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Scholarly Paper

Effects of Change Orders on Cost Growth,

Schedule Growth, and Construction Intensity of
Large Highway Projects
Pramen P. Shrestha, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE 1; and Ruiko Maharjan, Ph.D., S.M.ASCE 2
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Abstract: Previous research have shown that change orders have a detrimental effect on cost growth and schedule growth of construction
projects. These studies mainly concentrated on the number of change orders for building or maintenance projects. However, correlation of the
number and change order growth with cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity of new highway projects has not been studied.
This study collected data from 185 projects from the state of Texas, whose costs amounted to more than $10M. The results showed that the
average change order growth for these projects was 7.0%, and also found a significant positive correlation in change order growth with cost
growth and schedule growth of these projects. The correlation coefficients of change order growth with cost growth and schedule growth were
found to be 0.57 and 0.44, respectively. When the projects were divided into two groups based on the change order growth, the results showed
that the cost growth and schedule growth significantly increased as the change order growth increased to greater than 5%. The number of
change orders were significantly and positively correlated with cost growth (0.23), schedule growth (0.30), and construction intensity (0.46).
When the number of change orders increased by more than 20, then the cost and schedule growth increased significantly. It is recommended
that Texas Department of Transportation engineers use an effective change management process to control the change orders in their highway
projects so that cost and schedule overruns could be minimized. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)LA.1943-4170.0000264. © 2018 American Society of
Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Change order growth; Number of change orders; Texas Department of Transportation; Correlation.

Introduction The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has to main-

tain approximately 197,000 lane-miles of highway and 34,500
During the construction of any type of project, change orders (COs) bridges every year (TxDOT 2017a). In addition to maintenance,
are inevitable. However, the magnitude of the COs are a major TxDOT needs to construct or rehabilitate new roads and bridges
concern for the owners because they can have a detrimental effect in order to provide these services to the public. Therefore, TxDOT
on the project’s cost and schedule growth and quality as well as the spends billions of dollars on contracts every year to construct and
morale of the project participants. Therefore, this is an important
maintain the roadway system (TxDOT 2017b). The costs of these
area of interest to the owners, designers, and contractors.
new and maintenance highway projects need to be controlled so
COs are the changes made during the construction phase of a
that the taxpayers’ money is used effectively. In addition, these
project that are accepted by both parties, the contractors and the
projects need to be completed within the schedule so that the road
owners. COs can originate for various reasons, including scope
changes by the owners, unforeseen conditions, or design errors. users can use the roads when they are scheduled to open, and costs
These changes in the project needs to be controlled so that they have to the road users need to be reduced when driving on these roads.
minimal effect on the cost, schedule, quality, and productivity of the Therefore, it is very critical for TxDOT engineers to determine
project. In order to manage and control these changes, the Construc- whether CO growth and numbers for these projects are within
tion Industry Institute (CII) has developed a best practice known as an acceptable range. They also need to determine whether these
change management (CII 2017). The CII guidebook describes how changes have detrimental effects on the cost and schedule growth
to manage change in early phases of a project so that they have of the projects.
minimal effects on cost and schedule growth of a project during According to TxDOT, COs are those alterations whose quantities
construction. are amended in writing and at any time during the project construc-
tion phase. Based on the Construction Contract Administration
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Manual of TxDOT, after the COs were issued, “the contractor will
Construction, Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, Univ. of Nevada, perform work as increased or decreased, or altered” (TxDOT
Las Vegas, NV 89154 (corresponding author). ORCID: 2017c). If TxDOT initiated the COs, then TxDOT and the contractor
/0000-0001-6362-2315. Email: work together to develop the scope of the problem that needs to be
Graduate Student, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construc- changed in the contract. TxDOT will evaluate the alternatives before
tion, Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, Univ. of Nevada, approving the COs, and the contractor must submit the cost
Las Vegas, NV 89154. Email: breakdowns and their justifications for any CO amounts. After these
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 18, 2017; approved on
February 8, 2018; published online on May 29, 2018. Discussion period
costs are reviewed by TxDOT, the COs are approved so that
open until October 29, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted for the changes and a time extension can be granted. For TxDOT,
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Legal Affairs detailed procedures for managing the COs are provided in the
and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, © ASCE, ISSN Engineering, Architectural, and Surveying Services Manual
1943-4162. (TxDOT 2017d).

