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bp Energy Outlook

2023 edition

Updated July 2023

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Energy Outlook Energy Outlook 2023 is focused on three main scenarios: Accelerated,
Net Zero and New Momentum. These scenarios are not predictions
2023 explores of what is likely to happen or what bp would like to happen. Rather
the key trends they explore the possible implications of different judgements and
assumptions concerning the nature of the energy transition and the
and uncertainties uncertainties around those judgements. The scenarios are based
on existing technologies and do not consider the possible impact of
surrounding the entirely new or unknown technologies.
energy transition. The many uncertainties surrounding the transition of the global energy
system mean that the probability of any one of these scenarios
materializing exactly as described is negligible. Moreover, the three
scenarios do not provide a comprehensive range of possible paths for
the transition ahead. They do, however, span a wide range of possible
outcomes and so help to illustrate the key uncertainties surrounding
energy markets out to 2050.

The scenarios in this year’s Outlook have been updated to take account
of two major developments over the past year: the Russia-Ukraine
war and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US. Aside
from updating for those two developments, the scenarios are based
largely on the analysis and scenarios in Energy Outlook 2022. They
do not include a comprehensive assessment of all the changes and
developments since Outlook 2022.
The Outlook, that was published in January, uses the scenarios
discussed for different fuels and energy sources, such as oil, natural
gas, renewables and low-carbon hydrogen. An additional chapter,
published in July, contains further analysis that uses the same three
scenarios to discuss the outlook for end-use energy demand, in
particular in the industry, buildings and transport sectors.
The Energy Outlook is produced to inform bp’s strategy and is
published as a contribution to the wider debate about the factors
shaping the energy transition. But the Outlook is only one source
among many when considering the future of global energy markets
and bp considers a wide range of other external scenarios, analysis and
information when forming its long-term strategy.

3 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

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From an energy perspective, the Last year’s Energy Outlook did

disruptions to Russian energy not include any analysis of the
supplies and the resulting global possible implications of the war in
energy shortages seem likely to Ukraine. The scenarios in Outlook
have a material and lasting impact 2023 have been updated to take
on the energy system. account of the war, as well as
of the passing of the Inflation
Global energy policies and
Reduction Act in the US.
discussions in recent years have
been focused on the importance At the time of writing, the war
of decarbonizing the energy is continuing with no end in
system and the transition to net sight. As such, any analysis of
Welcome to the zero. The events of the past year its possible implications must be
have served as a reminder to us treated as preliminary. However,
2023 edition of bp’s all that this transition also needs the experience from the major
Energy Outlook. to take account of the security
and affordability of energy.
energy supply shocks of the
1970s suggests that events
The past year has been Together these three dimensions that heightened energy security
dominated by the terrible of the energy system – security, concerns can have significant
consequences of the Russia- affordability, and sustainability – and persistent impacts on energy
Ukraine war and its awful toll make up the energy trilemma. markets.
on lives and communities. Our Any successful and enduring
thoughts and hopes are with all energy transition needs to
those affected. address all three elements of the

Most importantly, the desire These issues, together with the interconnectedness of the global
of countries to bolster their broader implications of the energy energy system and the need to
energy security by reducing their transition, are explored in this address all three dimensions of
dependency on imported energy year’s Energy Outlook using three the energy trilemma. I hope this
– dominated by fossil fuels – and main scenarios: Accelerated, year’s Energy Outlook is useful to
instead have access to more Net Zero and New Momentum. everyone trying to navigate this
domestically produced energy – Together these scenarios span uncertain future and accelerate
much of which is likely to come a wide range of the possible the transition to global net zero.
from renewables and other non- outcomes for the global energy
As always, any feedback on
fossil energy sources – suggests system over the next 30 years.
the Outlook and how it can
that the war is likely to accelerate Understanding this range of
be improved would be most
the pace of the energy transition. uncertainty helps bp to shape
a strategy which is resilient to
The scale of the economic and
the different speeds and ways
social disruptions over the past
in which the energy system may
year associated with the loss of
just a fraction of the world’s fossil
fuels has also highlighted the The continuing rise in carbon
need for the transition away from emissions and the increasing
hydrocarbons to be orderly, such frequency of extreme weather
Spencer Dale
that the demand for hydrocarbons events in recent years highlight
falls in line with available supplies, more clearly than ever the Chief economist
avoiding future periods of energy importance of a decisive shift
shortages and higher prices. towards a net-zero future. The
events of the past year have
highlighted the complexity and
5 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
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Core Beliefs
This year’s Outlook can be used the decarbonization challenge The structure of energy demand
to identify aspects of the energy suggests greater support is changes, with the importance of
transition that are common across required globally, including policies fossil fuels declining, replaced by a
the main scenarios. These trends to facilitate quicker permitting and growing share of renewable energy
help shape core beliefs about how approval of low-carbon energy and and by increasing electrification.
the energy system may evolve over infrastructure. The transition to a low-carbon
the next 30 years. world requires a range of other
The disruption to global energy energy sources and technologies,
supplies and associated energy including low-carbon hydrogen,
The carbon budget is running
shortages caused by the Russia- modern bioenergy, and carbon
out. Despite the marked increase
Ukraine war increases the capture, use and storage.
in government ambitions, CO2
importance attached to addressing
emissions have increased every
all three elements of the energy Oil demand declines over the
year since the Paris COP in 2015
trilemma: security, affordability, outlook, driven by falling use in
(bar 2020). The longer the delay
and sustainability. road transport as the efficiency
in taking decisive action to reduce
of the vehicle fleet improves and
emissions on a sustained basis, The war has long-lasting effects the electrification of road vehicles
the greater are the likely resulting on the global energy system. accelerates. Even so, oil continues
economic and social costs. The heightened focus on energy to play a major role in the global
security increases demand for energy system for the next 15-20
Government support for the
domestically produced renewables years.
energy transition has increased in a
and other non-fossil fuels, helping
number of countries, including the
to accelerate the energy transition.
passing of the Inflation Reduction
Act in the US. But the scale of

The prospects for natural gas The global power system hydrogen is dominated by green
depend on the speed of the energy decarbonizes, led by the increasing and blue hydrogen, with green
transition, with increasing demand dominance of wind and solar hydrogen growing in importance
in emerging economies as they power. Wind and solar account for over time. Hydrogen trade is a mix
grow and industrialize offset by the all or most of the growth in power of regional pipelines transporting
transition to lower carbon energy generation, aided by continuing pure hydrogen and global seaborne
sources, led by the developed cost competitiveness and an trade in hydrogen derivatives.
world. increasing ability to integrate high
proportions of these variable power Carbon capture, use and storage
The recent energy shortages sources into power systems. The plays a central role in enabling
and price spikes highlight the growth in wind and solar requires rapid decarbonization trajectories:
importance of the transition a significant acceleration in the capturing industrial process
away from hydrocarbons being financing and building of new emissions, acting as a source
orderly, such that the demand capacity. of carbon dioxide removal, and
for hydrocarbons falls in line with abating emissions from the use of
available supplies. Natural declines The use of modern bioenergy – fossil fuels.
in existing production sources modern solid biomass, biofuels
mean there needs to be continuing and biomethane – grows rapidly, A range of methods for carbon
upstream investment in oil and helping to decarbonize hard-to- dioxide removal – including
natural gas over the next 30 years. abate sectors and processes. bioenergy combined with carbon
capture and storage, natural
Low-carbon hydrogen plays a climate solutions, and direct air
critical role in decarbonizing the carbon capture with storage – will
energy system, especially in hard- be needed for the world to achieve
to-abate processes and activities in a deep and rapid decarbonization.
industry and transport. Low-carbon

7 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

8 | Contents

Overview 10 Oil 38
Three scenarios: Net Zero, Accelerated Oil demand 40
and New Momentum 12 Oil in transport 42
Comparison with IPCC pathways 14 Oil supply 44
Final energy demand 16
Trends in energy demand 18
Natural gas 46
Natural gas demand 48
Changes since Energy Outlook 2022 20
LNG trade 50
Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war 22 LNG exports 52
The effects of the war on economic growth 24
A shifting energy mix 26
Renewable energy 54
Oil and natural gas trade 28
Wind and solar 56
Change in carbon emissions 30
Bioenergy 58
Russian production of oil and gas 32
EU natural gas demand and sources of supply 34
Inflation Reduction Act 36

Electricity 60 How energy is used 86

Electricity demand 62 Energy demand by sector 88
Electricity generation by fuel 64 The fuel mix across sectors 90
Electricity generation by region 66 Carbon emissions by sector 92
Industry: energy demand 94
Low-carbon hydrogen 68 Industry: the fuel mix 96
Low-carbon hydrogen demand 70 Industry: fuels used as feedstocks 98
Low-carbon hydrogen supply 72 Buildings: energy demand by end-use 100
Buildings: developed vs emerging regions 102

Carbon mitigation and removals 74 Transport: road - light vehicles 104

Transport: road - medium and heavy vehicles 106
Carbon capture use and storage 76
Transport: aviation 108
Carbon dioxide removals 78
Transport: marine 110

Investment and critical minerals 80 Annex 112

Levels of implied investment 82
Data tables 114
Demand for critical minerals 84
Modelling the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war 116
Economic impact of climate change 118
Investment methodology 120
Carbon emissions definitions and sources 122
9 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
Other data definitions and sources 124
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Three scenarios to explore the uncertainties surrounding

the speed and shape of the energy transition to 2050

Accelerated and Net Zero are broadly in line

with ‘Paris consistent’ IPCC scenarios

Final energy demand peaks in all three scenarios

as gains in energy efficiency accelerate

The future of global energy is dominated by four trends: declining

role for hydrocarbons, rapid expansion in renewables, increasing
electrification, and growing use of low-carbon hydrogen

11 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

12 | Overview

Three scenarios to explore the uncertainties surrounding

the speed and shape of the energy transition to 2050
Carbon emissions
Gt of CO2e








5 Net Zero
New Momentum
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Carbon emissions include CO 2 emissions from energy use, industrial processes,
natural gas flaring, and methane emissions from energy production.

Key points

bp’s Energy Outlook 2023 uses three The scenarios consider carbon emissions The carbon emissions remaining in Net
scenarios (Accelerated, Net Zero and New from energy production and use, Zero in 2050 could be eliminated by
Momentum) to consider a range of possible most non-energy related industrial either additional changes to the energy
pathways for the global energy system to processes, and natural gas flaring plus system or by the deployment of carbon
2050 and to help shape a resilient strategy methane emissions from the production, dioxide removal (CDR) (see pages 78-79).
for bp. transmission, and distribution of fossil This will depend on the costs of CDR and
fuels (see pages 122-123 of the Annex for of abating greenhouse gasses emanating
The scenarios are not predictions of what
more details). from outside the energy system, neither
is likely to happen or what bp would like
of which are explicitly considered in the
to happen. Rather, the scenarios are Accelerated and Net Zero explore
designed to span a wide range of the how different elements of the energy
outcomes possible out to 2050. In doing system might change in order to New Momentum is designed to capture
so, they inform bp’s core beliefs about achieve a substantial reduction in carbon the broad trajectory along which the
the energy transition and help shape emissions. In that sense, they can be global energy system is currently
a strategy that is resilient to the many viewed as ‘what if’ scenarios: what travelling. It places weight on the
uncertainties surrounding the speed and elements of the energy system might marked increase in global ambition
nature of the energy transition. need to change if the world collectively for decarbonization in recent years, as
takes action for CO2-equivalent emissions well as on the manner and speed of
The scenarios in this year’s Outlook have
(CO2e) to fall by around 75% by 2050 decarbonization seen over the recent
been updated to take account of two
(relative to 2019 levels) in Accelerated past. CO2e emissions in New Momentum
major developments over the past year:
and 95% in Net Zero. Both scenarios peak in the 2020s and by 2050 are
the Russia-Ukraine war and the passing
are conditioned on the assumption that around 30% below 2019 levels.
of the Inflation Reduction Act in the
there is a significant tightening in climate
US. Aside from updating for those two
policies. Net Zero also embodies a shift
developments, the scenarios are largely
in societal behaviour and preferences,
based on the analysis and scenarios in
which further supports gains in energy
Energy Outlook 2022.
efficiency and the adoption of low-carbon
13 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
14 | Overview

Accelerated and Net Zero are broadly in line

with ‘Paris consistent’ IPCC scenarios
Cumulative CO2e emissions from energy (2015 - 2050) Change in fossil fuels in IPCC 1.5°C scenarios
Gt of CO2e 2019-2030 change

1200 0%
10 th - 90 th interquartile
percentile range
1100 IPCC Net Zero
25 th - 75 th -20%
1000 Net Zero
Accelerated -40%




600 -100%
1.5°C 2°C Oil Natural gas Coal
Cumulative CO 2e emissions in 2015-2050 are the addition of CO 2 emissions 1.5°C scenarios with no or limited overshoot and 2°C scenarios
from energy and industrial processes, flaring, and methane emissions with immediate action. See Annex for selection of IPCC scenarios

Key points

The pace and extent of decarbonization Report – Climate Change 2022: Impacts, The fall in fossil fuels and industrial
in Accelerated and Net Zero are broadly Adaptation and Vulnerability. emissions in the median IPCC scenario
aligned with a range of IPCC scenarios is driven largely by a 75% fall in global
which are consistent with maintaining Cumulative CO2e emissions in coal consumption by 2030, with more
global average temperature rises well Accelerated are broadly in the middle of modest falls of around 10% in oil and
below 2ºC and 1.5ºC above pre-industrial the interquartile range of well below 2ºC natural gas consumption. The falls in
levels in 2100 respectively (see annex IPCC scenarios. The trajectory for carbon oil and natural gas by 2030 in Net Zero
pages 122-123 for more details of IPCC emissions in Accelerated lies within the are consistent with the range of IPCC
scenarios used). IPCC range over the entire outlook. 1.5ºC scenarios, but the fall in coal
consumption is significantly smaller. That
The Energy Outlook scenarios extend For Net Zero, cumulative CO2e emissions
reflects the continuing importance of coal
only to 2050 and do not model all forms are within the 10th to 90th percentiles of
as an affordable and relatively abundant
of greenhouse gasses or all sectors of the IPCC scenarios consistent with 1.5ºC
fuel in many emerging economies where
economy. As such, it is not possible to (with no or limited overshoot), but are
energy demand is expanding rapidly.
map directly between the scenarios and a little above the interquartile range.
their implications for the carbon budget Carbon emissions in Net Zero decline The time it takes for parts of the energy
and the implied increase in average global more slowly than the range of IPCC 1.5ºC sector to transition away from fossil
temperatures by 2100. scenarios out to 2030, before falling more fuels highlights the likely importance of
quickly than the median scenario further carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in helping
However, it is possible to provide out. to reduce net carbon emissions during
an indirect inference by comparing the transition period while these reforms
the cumulative carbon emissions in In the median IPCC scenario consistent
are undertaken, as well as offsetting any
Accelerated and Net Zero for the energy with 1.5ºC (with no or limited overshoot),
remaining gross emissions in a net zero
sector over the period 2015 to 2050 net CO2 emissions decline by 48% by
energy system (see pages 78-79).
with the ranges of corresponding carbon 2030 (relative to 2019 levels). Within this,
trajectories taken from the scenarios CO2 emissions from ‘fossil fuels and
included in the IPCC Sixth Assessment industrial processes’ fall by 40%. This
compares with a fall of 30% in Net Zero.
15 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
16 | Overview

Final energy demand peaks in all three scenarios

as gains in energy efficiency accelerate
Total final consumption Total final consumption by fuel

550 600
Momentum Hydrogen
500 Electricity
400 Natural gas

400 Net Zero Oil


250 Net Zero
New Momentum
200 0
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2019 2050

Key points

Global energy demand measured at the of factors including: the increasing use Total final consumption decarbonizes as
final point of use (total final consumption) of electricity at the final point of use, the direct use of fossil fuels declines, the
peaks in all three scenarios as gains in more efficient use of materials through world electrifies and the power sector is
energy efficiency accelerate, more than increased recycling and reuse, and a increasingly decarbonized.
offsetting the upwards impact of increasing greater focus on energy conservation,
living standards across much of the given greater impetus by the heightened Within TFC, fossil fuels used at the
emerging world. focus on energy security (see pages 22- final point of energy use decline from a
23). share of around 65% in 2019 to 20-50%
Total final consumption (TFC) peaks in by 2050 across the three scenarios.
the mid-to-late 2020s in Accelerated and The assumed increase in the pace of Within hydrocarbons, the share of coal
Net Zero, with final energy consumption energy efficiency improvements in falls particularly sharply as the world
15-30% below 2019 levels by 2050. In Accelerated and Net Zero is a central increasingly shifts to the use of electricity
contrast, TFC increases until around 2040 element in facilitating a rapid reduction in and low-carbon hydrogen in industry, as
in New Momentum, after which it broadly carbon emissions, without which there does the share of oil, driven primarily by
plateaus with energy consumption in would need to be even faster growth in the falling use of oil in road transport (see
2050 around 10% above 2019 levels. low-carbon energy to achieve the same pages 42-43).
The main factor driving these differences The role of electricity increases
in final energy consumption is the pace Final energy demand in emerging substantially and broadly uniformly
of improvement in energy efficiency. The markets continues to grow over the across all three scenarios, with electricity
gains in global energy efficiency over coming decade and beyond in New consumption increasing by around 75%
the outlook – measured by comparing Momentum and Accelerated, driven by 2050.
growth in final energy demand with by increasing prosperity and improving
economic activity – are much quicker living standards. In contrast, demand in
than over the past 20 years in all three developed economies peaks in the next
scenarios, particularly in Accelerated few years in all three scenarios.
and Net Zero. That reflects a number
17 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
18 | Overview

