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EM TOSHKENT SHAHRIDAGI INHA UNIVERSITETI INHA UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT EM, fall AOA | Sa. Sebudrord -1 POINTS FOR EACH FIELD LEFT EMPTY OR FILLED WRONG anstwoe, [asta = peas wumpern, |________ SECTION: | —= SIGNATURE: Co ROOM NUMBER: MIDTERM EXAMINATION [ENGINEERING MATHE [scan | auase wines ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS | Counce nustper: |_MSC2010 [ 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES EXAMINATION DURATION: (1) FOLLOW ANY INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN BY PROCTORS. (2) ONCE YOU ARE ALLOWED TO OPEN THE EXAMINATION BOOKLET, YOU MUST PUT YOUR|IDJON EVERY ODD PAGE (3) IN SECTION 1 ONLY ANSWERS WILL BE GRADED. (4) IN SECTION 2 PROVIDE FULL SOLUTION TO EACH PROBLEM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS + Final answers must be written by only blue or black, non-erasable pen. + Do NOT use highlighters or correction pen. + TUT's Examination Rules and Regulacions apply. Do NOT open the examination paper untii directed to do so! Do NOT fil ‘max points your score Section 1 In the following questions UNDE! Use the next pi KREG ANSWER(S). (2 points) Determine the type(s) of the following first order differential equation (2y? + 4x?)dx + Axydy = 0. separable i a : with linear coefficients exact . Bernoulli + homogeneous 2. (2 points) Determine the type of the following second order differential equation dy” —2y’+ty=sint. homogencous + linear - with constant coefficients non-homogeneous + “Tor Tinear + with variable coefficients Bie omoues col suivarie beso een 3. (2 points) Choose linearly independent solutions of the equation Py! —aty’ +4y=0 = =e = yet yet yest =(4 =i =ft® J. yok yet 4, (2 points) Choose a correct substitution and then the derivative in the substitution in the following differential equation 2 zat zy oy "az TS Bakxez Bare 5. (2 points) A spring-mass system has a spring constant (stiffness) of 200 N/m. A mass of 20 ky is attached to the spring and the motion takes place in a viscous fluid that has a damping constant of 140 kg/sec. If the mass is initially displaced 25 cm to the right (positive direction) from equilibrium position and given an initial leftward velocity of 1 m/sec, choose correct components of the initial value problem of this model, where y(t) is the position of the mass at the moment t 20y’" + 140y’ + 200v=0 »y(0)=25 25 140y” + 200y'+ 20y =0 - yOy=1 a ENGINEERING Mathematics MSC2010 Mid-term exam - Page 2 of 7 th week of fall 2022 4 a pe a a nN - STUDENT's ID: Co ® Aye 1x cant be separeked 2 fof secarctle Slay erxd. aa a4y = (tag. 2 Ckact g a —— Since we Aare Yo aod oy = net Caa- Ima we have yay 2 not Pérnoutle ay n® 15 rot Gwar D> rot with. breasr- A ; Cot ff cj tats fe ay =Alcy), => Aomogentous , re Hp Sige Ay) 2) Aenea at ordir non homogentous OPE with variable Coelf7citrh 3) The eguattr 15 Cocchy- Euler DD rfe-t)-wtreo Dreseryco DK aL SD + brearty inliipenlerd goblins 7224 We wet watt 1 )lus 13 Berneully OPE 2 Keyl Pey 7! : pe ane 7 J L x ax t) my" by ‘thy or) oy "+ Ly0y'+ ooy 2 W= 25, yllo)= -L ENGINEERING Mathematics MSC2010 Mid-term exam - Page 3 of 7 ‘8th week of fall 2022 Section 2 Provide DETAILED solution of each problem in this section. 1 (10 points) There are occasions when the forcing term in a lpg ation fails to be = continuous because of jump discontinuities. Fortunately, we may still of ain a reasonable solution. Following the steps below find the continuous solution to the initial value problem dq x 4 2y= 000, y(1)=0, dx where 2, 1sxs3 aw={25 254 () G point) Solve the initial value problem for the interval 1 < x S$ 3. Let denote the solution by yx. ©) (3 points) Find the general solution yz on the interval x > 3. (¢) (3 points) Find the constant in ya, using y1(3) = y(3). (4) (0 points) wi (2) 4é ‘rite the resulting continuous solution of the given initial value problem. ete d. _ LEX 53. NG ty- 2 , Mlijae wy 2 2 ax + ¥97% = Bear > Hide OSE Ke = ye =2k 5 of ) Xx Y + axynax 2 Alt y)= ex > > yry - ype = = DY eX te =) far £4 W)=02D o=Lee De24 2 lye 7 (7) & x23 > x ot fel y)=-24 > 4 Z XY FRY = -R , tril ty | em VR > dee ENGINEERING Mathematics MSC2010 Mid-term exam - Page 4 of 7 8th week of fall 2022 ere Sos STUDENT SID: — ©) YUls)- ol) D 1-F--442 4 () He(3)= 9) D 1-F=-L4+ 3D é 7) Grat-§- # Dee 9 ter Lee, 4 ie Es fa ) 22x53 Ee Lee , X28 / | | | | | ENGINEERING Mathematics MSC2010 Mid-term exam - Page S of 7 th week of fall 2022 2. (10 points) Solve the differential equation: y+ ay =3sec2t+e%-1 following the steps (2) 2 point) Solve the homogeneous equation y+ ay =0. (b) (3 points) Find particular solution of the equation 4 dyseX-1 using the method of undetermined coefficients and the superposition principle. (©) @ points) Find particular solution of the equation ¥ + ay =3sec2t using the method of variation of parameters. (4) Q points) Write general solution of the given equation. (4) rtt¢20 DKhy=426 = DW = G coted¢ &, that (2) yp Aewe BB, y' anes?” agert > Dl* 2 9her*.9B- OF Pitsh-4 5 A= , B=-tW YB=-Z / S (¢) C|ceitk + &! tr2k 20 C= by, ABBE “AC|Sn2h +8G' COL = 3 Reonk | SFA yoni 3-4. »pl.g =) Aly een Cy both = 3 oe > tfs 3 ENGINEERING Mathematics MSC2010 Midterm exam - Page 6 of 7. 8th week of fall 2022 LI _ — _ ____ STUDENT’ Ws = ~3 Snok & tot 96 =Af SBttdetf Mees) 26am C= at | Gn Leet 2b feant]-coek+ Ztanet / (a) | gee Lf 4 3 Y 97 Oo cossk/ Cored 4 Ztinnt ENGINEERING Mathematics MSC2010 Mid-term exam - Page 7 of 7 — p> GloI2k rly Lin 2k +66 ~ ‘80h week of fall 2022

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