© ASCE 04518012-1 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

Scope and Objectives of the Study Several factors cause COs, mainly during the construction
phase of a project, such as poor estimation, unforeseen site
This study analyzed CO growth for new greenfield construction
conditions, and a change in scope. Previous studies regarding
projects undertaken by TxDOT from 2001 to 2016. The projects
COs focused more on new and maintenance building projects;
included in this data set were from the construction of roads,
however, some studies conducted on highway maintenance proj-
pavements, structures, drains, culverts, and so forth. The analysis
ects that showed a negative relationship between COs and cost
focused on determining the correlation of CO growth and number
and schedule growth. Therefore, this literature review were cat-
of COs with the cost and schedule of these types of the projects.
egorized into two sections, one that covered COs for building
It has been identified in the literature that COs affect the perfor-
projects and another that covered COs for highway maintenance
mance of transportation projects, which is important because
and infrastructure projects.
that determines the success of a project (Shrestha et al. 2017; The top five causes that generate COs in public projects were
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Anastasopoulos et al. 2010; Ibbs 2008, 2012). Therefore, the main poor estimation, unforeseen site conditions, political pressure dur-
objectives of this study were: ing construction stage, poor soil investigation, and client-initiated
1. Determine the CO growth occurring in new highway projects. variation (Halwatura and Ranasinghe 2013). The findings of this
2. Determine the correlation between CO growth and project study were based on surveys of 50 respondents who had experience
performance data (i.e., cost growth, schedule growth, and con- in road construction projects in Sri Lanka. Dickson et al. (2015)
struction intensity). conducted a questionnaire survey to determine the factors that
3. Determine the correlation between the number of COs and cause COs to occur in civil engineering construction projects in
project performance data (i.e., cost growth, schedule growth, Kenya. There were 12 clients, 32 consultants, and 51 contractors
and construction intensity). who responded to this survey. They ranked delay in land acquis-
4. Determine the optimum values of COs for a project over which ition, differing site conditions, change in scope, change in schedule
there would be a detrimental effect on the cost, schedule growth, by client, and lack of coordination as the top five important causes
and construction intensity of the project. of COs. Rowland (1981) found that the rate of COs increased as the
project size and complexity increased. These findings were based
Definition of Change Order and Cost and Schedule on a study of 18 public works construction projects in the southern
Metrics Used in the Study United States.
Past research found that COs mostly were generated due to de-
To test the hypothesis, a total of five metrics were developed, two sign changes in the projects (Ndihokubway and Haupt 2008;
metrics related to COs, one related to cost, and two related to sched- Alnuaimi et al. 2010; Gunhan et al. 2007; Bordat et al. 2004). Some
ule. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between of the research found that factors that contributed to changes in the
CO growth and number of COs with the cost and schedule perfor- projects included clients, consultants, contractors, state regulation
mance of new highway projects. Therefore, the COs were repre- statutes, adverse weather conditions, political pressure, poor estima-
sented by two metrics, one for CO growth, expressed in terms of tion, poor site investigation, and unforeseen site conditions
percentage growth against the total contract cost, and the other (Ndihokubway and Haupt 2008; Alnuaimi et al. 2010; Jawad et al.
for the number of COs. One cost-performance metric was cost 2009; Serag et al. 2010). Serag et al. (2010) developed models to
growth and the two schedule-performance metrics were schedule predict CO growth based on 11 variables found in 16 Florida
growth and construction intensity. Table 1 shows the equations used DOT projects. The contract values of these projects ranged of
to calculate these metrics. $10 million–$25 million. The authors found that CO growth was
significantly correlated to the timing of the COs and unforeseen
Literature Review Other research found that CO growths occurring in road main-
tenance projects had a relationship with road surface types and
Review of past studies mainly focused on the causes and the effects project types (Shrestha et al. 2017; Anastasopoulos et al. 2010).
of COs on the cost, schedule, and construction intensity of trans- Shrestha et al. found that mixed-surface road pavements (14.7%)
portation and other types of construction projects. COs affect the had significantly higher amounts of COs compared to gravel surfaces
overall cost and schedule of a project, resulting in claims and (13.1%) and earthen surfaces (14.7%) in Kenyan highway projects.
disputes between the owner and the contractor. Therefore, it is an Anastasopoulos et al. (2010) found that resurfacing and traffic main-
important parameter, and requires close attention to complete a tenance work had a significantly greater number of COs than earth-
project successfully. work and subsoil treatment projects. Both of these studies found that