The future of global energy is dominated by four trends: declining

role for hydrocarbons, rapid expansion in renewables, increasing
electrification, and growing use of low-carbon hydrogen
Fossil fuels Renewables
Share of primary energy Share of primary energy
80% 80%

60% 60%

40% 40%

20% 20%

0% 0%
2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Electricity Low-carbon hydrogen

Share of total final consumption Share of primary energy used in production of hydrogen
60% 25%
40% Net Zero
New Momentum
0% 0%
2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Key points

The changing composition of energy Renewable energy is largely made up The decarbonization of the energy
demand over the outlook is characterized of wind and solar power and bioenergy, system, especially in Accelerated and Net
by four trends: a gradual decline in the role and also includes geothermal power. Zero, is supported by the growing use
of hydrocarbons, rapid growth in renewable Renewables expand rapidly over the of low-carbon hydrogen in hard-to-abate
energy, and an increasing electrification outlook, offsetting the declining role of processes which are difficult or costly
of the world, supported by low-carbon fossil fuels. The share of renewables in to electrify. The share of primary energy
hydrogen in processes and activities which global primary energy increases from used in the production of low-carbon
are hard to electrify. around 10% in 2019 to between 35-65% hydrogen increases to between 13-21%
by 2050, driven by the improved cost by 2050 in Accelerated and Net Zero.
The role of hydrocarbons diminishes as competitiveness of renewables, together
the world transitions to lower carbon with the increasing prevalence of policies
energy sources. The share of fossil fuels encouraging a shift to low-carbon energy.
in primary energy declines from around
80% in 2019 to between 55-20% by In all three scenarios, the pace at which
2050. renewable energy penetrates the global
energy system is quicker than any
The total consumption of fossil fuels previous fuel in history.
declines in all three scenarios over the
outlook. This would be the first time in The growing importance of renewable
modern history that there has been a energy is underpinned by the continuing
sustained fall in the demand for any fossil electrification of the energy system. The
fuel. share of electricity in total final energy
consumption increases from around a
fifth in 2019 to between a third and a half
by 2050.

19 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

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Changes since
Energy Outlook 2022

The Russia-Ukraine war is likely to have long-lasting effects on the global

energy system
The Russia-Ukraine war leads to a downward revision in the outlook for
global GDP and energy demand
Increased energy security concerns trigger a shift towards a more local,
lower-carbon energy mix
Energy security concerns reduce the role of oil and natural gas imports
The Russia-Ukraine war and the Inflation Reduction Act lower the outlook
for carbon emissions
Russian production of oil and natural gas revised down as a result of the war
EU’s need for LNG imports in 2030 depends on its success in reducing
natural gas demand
The Inflation Reduction Act provides significant support for low-carbon
energy and technologies in the US

21 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

22 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

The Russia-Ukraine war is likely to have

long-lasting effects on the global energy system

Changing mix
Heightened Weaker of global
energy security economic growth energy supplies

Key points

The Russia-Ukraine war is likely to have a Energy security: the increased focus on Composition of global energy supplies:
persistent effect on the future path of the energy security triggered by concerns the future of Russian energy supplies is
global energy system, increasing the focus about energy shortages and vulnerability uncertain. The scenarios in this year’s
on energy security, weakening economic to geopolitical events is assumed to Outlook assume a persistent reduction
growth, and changing the mix of energy cause countries and regions to strive to in Russian exports of hydrocarbons. In
supplies. reduce their dependency on imported the near term, this reflects the impact
energy and instead consume more of voluntary and mandatory sanctions
The past year has been dominated by the domestically produced energy. It also on Russian energy exports. Further
terrible consequences of the Russia- gives greater incentive to improve energy out, it stems from the assumption that
Ukraine war and its awful toll on lives and efficiency, reducing the need for all types sanctions affecting Russia’s access to
communities. Our thoughts and hopes of energy. foreign investment and technologies
are with all those affected. ease only gradually.
Economic growth: the higher food and
From an energy perspective, this year’s energy prices associated with the More details on the assumptions used to
Outlook has modelled the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war have contributed to a model the impact of the Russia-Ukraine
Russia-Ukraine war as operating through sharp slowing in global economic growth. war can be found in the Annex (pages
three main channels: energy security, The direct economic impact of this 116-117).
economic growth, and composition commodity price shock is set to persist
of global energy supplies. At the time for the next few years. Further out, the
of writing, the war is continuing with war is assumed to reduce somewhat
no end in sight; as such this analysis the pace of global integration and trade,
should be treated as preliminary and as countries and regions heighten their
subject to change depending on future focus on domestic resilience and reduce
developments. their exposures to international shocks.
This slower pace of globalization leads to
a small reduction in average economic
growth over the next 30 years.
23 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
24 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

The Russia-Ukraine war leads to a downward revision

in the outlook for global GDP and energy demand
Impact of Russia-Ukraine war on global GDP Change in total final consumption in Accelerated
Change relative to EO22 Change relative to EO22

0% 0%
Due to
efficiency gains
Due to
lower GDP
-2% -2%

-4% -4%

-6% World -6%


-8% -8%
2025 2035 2050 2035 2050
EO22 = Energy Outlook 2022

Key points

The prospects for global GDP and energy Beyond 2030, the lower level of GDP As in recent Energy Outlooks, the
demand are weaker than in last year’s reflects the growing impact of the assumed trajectory for global GDP
Outlook, reflecting the short- and longer- slower average (or trend) economic includes an estimate of the impact of
term impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war. growth associated with the lower climate change on economic growth.
assumed paths of international trade This includes the impact of both
The level of global GDP underlying all and interconnectedness. Global GDP increasing temperatures on economic
three scenarios in this Outlook is around growth averages around 2.4% p.a. (on a activity and the upfront costs of actions
3% lower in 2025 and 2035 than Energy Purchasing Power Parity basis) over the to reduce carbon emissions. More details
Outlook 2022 and around 6% lower in outlook, compared with 2.6% in Energy of the approach and its limitations can be
2050. Outlook 2022. found in the Annex (see pages 118-119).
The weaker profile for economic activity The impact of this reduction in trend The level of total final energy
over the near term is mostly driven by economic growth is greatest in those consumption is also weaker than in the
the commodity price shock associated regions that benefit the most from previous Outlook, down by around 3.5%
with the Russia-Ukraine war. The direct international trade and productivity in 2035 across all the scenarios and by
impact of the commodity price shock transfers. In 2050, GDP in China is 7% between 5.5%-6% in 2050.
largely fades by 2030, although the war lower than in last year’s Outlook and is
is assumed to have a more persistent 12% lower in Africa, but is only 1% lower In 2035, slightly over half of the
scarring effect on the Russian and in the US. downward revision in energy
Ukrainian economies. consumption in Accelerated reflects the
weaker profile for GDP. The remainder
is driven by greater gains in energy
efficiency reflecting both the heightened
focus on energy security and the impact
of higher energy prices. By 2050, the
lower level of GDP accounts for around
three-quarters of the revision to energy
25 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
26 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

Increased energy security concerns trigger a shift towards

a more local, lower-carbon energy mix
Change in primary energy in New Momentum Change in carbon intensity in New Momentum
Change in 2035 relative to EO22 Change relative to EO22

6% 0%





-8% -2.5%
Total Oil Natural gas Coal Nuclear Renewables Hydro 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Based on total final consumption. Impact of IRA not included.

Key points

The increased importance placed on Coal consumption is also lower than This shift towards locally produced non-
energy security as a result of the Russia- in last year’s Energy Outlook, but the fossil fuels at the expense of imported
Ukraine war leads over time to a shift away downward revision is smaller than for hydrocarbons helps to accelerate the
from imported fossil fuels towards locally oil and natural gas. This reflects the energy transition (see pages 28-29).
produced non-fossil fuels, accelerating the continuing heavy use of domestic coal The carbon-intensity of the fuel mix in
energy transition. resources in many parts of Asia. New Momentum by 2035 in this year’s
Outlook is around one percentage point
Since oil and natural gas are the two In contrast to the downward pressure lower than in Outlook 2022, and around
most heavily traded fuels internationally, on oil and natural gas imports, and two percentage points lower by 2050.
they are most impacted by the increased despite the lower level of overall energy
focus on energy security (see pages demand, the consumption of energy
22-23). In New Momentum, the 2% that is produced locally is boosted as a
lower level of primary energy demand in result of the heightened energy security
2035 relative to Energy Outlook 2022 is concerns. This particularly increases the
largely accounted for by a 5% downward use of non-fossil fuels as they tend to be
revision to oil demand and 6% lower produced and consumed locally. The use
natural gas demand. These effects are of renewables and nuclear energy in New
most concentrated in emerging Asia and Momentum in 2035 are higher than in
the EU, both of which currently have last year’s Outlook, while hydropower is
significant reliance on oil and natural gas largely unchanged.

27 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

28 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

Energy security concerns reduce

the role of oil and natural gas imports
Oil & gas imports as a share of primary energy in New Momentum
EU China India
Share Share Share

55% 35% 35%

50% 30% 30%

45% 25% 25%

40% 20% 20%

35% 15% 15%

30% 10% 10%

Energy Outlook 2022

25% 5% 5%
Energy Outlook 2023

20% 0% 0%
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Key points

The increased preference for locally The effect of heightened energy security The limited scope to increase domestic
produced energy stemming from concerns is also particularly evident in production of oil and natural gas in these
heightened energy security concerns the EU given its previous dependence on countries and regions means that the
reduces imports of oil and natural gas. natural gas imports from Russia, and its reduced share of imported oil and gas
heavy dependence on oil and gas imports in primary energy is offset by greater
The impact of increased energy security more generally. Together, the EU, China consumption of domestically produced
concerns on energy trade is most and India accounted for around 45% of renewables.
pronounced on oil and natural gas, which global oil imports and around 50% of
are the two most heavily traded fuels. natural gas imports in 2021.
This impact is especially marked in China
and India, who currently import between In all three regions, heightened energy
75%-85% of the oil they use and security concerns lead to a permanently
between 40-55% of their natural gas. lower share of imported oil and gas in
primary energy. In 2035, their combined
imports of oil and natural gas are over
10% lower in New Momentum than
in Outlook 2022. Similar effects are
apparent in Accelerated and Net Zero.

29 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

30 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

The Russia-Ukraine war and the Inflation Reduction Act

lower the outlook for carbon emissions
Change in carbon emissions: Carbon emissions:
EO23 versus EO22 EO23 versus EO22 in New Momentum
Mt of CO2 Gt of CO2e

0 45

-500 Net Zero


Net Zero
Net Zero
-1500 Momentum

Lower Momentum
carbon 25
-2500 intensity
Energy Outlook 2022
Lower GDP New
Energy Outlook 2023
-3000 20
2030 2040 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
CO 2 emissions form combusted fuels only
EO23 = Energy Outlook 2023

Key points

The impact of the Russia-Ukraine war, The lower profile for carbon emissions The downward revision of carbon
together with the policy support provided in New Momentum also reflects more emissions in Net Zero is less than in
by the Inflation Reduction Act, reduces rapid reductions in the carbon intensity of New Momentum, averaging around 0.8
carbon emissions over the outlook. GDP – the amount of carbon emitted per GtCO2 per annum over the outlook. This
unit of GDP produced – largely reflecting smaller impact reflects the greater level
Carbon emissions in this year’s New the shift towards locally produced non- of decarbonization in Net Zero, which
Momentum are around 1.3 GtCO2 (3.7%) fossil fuels prompted by heightened means that the reduced level of energy
lower in 2030 than in Energy Outlook energy security concerns. The support demand stemming from the weaker GDP
2022. This downward revision increases for low-carbon energy sources and profile leads to a smaller saving in carbon
to around 2.0 GtCO2 (6.4%) in 2040 and technologies in the US provided by the emissions than in New Momentum.
2.6 GtCO2 (9.3%) in 2050. IRA also contributes to this faster decline
in the carbon intensity of GDP (see pages The reduction in carbon intensity in
The lower level of carbon emissions in Net Zero by 2050 compared to that in
New Momentum is largely driven by Outlook 2022 is also less than in New
the weaker GDP profile caused in the The downward revision to carbon Momentum, reflecting the smaller impact
near term by the impact of the war on emissions in New Momentum from 2035 of energy security concerns in Net Zero
commodity prices, and further out by the onwards averages around 2.2 GtCO2e as the energy system decarbonizes and
reduction in the pace of growth of global per year – roughly the amount by which becomes increasingly dominated by non-
integration and trade. The impact of global carbon emissions fell in 2020 as a fossil fuels – the majority of which are
weaker economic activity increases over result of COVID lockdowns. produced locally.
the outlook as the effect of the slower
trend rate of growth compounds over

31 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

32 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

Russian production of oil and natural gas

revised down as a result of the war
Change in Russian oil production: Changes in natural gas by type of supply and in LNG
EO23 versus EO22 in New Momentum trade in 2030: EO23 versus EO22 in New Momentum
Mb/d Bcm

0 100
50 Domestic
-0.5 LNG trade
LNG exports
(excl. Russia)
-50 Russia
LNG exports
Net change



-2 -250
2022 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Gas Demand LNG Trade

Key points

Prior to the Russia-Ukraine war, Russia Natural gas: The combination of weaker The level of global LNG trade in 2030
was the world’s largest energy exporter. GDP and a reduced preference for in the three scenarios is similar to
The impact of the war reduces Russia’s imported gas due to energy security that in last year’s Outlook. However,
production of both oil and natural gas. concerns means that natural gas demand the geographical pattern of that trade
in the three scenarios in 2030 is between is different. Restrictions limiting
Oil: The prospects for Russian oil 130-250 Bcm (3.5-5%) lower in this Russia’s access to external finance and
production in the near-term are affected year’s Energy Outlook than in Outlook technology mean that the significant
most significantly by the formal and 2022. expansion in Russia’s LNG exports
informal sanctions on imports of Russian envisaged in Energy Outlook 2022 largely
oil. Further out, the outlook is most Most of this downward revision in gas fails to materialize. Offsetting that, the
heavily influenced by the impact of demand is matched by reduced pipeline level of non-Russian LNG exports in
sanctions on Russia’s access to western gas trade, driven by the almost total 2030 in this year’s Outlook has been
technology and investment. elimination of Russian pipeline exports to revised up by around 25-40 Bcm in New
the EU. Production of gas for domestic Momentum and Accelerated, with the US
In New Momentum, Russian oil use is also slightly lower. Outside of accounting for more than half of those
production over much of the outlook is Russia, this fall takes place principally additional exports.
around 1.3 Mb/d (13%) lower than in in the US as the shift to the use of
Outlook 2022. This reflects a combination alternative lower carbon energies there
of faster decline rates of existing accelerates.
operating assets and a curtailing of new
prospective developments. There are
similar-sized downward revisions in
Accelerated and Net Zero. As a result,
Russian oil production declines from
around 12 Mb/d in 2019 to between 7
and 9 Mb/d in 2035 across the three
33 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
34 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

EU’s need for LNG imports in 2030 depends

on its success in reducing natural gas demand
EU natural gas demand and sources of supply: EO23 compared with EO22

Accelerated Net Zero New Momentum
Other net
pipeline imports
pipeline imports
LNG imports



2019 EO22 EO23 EO22 EO23 EO22 EO23

Key points

The EU is at the epicentre of the disruptions In last year’s New Momentum, EU gas In contrast, in Net Zero, a combination
to global natural gas markets following the demand in 2030 was only modestly of faster gains in energy efficiency,
reductions in Russian pipeline gas exports. lower than its level in 2019. EU gas rapid growth of wind and solar power
The extent to which the loss of Russian demand is lower in this year’s Outlook. and increasing electrification of final
pipeline exports requires the EU to source However, the larger fall in Russian energy consumption means EU natural
alternative supplies of gas depends on how exports of pipeline gas means EU’s LNG gas demand in 2030 is around 50%
successful it is in reducing its demand for imports in 2030 in New Momentum (190 Bcm) below 2019 levels. This
natural gas as it decarbonizes its energy are around 70 Bcm higher than in 2019. reduction in demand is greater than the
system. The remaining shortfall of natural gas loss of Russian pipeline gas imports,
left by the loss of Russian pipeline gas is implying that the level of LNG imports
The EU’s desire to reduce its dependency met by increased pipeline imports from needed to meet the EU’s domestic gas
on imported gas given the increased a combination of Norway, Algeria, and consumption in 2030 is lower than in
energy security concerns, combined Azerbaijan. 2019.
with the weaker GDP profile, means EU
natural gas demand in the three scenarios A similar change in gas demand is seen in
in 2030 is around 50-60 Bcm lower in Accelerated. Although EU consumption of
this year’s Outlook relative to Energy natural gas in 2030 is around 30% lower
Outlook 2022. than 2019 levels, a significant increase in
LNG imports (40 Bcm) in 2030 relative
to 2019 levels is nonetheless needed to
meet demand, in the absence of Russian
pipeline gas.

