Comparative and Superlative Text

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Once upon a time in a small, peaceful town, there lived two very good but very different
friends named Emma and Victoria. They were like night and day, but their friendship was the
strongest in the entire town.

Emma was the kindest girl in town. She was always there to help anyone in need, whether it
was her classmates struggling with homework
or her elderly neighbors carrying groceries.
Emma's heart was as big as the ocean, and her
smile was the brightest.

Victoria, on the other hand, was the funniest girl

you could ever meet. She had a joke for every
occasion and could make even the grumpiest
people laugh. Her humor was the most
infectious in the town, everyone loved her.

Despite their differences, Emma and Victoria

were the best of friends. They complemented each other perfectly. Emma's kindness
balanced Victoria's humor, and Victoria's laughter brought joy to Emma's heart.

One sunny day, the town decided to organize a talent show, and Emma and Victoria decided
to participate. Emma decided to sing, and Victoria chose to show her comedy routine.
Everyone was so excited!

As the talent show approached, tensions began to rise. Emma, feeling the pressure to
perform well, started spending more time practicing her singing. She became more
dedicated to her rehearsals, but in doing so, she unintentionally neglected Victoria. Victoria,
being a bit sensitive, felt left out and unappreciated.

On the day of the talent show, Emma sang like an angel. The audience was in love with her
beautiful voice, and they cheered with the loudest applause.

Then it was Victoria's turn. She stepped onto the stage, but something was different. Her
usual humor and confidence were missing, she was more nervous than usual. Her jokes
weren’t funny, and the audience didn't laugh. .

When the talent show ended, the judges gave the victory to Emma, which left Victoria feeling
disappointed and hurt. Emma's singing had been the most captivating, and Victoria's
comedy performance was not her best.

Their friendship was tested like never before. Emma realized that she had unintentionally
hurt Victoria's feelings by focusing too much on her own success. She went up to Victoria
and apologized, realizing that their friendship was the most important thing.
Victoria, seeing Emma's sincerity, forgave her, and they shared a heartfelt hug. They learned
that even the strongest of friendships could face challenges, but it was their willingness to
communicate and forgive that made their bond even tighter. Their friendship remained the
closest and most valuable treasure in their lives.

Match These Words to Their Definitions

1. groceries a. a feeling of security because you feel you

have the necessary abilities, qualities.

2. pressure b. feeling excluded or not included in a

group or activity

3. grumpy c. the stress or urgency of a situation that

makes it difficult to perform well

4. challenge d. irritable or bad-tempered, because you

are unhappy or uncomfortable

5. judges e. a difficult task or problem that requires

effort and determination to overcome

6. left out f. people who are responsible for making

decisions in a competition or legal case

7. confidence g. food and household items you can buy at

a store

Choose the correct option:

1. What was Emma known for in the town?

a) Her humor.
b) Her singing.
c) Her kindness.
d) Her confidence.

2. What was Victoria known for in the town?

a) Her singing.
b) Her kindness.
c) Her humor.
d) Her confidence.
3. What did Emma do that unintentionally hurt Victoria's feelings?
a) She didn't pay attention to her.
b) She made fun of her.
c) She didn't invite her to the talent show.
d) She didn't help her with her comedy routine.

4. What happened during Victoria's comedy performance at the talent show?

a) She made everyone laugh.
b) She forgot her jokes.
c) She was too nervous to perform.
d) She sang instead of doing her comedy routine.

5. Who won the talent show?

a) Emma.
b) Victoria.
c) The judges.
d) The audience.

6. What did Emma and Victoria learn about their friendship?

a) That it was not strong enough to face challenges.
b) That it was not valuable to them.
c) That it could be tested.
d) That it was not important to them.

Write 3 false sentences and 2 true ones for your sister to work with.






Compare the two girls using the following adjectives:

1. nervous 2. kind 3. sensitive 4. kind 5. dedicated







Answer the following questions

1. Who are the two main characters in the story? Describe their personalities.

2. What did Emma and Victoria decide to do for the talent show?

3. How did Emma prepare for the talent show?

4. Why did Victoria feel disappointed and hurt after the talent show ended?

5. Who won the talent show?









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