Table 1. Metrics for COs, cost, and schedule

Number Metric Equation to calculate the metric Unit
1 Change order growth Total Change Order Amount %
× 100
Contract Award Amount
2 Number of change orders — No.
3 Cost growth Final Amount-Engineers’ Estimated Amount %
× 100
Engineers’ Estimated Amount
4 Schedule growth Final completion duration − Contract duration %
× 100
Bid Days
5 Construction intensity Final Construction Cost $=day
× 100
Final project completion duration

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J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

COs were negatively correlated with the size of the projects; that is, Research Methods
as the size of project increased, the CO growths decreased.
The literature showed that studies mainly were conducted using The research methodology for this study was divided into five
data from building projects, highway maintenance projects, or in- steps. The first step consisted of questionnaire development. The
frastructure projects. In a survey of building contractors, Jawad second step was to send the questionnaire to TxDOT and collect
et al. (2009) found that cost overruns due to COs was in the range the data. In the third step, after the data were collected, metrics were
of 5–10% of the original contract cost. Similarly, the effect of COs developed for COs and performance measures that related to cost
on schedule growth was less than 10% of its original contract and schedule. In the fourth step, the research and null hypotheses
duration. Ibbs (2012) found that changes in industrial building proj- were developed. Finally, in the fifth step, these null hypotheses
ects increased the chance of cost growth by 42%. Another study by were tested using statistical tests. These steps are described in detail
Ibbs (2008) found that COs decreased productivity by 20% in 40% as follows.
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of the building projects that were analyzed. This researcher also

found that these COs increased the project duration by 16% in Questionnaire Development
50% of the projects analyzed. Similarly, other researchers found
First, a questionnaire was developed to collect data regarding COs,
that there was a loss of the productivity due to COs (Thomas
cost, and schedule of projects from the Texas Department of Trans-
and Napolitan 1995; Ibbs 2008; Hanna et al. 1999; Vandenberg
portation (TxDOT). The questionnaire collected data related to the
1996). Overall, past research conducted with building projects
project ID, the type of project, the location of the project (county),
showed that COs had negative effects on the cost and schedule construction completion year, the cost of the COs, the number
of the projects. of COs, the estimated project cost, contract project cost, final com-
Limited research has been conducted for new construction of pletion project cost, contact duration, and final duration for project
highways and infrastructure projects. In a study conducted based completion. The questionnaire was developed in an electronic pdf
on the interviews, surveys, and case studies, Alnuaimi et al. (2010) file that was fillable to make it be easy for TxDOT staff to enter
found that COs caused cost overruns, schedule delays, and disputes the data.
in a project. This finding was based on four case studies representing
public works in Oman for water transmission, roads, buildings, and
ports. In addition, Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006) found that COs were Data Collection
the common cause of time overruns during the construction phase of Before sending the questionnaire, the appropriate person was iden-
projects. This finding was based on a time-performance survey with tified in the Contract Department of TxDOT. The authors called this
owners, consultants, and contractors in Saudi Arabia, and covered person to request the data; upon agreement to participate in this
various types of construction projects. These researchers surveyed study, the questionnaire was sent to this person. The respondent
57 contractors, consultants, and owners; they found that two-thirds was asked to provide data for new highway projects constructed
of the respondents agreed that there was about a 10% time overrun after 2001 up to 2016. After the data was sent back to the research-
in projects due to COs. Additionally, the occurrence of COs for con- ers by the respondents, any missing data was located by an online
struction during the execution of a project resulted, on average, of a database available on the TxDOT website.
30% loss in labor efficiency (Thomas and Napolitan 1995). Bordat The data from the projects were matched using the project ID.
et al. (2004) found that Indiana DOT (INDOT) had an historical Later, the data were sorted based on the project completion cost.
problem with costs, schedule overruns, and excessive COs. This Only the projects that had costs of more than $10 million equivalent
group analyzed 2001 INDOT projects, and showed that the average to a 2017 July cost was included in the analysis. The project com-
cost overrun was higher for bridge projects (8.1%) compared to road pletion cost was adjusted using cost indices from the Engineering
resurfacing (5.6%), traffic projects (5.6%), and maintenance projects News Record (ENR 2017). Data from 185 new highway projects
(7.5%). In addition, more projects had cost overruns (55%) than time were collected.
overruns (12%). Emadelbeltagi et al. (2014) surveyed 385 engineers
involved in the construction industry, found that a major effect that Research Hypothesis
COs had on projects was increased cost and schedule. Another study
on highway improvement projects showed that the effect of COs de- Eight research hypotheses were developed for this study. The first
pended on the type of contract (Choi et al. 2016). This group found three related to the correlation of CO growth with cost growth,
that COs had a greater effect on cost growth for incentives/ schedule growth, and construction intensity. Another three research
disincentives (I/D) contracts than on A þ B contracts. However, hypotheses related to the correlation between the number of COs
opposite was true for schedule growth. and cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity.
Various models have been developed to predict the number of The last two research hypotheses related the optimum value of
COs and growth in COs for maintenance projects. Anastasopoulos CO growth and number of COs beyond which the cost growth,
schedule growth, and construction intensity significantly increase.
et al. (2010) found that a zero-inflated negative binomial regression
model was a good model to predict the number of COs based on
project type, contract type, project duration, and project cost. This Null Hypothesis
group collected data from 1,939 highway projects of Indiana DOT Each of the research hypotheses was converted to a null hypothesis
that were constructed between 1996 and 2000. in order to conduct the statistical test. Eight null hypotheses were
Based on the literature, it is clear that a gap exists regarding developed for this study. The first three stated that the correlation
the effect of COs on cost and schedule growth of new highway coefficients of the CO growth with cost growth, schedule growth,
projects. This study hopes to fill this knowledge gap by determin- and construction intensity were not significantly different from zero.
ing the average CO growth and the number of COs that occur in The next three stated that the correlation coefficients for the number
new highway projects as well as the effect of these changes on of COs with cost growth, schedule growth, and construction inten-
cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity of the sity were not significantly different from zero. Eqs. (1)–(6) can be
projects. used mathematically to represent these null hypotheses. The term

