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[Levi’s] Test

[Sara Tilton]

[February 7, 2024]

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
The Levi’s website is a site for everyday people shopping for jeans. Levi’
provides access to a diverse range of jeans, apparel, and accessories. With an
easy-to-use design, customers can easily explore different styles and find
helpful features like size guides and styling tips. Whether searching for classic
jeans or the latest trends, Levi’ embodies the brand’s dedication to
authentic style.

A usability test is intended to determine the extent an interface facilitates a

user’s ability to complete routine tasks. Typically the test is conducted with a
group of potential users either in a usability lab, remotely (using e-meeting
software and telephone connection), or on-site with portable equipment.
Users are asked to complete a series of routine tasks. Sessions are recorded
and analyzed to identify potential areas for improvement to the web site.

I conducted the usability test using a live version of Levi’ located on the
participant’s laptop. I took notes on the participant’s reactions, comments,
and movements on the site using my laptop. Only the participant and I were
present in the room. The session captured the participant’s completion of the
tasks, comments, movements on the site, satisfaction ratings, questions, and

Executive Summary
I conducted a usability test at the UNG library in Dahlonega GA on February
7, 2024. The purpose of the test was to provide the participant with two
tasks to complete to assess the ease of use of Levi’, the layout, and
identify any issues with the site.

One person participated in both tasks. The first session lasted 1:56s and the
second task lasted 28s. The tasks were two completely separate things that
were not related at all.

In general the participant found the Levi’s web site to be very easy to use and
did not run into any major issues at all.

The test identified only a few minor problems including

 Long return process
 Slow loading times
 Way too much information on the home page.

This document includes the participants feedback, satisfaction rating, task

completion rates, ease or difficulty of use rates, time taken to complete the
tasks, errors or recommendations. A copy of the tasks and questions are

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
I chose this participant because he spends a lot of time and shops for jeans
frequently. He fits the buyer persona for Levi’s. The first session took 1:56s to
complete. I read them the task/scenario and asked them to complete it. The
second session took 28s to complete. I did the same thing for this session
which included reading the task/scenario and asking them to complete it.

After each task, I asked the participant to rate the site on a 5-point Likert
Scale with measures ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. Post-
task scenario subjective measures included (See Attachment B):
 How likely they were to recommend the Levi’s website.
 How satisfied were they with the overall experience of finding jeans.
 How confident they were in returning the jacket
 How likely they are to shop for jackets on Levi’s website
After the last task was completed, I asked the participant to rate the website
overall by using a 5-point Likert scale (Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree)
for eight subjective measures including:
 Ease of use
 Frequency of use
 Difficulty to keep track of location on web site
 How easy it would be for most users to learn to use the website
 How quickly they could find information
 Hompage’s content makes them want to explore the site further
 Sites content would keep them coming back
 Site organization
In addition, I asked the participant the following overall website
 What the participant liked most.
 What the participant liked least.
 Recommendations for improvement.
See Attachment C for the subjective and overall questionnaires.

The participant was a student at UNG and spent a lot of time online. Only 1
participant was used for both tasks on February 7, 2024. The participant was
a male 21-year-old.

The participant is a Golf Staff manager and spends most of his time online
looking at sports and Bible commentary apps.
Male 21-year-old Cart
1 1 1

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Evaluation Tasks/Scenarios
I came up with the tasks/scenarios by identifying issues I saw on the site and
then came up with questions from those issues. The participant completed
two tasks:
 Go to the Levi’s web site and purchase relaxed-fit, dark wash, men’s
jeans with some stretch. Stop before entering your card information.
 Go through the process of returning a jean jacket that you bought
from the website but was too big.
Task Completion Success Rate
All participants successfully completed Task 1 and Task 2.

Task Completion Rates

Participant Task 1 Task 2

1 √ √

Success 1 1

100% 100%

Task Ratings
After the completion of each task, participants rated the ease or difficult of
completing the task for three factors:
 It was easy to find my way to this information from the homepage.
 As I was searching for this information, I was able to keep track of
where I was in the website.
 I was able to accurately predict which section of the website
contained this information.

The 5-point rating scale ranged from 1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly

agree). Agree ratings are the agree and strongly agree ratings combined with
a mean agreement ratings of > 4.0 considered as the user agrees that the
information was easy to find, that they could keep track of their location and
predict the section to find the information.