35 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

36 | Changes since Energy Outlook 2022

The Inflation Reduction Act provides significant support

for low-carbon energy and technologies in the US
US Carbon emissions
Gt of CO2e

1 Net Zero
New Momentum

2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Key points

The US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), that there are no material changes in Hydrogen: significant support for low-
which was signed into law in August 2022, planning and permitting processes other carbon hydrogen supply, increasing its
includes a significant package of largely than those directly affected by IRA use to 4 mtpa in 2030 and to 26 mtpa
supply-side measures supporting low- provisions. in 2050. The hydrogen incentives are
carbon energy sources and decarbonization The impact of the IRA on the outlook for especially supportive of green hydrogen,
technologies in the US. the US energy system is concentrated which accounts for around 60% of US
The modelling of the IRA in this Outlook in the New Momentum scenario. US low-carbon hydrogen in 2050, compared
focuses on its potential impact on the carbon emissions fall by around 22% with around 25% in Energy Outlook 2022.
US energy system. The possible impacts by 2030 in New Momentum relative to Electric vehicles: the provisions in the IRA
on other countries and regions are not 2019 levels, and by around 60% by 2050. that support electric vehicle ownership,
considered, although in practice the IRA The scale of the policy support already combined with new vehicle manufacturer
has the potential to have positive spillover embodied in Accelerated and Net Zero and state-level commitments, increase
effects by helping to reduce global means the incremental impact of the IRA the size of the US electric vehicle parc by
technology costs, expand internationally provisions on these scenarios is relatively around 15% by the mid-2030s.
tradable supplies of some forms of low- limited.
Biofuels: the additional credits included
carbon energy, and increase the pressure Some of the main impacts of the IRA on in the IRA facilitate faster penetration
on other countries and regions to offer New Momentum include: of bioderived sustainable aviation fuel
similar types of incentives.
Wind and solar power: a substantial (SAF), such that it reaches around 1300
The impact of the IRA depends acceleration in solar and wind PJ in New Momentum in 2050, more
importantly on the implementation of the deployment, with capacity increasing than double the level projected in Energy
incentives by the US authorities, as well more than four-fold by 2030 from 2019 Outlook 2022.
as on regulatory reform at a state and levels. By 2050 solar and wind capacity Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS):
federal level. It also hinges on the speed is more than ten times higher than in the increased incentives for CCUS in
with which the private sector can obtain 2019, with around 20% of installed the IRA support its greater use in the
the various planning and permitting capacity used to support green hydrogen power sector, as well as in industry and
approvals needed to build out low carbon production. This increase is underpinned to produce blue hydrogen. With the IRA
energy sources and technologies. The by a corresponding acceleration in and other incentives, CCUS deployment
scenarios in this Outlook assume other enabling factors, particularly the in the US reaches over 100 mtpa by 2035
expansion of the transmission grid. and close to 400 mtpa by 2050.
37 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
38 |


Oil demand falls over the outlook as use in road

transportation declines

The role of oil in transport declines as the world

switches to lower-carbon alternatives

The changing mix of global oil supplies is dominated

by trends in US tight oil and OPEC production

39 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

40 | Oil

Oil demand falls over the outlook

as use in road transportation declines
Change in oil demand in road transport
Oil demand versus 2019 in Accelerated
Mb/d Mb/d

120 30
Total distance
20 Fuel economy
10 fuels
80 Total

60 -10

2019 -30
Net Zero -40
New Momentum
0 -50
2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2030 2040 2050

Key points

Global oil demand plateaus over the next 10 Oil demand in emerging economies is Lower demand for oil in road transport
years or so before declining over the rest of broadly flat or gently rising over much accounts for more than half of the
the outlook, driven in part by the falling use of the first half of the outlook across reduction in total oil demand in
of oil in road transport as vehicles become the three scenarios, but this is offset Accelerated throughout the outlook. In
more efficient and are increasingly fuelled by the accelerating declines in oil use in 2030, this largely reflects the impact of
by alternative energy sources. the developed world. These contrasting the increasing efficiency of the global
trends are reflected in a gradual shift in vehicle fleet, which is more than twice
Oil continues to play a major role in the the centre of gravity of global oil markets, that of the switch to alternative energy
global energy system over the first half of with emerging economies’ share of sources. By 2040 these two effects are
the outlook in Accelerated and Net Zero, global oil demand increasing from 55% in broadly equal, and by 2050 the switch
with the world consuming between 70- 2021 to around 70% in 2050 in all three to alternative energy sources, led by
80 Mb/d in 2035. The decline accelerates scenarios. the increasing electrification of vehicles,
in the second half of the outlook, with accounts for more than twice the impact
oil demand reaching around 40 Mb/d in The single biggest factor driving the on oil demand than the effects of greater
Accelerated and 20 Mb/d in Net Zero in decline in oil consumption is the falling efficiency.
2050. use of oil within road transport. Rising
prosperity and living standards in
Oil consumption in New Momentum is emerging economies support an increase
stronger, remaining close to 100 Mb/d in both the size of the global vehicle parc
through much of this decade, after which and in distances driven, boosting the
it declines gradually to around 75 Mb/d by demand for oil. But this is increasingly
2050. offset by a combination of the road
vehicle fleet becoming more efficient
and the growing switch away from oil to
alternative energy sources.

41 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

42 | Oil

The role of oil in transport declines as the

world switches to lower-carbon alternatives
Global vehicle parc in Accelerated: Total energy usage by fuel in Accelerated:
Light vehicles Heavy vehicles Aviation Marine
Billion vehicles Million vehicles EJ EJ

3.0 160 18 14
Gas and LPG Gas

140 Hydrogen 16 Hydrogen -

2.5 12 derived fuels
electric 14 Biofuels
Plug-in 10 Oil products
2.0 hybrid 12
100 Conventional
ICE 10 8
1.5 80
8 6
1.0 6
0.5 2
20 2

0.0 0 0 0
2030 2040 2050 2030 2040 2050 2030 2040 2050 2030 2040 2050
Gas includes biomethane

Key points

The role of oil falls across all modes of billion by 2050, with electric passenger Oil continues to dominate the aviation
transport, reflecting a shift to alternative, cars accounting for around 40% of new sector over the first half of the outlook,
low-carbon energy sources. That shift car sales in 2035 and 70% in 2050. but its share declines to around 60%
is dominated by electrification in road There is also a switch away from the of energy used in aviation by 2050 in
transport and by bio- and hydrogen-derived reliance on diesel in medium- and heavy- Accelerated and 25% in Net Zero, offset
fuels in aviation and marine. duty trucks and buses, with the share by the increasing use of sustainable
In road transportation, the number of of diesel-based trucks in the global parc aviation fuel (SAF). In Accelerated, the
electric (including plug-in hybrid) cars declining from around 90% in 2021 to majority of the SAF is derived from
and light-duty trucks increases from between 70-75% in 2035 in Net Zero bioenergy (biojet). Biojet also provides
around 20 million in 2021 to between and Accelerated and 5-20% in 2050. most of the SAF in Net Zero, although
550-700 million (30-35% of that vehicle The main switch is to electrification, by 2050 there is also a greater role for
parc) by 2035 in Accelerated and Net but hydrogen-fuelled trucks also play a hydrogen-derived fuels (synthetic jet fuel
Zero, and to around 2 billion such growing role, especially for heavy-duty, – see pages 70-71).
vehicles (around 80%) by 2050. Electric long-distance use cases. The choice The main alternative to oil-based products
passenger cars account for the majority between electrification and hydrogen in marine use is provided by hydrogen-
of new car sales by the mid-2030s in varies across different countries and based fuels (ammonia, methanol and
Accelerated and Net Zero, supported by regions depending on policies affecting synthetic diesel). The penetration of
a combination of tighter regulation of the relative price of electricity and low- these fuels is concentrated in the second
vehicle emissions, improving cost and carbon hydrogen, as well as on regulatory half of the outlook in Accelerated and Net
choice competitiveness of electric cars, policies and the development of charging Zero, where they account for between
and growing preference and acceptability and refuelling infrastructures. 30% and 55% of total energy used in
among consumers. Electrification of road vehicles is initially marine by 2050. In contrast, oil continues
Although the electrification of cars and dominated by China, Europe and North to account for more than three-quarters
light duty trucks is less rapid in New America, which together account for of marine energy demand in 2050 in New
Momentum, there are still around 500 around 60-75% of the growth of electric Momentum.
million such vehicles by 2035 and 1.4 road vehicles* to 2035 in the three
scenarios and 50-60% of the growth
to 2050. *Excluding e-bicycles
43 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
44 | Oil

The changing mix of global oil supplies is dominated

by trends in US tight oil and OPEC production
Change in oil supply OPEC market share of global oil supply
Average annual change, Mb/d Share of total

1 80%
Accelerated Net Zero Accelerated
Net Zero
70% New Momentum



-2 US tight oil
-3 (excl. Russia) 30%
-4 20%
2019-30 2030-50 2019-30 2030-50 2019-30 2030-50 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Key points

The composition of global oil supplies shifts US production falls through the 2030s OPEC’s production strategy reacts to
over time, as US tight oil grows over the and 40s, as US tight formations mature, the changing competitive landscape.
rest of this decade after which it declines and OPEC adopts a more competitive OPEC lowers its output over the first
as the most productive locations are strategy against a backdrop of decade of the outlook in response to
exhausted and OPEC competes to increase accelerating declines in oil demand. US the growth in US and other non-OPEC
its market share. There is a sustained tight oil drops to around 2 Mb/d or less in supplies, accepting a lower market share
decline in Russian production. Accelerated and Net Zero by 2050, and to mitigate the downward pressure on
to around 6 Mb/d in New Momentum, prices. The fall in OPEC’s market share
US tight oil – including natural gas liquids where the pressures from falling levels of is most pronounced in Accelerated and
(NGLs) – grows over the first 10 years or overall demand are less acute. Net Zero given the backdrop of falling oil
so of the outlook, peaking at between 11- demand from the mid-2020s.
16 Mb/d around the turn of this decade in Russian output declines over the entire
all three scenarios. Brazilian and Guyana outlook, falling from around 11.5 Mb/d in As the decline in oil demand gathers
output also increases over the next 10 2019 to between 5.5-6.5 Mb/d in 2035 pace through the second half of the
years or so, reaching around 5 Mb/d and in Accelerated and Net Zero and to 2.5 outlook and the competitiveness of US
2 Mb/d respectively by the mid 2030s. Mb/d or less by 2050. The reductions in output wanes, OPEC competes more
New Momentum are less pronounced, actively, raising its market share. OPEC’s
with Russian production falling to around share of global oil production increases
8.5 Mb/d and 7 Mb/d in 2035 and 2050 to between 45-65% by 2050 in all three
respectively. scenarios.

The higher cost structure of non-OPEC

production means between 75-85% of
the fall in oil production in Accelerated
and Net Zero by 2050, and virtually all the
reduction in New Momentum, is borne by
non-OPEC suppliers.
45 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
46 |

Natural gas

Prospects for natural gas depend on the speed

of the energy transition

LNG trade increases in the near term, with the

outlook becoming more uncertain post 2030

LNG exports are dominated by the US and

the Middle East

47 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

48 | Natural gas

Prospects for natural gas depend

on the speed of the energy transition
Natural gas demand Change in natural gas demand by sector
Bcm Change, Bcm

5000 1000
New Momentum Power
500 Net Momentum Net
4000 Accelerated Zero Zero Industry
3000 Total


1000 Net Zero
New Momentum -2000

0 -2500
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2019 - 2030 2030 - 2050

Key points

The prospects for natural gas depend In contrast, natural gas consumption In contrast, global natural gas demand in
on the outcome of two significant but in Net Zero peaks in the mid-2020s New Momentum continues to grow for
opposing trends: increasing demand in before then starting to decline. The much of the period out to 2050, driven
emerging economies as they grow and use of gas within the emerging world by growing use in emerging Asia and
industrialize, offset by a shift away from grows out to 2030. But this growth is Africa. Much of this growth is in the
natural gas to lower-carbon energy led outweighed by falling consumption in the power sector as the share of natural gas
by the developed world. The net impact developed world, given the shift towards consumption in power generation in
of these opposing trends on global gas electrification and lower carbon energy. these regions grows and overall power
demand depends on the pace of the energy generation increases robustly. Global
transition. From the early 2030s onwards, natural natural gas demand in New Momentum
gas demand declines in Accelerated in 2050 is around 20% above 2019 levels.
Global demand for natural gas rises and Net Zero as the sustained decline
over the rest of this decade in New in its use in the developed world is The range of the difference in global
Momentum and Accelerated driven by compounded by falling demand in China gas demand in 2050 across the three
strong growth in China – underpinned by and the Middle East, driven by the same scenarios relative to current levels
continued coal-to-gas switching – and patterns of increasing electrification is greater than for either oil or coal,
also by India and other emerging Asia as and rapid growth in renewable energy. highlighting the sensitivity of natural gas
they industrialize further. The decline is only partially offset by the to the speed of the energy transition.
growing use of natural gas to produce
blue hydrogen (see pages 72-73). By
2050, natural gas demand is around 40%
lower than 2019 levels in Accelerated and
55% lower in Net Zero.

49 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

50 | Natural gas

LNG trade increases in the near term,

with the outlook becoming more uncertain post 2030
LNG trade LNG imports by region
Bcm Bcm

1200 1200
New Europe
1000 1000 Momentum
New Other
800 800 Accelerated Momentum
Net Zero India
600 600

400 400
Net Zero

200 200
Net Zero
New Momentum
0 0
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2019 2030 2050

Key points

LNG trade increases robustly in the near European LNG imports also increase LNG demand in emerging economies
term but the range of uncertainty widens materially out to 2030 in New also grows for much of the period post-
post 2030, with continuing demand for Momentum and Accelerated, reflecting 2030 in Accelerated and Net Zero, but this
LNG in emerging markets as they grow and the fall in Russian pipeline imports and is more than offset by sharp falls in LNG
industrialize, offset by falling import demand persistent natural gas demand (see pages imports in developed Asian and European
in developed markets as they transition to 34-35). markets and in China, as these regions
lower carbon energy sources. switch away from natural gas to lower
The range of uncertainty in LNG trade carbon energy sources.
LNG trade grows strongly over the first increases materially post 2030. Imports
10 years of the outlook, increasing by of LNG increase by around 30% between The size of the LNG market in 2050 is
around 60% in New Momentum and 2030 and 2050 in New Momentum, roughly double its 2019 level in New
Accelerated and by a third in Net Zero. whereas they fall by around 40% over the Momentum, broadly unchanged in
same period in Accelerated and Net Zero. Accelerated, and is around 30% lower in
Much of this growth is driven by Net Zero.
increasing gas demand in emerging Asia The growth in LNG demand post-2030 in
(China, India, and other emerging Asia) New Momentum is driven by increasing
as these countries switch away from demand from India and other emerging
coal and, outside of China, continue to markets, reflecting the increasing use of
industrialize. LNG imports are the main natural gas in the power and industrial
source for this growing use of natural gas, sectors (see pages 48-49). This growth
accounting for 65-75% of the increase in in the emerging world more than offsets
gas consumed in emerging Asia out to declining LNG imports in Europe and
2030 across the three scenarios. developed Asian markets.

51 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

52 | Natural gas

LNG exports are dominated by the US and the Middle East

LNG exports by region Russia LNG exports in 2050

Bcm Bcm

1200 180
Other Accelerated Net Zero New Momentum

New Africa 160

1000 Momentum
800 Accelerated Momentum Middle 120
Zero US 100

400 Net 60


0 0
2019 2030 2050 2019 EO22 EO23 EO22 EO23 EO22 EO23

Key points

The US and Middle East establish The fall in LNG exports in the second The constraints on Russia’s access to
themselves as the main global supply hubs half of the outlook in Accelerated and Net technology and funding are assumed
for LNG exports, with the prospects for Zero is borne disproportionately by the to ease gradually post-2030, allowing
Russian LNG exports scarred by the effects US. US LNG exports fall by more than Russian LNG exports to more than
of the Russia-Ukraine war. a half between 2030 and 2050 in these double by 2050 in New Momentum. In
two scenarios, reflecting the increasing contrast, the falls in global LNG demand
The growth in global LNG demand out to competition and the higher transport in the 2030s and 40s in Accelerated
2030 is met by a substantial expansion of costs for US supplies to the remaining and Net Zero means that Russian LNG
exports from the US and Qatar. Growth demand centres in Asia relative to the exports do not have a chance to recover
in US LNG exports account for more cost of LNG from the Middle East and even as sanctions are eased. Russian
than half of the increase in global LNG Africa. LNG exports are between 10-60 Bcm
supplies out to 2030 in New Momentum lower in 2035 and 15-50 Bcm lower in
and Accelerated and around two-thirds Australian LNG exports decline post- 2050 across the three scenarios than in
of overall growth in Net Zero. Growing 2030 in all three scenarios reflecting last year’s Energy Outlook (see pages 32-
exports from the Middle East account increasing costs and constraints on 33).
for much of the remainder. By 2030, the upstream natural gas production in
US and the Middle East together account Australia.
for around half of global LNG supplies,
compared with around a third in 2019. Russian LNG exports out to 2030 are
constrained by continuing restrictions on
Russia’s access to western technology
and funding. As such, Russian exports
over the first decade of the outlook are
broadly flat, with only those projects
close to completion before the start of
the war assumed to start up.

