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nstr ction Boo et

Si e hart

*Please Note* he a an ee is ma e to e sewn with i ht to me i m wei ht

stretch ersey nit a ric.

en th
eas re rom
Pit to Pit enter ront to


o t the Pattern
*Please Note*- he oc ment i es are esi ne with ayers. o ha e the option to
print on y yo r si e or a ew si es as esire . n or er to e a e to se ect which si es
yo i e to print yo m st open the pattern i es in o e cro at ea er an
nchec a ayers yo o not with to print.

Printing Instructions: a e s re yo r printer settin s are set to ct a Si e .

Print st the irst pa e to con irm that the test s are has printe o t acc rate y an
se a c ear r er to o e chec t sho e cm cm or . the
meas rements are correct yo may now mo e on to print the remainin pa es.

Pattern Layout Instructions: se mar in s to ine p pa es in n merica or er an

chec with the ima e e ow to con irm that yo r ayo t matches.

Assembling the Pattern: a e s re Pa es are yin at an se matte c ear tape to

assem e a pa es to prepare or c ttin .

Sewin oca ary
Please Note: This list is a general list of sewing vocabulary terms. Some of these words may or may
not be used in this particular set of garment instructions.

Right Side
Right Side of fabric refers to the printed or brighter finished surface of the
fabric. Most pattern pieces are sewn with right sides together, meaning
that the right sides should be facing eachother when sewing a seam.
When looking at the selvage of the fabric as it’s lying flat, you should notice
tiny holes. These tiny holes are caused by the pins that hold the fabric together
when it’s created at the textile manufacturer. If you look at the holes and they
appear neat and smooth, then that is the Right Side of the fabric.

Wrong Side
Wrong Side of fabric refers to the faded print or more dull finished surface
of the fabric. It is on the opposite side of the right side. It is the side that
will be hidden when the project is completed.

Seam Allowance
Seam Allowance is the area between the edge of the fabric and the stitched
seam on two pieces of fabric that have been sewn together. Notches on the
pattern will indicate how much seam allowance is permitted for each seam.

A Notch is a small mark on the pattern that is meant to be snipped or cut
which can be used to show the width of seam allowance alloted or can be
used as markers to make sure that two pieces of fabric will line up together
evenly when sewing. Keep in mind to use them as your guide throughout
your sewing process. Ex:

a e is the amount of extra room a garment permits for the wearer beyond
the precise body measurement.

enter ront
enter ront is the invisible vertical line running vertically down the center
of the front of the garment.

enter ac
enter ack is the is the invisible line running vertically down the center
of the back of the grament.

Side Seam
A Side Seam is a seam in a garment where to pieces of fabric are joined
together at the left and right of the body.

A art is a fabric manipulation techni ue that contours the flat fabric in
and gives the garment a curved shape. It is used to accentuate the
othewise flat fabric and help correct the garment’s fit.

n old
attern pieces that say N are pieces that have two identical sides,
can be folded in half, and cut on the fold of your fabric.

Sewin nstr ctions

Step by step instructions for how to sew the:

Attaching the lee es
With Right Sides together,
match the armhole shoulder
notches of the front of the
sleeve and the back bodice to
the back of the sleeve. Pin and
sew using either a zig zag,
straight stretch stitch, or
overlock closed

e ing the i e eams to the lee e eams
lip the shirt
inside out and pin
the bodice and
sleeve of the front
of the shirt to the
bodice and sleeve
of the back of the
shirt. Sew all
around until you
reach the hem.

e ing the ottom em
verlock the bottom hem
and fold the seam
allowance inward at the
notches with wrong sides
against wrong sides and
coverstitch to finish it off.
f you don t have a
coverstitch machine, fold
the bottom hem inward at
the notches and sew at
1 1 from the edge or in
the middle of your overlock
stitch and again 1 away

e ing the lee e em
old the sleeve hem of the shirt inward at the notches with wrong
sides facing wrong sides and coverstitch to finish it off. f you don t
have a coverstitch machine, fold the bottom hem at the notches and
sew at 1 1 from the edge or in the middle of your overlock stitch
and again 1 away.

Attaching the Nec ban
With right sides together,
match both notches at either
side of the neckband and
sew a straight stitch

old inwards with wrong

sides together and seam
allowance on the inside and
pin it to your neckline with
the seam at center back and

han o or sho ing with s
We truly appreciate each and
every one of our customers and
hope you love your pattern as
much as we enjoyed creating it.
Please don't hesitate to reach out
with any questions or concerns. 24
hour support is available through
direct messaging the shop. If you
love your garment, please
consider posting a photo to show
it off and share your thoughts!
Other customers are grateful for
the insight you have and it helps
keeps are shop running and allows
us to create
c more products just for
Thank you for supporting my
small business.


Basic Paern Shop

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