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J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

β used in these equations represents the correlation coefficient val- be equal to or less than 0.05, this confirmed that the correlations
ues. The seventh null hypothesis stated that the mean values for cost among these variables were significant. If the p-value was found
growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity were not signifi- to be less than 0.01, then the correlation coefficients were highly
cantly different when the growth in COs exceeded an optimum significant. Whichever test provided the strongest correlations,
value. Similarly, the last null hypothesis stated that the mean values those results were reported.
for cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity were
not significantly different when the number of COs exceeded an t-test and Mann-Whitney U Test
optimum value. Eqs. (7) and (8) can be used to express these null The t-test and Mann-Whitney U test were conducted to determine
hypotheses mathematically. The term μ used in these equations whether the values of cost growth, schedule growth, and construc-
represents the population of the groups tion intensity were significantly different in two groups, based on
the optimum values of CO growth and the number of COs. If the
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β change order growth vs:cost growth ¼ 0 ð1Þ p-values were found to be less than 0.05, then the null hypothesis
would be rejected, confirming the research hypothesis that the
β change order growth vs:schedule growth ¼ 0 ð2Þ values of these groups were significantly different. If p-values
were found to be less than 0.01, the difference in values would
β change order growth vs:construction intensity ¼ 0 ð3Þ be considered as highly significant. In this case also, whichever test
yielded strongest difference, those results were reported.
β number of change order vs:cost growth ¼ 0 ð4Þ

β number of change order vs:schedule growth ¼ 0 ð5Þ Results

β number of change order vs:construction intensity ¼ 0 ð6Þ First, the entire data set for 185 projects was plotted based on the
CO growth, the number of COs, cost growth, schedule growth, and
μcost growth below optimum change order growth value construction intensity. The box plots in Figs. 1–5 indicate that there
were outliers in the data set based on these five variables. However,
¼ μcost growth above optimum change order gowth value ð7Þ
outliers were not removed because the authors could not prove that
the outliers were due to a nonrepetitive error. Therefore, all the data
μcost growth below optimum number of change order
for 185 projects were used to determine the mean, the median, and
¼ μcost growth above optimum number of change order ð8Þ the standard deviation values for these variables.