53 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

54 |


Wind and solar power expands rapidly, requiring significant

acceleration in financing and building new capacity

Modern bioenergy expands rapidly, helping to decarbonize

hard-to-abate sectors and processes

55 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

56 | Renewable energy

Wind and solar power expands rapidly, requiring significant

acceleration in financing and building new capacity
Range of wind and solar capacity build rates
Installed wind and solar capacity in the three scenarios 2022-2035
GW GW per year

25000 250
Accelerated Maximum historical
Net Zero build rate
New Momentum
20000 200

15000 150

10000 100

5000 50

0 0
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 US EU China India Rest of

Key points

Wind and solar power expands rapidly, The pace of cost reductions slows 450-600 GW per year – around 1.9 to
driven by increasing cost competitiveness and eventually plateaus in the final 2.5 times faster than the highest rate of
and policies supporting a shift to low- two decades of the outlook as falling increase seen in the past.
carbon electricity and green hydrogen. generation costs are offset by the
In addition to a significant increase in
growing expense of balancing power
Wind and solar installed capacity investment (see pages 82-83), this
systems with increasing shares of
increases by around 15 fold over the rapid acceleration in the deployment
variable energy sources. The outlook for
outlook in Accelerated and Net Zero and 9 of wind and solar capacity depends on
costs assumes that the availability of the
fold in New Momentum. a number of enabling factors scaling
critical metals used in the manufacturing
at a corresponding pace, including
Most of this capacity provides electricity of photovoltaic modules and wind
the expansion of transmission and
for final consumption, although around a turbines increases sufficiently to avoid a
distribution capacity, development
quarter to a third of the capacity by 2050 sustained increase in prices (see pages
of market frameworks to manage
in Accelerated and Net Zero is used to 84-85). More generally, the scenarios
intermittency, the speed of planning and
produce green hydrogen. are underpinned by an assumption that
permitting, and the availability of route-to-
supply chains develop and expand so
The rapid expansion in wind and solar market mechanisms.
as to avoid excessive dependence on
power is largely underpinned by falls
individual countries or regions for key The growth in installed wind and solar
in their costs – which resume after
materials, and the challenges around the capacity out to 2035 is dominated by
recent short-term inflation pressures,
security of supply of critical materials that China and the developed world, each
especially over the first 10-15 years of
might imply. of which accounts for 30-40% of the
the outlook. Solar and wind technology
overall increase in capacity in all three
and production costs fall with growing The expansion in installed capacity by
scenarios. This pattern of growth
deployment, supported by increases 2035 requires a significant acceleration
switches significantly in the second half
in module efficiency, load factors and of the pace at which new capacity is
of the outlook, with emerging economies
project scales for solar, and by higher load financed and built. The average rate
excluding China accounting for around
factors of increasingly large turbines and of increase in installed capacity in
75-90% of the growth in the 2040s in
lower operating costs for wind. Accelerated and Net Zero out to 2035 is
Accelerated and Net Zero.
57 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
58 | Renewable energy

Modern bioenergy expands rapidly,

helping to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors and processes
Bioenergy supply by type in
Accelerated (2019-2050) Bioenergy demand by sector in Accelerated (2019-2050)

100 100

80 80 Transport
Heat and
60 60

40 40
20 20
Modern solid

0 0
2019 Modern Biofuels Biomethane Traditional 2050 2019 Hydrogen Heat and power Transport Industry Buildings 2050

Key points

The use of modern bioenergy – modern tripling over the outlook in Accelerated. Biomethane grows significantly in all
solid biomass (such as wood pellets), Much of the remainder is used to help scenarios, from less than 0.2 EJ in 2019
biofuels and biomethane – increases decarbonize hard-to-abate industrial to between 6-7 EJ in Accelerated and
significantly, helping to decarbonize hard-to- processes, especially in cement and Net Zero by 2050 and 4.3 EJ in New
abate sectors and processes, and displacing steel manufacturing. In Accelerated, 5 EJ Momentum. Biomethane is blended into
the use of traditional biomass – such as of biomass is used in conjunction with the natural gas grid as a direct substitute
waste wood and agricultural residues – for carbon capture and storage (BECCS) by for natural gas and is shared broadly
cooking and heating. 2050, predominantly in the power and equally across industry, buildings, and
industrial sectors. This use of BECCS transport.
There is a substantial shift from traditional in the power sector is concentrated in
to modern bioenergy in Accelerated and the developed world. Within emerging In contrast to modern bioenergy, the
Net Zero, with modern bioenergy more economies, biomass in the power sector role of traditional biomass is largely
than doubling to reach around 65 EJ by is used in new biomass cogeneration phased out by 2050 in Accelerated and
2050, more than offsetting the phasing plants and in co-firing plants with coal. Net Zero. That largely reflects its current
out of traditional biomass. Growth of The use of BECCS globally in Net Zero is use in buildings in emerging economies
modern bioenergy in New Momentum greatest reaching 13 EJ in 2050, around disappearing as access to electricity and
is slightly less pronounced, reaching half of which is deployed in the power clean-cooking fuels increases. The use
close to 50 EJ by 2050. The expansion sector, with much of the remainder used of traditional biomass is more persistent
in modern bioenergy is achieved without to produce hydrogen. in New Momentum reflecting the slower
any change in land use, with the vast electrification of energy systems in
majority sourced regionally through The production of biofuels roughly triples emerging economies.
residues (from agriculture and forestry) in Accelerated and Net Zero by 2050 to
and wastes which are accessible without around 10 EJ, with most of these fuels The growth of modern bioenergy in
detrimental effect to their ecosystems. being used in the aviation sector. By all three scenarios is dominated by
2050, bio-derived sustainable aviation emerging economies, which account for
The largest growth in demand for fuel (biojet) accounts for 30% of total around three quarters of the growth to
modern bioenergy is in solid biomass. aviation demand in Accelerated and 45% 2050 in all three scenarios.
Biomass is used mainly in the power in Net Zero, with 50-60% of the growth
sector, with its use in this sector almost in biojet in the US and Europe, supported
59 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition by increasing incentives and mandates.
60 |


Electricity demand expands significantly as prosperity

in emerging economies grows and the world
increasingly electrifies

The global power system decarbonizes, led by the

increasing dominance of wind and solar power

The mix of power generation differs between

developed and emerging economies

61 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

62 | Electricity

Electricity demand expands significantly as prosperity in emerging

economies grows and the world increasingly electrifies
Range of electrification
Electricity as a share of total final consumption across end-use sectors in 2050
Share Share of total final consumption

60% 100% 2019

Net Zero
50% Net Zero
80% New Momentum
New Momentum





0% 0%
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 Transport Industry Buildings

Key points

Electricity demand grows robustly over Electricity demand in India grows by The increase in electrification is
the outlook, driven by growing prosperity between 250-280% over the outlook apparent across all-end-use sectors.
in emerging economies and increasing across the three scenarios, compared The greatest scope for electrification is
electrification of the global energy system. with 10-30% in the EU. Even so, in buildings, where at least half of final
electricity consumption per capita in the energy demand is electrified by 2050 in
Final electricity demand increases EU in 2050 is still around double that in all three scenarios. The higher degree
by around 75% by 2050 in all three India. of electrification of buildings’ energy
scenarios. The vast majority of this demand in Accelerated and Net Zero is
growth (around 90%) is accounted for by The increasing electrification of the largely driven by the greater adoption of
emerging economies as rising prosperity energy system is most pronounced in heat pumps.
and living standards support a rapid Accelerated and Net Zero, with the share
expansion in the use of electricity. of electricity in total final consumption The transport sector has the largest
(TFC) increasing from 20% in 2019 to increase in the share of electrification
In developed markets, the increasing between 40-50% by 2050. Despite the relative to its current low level, largely
electrification of end energy uses slower pace of decarbonization, the share reflecting the electrification of road
underpins some growth in electricity of electricity in TFC in New Momentum transport (see pages 42-43).
consumption. But this growth is very still increases to over 30% by the end of
modest compared with that in emerging the outlook. Compared with the other sectors, the
economies. scope for significant increases in the
electrification of final energy use in
industry is more limited, particularly for
processes requiring high temperatures

63 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

64 | Electricity

The global power system decarbonizes, led by

the increasing dominance of wind and solar power
Carbon intensity of power generation
Electricity generation by fuel in Accelerated
TWh gCO2/kWh

70000 1000
Other Emerging (excl. China)
Net Zero Gas China
60000 Accelerated 800 Developed
Momentum Other
50000 low-carbon
40000 Wind and
solar 400



0 -200
2019 2050 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Key points

Global power generation decarbonizes, Within that, nuclear power generation the remaining gas-fired power generation
enabled by rapid growth in wind and solar increases by around 80% by 2050 in in Accelerated and Net Zero is used in
power which accounts for all or most of Accelerated and more than doubles in conjunction with carbon capture, use and
the increase in power generation over the Net Zero. Investment in new nuclear storage (CCUS, see pages 76-77).
outlook. capacity is concentrated in China – which In the second half the outlook, low-
By 2050, wind and solar power account accounts for 50-65% of the growth carbon hydrogen also emerges as a fuel
for around two-thirds of global power in nuclear power in Accelerated and in the power sector: although its overall
generation – and closer to 75% in the Net Zero – supported by new capacity share of generation is very small, it plays
most advantaged regions – in Accelerated in other emerging economies and an an important role as dispatchable low-
and Net Zero. That share is around a half extension of lifetimes and restarting carbon power in electricity systems with
by 2050 in New Momentum. of existing plants in some developed a high share of solar and wind.
Although direct electricity consumption The increasing dominance of low-carbon
is similar across the three scenarios (see Coal is the fuel that loses most ground energy, together with the use of CCUS,
pages 18-19), total power generation is to the increasing dominance of low- cause carbon emissions from power
higher in Accelerated and Net Zero, with carbon power, as its share in global generation in Accelerated to fall by
an additional 15-20% of total generation power generation falls from close to around 55% by 2035 and to be virtually
by 2050 used to produce green hydrogen 40% in 2019 to a little over 10% in New eliminated by 2050. The reduction in
(see pages 72-73). Momentum by 2050 and close to zero in the carbon intensity of global power
Accelerated and Net Zero. generation over the first part of the
Other sources of low-carbon power
generation (nuclear, hydro, bioenergy and The role of natural gas in global power outlook is led by the developed world
geothermal) continue to play a significant generation is relatively stable over the and China, with emerging economies
role, accounting for around 25% of global first part of the outlook in Accelerated and catching up over the second half of the
power generation in 2050 in Accelerated New Momentum, given its continuing period. Similar trends are also apparent
and Net Zero, similar to their share in importance in the emerging world. But in Net Zero, where the greater use of
2019. its use declines sharply in the second bioenergy combined with CCUS results
half of the outlook in Accelerated and Net in the power sector being a source of
Zero as the expansion of wind and solar negative emissions by 2050.
power gathers pace. In 2050, 60-95% of
65 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
66 | Electricity

The mix of power generation differs between

developed and emerging economies
Change in generation by source and region
Wind and solar Gas power Coal power

30000 Net Zero 4000 2000 New

Developed Accelerated
New Momentum
25000 (excl. China) Momentum Accelerated Net Zero Accelerated Net Zero
China 0
20000 Accelerated
New Net Zero -2000
Accelerated Net Zero
15000 0

Net Zero
New -6000
5000 Momentum

0 -4000 -8000
2019-30 2030-50 2019-30 2030-50 2019-30 2030-50

Key points

The energy sources used to fuel the growth The growth in gas-fired power generation The move to decarbonize the power
in power generation vary across developed over the rest of the current decade is sector causes coal-fired generation
and emerging economies, reflecting concentrated in emerging economies. In to decrease markedly in all regions in
differences in their stages of development Accelerated and Net Zero, the increase Accelerated and Net Zero. The use of coal
and in the maturity and size of power in gas-fired power generation and is more persistent in New Momentum,
generation markets. the rapid expansion in wind and solar with a small increase in coal generation
power facilitate a modest reduction in in China and other emerging economies
Growth in wind and solar generation over coal generation by 2030 in emerging over the rest of this decade. But that rise
the rest of this decade is dominated by economies. That higher level of gas-fired is more than reversed by a sharp fall in
China and the developed world, which power generation is relatively short-lived Chinese coal generation in the final 20
together account for 80-85% of the in Accelerated and Net Zero, as the push years of the outlook. At a global level,
growth in wind and solar power out to to decarbonize the power sector, led by the fall in total coal-fired generation is
2030 in the three scenarios. a sharp acceleration in wind and solar dominated by China, which explains
power generation, triggers a reduction in around half of the total decline in
This share declines to 35-60% in the
both gas- and coal-fired generation after Accelerated and Net Zero and more than
period after 2030 as the growth in
2030. the total in New Momentum.
renewable power generation in emerging
economies (excluding China) rises In contrast, the slower growth in power
sharply, underpinned by strong growth in demand in developed economies,
power demand and the increasing ability together with robust increases in
of these markets to support a rapid build renewable power generation, cause
out of wind and solar capacity. gas-fired generation in the developed
world to plateau in the next few years in
Net Zero and Accelerated before declining

67 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

68 |

Low-carbon hydrogen

Low-carbon hydrogen plays a critical role in

helping the energy system to decarbonize

Low-carbon hydrogen is dominated by green

and blue hydrogen, with trade in hydrogen a
mix of regional pipelines and global shipping

69 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

70 | Low-carbon hydrogen

Low-carbon hydrogen plays a critical role in helping

the energy system to decarbonize
Low-carbon hydrogen demand Low-carbon hydrogen demand in transport
Mt Mt

500 250
Other* Net Zero Road heavy
(hydrogen-derived fuels)
400 Industry 200 (hydrogen-derived fuel) Net Zero

Transport Marine
(hydrogen-derived fuels)
300 Accelerated 150 Road and rail
(pure hydrogen)

200 100

100 50
Net Zero
Accelerated Net Zero
0 0
2030 2050 2030 2050
*Other includes hydrogen demand
for power, heating, and buildings

Key points

The use of low-carbon hydrogen grows as unabated gas- and coal-based hydrogen 2050, low-carbon hydrogen accounts for
the world transitions to a more sustainable used as an industrial feedstock in refining around 5-10% of total final energy used in
energy system, helping to decarbonize and the production of ammonia and industry in Accelerated and Net Zero.
hard-to-abate processes and activities in methanol.
industry and transport. The use of hydrogen within transport is
The pace of growth accelerates in heavily concentrated in the production
The use of low-carbon hydrogen is most the 2030s and 2040s as falling costs of hydrogen-derived fuels used to
pronounced in Accelerated and Net Zero, of production and tightening carbon decarbonize long-distance transportation
complementing growing electrification of emissions policies allow low-carbon in marine (in the form of ammonia,
the energy system by acting as a carrier hydrogen to compete against incumbent methanol, and synthetic diesel) and in
of low-carbon energy for activities that fuels in hard-to-abate processes and aviation (in the form of synthetic jet fuel).
are difficult to electrify. The lower degree activities, especially within industry These hydrogen-derived fuels account
of decarbonization in New Momentum and transport. Demand for low-carbon for between 10-30% of final aviation
means low-carbon hydrogen plays a hydrogen rises by a factor of 10 between energy demand by 2050 and 30-55% of
relatively limited role. 2030 and 2050 in Accelerated and Net final energy use in the marine sector in
Zero, reaching close to 300 and 460 Mtpa Accelerated and Net Zero. Most of the
The growth of low-carbon hydrogen (35-55 EJ) respectively. remainder is used directly in heavy duty
during the first decade or so of the road transport. By 2050, low-carbon
outlook is relatively slow, reflecting The use of low-carbon hydrogen in iron hydrogen and hydrogen-derived fuels
both the long lead times to establish and steel production accounts for around account for between 10-20% of total final
low-carbon hydrogen projects and the 40% of total industrial hydrogen demand energy used by the transport sector in
need for considerable policy support to by 2050 in Accelerated and Net Zero, Accelerated and Net Zero.
incentivize its use in place of lower-cost where it acts as an alternative to coal
alternatives. The demand for low-carbon and natural gas as both a reducing agent The production of some hydrogen
hydrogen by 2030 is between 30-50 and a source of energy. The remaining derived fuels requires sources of carbon-
Mtpa in Accelerated and Net Zero, the industrial use of hydrogen is in other parts neutral feedstocks. These can be derived
majority of which is used as a lower of heavy industry, such as chemicals and from either biogenic sources or from
carbon alternative to the existing cement production, which also require direct air capture (see pages 78-79).
high-temperature heat processes. By
71 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
72 | Low-carbon hydrogen

