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AI: The Good and the Bad

Artificial intelligence (AI) is all around us. It's in our phones, our cars, our homes, and it's

changing the way we live and work. But is it always for the better?

On the good side, AI helps us to do things more quickly and easily. For example, when we

write emails or messages on our phones, predictive text suggests words for us. This means

we can write faster and with fewer mistakes.

AI also helps us to find information. When

we search the internet, AI algorithms show

us the most relevant results. They also help

us to discover new things that we might like.

For example, they suggest new music or films based on what we've listened to or watched


Another advantage of AI is that it makes our lives more convenient. For example, virtual

assistants like Siri and Alexa can answer our questions, play music, and control our smart

devices. They can also learn from our behavior and adapt the answers. This makes our

interaction with them feel more human.

However, there are some disadvantages to AI. One of these is that it takes away jobs. For

example, self-checkouts in supermarkets mean that there are fewer human cashiers. And in

factories, robots now do many of the jobs that people used to do.

Another problem is that AI can invade our privacy. For example, voice-activated devices like

smart speakers are always listening to us. They record what we say and send it to the cloud.

This can be a risk if hackers get hold of our personal data.

Finally, AI isn't perfect. It can make mistakes, and sometimes these can have serious

consequences. For example, in 2018, an Uber self-driving car hit and killed a pedestrian.

This happened because the car's sensors didn't recognise her as a person.

In conclusion, AI has many advantages, but it also has its downsides. To make sure that AI

is used responsibly, we need to think carefully about the risks and benefits, and take action

to avoid any negative effects.

Complete the sentences with the words in the box

interaction pedestrian recognize privacy

risk mistakes cashier maintenance

1. I value my …………………….. and always make sure to close the door when I'm in my


2. It's natural to make ………………… when you're learning a new language, so don't be

afraid to practice and learn from them.

3. One of the best ways to improve your English skills is through ……………………. with

native speakers.

4. Regular ……………………… of your car will ensure that it runs smoothly and lasts longer.

5. Nowadays, many people rely heavily on electronic …………………………. such as

smartphones and laptops for various tasks.

6. Driving recklessly puts not only yourself but also others at ………………………., so it's

important to always follow the traffic rules.

7. The ………………………………. was crossing the street when the traffic light suddenly

turned red.

8. The ……………………….. counted the money carefully before handing it back to the


9. It can be difficult to …………………………. someone if they change their appearance

drastically with a new hairstyle or glasses.

Match the words with the definitions

industrial buildings where goods are maintenance

produced or made

errors or blunders made in one's actions, record

decisions, or judgments

a written or audio documentation of events, factories

facts, or achievements

the process of communicating with others interaction

to try not to do something, or to try to stay privacy

away from something

the act of keeping something in good avoid

condition or preserving its functionality

To keep your private mistakes

life protected

Ask questions for these answers

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………….?

Yes! I use AI a lot for school.

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………..?

Yes, AI makes my life easier.

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………..?

Alexa and Siri are my favourite virtual assistants.

4. …………………………………………………………………………………………?

No! I didn’t use AI for the test last week. The teacher made us leave the phones
inside a box on his desk.
Vocabulary and grammar quiz

Fill in the gaps with the correct words

virtual mistakes cashier privacy device

interaction maintenance risks

pedestrian recognition

1. This new technological ……………………… offers an immersive virtual reality experience like

no other.

2. Famous people need to maintain a certain level of ……………………. in order to protect

personal information.

3. Even the most experienced professionals make ……………………… , but it's important to

learn and grow from errors.

4. Social …………………………… plays a vital role in building good connections with other


5. Regular ……………………….. is crucial for ensuring correct performance and longevity of

any type of machine.

6. In the world of online gaming, users can create their own avatars and explore

………………………….. worlds full of adventures and challenges.

7. Taking …………………….. in life can bring extraordinary new opportunities and personal


8. When driving, it's crucial to prioritize …………………….. safety by strictly respecting traffic

rules and regulations.

9. The friendly …………………….. at the supermarket welcomed me with a warm smile and

personalized service.

10. New facial …………………………….. technology has revolutionized security systems,

making them more efficient and safe.

Complete the sentences with the PAST SIMPLE or CONTINUOUS

1. Yesterday, I (play) ____________ my guitar when it (start) ____________ raining.

2. When I (arrive) ____________ at the party, everyone (dance) ____________ to the music.

3. While she (study) ____________ for her exam, her phone (ring) ____________.

4. I (watch) ____________ a movie last night when the power (go) ____________ out.

5. While my mom (cook) ____________ dinner, I (do) ____________ my homework.

6. When the teacher (enter) ____________ the classroom, the students (talk) ____________


7. We (have) ____________ a picnic in the park when it (start) ____________ to get dark.

8. While they (walk) ____________ in the forest, they (see) ____________ a deer.

9. I (read) ____________ a book while my brother (play) ____________ video games.

10. When I (open) ____________ the fridge, I (realize) ____________ there was no more ice


12. I (read) ____________ a book while it (rain) ____________ outside.

13. The dog (chase) ____________ its tail.

14. They (play) ____________ football when it (start) ____________ to snow.

15. She (watch) ____________ TV while he (cook) ____________ dinner.

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