Ease in Finding Information

All participants agreed that it was easy to find the men’s jeans. (mean rating
5). All participants found it easy to return the jean jacket. (mean rating 5)

Keeping Track of Location in Site

All participants found it easy to keep track of their location on the site while
finding men’s jeans and returning the jacket (mean agreement rating 5).

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
Predicting Information Section
All participants agreed it was easy to predict where to find the men’s jeans
(mean agreement rating 5). All participants agreed it was easy to predict
where to find out how to return the jacket (mean agreement rating 5).

Test 1 – Mean Task Ratings & Percent Agree

Ease – Location in Predict
Task Overall
Finding Info Site Section
1 – Shop for Men’s
5 (100%) 5 (100%) 5 (100%) 5
2 – Return jean jacket 5 (100%) 5 (100%) 5 (100%) 5

*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

Time on Task
The testing software recorded the time on task for each participant. Some
tasks were inherently more difficult to complete than others and is reflected
by the average time on task.

Task 1 required participants to purchase relaxed-fit, dark wash, men’s jeans

with a little bit of stretch and took the longest time to complete (mean=116
seconds). Task 2 required participants to return a jean jacket on the website
and took the shortest time (mean=28 seconds).

Time on Task
P1 Avg. TOT*
Task 1 116 116

Task 2 28 28

Overall Metrics
Overall Ratings
After task session completion, participants rated the site for eight overall
measures (See Attachment insert attachment letter here). These measures
 Ease of use
 Frequency of use
 Difficulty of keeping track of where they were in the site
 How quickly most people would learn to use the site
 Getting information quickly
 Homepage’s content facilities exploration
 Relevancy of site content
 Site organization

The participants (100%) agreed (i.e., agree or strongly agree) that the
website was easy to use. The participants (100%) agreed that the site

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
was very organized. The participants (100%) agreed that the site was
very relevant.

Post-Task Overall Questionnaire

Strongly Strongly Mean Percent

Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree Rating Agree

Thought Website
1 1 100%
was easy to use
Would use website
1 1 0%
Found it difficult to
keep track of
1 1 0%
where they were in
Thought most
people would learn
1 1 100%
to use website
Can get
1 1 0%
information quickly
content makes me
1 1 100%
want to explore
Site’s content
would keep me 1 1 100%
coming back
Website is well
1 1 100%
*Percent Agree (%) = Agree & Strongly Agree Responses combined

4.6.2 Likes, Dislikes, Participant Recommendations

Upon completion of the tasks, participants provided feedback for what they
liked most and least about the website, and recommendations for improving
the website.

Liked Most
The following comments capture what the participants liked most:
The participant said that he liked the drop down menu was organized well and
it allowed him to find what he was looking for with ease.

Liked Least
The following comments capture what the participants liked the least:
The participant said that the items that he searched for took a while to load
and that was not sufficient.

Recommendations for Improvement

Not having to put the order number when returning an item, less information
crowded on the homepage.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201
The recommendations section provides recommended changes and
justifications driven by the participant success rate, behaviors, and
comments. Each recommendation includes a severity rating. The following
recommendations will improve the overall ease of use and address the areas
where participants experienced problems or found the interface/information
architecture unclear.

For example:
Return a jean jacket on the Levi’s web site (Task 2)
Task 2 required participants to go through the process of returning a jean jacket on the web site.

Change Justification Severity

 Make it so when you return The participant rated it a 3 on the ease of High
an order online, you do returning the jean jacket but said that having to
not have to provide your put in your order number in order to return the
order number because jacket might be difficult because those can be
that can be hard to find. hard to find.

The participant found Levi’ to be easy to use, very organized, and clean.
He liked how many options there were to complete a variety of tasks.
Implementing the recommendations and continuing to work with users (i.e.,
real lay persons) will ensure a continued user-centered website.

[Add Attachments. Attachments may include: Attachment A – Background

Questionnaire, Attachment B – Post-Task Questionnaire, Attachment C – Post-
session Overall Subjective Questionnaire, Attachment D – Task Scenarios]

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services - 200

Independence Avenue, S.W. - Washington, D.C. 20201

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