Low-carbon hydrogen is dominated by green and blue hydrogen,

with trade in hydrogen a mix of regional pipelines and global shipping
Global low-carbon hydrogen supply Sources of EU low-carbon hydrogen
Mt Mt

500 50
Net Zero
Biogenic hydrogen Seaborne imports
(hydrogen derivatives) Net Zero
Green hydrogen
400 40 Pipeline imports
Blue hydrogen (pure hydrogen)
Domestic production
300 Accelerated 30

200 20

Net Zero
100 10 Accelerated
Net Zero

0 0
2030 2050 2030 2050

Key points

Low-carbon hydrogen is dominated by As a result, green hydrogen accounts from regional markets, reflecting the
a combination of green hydrogen, made for around 60% of low-carbon hydrogen high cost of shipping pure hydrogen.
via electrolysis using renewable power, in 2030 in Accelerated and Net Zero, In contrast, for activities that can use
and blue hydrogen, made from natural with that share increasing to around hydrogen derivatives, such as ammonia
gas (or coal) with the associated carbon 65% by 2050. Most of the remaining and methanol in marine or hydrogen-
emissions captured and stored. Hydrogen hydrogen is provided by blue hydrogen, derived hot briquetted iron (HBI) in iron
trade occurs via regional pipelines or global with a small amount produced from and steel manufacturing, the lower cost
shipping depending on the form in which bioenergy combined with carbon capture of shipping these derivatives allows
the hydrogen is used. and storage (BECCS). Blue hydrogen imports from the most cost-advantaged
acts as an important complement to locations globally.
At present, the cost of producing blue green hydrogen providing, a lower-cost
hydrogen is generally lower than for alternative in some regions as well as For example, the EU produces around
green hydrogen in most parts of the providing a source of firm (non-variable) 70% of the low-carbon hydrogen it uses
world. However, the combination of low-carbon hydrogen supply. The growth in 2030 in Accelerated and Net Zero, with
recent policy initiatives (such as the of blue hydrogen also reduces the extent that share falling to around 60% by 2050.
Inflation Reduction Act in the US – see to which renewable energy is diverted Of the low-carbon hydrogen it imports,
pages 36-37) and higher natural gas from decarbonizing electricity that is around half is transported as pure
prices in Europe and Asia as a result consumed directly. hydrogen via pipeline from North Africa
of the Russia-Ukraine war (see pages and other European countries (Norway
34-35) has reduced this cost advantage The nature of hydrogen trade is likely and the UK); and the other half is
in some countries and regions. This cost to vary depending on its final use. For imported by sea in the form of hydrogen
differential is further eroded over the activities and processes that require derivatives from global markets.
outlook as improvements in technology hydrogen in its pure form – such as for
and manufacturing efficiency lower high temperature heat processes in
the price of both renewable power and industry or for use in road transport – the
electrolysers. gas is likely to be imported via pipelines

73 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

74 |

Carbon mitigation
and removals

Carbon capture, use and storage plays a central

role in enabling deep decarbonization pathways

Carbon dioxide removal is necessary to achieve the

Paris climate goals

75 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

76 | Carbon mitigation and removals

Carbon capture, use and storage plays a central role

in enabling deep decarbonization pathways
Carbon capture, use and
storage by emissions source Carbon capture, use and storage by region
Mt CO2 Mt CO2

7000 7000
New Industrial New Developed
Accelerated Net Zero process Accelerated Net Zero
Momentum emissions Momentum Other
6000 6000 emerging
5000 5000 China

4000 4000

3000 3000

2000 2000

1000 1000

0 0
2035 2050 2035 2050 2035 2050 2035 2050 2035 2050 2035 2050

Key points

Carbon capture, use and storage plays a The use of CCUS with bioenergy The vast majority of CCUS with coal
central role in supporting the transition to (BECCS) provides both a source of is used in regions with relatively new
a low-carbon energy system: capturing energy and a form of carbon dioxide coal-based assets in the power and steel
industrial process emissions, acting as removal (see pages 78-79). BECCS sectors, largely in emerging Asia, led by
a source of carbon dioxide removal, and accounts for around 10% of CCUS in China.
abating emissions from the use of fossil New Momentum and Accelerated in
fuels. 2050 and around 20% in Net Zero. In Accelerated and Net Zero, over 70%
of the global deployment of CCUS in
Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS) The remaining CCUS is utilized to abate 2050 is in emerging economies, led by
reaches between 4-6 GtCO2 by 2050 in emissions from the use of natural gas China and India. This requires a very rapid
Accelerated and Net Zero, compared with and coal. scale-up of CCUS in these countries
1 GtCO2 in New Momentum. The long relative to their historical levels of oil and
lead times associated with developing In Accelerated and Net Zero, the gas production, which can be used as
storage sites and their related transport deployment of CCUS with natural gas an indicator of the geological suitability
infrastructure means that most of this is spread broadly equally across the use and engineering capability to develop
capacity is completed in the second half of natural gas to produce blue hydrogen industrial scale CCUS facilities*.
of the Outlook. (see pages 72-73), to abate emissions
in the power sector and to capture
In all the scenarios, around 15% of the emissions from the combustion of gas in
CCUS operating in 2050 is used to industry. The greatest use of CCUS with
capture and store non-energy process natural gas occurs in the US, followed
emissions from cement production, by the Middle East, Russia, and China
which has limited decarbonization – which combined account for around
alternatives. two-thirds of CCUS deployed with natural
gas in 2050 in Accelerated and Net Zero.
*Lane et al. (2021): Uncertain storage
prospects create a conundrum for carbon
capture and storage ambitions
77 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
78 | Carbon mitigation and removals

Carbon dioxide removal is necessary

to achieve the Paris climate goals
Cumulative carbon dioxide removal Annual carbon dioxide removal
in IPCC scenarios: 2015-2050 in median IPCC 1.5°C scenario
Gt CO2 Gt CO2

140 0





20 NCS

0 -8
1.5°C 2°C 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Maximum and minimum of bars are
10 th and 90 th percentiles of IPCC scenarios

Key points

The IPCC, in its Sixth Assessment Report, Direct air carbon capture with storage Although few of the modelled pathways
stated that carbon dioxide removal (CDR) (DACCS) is a process of capturing CO2 included in the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment
is necessary to counteract hard-to-abate directly from ambient air and then storing Report embody a material role for
emissions and achieve the Paris climate it. DACCS has the advantage that it has DACCS, more recent analysis by the IEA
goals. This includes bioenergy combined the potential to be scaled materially, and the Energy Transitions Commission*
with CCUS, natural climate solutions, and located in the most advantaged regions, envisage a larger role for it.
direct air carbon capture with storage. and provide considerable certainty on
Synthetic fuel CO2 feedstock requirement
Bioenergy combined with CCUS permanence and additionality. However,
(BECCS) has the benefit that it generates the current costs of DACCS are high The production of some hydrogen-
useful energy as well as negative carbon relative to other forms of CDR, reflecting derived fuels - primarily synthetic jet fuel,
emissions. However, the extent to which both its relatively low technological but also synthetic diesel and methanol
it can be scaled is limited by the need to maturity and its inherent high energy (see pages 42-43) – require a carbon-
ensure the sustainability of the biomass requirements. neutral feedstock. This can be sourced
used and by the competition with other from either bioenergy with carbon
The uncertainties associated with
priority uses for that biomass. capture or direct air capture. Although
all forms of CDR means that the
the source is not explicitly modelled in
Natural climate solutions (NCS) conserve, IPCC scenarios included in the Sixth
the Outlook, the CO2 requirement for
restore or manage forests, wetlands, Assessment Report include a range of
hydrogen-derived fuels by 2050 is around
grasslands and agricultural lands to outcomes for the different types of CDR.
200 and 500 Mtpa for Accelerated and
increase carbon storage or avoid But all highlight the need for tens to
Net Zero, respectively.
greenhouse gas emissions. In doing so, hundreds of gigatons cumulatively out to
NCS can either reduce CO2 emissions or 2050.
remove CO2 already in the atmosphere. The median IPCC 1.5ºC scenario includes
NCS can have important co-benefits, a rapid scale-up of both NCS and BECCS,
such as promoting biodiversity, but reaching over 7 GtCO2 per annum by
can face challenges in ensuring and 2050. The pace at which these forms of
monitoring their effectiveness and CDR grow means they help to accelerate
*International Energy Agency, World Energy
permanence. the pace of decarbonization over coming Outlook 2022; Energy Transitions Commission,
decades, as well as offset hard-to-abate Mind the Gap: How Carbon Dioxide Removals
emissions in a net zero system. Must Complement Deep Decarbonization to
Keep 1.5°C Alive, March 2022
79 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
80 |

Investment and
critical minerals

Investment in wind and solar capacity increases

sharply and continues in oil and natural gas

The energy transition leads to a significant increase

in the demand for critical minerals

81 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

82 | Investment and critical minerals

Investment in wind and solar capacity increases sharply

and continues in oil and natural gas

Average annual investment in wind and solar

$2020 billion
600 Net Zero
400 New Momentum


2020-2021 2022-2030 2031-2050

Average annual investment in upstream oil and gas

$2020 billion




2020-2021 2022-2030 2031-2050

Key points

The energy transition requires substantial The central role that wind and solar three scenarios to meet future demand.
levels of investment across a wide range energy play in the production of low- This includes investment across a range
of energy value chains. The implied level carbon electricity requires a substantial of different types of supply (brownfield,
of investment in wind and solar capacity acceleration in the investment in new greenfield, and tight oil and natural
accelerates markedly from recent levels. capacity. In Accelerated and Net Zero, gas). The uncertainty surrounding the
Despite declining levels of demand, the average level of annual investment prospects for future oil and natural gas
continuing investment in upstream oil and over the rest of this decade is between demand means shorter-cycle and phased
natural gas is also required. 20-80% higher than recent levels. The production opportunities with greater
falling cost of wind and solar energy (see optionality become increasingly important
The investment estimates considered
pages 56-57) means that investment over time.
here refer to investments in wind and
expenditure in New Momentum out to
solar capacity and in upstream oil and gas The implied rates of investment in
2030 is lower than recent levels whilst
production. The assumptions underlying upstream oil and gas in the second half
maintaining a similar pace of increase
the implied investment requirements, of the outlook, especially in Accelerated
in new capacity deployed; investment
and the associated uncertainties, are and Net Zero, are lower than levels in the
spending scales up in the second half of
described in the Annex (see pages recent past and significantly less than the
the outlook as deployment accelerates.
120-121). required investment in wind and solar
In Accelerated and Net Zero, around capacity.
The energy pathways envisaged by the
70% of the investment in new wind and
three scenarios also require substantial The average annual investment in
solar capacity over the outlook occurs in
investment in other types of assets not upstream oil and natural gas over the rest
emerging economies. This underlines the
included in these estimates, such as of this decade in the three scenarios is
importance that renewable developers
electricity distribution and transmission between $325-$405 billion, compared
in these economies have good access to
networks, pipelines for transporting with $395 billion in the recent past*.
capital and finance.
low-carbon hydrogen and CO2, and new
facilities for producing bio- and hydrogen- Although the demand for oil and gas
based fuels. falls in all three scenarios, natural base
decline in existing production means that *Upstream oil and gas investment includes
capital expenditures on wells construction,
continuing investment in upstream oil facilities and exploration. It does not include
and natural gas assets is required in all operational expenditures.
83 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
84 | Investment and critical minerals

The energy transition leads to a significant increase

in the demand for critical minerals
Copper demand Lithium demand Nickel demand
kt kt, Lithium carbonate equivalent kt

70000 7000 10000

Net Zero Electrification
Net Zero of transport
Net Zero
60000 6000 Low
8000 Accelerated carbon
Accelerated power
50000 5000 Accelerated
New Base
New Momentum demand
Momentum 6000
40000 4000
30000 3000

20000 2000

10000 1000

0 0 0
2020 2040 2020 2040 2020 2040

Key points

The shift to a low-carbon energy system The growing requirements associated electric vehicles, which grows by a factor
requires a substantial increase in the with the energy transition, along with the of between 25 and 60 out to 2040 across
use of a range of minerals critical for the broader economic expansion envisaged the three scenarios. This use accounts
infrastructure and equipment supporting over the outlook, have important for 85-95% of the aggregate demand for
this transition. implications for a range of minerals critical lithium in 2040, compared with 30% in
for the transition. Below we look at just 2020.
The increasing demands for minerals
three: copper, lithium, and nickel.
and materials associated with the Nickel: Increasing demand for nickel is
energy transition come from across the Copper: The future growth of copper is also driven by its role in the electrification
low-carbon energy system, including dominated by its use in the construction of transport. Total nickel demand
the construction of wind and solar of new electricity networks for low- increases between 2.5-4 times out
facilities, batteries, hydrogen and CO2 carbon power, which increases between to 2040 across the three scenarios –
pipelines, and new storage facilities. Two four- and seven-fold out to 2040 in the 65-80% of that growth is due to the
particularly important sources of demand three scenarios. Total copper demand increasing use of lithium-ion batteries in
in this year’s Outlook stem from: grows between two and three times electric vehicles.
over this period: 65-85% of the growth is
Growth in low-carbon power requiring The scenarios assume that the supply
due to the increasing demand for copper
a substantial expansion in the grid and of critical minerals scales to meet these
to support the transmission of low-
distribution systems used to connect increasing demands. This requires a
carbon power and the electrification of
renewable assets and deliver electricity significant increase in investment and
transport. As a result, the use of copper
to its end use. resources within the critical minerals
within low-carbon energy activities and
mining sector, as well as an acceleration
Electrification of road transport leading electrification of transport accounts for
in planning and permitting lead times. The
to a global car parc of between 1-2 billion around a half of total copper demand
challenge associated with this scaling up
electric vehicles by 2050, implying an in 2040 in Accelerated and Net Zero
is compounded by the need to maintain
increased demand for annual battery compared with around 15% in 2020.
close scrutiny on the sustainability of new
capacity within road transport of between
Lithium: The growing demand for lithium and existing mining activity.
10-20 TWh.
over the outlook is driven by its use in
85 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
86 |

How energy is used

Energy demand by sector

The fuel mix across sectors
Carbon emissions by sector
Industry: energy demand
Industry: the fuel mix
Industry: fuels used as feedstocks
Buildings: energy demand by end-use
Buildings: developed vs emerging regions
Transport: road - light vehicles
Transport: road - medium and heavy vehicles
Transport: aviation
Transport: marine

87 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

88 | How energy is used – energy demand by sector

Energy demand peaks in all sectors

as energy efficiency gains accelerate
Final energy demand by sector Growth in energy usage and drivers in Net Zero
EJ % growth 2019-2050

600 -80% -40% 0% 40% 80% 120%

Buildings Accelerated Net Zero Momentum GDP
500 Industry
Feedstocks Total final consumption

400 Steel production

Energy use in steel

Passenger kilometres
Energy use in road transport

100 Buildings floor area

Energy use in buildings

2000 2010 2019 2030 2050 2030 2050 2030 2050

Key points

Global energy demand peaks before The main factor driving these differences In transport, road passenger
or by 2050 for all end-use sectors over in TFC is the pace of improvement in kilometres driven (Pkm) increase
the Outlook as energy efficiency gains energy efficiency. To illustrate this at the by 84% to 2050, led by rising
accelerate. This reflects increased energy aggregate level, TFC in Net Zero falls by prosperity, particularly in the emerging
conservation measures, increasing material 30% between 2019 and 2050 despite economies. Growth in total vehicle
recycling and the replacement of existing economic activity (GDP) more than kilometres is higher (113%), as
appliances, vehicles and process plants doubling. This implies average annual autonomous vehicles are projected
with more efficient technology. gains in energy efficiency (or annual to add vehicle kilometres from
reductions in energy intensity, the energy repositioning to provide mobility
Three key sectors make up energy required for one unit of GDP) of 3.4% per services. Energy demand in road
demand, as measured at the final point year, roughly double the pace over the transport over the same period shrinks
of use (total final consumption, or TFC) – past 20 years or so (1.8% per year). There by 10-30% across the scenarios as
transport, buildings and industry, which are several examples at the sector level internal combustion engine (ICE)
in its widest sense, includes fuel used as illustrating how this efficiency gain in Net cars and trucks are replaced by more
a feedstock. Energy use in industry and efficient ICE models and electric
Zero is achieved:
feedstocks together account for almost vehicles (EVs) (see pages 104–107).
half of end-use consumption today, Within industry, energy use in steel
with transport and buildings making up Total buildings floor area is projected
making declines by around 25% by to increase by more than 80% by
roughly equal shares of the rest. 2050 despite a 20% increase in steel 2050, but energy used across this
production. That is due to the gradual larger building stock falls by one third
Energy consumption in all sectors peaks replacement of energy intensive blast
by 2030 in Accelerated and Net Zero, relative to 2019. The fall is due to a
furnaces by more efficient plants range of different energy conservation
with TFC 15-30% below 2019 levels by (such as Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) measures including better insulation
2050. In contrast, TFC increases until units) and an increase in the recycling and improved appliance efficiency.
around 2040 in New Momentum, after of scrap, which can produce steel The largest drivers of energy
which it broadly plateaus with energy using a quarter of the energy used to efficiency gains are the displacement
consumption in 2050 around 10% above convert iron ore. of fossil fuel (mainly gas) boilers
2019 levels. with electric heat pumps, and the
89 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
substitution of inefficient traditional
biomass for cooking with other fuels.
90 | How energy is used – the fuel mix across sectors