Descriptive Statistics
Statistical Analysis The mean values for CO growth, cost growth, and schedule growth
To prove or reject the null hypotheses, statistical tests need to be was plotted, as shown in Fig. 6. Results indicate that the average
conducted. For the correlation test, the appropriate test was the values of CO growth for these projects were found to be 7%;
Pearson linear correlation test because the variables are in a ratio furthermore, these COs increased the cost by 6.6%, on average,
scale. However, before conducting this test, it should be verified and schedule by 21%.
whether the data distributions related to the COs, cost, and schedule Table 2 shows a summary of (1) the descriptive statistics for the
metrics are normally distributed (Real Statistics 2017). To check CO growth, (2) the number of COs, and (3) the cost growth, sched-
the normality of the data, the Shapiro-Wilko test was conducted; ule growth, and construction intensity of these projects. This table
it was found that all the data set were not normally distributed. indicates that schedule growth was found to be higher than cost
(The results of this test are shown in the “Results” section). How- growth and CO growth. Data analysis showed that 35 COs occurred
ever, the normal distribution test is a robust test. As the size of the in highway projects, on average. The mean value for construction
sample was more than 30 in this case, this parametric test could be intensity was found to be about $38,809=day. By comparing the
conducted to determine the correlation between these variables.
Also, a nonparametric test, i.e., Spearman’s correlation test, was
conducted to determine the correlation between these two variables
to determine the differences in the results (Leard Statistics 2017b).
Similarly, both the t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test were con-
ducted to determine whether there was a difference among the
values for cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity
based on an optimum value of CO growth and the number of COs
(Leard Statistics 2017a).

Pearson and Spearman’s Correlation Tests

Pearson and Spearman’s correlation tests were conducted to deter-
mine whether the CO growth and the number of COs were signifi-
cantly correlated to cost growth, schedule growth, and construction
intensity. These tests show the correlation coefficients among these
variables. A correlation coefficient below 0.3 is considered to be a
weak relationship; a value in between 0.3 and 0.5 is considered to
be a moderate relationship; values more than 0.5–0.7 are consid-
ered as having a strong relationship; and values above 0.70 are con-
sidered to be a very strong relationship among the variables
Fig. 1. Boxplot of change order growth.
(Dummies: A Wiley Brand 2018). If the p-value was found to

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Fig. 2. Boxplot of number of change order. Fig. 5. Boxplot of construction intensity.

Fig. 6. Mean values of change order growth, cost growth, and schedule
Fig. 3. Boxplot of cost growth.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of variables (N ¼ 185)

Number Name of variables Mean Median deviation
1 Change order growth (%) 7.0 3.9 12.5
2 Number of change 35 20 34
orders (count)
3 Cost growth (%) 6.6 4.3 22.7
4 Schedule growth (%) 21.0 15.6 31.0
5 Construction intensity ($/day) 38,809 30,914 26,163

mean and median values of all these variables, it can be seen that
there are some outliers in this data set. However, the outliers were
not removed because the data were collected randomly from the
TxDOT, and it could not be proved that the outliers were due to
a nonrepetitive error.

Results of the Statistical Tests

A correlation test was conducted to determine the relationship of
Fig. 4. Boxplot of schedule growth.
CO growth and number of COs with cost growth, schedule growth,

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J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

