3. You drowned in music. – Ты утопал в музыке. – He drowned in the river. (Was “covered in

4. He pulled the tiny musical insect out of her ear. – Он достал крошечное музыкальное
насекомое из её уха. – This insect is buzzing in my ear. (A tiny thing)

5. What a good job of labelling that was now. – Как хорошо подходил сейчас этот ярлык. – This
label on the jacket is the wrong one. (The name of the room suited to the condition it was in – the living

6. A great thunderstorm of music gushed from the walls. – Великая гроза музыки лилась со стен.
– The water gushed from the roof. (Very large amounts)

7. The seashell was tamped in her ear again. – Ракушка была снова утрамбована в её ухо. – The
tobacco was tamped into the cigar. (Very tightly pressed)

8. He heard only the scream of the car. – Он слышал лишь визг машины. – The woman screamed
loudly. (A very loud noise)

9. He could only pantomime. – Он мог лишь жестикулировать. – This artist is really good at
pantomime!(He couldn’t speak)

9. Express the following more concisely, preferably in one word.

to speak fast or in a meaningless way - gibber

to utter a loud, piercing cry - scream
to speak in a low voice or under the breath - whisper
to give a loud sharp cry, especially because of pain or strong emotion (usually in reference to women) –
to speak in a low voice, indistinctly - murmur
to utter a loud sharp cry as with pain, anger, etc. (usually in reference to boys or men) - yell
to convey one’s meaning with bodily or facial movements - pantomime
a large mass or amount -
the degree of loudness - volume
the fall of water from a high place - waterfall
a common plant growing wild, with bright yellow flowers – dandelion
a measure of depth - fathom

10. Translate the sentences below into English.

1. Late at night Montag was still awake. 2. He didn't want to startle Mildred.. З. It seemed to
Montag that the more important than any other thing in a lifetime was to find out when he and
Mildred met for the first time. 4. He knew that his wife was frowning in the darkness. 5. The orderlies
stood with their arms folded. 6. Mildred seemed to him like an outsider who happened to meet on
the street, a newspaper image.7. He took to calling TV characters relatives. 8. The conversation of
"relatives" resembled the gibbering pack of tree-apes. 9. After the television broadcast, he ran out of
the room covered in sweat, on the point of collapse. 10. There was a crystal barrier between Mildred
and her husband, through which human speech did not penetrate. 11. When Guy asked his wife to
turn the speed down to a minimum, she accelerated and raced at a speed of over a hundred miles
per hour.12. When Mildred had shells in her ears, she couldn't hear anything, no matter what
Montag did, whispered, screamed or yelled.

11. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs.

In the late afternoon it rained and the entire world was dark grey. He stood in the hall of his house,
putting on his badge with the orange salamander burning across it. He stood looking up at the air-
conditioning vent in the hall for a long time. His wife in the TV parlour paused long enough from reading
her script to glance up. "Hey," she said. "The man's THINKING!"

"Yes," he said. "I wanted to talk to you." He paused. "You took all the pills in your bottle last night."

"Heck," she said, "what would I want to go and do a silly thing like that for?" She was quite
obviously waiting for him to go. "I didn't do that," she said. "Never in a billion years." She turned back to
her script. "What's on this afternoon?" he asked tiredly.

She didn't look up from her script again. "Well, this is a play comes on the wall-to-wall circuit in ten
minutes. They mailed me my part this morning. I sent in some box-tops. They write the script with one
part missing. It's a new idea. The home-maker, that's me, is the missing part. When it comes time for the
missing lines, they all look at me out of the three walls and I say the lines: Here, for instance, the man
says, `What do you think of this whole idea, Helen?' And he looks at me sitting here centre stage, see?
And I say, I say – “She paused and ran her finger under a line in the script. " `I think that's fine!' And then
they go on with the play until he says, `Do you agree to that, Helen!' and I say, `I sure do!

He stood in the hall looking at her.

"What's the play about?"

“I just told you. It’s really fun.”

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