Energy gradually electrifies, together with an increasing

role for hydrogen and bioenergy in hard-to-abate sectors
Final energy demand by sector and fuel in Accelerated

Industry Hydrogen*
Industry Modern
150 bioenergy
Buildings Heat
Transport Electricity
Transport Oil

Feedstocks Feedstocks

2019 2050
*Includes hydrogen-derived fuels

Key points

The share of electricity in TFC rises in all in pp62-63 of the Energy Outlook), with (LPG), natural gas, modern biomass and,
scenarios and in all sectors. growing shares of low-carbon hydrogen increasingly over the Outlook, electricity.
and modern bioenergy also helping to There is only a limited role for hydrogen in
The greatest overall scope for electrification decarbonize the energy mix. buildings.
is in buildings, while transport has the
largest increase in share, given current low The transport sector has the largest Industry also sees a rise in its share
levels (see page 62). increase in the share of electrification of electricity but this is more limited,
In some sub-sectors within transport and relative to its current low level, largely particularly for processes requiring high
industry (so-called hard-to-abate sectors) reflecting the electrification of road temperatures (>200°C). That leads to a
electrification is more difficult, leading to an transport (see pages 104–107). In the significant role for low-carbon hydrogen
important role for low-carbon hydrogen and harder-to-abate sectors within transport and bioenergy as a source of low-carbon
bioenergy in decarbonization. there is also a role for biofuels, low- heat, particularly in Accelerated and
carbon hydrogen – particularly in heavy Net Zero. Low-carbon hydrogen also
The fuel mix of the main end-use sectors road transport – and hydrogen-derived displaces the grey (natural-gas-derived)
varies substantially today. While transport fuels (such as methanol, ammonia and brown (coal-derived) hydrogen
and industrial feedstocks rely heavily and synthetic kerosene) in marine and produced today for use as a feedstock.
on oil, energy demand in other sectors aviation. By 2050, hydrogen accounts for between
is more diverse, with a mix of oil, gas, 5% and 15% of energy across industry
electricity, biomass (particularly traditional The greatest scope for electrification is and feedstocks.
biomass for buildings in some emerging in buildings where at least half of final
markets) and coal (particularly for use in energy demand is electrified in all three Due to the cost of shifting to other
heavy industry). scenarios, driven by strong growth in fuels in some hard-to-abate industrial
the demand for air-conditioning and, processes (such as iron and steel,
In all three scenarios there are common particularly in Accelerated and Net Zero, cement and petrochemicals) there is
trends in the changing fuel mix. Across the adoption of heat pumps. Rising still a sizeable role for natural gas and
all end-use sectors, the use of fossil prosperity in emerging economies coal in industry in 2050, some of which
fuels declines and the share of electricity also leads to a reduction in the use of is abated by carbon capture usage and
increases significantly (also discussed traditional biomass for cooking and storage (CCUS) – 20% in Accelerated and
heating, displaced by liquid petroleum gas over 60% in Net Zero.
91 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
92 | How energy is used – carbon emissions by sector

Carbon emissions driven lower by energy

efficiency gains and changes in the fuel mix
Drivers of changes in CO₂ emissions from
energy use in Net Zero (2019-2050) Total carbon emissions by sector in Net Zero
Gt of CO2 GtCO2e

80 24
Industry Buildings Transport Methane
and flaring
70 20 Process
60 Indirect*


10 0

0 -4
2019 Higher Lower energy Lower CCUS 2050 2019 2030 2050 2019 2030 2050 2019 2030 2050
GDP intensity carbon intensity
CO 2 from combustion, not including flaring, *Emissions from electricity, heat networks and hydrogen production
methane emissions or process emissions allocated based on consumption of these in each end-use sector

Key points

Energy efficiency gains and the shift in By sector, more than half of carbon Both direct and indirect emissions
the end-use fuel mix are key to reducing emissions today are associated with reductions then accelerate, leading
carbon emissions over the Outlook. The industry. That is due to it being the largest to close to a 30% drop in total carbon
decarbonization of electricity used is sector in terms of energy consumption, emissions by 2050 in New Momentum.
also important and is the main driver for and other factors including its relatively
reductions in the first part of the outlook. heavy use of coal (which has a higher In Accelerated and Net Zero, nearly all
carbon intensity than oil or gas), process indirect emissions have been eliminated
Both energy efficiency and the changing CO2 emissions that come from cement in all three sectors by 2050 as the
fuel mix are key to the reduction in carbon production, and methane emissions power sector and other secondary
emissions over the Outlook. For example, and flaring associated with oil and gas forms of energy such as hydrogen and
in Net Zero, improvements in energy production. commercial heat are nearly carbon-free.
efficiency, measured by the reduction The remaining direct emissions are
in energy intensity almost offsets the Emissions associated with buildings concentrated in the hard-to-abate sub-
impact from rising GDP, which more than and transport today are roughly equal, sectors within industry and transport,
doubles over the Outlook. Improvements although more than half of buildings such as cement, iron and steel, marine
in carbon intensity are delivered through emissions are ‘indirect’, stemming from and aviation.
decarbonizing the power sector and the fossil fuels used to produce the
switching to lower carbon fuels which electricity used in buildings.
together bring a similar reduction in
emissions, with CCUS helping to Much of the reduction in carbon
approach net zero emissions in 2050. emissions by 2030 is due to the
decarbonization of the power sector (see
pages 64-65), which reduces indirect
emissions in industry and buildings in
particular. Electrification of demand
amplifies this effect as well as also
reducing direct emissions as fossil fuel
93 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
use is reduced.
94 | How energy is used – industry: energy demand

Energy demand in industry peaks despite continued

growth in India and other emerging Asian economies
Industry1 final energy demand by region Industry1 final energy demand by sector
New New
Accelerated Net Zero Momentum Accelerated Net Zero Momentum
250 80 Other
Other industry
Emerging Energy
200 Asia sector
60 (own use)
Iron & steel
China Other heavy
150 industry²



0 0
2000 2019 2030 2050 2030 2050 2030 2050 2000 2019 2030 2050 2030 2050 2030 2050
Includes feedstocks
Non-ferrous metals and non-metallic minerals

Key points

Energy demand in industry falls over the services-orientated and production shifts These sub-sectors, combined with
second half of the Outlook as China’s to less developed economies. India non-ferrous metals and non-metallic
energy demand declines, outweighing and other emerging Asian economies minerals (such as cement), make up what
growth in India and other emerging Asian become the main regions of industrial we refer to as heavy industry, which is
countries. The decline in demand is growth, with their combined share characterised by large process plants
particularly pronounced in the energy and of energy rising from 13% in 2019 that require high-temperature heat. The
chemicals sub-sectors in Accelerated and to 18-26% by 2050. Nevertheless, remaining industrial sectors, defined here
Net Zero due to increasing societal and improvements in industrial efficiency as ‘Other industry’, are a collection of
political pressure on the use of oil products (see pages 88-89), causes global mainly manufacturing processes, such as
and plastics. energy demand in industry to peak in all food, paper and textiles.
scenarios and to decline in the second
Over the past 20 years or so China has half of the outlook. Energy demand falls post-2030 in most
seen rapid growth in industrial output and sub-sectors across the three scenarios,
its associated energy use. China is now Industrial energy use in developed driven both by process energy efficiency
the largest producer of steel, cement, economies peaked in 2000 and continues and material efficiency, which includes
and most key petrochemicals, and its to decline over the Outlook, driven both increased recycling and measures to
energy use in industry made up 30% by energy efficiency gains and declining reduce materials demand. These falls are
of global industrial energy demand in output in energy intensive industries. particularly pronounced for the energy
2019, almost as much as in all developed and chemicals sectors in Accelerated and
economies combined. China has Industry comprises hundreds of Net Zero due to increasing societal and
accounted for around 60% of the growth distinct processes for producing goods political pressures to reduce the use of oil
in energy use in industry since 2000. and materials. The largest individual products and plastics.
contributors to energy demand are
However, China’s industrial energy iron and steel, chemicals (including The exceptions to these declines in
demand peaks around 2030 in all petrochemicals) and the energy industry energy demand are chemicals and other
scenarios and declines significantly by itself, due to the energy use and losses industry in New Momentum, where
2050 as its economy becomes more associated with fuel production. efficiency measures are outpaced
by continued growth in demand for
consumer goods as incomes increase.
95 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
96 | How energy is used – industry: the fuel mix

Industry electrifies, with hydrogen

and CCUS helping to decarbonize heavy industry
Mix of fuels in final energy demand by scenario
Heavy industry* Other industry
% share % share
New New
Momentum Accelerated Net Zero Momentum Accelerated Net Zero
100 100
with CCUS
80 80 Bioenergy
60 60
Natural gas
with CCUS
40 40 Natural gas
with CCUS
20 20 Coal

0 0
2019 2050 2019 2050
*Iron & steel, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic minerals,
chemicals (excluding feedstocks), and energy own use & losses

Key points

As with other sectors, industry gradually Other industry consumption is currently Iron and steel accounts for the largest
electrifies but at a slower rate due to the dominated by electricity for motors, use of low-carbon hydrogen in industry
difficulty of electrifying high-temperature mechanical processes and low- (not including feedstocks) where it is
heat in heavy industry. To decarbonize, temperature heat, natural gas for use in used both as an energy source and
heavy industry increases its share of low- boilers and – where available – biomass as a reducing agent in the process of
carbon hydrogen and bioenergy, and abates (particularly in the food and paper reducing iron ore to iron. This is clearest
remaining fossil fuel use with CCUS. Other industries). in New Momentum, where more than
industry shifts mainly towards electricity 75% of industrial hydrogen demand is
and bioenergy. Within heavy industry, in all scenarios the in the iron & steel sector. In Accelerated
share of electricity increases while the and Net Zero, the share is around 40%,
Heavy industry is a grouping of energy shares of coal and oil decline. The share with the other 60% used to provide
intensive processes such as the of natural gas remains roughly constant high-temperature heat in other sectors,
production of steel and other metals, in New Momentum and Accelerated, for example in petrochemicals, glass,
non-metallic minerals such as cement, but declines in Net Zero, with most of ceramics and cement.
petrochemicals, and oil and gas. These the remaining consumption abated with
processes all require high-temperature CCUS. In Accelerated and Net Zero In other industry there is greater scope
heat (more than 200°C) which is difficult there is significant growth in the use of for electrification than in heavy industry,
to electrify. Today they mainly use fossil low-carbon hydrogen and bioenergy, with technologies such as industrial-scale
fuels – particularly coal for cement and given the limitations in electrifying high- heat pumps capable of producing the
iron and steel (where the coal also acts as temperature processes. lower temperature heat required. In Net
a reducing agent) and natural gas, which Zero, the energy mix for other industry
is used mainly in petrochemicals and the is dominated by electricity (~60% share)
oil and gas industry. by 2050, with bioenergy most of the
remainder (~30%).

97 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

98 | How energy is used – industry: fuels used as feedstocks

Demand for feedstock grows over the medium term

but peaks as pressure on the use of plastics increases
Use of feedstocks by fuel and scenario

Accelerated Net Zero New Momentum
Bio-based feedstocks

40 Hydrogen (low carbon)

Hydrogen (grey and brown)
Oil (other feedstocks)
30 Oil (petchem feedstocks)



2000 2010 2019 2030 2050 2030 2050 2030 2050

Key points

Consumption of fuels used as feedstock Demand for feedstock has grown sustainable basis, and other sectors such
grows until the mid-2040s in New strongly since 2000 (2.3% per year from as aviation take the bulk of the available
Momentum. This is driven by demand 2000-2019) and continues to grow until supplies in all three scenarios.
for plastics and hydrogen used in refining the mid-2040s in New Momentum.
and the production of fertiliser and In Accelerated and Net Zero demand Demand for feedstock hydrogen varies
petrochemicals. In Accelerated and Net declines post-2030, driven by falling across scenarios. In New Momentum,
Zero, demand declines post-2030 due to demand for virgin plastics due to demand increases by 35% between
actions to limit the use of plastics. measures that limit the use of single-use 2019 and 2050, driven by growth in
plastics and incentivise higher recycling fertiliser use and methanol demand for
Fuel use as a feedstock today can be rates. traditional uses. Demand from refining
broadly split into three categories: declines slightly as refinery output falls.
There is some displacement of oil by
oil-based petrochemicals, bio-based feedstocks in the second half In Net Zero, hydrogen demand in refining
predominately for plastics, which of the Outlook – particularly in ethanol- declines significantly, as does the use
make up the largest share (55% in producing regions, such as the US and of methanol in road fuels. However,
energy terms). Brazil – and by low-carbon hydrogen. this is more or less offset by new
Low-carbon hydrogen can be used to uses of hydrogen to displace oil-based
oil used to make other materials like produce e-naphtha, a direct replacement petrochemicals, such that demand in
bitumen, lubricants and solvents. for oil-based petrochemical feedstock, 2050 is close to 2019 levels.
and e-methanol, which can be used as
grey (gas-based) and brown (coal- Grey and brown feedstock hydrogen
the building block for plastics via the
based) hydrogen used in oil refining, is gradually replaced by low-carbon
methanol-to-olefins process.
the production of ammonia for hydrogen, but at very different speeds
fertilizer and petrochemicals, and the There could be potential for more across scenarios. Around 5-25% of
production of methanol (used mainly bioenergy to be used as a substitute feedstock hydrogen is decarbonized
for petrochemicals, but also in road for oil-based petrochemical feedstocks, by 2030, and between 35% and nearly
fuels). but there are limits to the amount of 100% by 2050.
bioenergy that can be supplied on a
99 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
100 | How energy is used – buildings: energy demand by end-use

Energy demand in buildings is dominated

by heating and cooking requirements.
Energy demand by service
Energy demand by service and fuel (2019)* in key countries and regions (2019)
EJ % share

0 10 20 30 40 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Space Space
heating Russia
Water European heating
heating Union
United Appliances
Electricity States & lighting
Gas Space
Appliances China cooling
Lighting Oil Brazil
cooling Traditional India
Other Modern Saudi
bioenergy Arabia

*Excludes solar thermal

Key points

Heating accounts for around 50% of Total energy demand for cooking is Within the warmer regions there are
the energy used in buildings today, with currently dominated by the use of also differences due to income, with
natural gas the most commonly used fuel. traditional biomass in developing low-income countries such as India using
Cooking accounts for 25% of the energy economies (62%), due to the inefficiency the majority of their energy in buildings
used, dominated by the inefficient use of of its use in traditional stoves (which for cooking (due to their reliance on
traditional biomass in emerging economies. are roughly five times less efficient that inefficient traditional biomass) while
natural gas stoves, for example). Oil, higher-income countries, such as Saudi
The largest requirement for energy in usually in the form of LPG or kerosene, Arabia, use most energy for space
residential and commercial buildings and natural gas are also commonly used cooling.
globally is for space and water heating, fuels.
which combined make up almost 50% of At a global level, space cooling makes up
the energy used in buildings. Energy for The services required in buildings vary only 6% of energy demand in buildings.
cooking makes up another 25%, with the significantly by region due to differences This is because of low ownership of
rest largely electricity used for appliances, in weather. For example, in Russia air-conditioners in many of the world’s
lighting and space cooling. and the EU, around 60% of energy in warmest regions due to low incomes.
buildings is required for space heating, As incomes increase over the Outlook in
Natural gas is the most widely used fuel while in warmer climates there is little or these regions, the number of households
for space and water heating, making no space-heating demand. with space cooling rises rapidly, adding to
up 44% of the mix in 2019, around the growth in electricity demand.
four times more than other alternatives
– electricity, oil, district heating and
traditional biomass all have shares of
roughly 10%.