Table 3. Results for the Shapiro-Wilk normality test Table 5. Pearson correlation test results for the number of change orders
Sample Performance Sample Correlation
Number Variables size Statistics p-value Number metrics size coefficient p-value
1 Change order growth 185 0.66 0.00 1 Cost growth 185 0.23 0.00a
2 Number of change orders 185 0.75 0.00a 2 Schedule growth 185 0.30 0.00a
3 Cost growth 185 0.96 0.00a 3 Construction intensity 185 0.46 0.00a
4 Schedule growth 185 0.93 0.00a a
Significant at alpha level 0.01.
5 Construction intensity 185 0.75 0.00a
Significant at alpha level 0.01.
construction would not decrease if the amount of COs increased
in the projects.
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and construction intensity. Similarly, in order to determine the The data also was analyzed using the nonparametric Spearman’s
optimum values for CO growth and the number of COs—after correlation test, and the results are shown in Appendix I. The results
which cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity showed that correlation coefficients for all these relationships were
significantly increases—the t-test was conducted. However, to lower than for the results from the Pearson correlation test.
use the t-test, the data needed to be checked for normality. There- Pearson and Spearman’s Correlation Test Results for the
fore, the Shapiro-Wilk test was conducted to determine whether the Number of Change Orders. Results from the parametric correla-
data were normally distributed. tion test showed that the number of COs was significantly corre-
Table 3, which shows the results of Shapiro-Wilk test, indicates lated to cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity
that none of the data were normally distributed. In this test, the null (Table 5). The correlation coefficient between the number of
hypothesis stated that the population is normally distributed, which COs and cost growth (0.23) and the number of COs and schedule
would be rejected if the p-value was less than 0.05. Therefore, for growth (0.30) were less than that obtained for CO growth. The
CO growth, the number of COs, cost growth, schedule growth, strength of the correlation between these variables was not strong;
and construction intensity, the p-values were found to be less than however, in both cases, the correlations were found to be highly
0.05, which showed that the data were not normally distributed. significant at alpha level 0.05. This test also showed that the
However, normal distribution tests are very robust, and conceiv- number of COs had a significant correlation with construction in-
ably can be applied to nonnormally distributed data. Also, if the tensity (0.46), and correlation was found to be moderately strong.
sample size is more than 30, the data can be considered to be It showed that if the number of COs increased, then the speed of
normally distributed, which was true in this case. Therefore, the construction would increase. The correlation test was conducted
Pearson correlation test and the t-test could be performed instead once again using the nonparametric test, and the results are shown
of nonparametric tests, Spearman’s correlation test, and the Mann- in Appendix II. The results showed the similar findings as in the
Whitney U test. However, the authors conducted both the paramet- Pearson correlation test.
ric and nonparametric tests in order to determine the differences
in the results. Results of the t-Test and Mann-Whitney U Test
The t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test were used to determine the
Correlation Test Results difference between the performance metrics for cost and schedule,
Pearson and Spearman’s correlation tests were conducted to based on amount of CO growth and the number of COs. This analy-
determine the association of CO growth and the number of COs sis determined the optimum values for CO growth and the number
with cost growth, schedule growth, and construction intensity.
of COs above which cost growth, schedule growth, and construc-
The results of the Pearson test for the correlation of CO growth
tion intensity would increase significantly. These tests were
and the number of COs and cost, schedule growth, and construc-
conducted for CO growth as well as the number of COs, described
tion intensity are described as follows. Also, the results of
as follows.
Spearman’s correlation test among these variables is shown in
t-Test and Mann-Whitney U Test Results for Chang Order
Appendixes I and II.
Growth. Before conducting this test, data for cost, schedule,
Pearson and Spearman’s Correlation Test Results for Change
and construction intensity were divided into two groups, based
Order Growth. Table 4 shows the results of Pearson correlation
on CO growth. It was found that the median value for CO growth
test for the coefficients values of CO growth with cost growth,
for this dataset was 3.9%. Therefore, the analysis was conducted
schedule growth, and construction intensity. Test results showed
that the CO growth had a positive correlation with cost growth four times by dividing the project data into two groups based
(0.57) and schedule growth (0.44). Both of these correlation coef- on 3–6% CO growth. When the cost growth was divided into
ficients were moderately strong and highly significant at alpha level two groups based on 3–6% CO growth, the t-statistics for the t-tests
0.05. In addition, the results showed that the COs increased the cost were found to be 4.42, 5.57, 5.96, 5.70, respectively (Table 6).
growth and the schedule growth of highway projects. However, Therefore, it can be concluded that the difference in mean values
there was no significant correlation between CO growth and con- for cost growth in the two groups was significantly the largest at
struction intensity. This finding showed that the speed of the alpha level 0.05 when the groups were divided based on 5% CO
growth. This showed that if the CO growth increased by more 5%,
then it would have a significantly adverse effect on cost growth of
Table 4. Pearson correlation test results for change order growth
the projects. The difference between the values of cost growth was
Performance Sample Correlation 19.8% when the projects were divided based on 5% cutoff point for
Number metrics size coefficient p-value CO growth. Table 6 also showed that in the case of schedule
1 Cost growth 185 0.57 0.00a growth, the difference was highest and significant when the proj-
2 Schedule growth 185 0.44 0.00a ects were divided based on a 5% cutoff point for CO growth. The
3 Construction intensity 185 0.04 0.54 difference between the values of schedule growth was found to
Significant at alpha level 0.01. be 19.1%.

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J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

Table 6. Results of the t-test for change order growth
Cost growth Schedule growth
Amount of change
order growth t-critical Mean (%) t-statistics p-value Mean (%) t-statistics p-value
Equal or less than 3% 1.97 −1.8 4.42 0.00 a
12.0 3.40 0.00a
More than 3% 12.9 27.2
Equal or less than 4% 1.97 −1.9 5.57 0.00a 11.5 4.25 0.00a
More than 4% 16.2 30.4
Equal or less than 5% 1.97 −1.3 5.96 0.00a 12.8 4.35 0.00a
More than 5% 18.5 31.9
Equal or less than 6% 1.97 −0.7 5.70 0.00a 13.1 4.22 0.00a
More than 6% 18.4 32.0
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Significant at alpha level 0.01.