101 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

102 | How energy is used – buildings: developed vs emerging regions

Buildings energy use electrifies

while efficiency improves in all regions
Consumption by fuel in Accelerated Changes in consumption by fuel (2019-2050)

80 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40

Developed economies Emerging economies Tradiitional
biomass Developed economies
bioenergy Accelerated
60 Heat
Hydrogen Net Zero
Natural Momentum
40 gas
Oil Emerging economies
Net Zero

2019 2030 2040 2050 2019 2030 2040 2050
Residential and commercial buildings only

Key points

Growth in energy demand in buildings pumps, although the share of heat from LPG, natural gas, modern bioenergy or
slows as space heating and cooking district heat networks and modern electricity displacing between 4J and 8J
appliances become more efficient and bioenergy (biomethane and biomass of traditional biomass.
energy conservation increases. The share such as wood pellets) also rises in all
of electricity in the energy mix rises as scenarios. There is only a limited role for This effect masks the strong growth
fossil fuel boilers are replaced by heat hydrogen. in modern energy demand across all
pumps, and rising incomes in the emerging scenarios as rising incomes boost growth
economies leads to increased use of Due to the efficient nature of heat in electricity for appliances, lighting and
air-conditioning and the phasing out of pumps, with roughly one unit of air-conditioning. Emerging economies’
traditional biomass. electricity displacing three units of gas, as energy demand excluding traditional
the share of electricity in the energy mix biomass grows 15-65% between 2019
Energy use in buildings in developed rises, total energy demand for heating and 2050 (~15% for Net Zero and 65% in
economies declines in all scenarios due falls. These declines are amplified by New Momentum).
to increasing energy efficiency. This is additional energy conservation measures,
largely due to a range of different energy resulting in no absolute increase There is a transitional role for LPG and
conservation measures (insulation, smart in electricity demand in developed natural gas as an alternative to traditional
meters, resident behaviours) and more economies in all three scenarios despite biomass over the next few years, with
efficient appliances (including heating the large increase in electricity’s share. gas demand in the emerging economies
and cooling systems). The increased use The largest decline in energy terms peaking around 2030 in Accelerated.
of solar thermal and waste heat via heat is for natural gas demand, which falls But as climate pressures rise later in the
networks also reduces the requirement substantially in all scenarios by 2050. Outlook, the remaining fossil fuels are
for other energy sources but was not gradually substituted with electricity,
modelled explicitly in our scenarios. In emerging economies, energy demand modern bioenergy, solar thermal
in buildings peaks between 2025 and and district heating as in developed
The fuel mix in developed regions 2035 in Accelerated and Net Zero driven economies.
gradually electrifies, driven largely by by the phasing out of inefficient traditional
the displacement of gas boilers by heat biomass, with roughly one joule (J) of
103 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
104 | How energy is used – transport: road - light vehicles

As activity grows, electricity increasingly replaces

oil products as the main energy carrier for light vehicles
Light vehicle parc Light vehicle kilometres:
in Accelerated Electricity vs hydrocarbon fuels Light vehicle energy share
Billions % share % share

2.5 100% 100%
2.0 80% Natural
NZ gas
Acc Biofuels
NM Oil
1.5 60% 60% products
1.0 40% 40%

0.5 20% 20%

0.0 0% 0%
2019 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 2019 2035 2050
*Scenario abbreviations: NM (New Momentum), Acc (Accelerated), NZ (Net Zero)

Key points

In all three scenarios, two important both regulation and the diffusion of materials is sufficient to enable the rapid
trends are underway for light-duty road improved technology. The retirement growth in the EV parc.
transportation. First, increasing prosperity of older, inefficient vehicles and the
brings increased levels of vehicle addition of new vehicles with improved The shift in composition of the vehicle
ownership, with a larger parc of vehicles internal combustion engines enhance the parc leads to falling demand for
driving more kilometres. Second, regulation efficiency of the ICE parc. Electrification, hydrocarbon fuels in light duty vehicles.
and technological advances spur a shift where new vehicles with electric That trend accelerates as policies to limit
from oil products to electricity as the powertrains replace ICE vehicles, brings sales of new ICE vehicles increasingly
main energy carrier for light vehicles. As substantial additional efficiency gains as bite over the second half of the Outlook.
electrified vehicles are significantly more electric motors do not produce the waste
efficient, overall energy used in light-duty heat of ICE engines. Light duty parc electrification, along
road transportation does not grow and by with a decarbonization of the power
2030 starts to decline. The pace of the The larger vehicle parc supports growth sector, is critical to achieving broader
decline, which is most pronounced in the in total vehicle kilometres driven (Vkm). decarbonization. The energy mix that
demand for hydrocarbon fuels, differs The electrification of the parc leads to results sees the share of oil products fall
across the scenarios. rapid growth in electric kilometres, and a from >90% in 2019 to between 20 and
corresponding decline in the kilometres 60% in 2050 in the three scenarios. In
The global light duty vehicle parc driven by ICE vehicles. contrast, the electricity share rises from
continues to expand in all three scenarios. <1% to between 30 and 70%.
Most of the growth is seen in emerging This change is prompted initially by policy
economies. In developed economies, and regulation but is sustained by the Biofuels, blended with refined products,
parc growth is much more limited. By increasing cost competitiveness of EVs. currently make up around 4% of the
2050, the light duty parc reaches 2.5 The cost reductions in EVs are enabled light duty energy mix, and that share
billion vehicles in all three scenarios, an by continuing falls in the cost of batteries increases a little in the near term as blend
increase of over 60% compared to 2019. and the scale up in the manufacturing of rates trend upwards toward engine and
electric variants and their components. infrastructure limits. However, over time,
As the parc grows and its composition biofuel content also falls in line with oil
turns over it becomes more efficient. All three scenarios assume that product demand as electrification wins
These efficiency gains are driven by investment in charging infrastructure and out.
supply of critical minerals and other raw
105 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
106 | How energy is used – transport: road - medium and heavy vehicles

The decarbonization of heavier vehicles leads to a more diverse

range of alternative fuels, with electricity taking the biggest share
Medium and heavy vehicle Medium and heavy vehicle kilometres:
parc in Accelerated Electricity vs hydrogen Medium and heavy vehicle energy share
Millions % share % share

150 70% 100%
Emerging HDT NZ Hydrogen-
Emerging MDT Acc fuels
Developed HDT NM Hydrogen
120 80%
Developed MDT
Electricity Electricity
Hydrogen Natural
90 60%
40% Biofuels
30% products
60 40%


30 20%

0 0% 0%
2019 2030 2040 2050 2020 2030 2040 2050 2019 2035 2050
*Vehicle abbreviations: HDT (heavy duty truck), MDT (medium duty truck)

Key points

There are significant parallels with light Today around 95% of medium- and Across our scenarios, electricity achieves
duty in the prospects for medium- and heavy-duty trucks are fuelled by somewhat stronger take-up across
heavy-duty vehicles. The growth of the diesel, with only a small minority using the main trucking categories, although
global economy requires more vehicles alternatives such as compressed or hydrogen also achieves substantial
to transport goods, with almost all of the liquified natural gas. Across the three penetration, particularly in long-distance
parc expansion taking place in emerging scenarios, the mix of powertrains use cases.
economies. As regulation requires becomes more diverse, with diesel being
decarbonization, liquid fuels are replaced replaced by a mix of electricity, hydrogen, Medium- and heavy-duty trucks and
largely by electricity, supported by and natural gas (including biomethane). buses are high consumers of oil products
hydrogen. Natural gas including biomethane today. As the parc shifts towards low
also plays a role. The main alternatives to diesel are carbon solutions, the impact on oil
electricity and hydrogen. The choice product demand increases.
The global parc of medium- and heavy- between electricity and hydrogen is
duty vehicles expands from around 75 finely balanced and depends on use The oil product share of total energy
million to over 125 million in all three case. The use of electricity requires demand declines from over 90% in
scenarios by 2050. That growth is driven vehicles with large, expensive batteries 2019 to 70-75% by 2035 in Accelerated
by growing prosperity and expanding and time-consuming high-powered and Net Zero, causing oil used in
output, focused particularly in emerging charging to refuel. In contrast, hydrogen trucking to fall by 2 Mb/d. Electricity
economies. While the parc has many trucks offer faster refuelling and greater reaches 40-50% of the energy mix in
more medium-duty trucks (<16 metric range flexibility, but also require costly these two scenarios by 2050, while
tonnes gross vehicle weight (MT GVW), fuel cell stacks and gaseous storage. The the hydrogen share is between 20
65% of parc), the energy consumption choice between fuels also depends on and 30%. In contrast, electricity and
of heavy-duty trucks (>16 MT GVW) is the relative delivered prices of electricity hydrogen develop more slowly in New
around 40% greater on a MJ per km and low-carbon hydrogen. In both cases, Momentum, reaching around 25% and
basis. achieving strong adoption requires 15% respectively.
material vehicle cost reductions, as well
as the development of charging and
refuelling networks.
107 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
108 | How energy is used – transport: aviation

Aviation energy is gradually decarbonized as new supply chains

increase the availability of sustainable liquid jet fuels
Passenger kilometres in Accelerated Aviation energy share
Trillions % share
COVID-19 Return to trend growth NM Acc NZ NM Acc NZ
12 100% Sustainable
Emerging jet fuel
9 80%
Developed Fossil jet fuel
3 20%
0 0%
2019 2020 2021 2022 2030 2040 2050 2019 2035 2050

Sustainable aviation fuel: bio-derived Sustainable aviation fuel: hydrogen-derived

Mbd % penetration Mbd % penetration
5 50%
% Net Zero % Net Zero
4 % Accelerated % Accelerated 40%
% New Momentum % New Momentum
3 Net Zero Net Zero
2 Accelerated Accelerated 20%
New Momentum New Momentum
1 10%
0 0%
2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2019 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050

Key points

Aviation demand recovers strongly from Global passenger kilometres increase 15 and 30 world-scale facilities coming
COVID-19 disruption and grows significantly 70-115% between 2019 and 2050 in online every year between the 2030s and
to 2050 across all three scenarios. The the scenarios, with lower demand in mid-2040s.
incumbent fleet and long-haul range Accelerated and Net Zero reflecting
requirements mean that liquid fuels higher fuel prices and consumer choices The early penetration of SAF is led by
continue to dominate over the Outlook, to avoid flying. bio-based fuels, initially derived from
with the decarbonization of aviation driven HEFA (hydroprocessed esters and fatty
by the increasing penetration of sustainable The combination of the slow turnover acid) from sustainable vegetable oil-
liquid jet fuel (SAF), in the form of both bio- of the current liquid-fuel based fleet and based feedstocks and subsequently from
based and fully synthetic SAF. the range requirements for longer haul Fischer–Tropsch (FT)-based conversion
flights mean that electric and hydrogen- of municipal solid waste and other non-
Aviation was the most impacted based solutions play a limited role in the food biomass, as well as alcohol-to-jet
transportation sector during the decarbonization of the aviation sector. technology. Across the three scenarios,
COVID-19 pandemic, with demand for this accounts for 5-20% of total jet fuel in
aviation fuels falling by 50% relative to Instead, the decarbonization of aviation 2035, and 10-40% by 2050.
pre-pandemic levels. is driven by the increasing role of SAF. In
New Momentum, SAF reaches around Hydrogen-derived solutions to create
As COVID-19 restrictions were relaxed, 5% of the jet pool by 2035, based largely synthetic jet fuel form a growing part
domestic aviation demand recovered on bio-based SAF. In Accelerated and of the aviation energy mix over time,
fastest. International demand has now Net Zero, the combination of bio- and especially in Net Zero scenario, as second
followed in many parts of the world, hydrogen-based SAF reach between generation biojet encounters limits in
although in 2023, Asia Pacific recovery is 10% and 20%. By 2050, in Accelerated its ability to scale, and improvements in
still lagging. and Net Zero, penetration grows to technology and increasing production
between 40 and 70%. capacity cause the relative cost of
Looking out to 2050, demand grows synthetic jet fuel to fall. In Accelerated
significantly in all three scenarios, with The increasing role played by SAF is and Net Zero hydrogen-derived synthetic
growth fastest in emerging economies. underpinned by a significant increase fuels are 1-2% of total jet fuel in 2035 but
in production capacity, with between reach 10-30% in 2050.
109 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
110 | How energy is used – transport: marine

The carbon intensity of the marine sector is gradually reduced,

led by the increasing use of hydrogen-derived fuels
Cost of future marine fuels Marine energy share
$/GJ % share

80 100%
Blue ammonia Hydrogen-
derived fuels
70 Green ammonia Natural gas
Synthetic methanol 80% Biofuels
60 Bio-methanol Oil products
Residual fuel oil*




0 0%
2030 2040 2050 2030 2040 2050 2030 2040 2050 2030 2040 2050 2019 2035 2050
*Historic range 2015-22

Key points

Seaborne trade grows in all three scenarios, Both hydrogen-derived fuels and biofuels Further ahead, hydrogen-derived fuels
with economical shipping of goods and form significant parts of the marine and biofuels take an increasingly large
raw materials a critical element of the energy mix in Accelerated and Net Zero share of the marine energy mix in
continued growth of the global economy. by 2050. Amongst hydrogen-based fuels, Accelerated and Net Zero. The transition
Decarbonization of the marine sector ammonia looks set to be the lowest cost to these fuels accelerates as increasing
requires the gradual transition of the fleet solution at scale, although it presents amounts of the existing fleet are turned
to new fuels, led by hydrogen-based fuels handling challenges that need to be over, allowing alternative fuels to be
(ammonia and methanol), supported by tested and determined to be safe for adopted. By 2050, in Accelerated and Net
growing roles for biofuels and natural gas. widespread use. In addition, ammonia- Zero, the penetration of hydrogen-derived
based marine engine technology is still in fuels reaches 30-55% and biofuels 10-
The current marine fleet relies almost
development although likely to come to 20%, as oil products decline to between
entirely on oil products, with alternative,
market in the near future. Methanol also 40 and 10%.
low-carbon energy sources currently
has operational challenges, caused by its
significantly more expensive. The cost of The growth of these alternative fuels in
low flashpoint (although dual-fuel engines
fuels is critical. For large ships, the cost Accelerated and Net Zero is supported
that can use it are available today) and its
of fuel over their lifetime can be many by significant development of bunkering
likely higher cost of supply at the scale
multiples of the initial build cost. facilities, including fuel storage, and
refuelling barges, as well as growth in
The initial decline in oil product fuels manufacturing capacity needed to supply
is largely offset by growth in liquefied the required fuels.
natural gas (LNG) with the potential to
increasingly swap fossil- for bio-methane.
This reflects that in recent years,
LNG has been the strongest growing
alternative to incumbent oil products
and in the short term, continues to offer
reduced emissions versus fuel oil or gas
111 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition oil.
112 |


Data tables

Modelling the impact of the Russia-Ukraine

war on the global energy system

The economic impact of climate change

Investment methodology

Carbon emissions definitions and sources

Other data definitions and sources


113 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

114 | Annex

Data tables
Level in 2050* Change 2019-2050 (p.a.) Share of primary energy in 2050
2019 Acc Net Zero NM Acc Net Zero NM Acc Net Zero NM
Primary energy by fuel
Total 627 666 630 733 0.2% 0.0% 0.5% 100% 100% 100%
Oil 193 78 39 140 -2.9% -5.0% -1.0% 12% 6% 19%
Natural gas 140 87 60 166 -1.5% -2.7% 0.5% 13% 9% 23%
Coal 158 23 17 96 -6.0% -7.0% -1.6% 4% 3% 13%
Nuclear 25 40 47 28 1.5% 2.1% 0.4% 6% 7% 4%
Hydro 38 61 65 48 1.6% 1.8% 0.8% 9% 10% 7%
Renewables (incl. bioenergy) 74 377 403 256 5.4% 5.6% 4.1% 57% 64% 35%

Native units
Oil (Mb/d) 98 42 21 73
Natural gas (Bcm) 3900 2422 1658 4616

Primary energy by region

Developed 234 171 162 199 -1.0% -1.2% -0.5% 26% 26% 27%
US 97 76 74 89 -0.8% -0.9% -0.3% 11% 12% 12%
EU 65 45 42 51 -1.2% -1.4% -0.8% 7% 7% 7%

Emerging 393 495 468 534 0.8% 0.6% 1.0% 74% 74% 73%
China 147 149 138 160 0.0% -0.2% 0.3% 22% 22% 22%
India 42 88 88 94 2.5% 2.4% 2.6% 13% 14% 13%
Middle East 37 47 45 48 0.7% 0.6% 0.8% 7% 7% 7%
Russia 30 30 26 32 -0.1% -0.4% 0.1% 4% 4% 4%
Brazil 16 17 15 18 0.2% -0.1% 0.5% 2% 2% 3%

Share of total final

Level in 2050* Change 2019-2050 (p.a.)
consumption in 2050
2019 Acc Net Zero NM Acc Net Zero NM Acc Net Zero NM
Total final consumption
by sector
Total 477 398 335 513 -0.6% -1.1% 0.2% 100% 100% 100%
Transport 119 100 90 114 -0.6% -0.9% -0.1% 25% 27% 22%
Industry 188 153 128 203 -0.7% -1.3% 0.2% 38% 38% 40%
Feedstocks 38 36 27 45 -0.2% -1.0% 0.6% 9% 8% 9%
Buildings 132 110 90 151 -0.6% -1.2% 0.4% 28% 27% 29%

Generation by carrier
Electricity ('000 TWh) 27 57 61 50 2.4% 2.7% 2.0% 52% 66% 35%
Hydrogen (Mt) 66 301 460 165 5.0% 6.4% 3.0% 9% 17% 4%

Oil (Mb/d) 98 42 21 73 -2.7% -4.8% -0.9%
Natural gas (Bcm) 3976 2422 1658 4616 -1.6% -2.8% 0.5%
Coal (EJ) 168 27 15 92 -5.7% -7.4% -1.9%

Net emissions from energy and
39.8 9.1 2.0 28.7 -4.7% -9.1% -1.1%
industry (Gt of CO2e)
Carbon capture use & storage
0.0 4.1 6.1 1.1 56% 58% 49%