The results of t-test regarding construction intensity was not • As the CO growth increased beyond 5%, the effects of this
shown in Table 6 because the difference was not found to be sig- increase on cost growth and schedule growth was highly signif-
nificant. Results showed that the amount of CO growth did not have icant and severe.
any adverse effect on the speed with which construction in highway • As the number of COs increased, cost growth, schedule
projects were completed for those projects whose data were growth, and construction intensity increased for these highway
collected for this study. The nonparametric test, the Mann-Whitney projects.
U test, was conducted to determine whether the results were • As the number of COs increased beyond 20, the effect on cost
similar, which they were. The results of this test for two groups of and schedule growth was highly significant and severe.
projects, divided based on a 5% cutoff point of CO growth, is This study found that the mean CO growth for new highway
shown in Appendix III. projects constructed by TxDOT that cost more than $10 M was
Mann-Whitney U Test Results for Number of Change Order. 7.0%. This CO growth for new highways was less than for bridge
The t-test and the Mann-Whitney U test were conducted once again, projects (8.1%) and maintenance projects (7.5%), but higher than
based on the number of COs. The median value for the number of for road resurfacing (5.6%) and traffic projects (5.6%), as reported
COs was found to be 20. Therefore, the projects were divided into by Bordat et al. (2004). When compared to the findings from
two groups, one consisting of projects that had less than 20 COs and Shrestha et al. (2017) for road maintenance projects of Kenya,
the other that had more than 20 COs. The results of the t-test, shown new highway projects of TxDOT had significantly fewer COs.
in Table 7, indicated that as the number of COs increased by Therefore, compared to previous studies for new highways and
more than 20, the cost growth and schedule growth increased sig- maintenance projects, the CO growth for TxDOT new highway
nificantly. The cost growth and schedule growth of projects that projects were comparatively lower.
had more than 20 COs (11.5 and 28.5%, respectively) were The correlation between CO growth and cost growth for these
significantly higher than for cost growth and schedule growth of projects was similar to those found for other infrastructure and main-
the projects that had less than 20 COs (0.2 and 11.6%, respectively). tenance projects as well as for building projects. This study found a
Similar results were found for construction intensity. Therefore, as significant and moderately strong positive correlation of CO growth
the number of COs increased to over 20, the cost growth, schedule with cost growth of the projects. The cost growth was measured as
growth, and construction intensity increased significantly for new the difference between the final project cost and the engineer’s
highway projects. It showed that the engineers need to limit the num- estimate divided by the engineer’s estimate. Similarly, other studies
ber of change orders within 20, so that the effect on cost and sched- (e.g., Shrestha et al. 2017; Ibbs 2008, 2012) found that COs nega-
ule growth will be minimum. In addition, the Mann-Whitney tively affected cost growth. This study also found that the limit for
test was conducted to determine whether the results would be differ- CO growth was 5% of the total project cost. When the percentage
ent; however, it was found that this nonparametric test yielded exceeded this limit, then the effect of COs on cost growth was highly
similar results. The results of the Mann-Whitney test are shown significant. According to this data set, a percentage of 5% of COs is
in Appendix IV. the maximum that the state DOTs should limit; if the COs exceeded
this percentage, then cost growth significantly increases.
This study also determined that the number of COs had a detri-
Discussions mental effect on cost growth. The results showed a significant
positive correlation between these two variables, validating the
The major findings of this study are as follows: hypothesis that as the number of CO increases, the cost growth
• As the CO growth increased, the cost growth and schedule increases. This study found that the optimum number of COs is
growth increased for these new highway projects. 20; if the number of COs increased more than this number, then

Table 7. Results of t-test for the number of change orders

Construction intensity
Cost growth Schedule growth ($ per day)
Number of
change order Mean (%) t-statistics p Mean (%) t-statistics p Mean t-statistics p
≤20 changes 0.2 3.51 0.00a 11.6 3.82 0.00a 31K 3.80 0.00a
>20 changes 11.5 28.5 45K
Significant at alpha level 0.01.