GDP (trillion US$ PPP) 128 266 266 266 2.4% 2.4% 2.4%
Energy intensity (MJ of
3.7 1.5 1.3 1.9 -2.9% -3.5% -2.1%
TFC per US$ of GDP)
*Exajoules (EJ) unless otherwise stated

115 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

116 | Annex

Modelling the impact of the Russia-Ukraine

war on the global energy system
The impact of the Russia-Ukraine war assumed to have a persistent negative Reduced pace of globalization
was modelled by capturing three types impact on GDP.
The war in Ukraine is assumed to reduce
of economic shock associated with
Heightened energy security concerns the pace of globalization, as countries
the war: near-term commodity price
and regions heighten their focus on
(stagflation) shock, heightened energy The Russia-Ukraine war is assumed
domestic resilience and reduce their
security concerns, and a reduced pace to cause governments to implement
exposure to international shocks. The
of globalization. policies to reduce their dependency on
lower profile for international trade and
imported energy. The shock is modelled
Commodity price shock openness has a small but negative
by adding a c.30% ‘security’ premium
impact on global economic growth.
This shock is modelled as a sharp but to the price of the energy imported into
Although the effect is small on a yearly
transitory increase in fossil fuel prices, each region or country. This premium
basis – reducing average annual growth
combined with significantly lower global is increased to roughly 60% for energy
by around 0.1 percentage point – the
GDP. Real interest rates are also higher imported by the EU given its particular
impact on the level of GDP compounds
as central banks tighten monetary policy exposure to war-related disruption
over time, reducing the level of global
to control inflation, which increase and the need to reduce imports from
GDP by around 4% in 2050.
the levelized costs of different energy Russia rapidly. The security premium
sources, affecting the relative prices imposed on imported energy increases
of alternative technologies. The shock the competitiveness of domestically
dissipates by 2030, by which time prices produced energy, including renewables,
and, in almost all cases, GDP levels have nuclear and hydro power.
returned to their long-term trend. The
exception to this is the level of GDP in
Russia and Ukraine, where the war is

The impact from this reduced pace Although these three shocks are Sources:
of globalization is assumed to have assumed to take effect immediately,
World Bank (2017) ‘The Global Costs of
different effects in different countries their peak effects occur over different
Protectionism’. Policy Research working
and regions: with those economies time frames. In the short term (up until
paper, no. WP 8277.
whose future economic growth is around 2025), the commodity price
particularly dependent on international shock is the most impactful. In the Alcala, F. and Ciccone, A. (2004) ‘Trade
trade and on the sharing of ideas and medium term (around 2030-2035), the and Productivity’. The Quarterly Journal
productivity the most heavily impacted. impact from heightened energy security of Economics, 119 (2), pp. 613-646.
For example, the shock has a much concerns has the largest impact on the
larger impact on emerging Asian energy system. In the longer term, the
economies than on the United States. lower level of global activity caused
The methodology used to calibrate the by reduced pace of globalization is
deglobalization shock is based on the preeminent.
trade growth literature, including studies
by the World Bank (2017) and Alcala and
Ciccone (2004).

117 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

118 | Annex

The economic impact of climate change

The GDP profiles used in the Energy income growth is increasingly adversely The mitigation costs of actions to
Outlook come from Oxford Economics affected by higher temperatures. decarbonize the energy system are also
(OE). These long-term forecasts uncertain, with significant variations
The OE emissions forecasts are broadly
incorporate estimates of the economic across different external estimates.
in line with the IEA STEPS scenario and
impact of climate change. These Most estimates, however, suggest
assume average global temperatures
estimates draw on the latest research that the upfront costs increase with
will reach 2°C above pre-industrial levels
in the scientific literature and follow the stringency of the mitigation effort,
by 2050. The results suggest that in
a similar methodology to that used suggesting that they are likely to be
2050 global GDP is around 2% lower
in Energy Outlook 2020 and Energy bigger in Accelerated and Net Zero than
than in a counterfactual scenario where
Outlook 2022. in New Momentum. Estimates published
the temperature change remained at the
by the IPCC (AR5 – Chapter 6) suggest
OE updated and extended the current level. The regional impacts are
that for scenarios consistent with
estimation approach developed by distributed according to the evolution
keeping global temperature increases
Burke, Hsiang and Miguel (2015), which of their temperatures relative to the
to well below 2°C, median estimates of
suggests a non-linear relationship concave function estimated by OE.
mitigation costs range between 2-6% of
between productivity and temperature, While OE’s approach captures channels
global consumption by 2050.
in which per capita income growth rises associated with average temperatures,
to an average (population weighted) these estimates remain uncertain and
temperature of just under 15°C ((Burke incomplete; they do not, for example,
et al.’s initial assessment was 13°C). This explicitly include impact from migration
temperature curve suggests that ‘cold or extensive coastal flooding.
country’ income growth increases with
annual temperatures. However, at annual
temperatures above 15°C, per capita

Given the huge range of uncertainty Sources:

surrounding estimates of the economic
Burke, M., Hsiang, S. & Miguel, E.
impact of both climate changes and
Global non-linear effect of temperature
mitigation, and the fact that all three of
on economic production. Nature 527,
the main scenarios include both types
235–239 (2015) https://www.nature.
of costs to a greater or lesser extent,
the GDP profiles used in the Outlook
are based on the illustrative assumption The global aggregate mitigation cost
that these effects reduce GDP in 2050 estimates in terms of GDP losses are
by around 2% in all three scenarios, taken from IPCC AR5 – Chapter 6:
relative to the counterfactual in which
temperatures are held constant at recent uploads/2018/02/ipcc_wg3_ar5_
average levels. chapter6.pdf

119 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

120 | Annex

Investment methodology

Oil and gas upstream Asset level production profiles are producing and sanctioned projects.
aggregated by geography, supply The average 2022-2050 decline rate for
Implied levels of oil and gas investment
segment (onshore, offshore, shale assets currently producing and under
are derived from the production levels in
and oil sands), supply type (crude, development is around 4.5% p.a. for
each scenario. Upstream oil and natural
condensates, NGLs, natural gas) and both oil and for natural gas, although
gas capital expenditure includes well
developmental stage, i.e., classified this varies widely by segment and
capex (costs related to well construction,
by whether the asset is currently hydrocarbon type. All estimates are
well completion, well simulation, steel
producing, under development, or derived using asset-level assessments
costs and materials), facility capex (costs
non-producing and unsanctioned. from Rystad Energy.
to develop, install, maintain, and modify
As production from producing and
surface installations and infrastructure)
sanctioned assets declines, incremental
and exploration capex (costs incurred
production from infill drilling and new,
to find and prove hydrocarbons). It
unsanctioned assets is called on to
excludes operating costs and midstream
meet the oil and gas demand shortfalls.
capex such as capex associated with
The investment required to bring this
developing LNG liquefaction capacity.
volume online is then added to any
capital costs associated with maintaining

Wind and solar Capital expenditure costs are assigned

to each scenario based on their
Wind and solar energy investment
historical values and estimated future
requirements are based on the capital
evolution. They are differentiated by
expenditure costs associated with the
technology, region and scenario using
deployment profiles of each technology
a combination of internal bp estimates
in each scenario.
and external benchmarking. The capital
Wind and solar deployment profiles expenditure figures do not include the
include both renewable power capacity incremental wider system integration
for end-use and for green hydrogen costs associated with wind and solar
production. The deployment profiles deployment.
also consider the potential impact of

121 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

122 | Annex

Carbon emissions definitions and sources

Unless otherwise stated, carbon Historical data for natural gas flaring data global warming potential of methane
emissions refer to CO2 emissions from: is taken from VIIRS Nightfire (VNF) data emissions. The methane to CO2e factor
and produced by the Earth Observation used in the scenarios is a 100-year
energy use (i.e. the production and
Group (EOG), Payne Institute for Public Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 25,
use of energy in the three final end-
Policy, Colorado School of Mines. The recommended by the IPCC in AR4.
use sectors: industry, transport and
profiles for natural gas flaring in the This conversion factor is used to ensure
scenarios assume that flaring moves in alignment with financial and government
most non-energy related industrial line with wellhead upstream output. reporting standards, and to ensure
processes, Historical data on methane emissions consistency across all bp corporate
associated with the production, reporting. In particular, this is the same
natural gas flaring,
transportation and distribution of fossil factor to be used in the bp Annual
methane emissions associated with fuels are sourced from IEA estimates of Report, also published in Q1 2023.
the production, transmission and greenhouse gas emissions. The profiles
distribution of fossil fuels, expressed in for future methane emissions assumed
CO2 equivalent terms. in the scenarios are based on fossil fuel
CO2 emissions from industrial processes production and take account of recent
refer only to non-energy emissions from policy initiatives such as the Global
cement production. CO2 emissions Methane Pledge. The net change in
associated with the production of methane emissions is the aggregation of
hydrogen feedstock for ammonia and future changes to fossil fuel production
methanol are included under hydrogen and methane intensity.
sector emissions. There is a wide range of uncertainty
with respect to both current estimates
of methane emissions and the

IPCC scenarios and emissions data for every five years. For the missing IEA (2021), Methane Tracker 2021, IEA,
methodology intermediate years, a linear interpolation Paris
We use scenarios that are in the is used. Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the
database corresponding to the Sixth Sources Oil and Gas Industry, 4th Edition, 2020.
Assessment Report published in Andrew, R.M., 2019. Global CO2 IPIECA/API/IOGP.
2022. This database is hosted by emissions from cement production, Edward Byers, Volker Krey, Elmar
the International Institute for Applied 1928–2018. Earth System Science Data Kriegler, Keywan Riahi, Roberto
Systems Analysis (IIASA) as part of a 11, 1675–1710, (updated dataset July Schaeffer, Jarmo Kikstra, Robin Lamboll,
cooperation agreement with Working 2021) Zebedee Nicholls, Marit Sanstad, Chris
Group III of the IPCC. Smith, Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst, Alaa
IPCC 2006, 2006 IPCC Guidelines for
The scenarios used in the analysis are National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Al Khourdajie, Franck Lecocq, Joana
those labelled as: Prepared by the National Greenhouse Portugal-Pereira, Yamina Saheb, Anders
Scenarios C1: these scenarios are Gas Inventories Programme, Eggleston Strømann, Harald Winkler, Cornelia Auer,
referred to as scenarios that limit H.S., Buendia L., Miwa K., Ngara T. and Elina Brutschin, Matthew Gidden, Philip
warming to 1.5°C (>50%) with no or Tanabe K. (eds). Hackstock, Mathijs Harmsen, Daniel
limited overshoot. Huppmann, Peter Kolp, Claire Lepault,
VIIRS Nightfire (VNF) produced by the
Jared Lewis, Giacomo Marangoni,
Scenarios C3a: these scenarios are Earth Observation Group (EOG), Payne
Eduardo Müller-Casseres, Ragnhild
referred to as scenarios that limit Institute for Public Policy, Colorado
Skeie, Michaela Werning, Katherine
warming to 2°C (>67%) with immediate School of Mines.
Calvin, Piers Forster, Celine Guivarch,
action. IEA (2021), Greenhouse Gas Emissions Tomoko Hasegawa, Malte Meinshausen,
Cumulative CO2e emissions in 2015- from Energy Data Explorer, IEA, Paris Glen Peters, Joeri Rogelj, Bjorn Samset,
2050 are the addition of CO2 emissions IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Julia Steinberger, Massimo Tavoni,
from energy and industrial processes Climate Change 2007. Detlef van Vuuren. AR6 Scenarios
and methane emissions from energy Database hosted by IIASA International
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report
supply transformed into CO2e using a Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,
– Climate Change 2022: Impacts,
factor Global Warming Potential of 25. 2022.
Adaptation and Vulnerability
The AR6 Scenarios Database report
123 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
124 | Annex

Other data definitions and sources

Data definitions are based on the bp Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is Regions
Statistical Review of World Energy, expressed in terms of real Purchasing
Developed is approximated as North
unless otherwise noted. Data used for Power Parity (PPP) at 2015 prices.
America plus Europe plus Developed
comparisons, unless otherwise noted,
Sectors Asia. Emerging refers to all other
are rebased to be consistent with the bp
countries and regions not in Developed.
Statistical Review. Transport includes energy used in heavy
China refers to the Chinese Mainland.
road, light road, marine, rail and aviation.
Primary energy, unless otherwise noted, Developed Asia includes OECD Asia
Electric vehicles include all four wheeled
comprises commercially traded fuels plus other high income Asian countries
vehicles capable of plug-in electric
and traditional biomass. In this Outlook, and regions. Emerging Asia includes all
charging. Industry includes energy used
primary energy is derived using: countries and regions in Asia excluding
in commodity and goods manufacturing,
mainland China, India and Developed
the substitution method - which construction, mining, the energy
grosses up energy derived from non- industry including pipeline transport, and
fossil power by the equivalent amount for transformation processes outside of
of fossil fuel required to generate power, heat and hydrogen generation.
the same volume of electricity in a Feedstocks includes non-combusted
thermal power station. The grossing fuel that is used as a feedstock to create
assumption is time varying, with the materials such as petrochemicals,
simplified assumption that efficiency lubricant and bitumen. Buildings
will increase linearly from 40% today includes energy used in residential
to 45% by 2050 and commercial buildings, agriculture,
forestry, fishing and non-specified

Fuels, energy carriers, carbon and Hydrogen demand includes its direct Key data sources
materials consumption in transport, industry,
BP p.l.c., bp Statistical Review of World
buildings, power and heat, as well as
Oil, unless otherwise noted, includes Energy, London, United Kingdom, June
feedstock demand for the production
crude (including shale oil and oil sands), 2021
of hydrogen-derived fuels and for
natural gas liquids (NGLs), gas-to-
conventional refining and petrochemical International Energy Agency, World
liquids (GTLs), coal-to-liquids (CTLs),
feedstock demand. Energy Statistics, September 2021
condensates, and refinery gains.
Hydrogen-derived fuels are all fuels Low-carbon hydrogen includes green International Energy Agency, World
derived from low-carbon hydrogen, hydrogen, and hydrogen produced from Energy Balances, July 2021
including ammonia, methanol, and other biomass with CCUS, gas with CCUS,
Oxford Economics, Global GDP
synthetic hydrocarbons. and coal with CCUS. CCUS options
Forecasts, 2022
include CO2 capture rates of 93-98%
Renewables, unless otherwise noted,
over the Outlook. The global average United Nations, Department of
includes wind, solar, geothermal,
methane emissions rate for the gas Economic and Social Affairs, Population
biomass, biomethane, and biofuels and
or coal consumed to produce blue Division (2019). World Population
exclude large-scale hydro. Non-fossils
hydrogen is between 1.4-0.7% over the Prospects 2019, Online Edition. Rev. 1
include renewables, nuclear and hydro.
Traditional biomass refers to solid IEA (2021), Methane Tracker 2021, IEA,
biomass (typically not traded) used with Paris
basic technologies e.g. for cooking.
Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the
Oil and Gas Industry, 4th Edition, 2020.

125 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition

126 | Annex

This publication contains forward- system including different pathways factors identified in the discussions
looking statements – that is, statements and scenarios and how it may be expressed in such statements; product
related to future, not past events and restructured, societal preferences, global supply, demand and pricing; political
circumstances. These statements economic growth including the impact stability; general economic conditions;
may generally, but not always, be of climate change on this, population demographic changes; legal and
identified by the use of words such as growth, demand for passenger and regulatory developments; availability
‘will’, ‘expects, ‘is expected to’, ‘aims’, commercial transportation, energy of new technologies; natural disasters
‘should’, ‘may’, ‘objective’, ‘is likely to’, markets, energy efficiency, policy and adverse weather conditions; wars
‘intends’, ‘believes’, anticipates, ‘plans’, measures and support for renewable and acts of terrorism or sabotage;
‘we see’ or similar expressions. In energies and other lower-carbon public health situations including the
particular, the following, among other alternatives, sources of energy impacts of an epidemic or pandemic
statements, are all forward looking supply and production, technological and other factors discussed in this
in nature: statements regarding the developments, trade disputes, sanctions publication. bp disclaims any obligation
global energy transition, increasing and other matters that may impact to update this publication or to correct
prosperity and living standards in energy security, and the growth of any inaccuracies which may become
the developing world and emerging carbon emissions. apparent. Neither BP p.l.c. nor any of its
economies, expansion of the circular subsidiaries (nor any of their respective
Forward-looking statements involve
economy, urbanization and increasing officers, employees and agents)
risks and uncertainties because they
industrialization and productivity, accept liability for any inaccuracies or
relate to events, and depend on
energy demand, consumption and omissions or for any direct, indirect,
circumstances, that will or may occur
access, impacts of the Coronavirus special, consequential or other losses
in the future. Actual outcomes may
pandemic, the global fuel mix including or damages of whatsoever kind in or in
differ materially from those expressed
its composition and how that may connection with this publication or any
in such statements depending on a
change over time and in different information contained in it.
variety of factors, including: the specific
pathways or scenarios, the global energy
127 | bp Energy Outlook: 2023 edition
© BP p.l.c. 2023

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