© ASCE 04518012-7 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

the cost growth would be affected severely. Anastasopoulos et al. The primary contribution of this study to the body of knowl-
(2010) found a nonlinear correlation of the number of COs with edge was finding a significant correlation between COs with cost
the contract amount. growth and schedule growth for new highway projects. This
There was also positive correlation between CO growth and study also determined the optimum percentage and number of
schedule growth. As the CO growth increased in a project, the COs that state DOTs need to aim for so that the COs will not have
schedule growth increased. Other researchers found a similar rela- negative effect on cost and schedule of the new highway projects.
tionship (Alnuaimi et al. 2010; Assaf and Al-Hejji 2006; Thomas Because this is the first comprehensive study on the correlation
and Napolitan 1995; Emadelbeltagi et al. 2014; Choi et al. 2016; between the COs with cost growth, schedule growth, and
Shrestha et al. 2017). However, finding from past research were construction intensity for new highway projects, the authors rec-
based on data from building and road maintenance projects. A pos- ommend for further study using data from other state DOTs.
itive relationship between the number of COs and schedule growth This effort could help engineers from state DOTs to determine
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also was found, which validated the hypothesis that as the number whether the effects of COs in their state were similar to that
of COs increased, the schedule growth will be negatively affected. for TxDOT.
Finally, Anastasopoulos et al. (2010) found a nonlinear correlation
of the number of COs with contract duration. This current study
showed that when the number of COs increased more than 20, then Appendix I. Spearman’s Correlation Test Results for
the schedule growth will increase significantly. Change Order Growth
This study did not find any significant correlation between CO
growth and construction intensity. However, when the number of Performance Sample Correlation
COs increased over 20, then the construction intensity increased Number metrics size coefficient p-value
significantly. This result is counterintuitive in that the increase 1 Cost growth 185 0.46 0.00a
in the number of COs had a negative effect on productivity and 2 Schedule growth 185 0.32 0.00a
construction speed. The authors thought that the correlation found 3 Construction intensity 185 0.03 0.71
between these variables was not due to causation; therefore, further a
Significant at alpha level 0.01.
investigation should occur on whether the construction intensity
increased due to an increase in the number of COs. Past researchers
had not studied the correlation between the number of COs and
construction intensity for any type of project. Appendix II. Spearman’s Correlation Test Results
for Number of Change Order

Performance Sample Correlation

Conclusions Number metrics size coefficient p-value

This study investigated the correlation between CO growth and 1 Cost growth 185 0.28 0.00a
2 Schedule growth 185 0.31 0.00a
number of COs with cost growth, schedule growth, and construc-
3 Construction intensity 185 0.35 0.00a
tion intensity. This study found that in new highway construction
built by TxDOT, the average CO growth was 7% and the number of Significant at alpha level 0.01.
COs was 35. The results showed that CO growth and the number of
COs negatively affected cost growth. This study also found that
up to a 5% growth in COs, the effects on cost growth was not Appendix III. Results of Mann-Whitney U Test for
severe. However, COs significantly affected cost growth once Change Order Growth
the limit of 5% was crossed. Similarly, when the number of
COs increased to greater than 20, the effect on cost growth became Mean values of
highly significant. performance metrics
Performance Chi-square
The findings regarding the effects of CO growth and the number metrics ≤5% change >5% change value p-value
of COs on schedule growth was similar to findings for cost growth,
Cost growth −1.3% 18.3% 31.6 0.00a
showing a negative effect on schedule growth. Similar to cost Schedule growth 12.8% 31.9% 14.0 0.01a
growth, for schedule growth, a 5% growth in COs was the optimum Construction $38,254=day $39,553=day 1.4 0.24
value beyond which schedule growth would be affected signifi- intensity
cantly. In addition, the number of COs beyond which schedule a
Significant at alpha level 0.01.
growth would be affected significantly was 20. To the best knowl-
edge of the authors, this study was the first to consider COs for new
highway construction; the results were similar to those for studies
involving building and highway maintenance projects. Appendix IV. Results of Mann-Whitney U Test for
The findings from this study could be a great value for TxDOT the Number of Change Orders
planning engineers, planners, and administrators, because they can
Mean values of
use the findings to reduce the amount and number of COs in their performance metrics
projects so that there would be minimal effect on cost and schedule Performance Chi-square
performance during the construction phase. The policy makers and metrics ≤20 changes >20 changes value p-value
engineers should scope and design the projects more effectively in Cost growth 0.2% 11.5% 12.1 0.00a
order to reduce the number and amount of COs during new high- Schedule growth 11.6% 28.5% 13.0 0.00b
way construction. It is recommended that TxDOT engineers use Construction $30,917=day $45,091=day 12.4 0.00b
more effective change management practices in order to reduce intensity
the effect of COs on cost and schedule overruns in their projects a
Significant at alpha level 0.05.
during construction phase. Significant at alpha level 0.01.

© ASCE 04518012-8 J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr.

J. Leg. Aff. Dispute Resolut. Eng. Constr., 2018, 10(3): 04518012

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