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Estimating Popper's impact out , science gets on very well without a

phil osophy of meth od.
Lewis Wolpert
SIR - Skoyles 1 , Bartley2 and even Pop- journals indexed in the SSC/, Popper's Department of Anatomy
per himself say that Popper's work has annual average citation rate is 39. 6. So , & Developmental Biology,
had little impact on professional philo- despite Popper's modest estimation of University College London,
sophers. Skoyles 1 even claims that Pop- himself, it is easy to agree with Bondi 5 Windeyer Building,
per has failed to influence sociologists th at "Popper's influence shines Cleveland Street, London W1P 6DB, UK
and others studying science and society. through".
The view that Popper's philosophy has B. I. B. Lindahl 1. Skoyles, J. R. Nature 359 , 100 (1992) .
2. Bartl ey, W. W. in In Pursuit of Truth (ed. Levinson . P.)
been widely acknowledged only by scien- Department of G,eriatric Medicine, 2 49-289 (Humanit ies. New Jersey. 1982).
tists stems primarily from Bartley's Karolinska Institute, 3. Garfield. E. in Essays of an Information Scientist Vo l . 3
account2 of the development of the pro- S-141 86 Huddinge, (ed. Ga rfield, E.) 633- 639 (lSI, Philadelphi a. 1980 ).
4 . Garfi eld , E. in Essays of an Information Scientist Vol. 3
fession of philosophy of science and Sweden (ed. Ga rfield, E. ) 621- 6 32 (lSI, Philadelphi a, 1980).
from his personal communications with A. Welljams-Dorof 5 . Bondi , H. Nature 358 , 363 (1992).
6 . Wolpert, L. The Unnatural Nature of Science (Faber.
Popper. However, judging from the re- Institute for Scientific Information, London. in the press).
ferences made to Popper in the Science 3501 Market Street, 7. Bernard , C. Introduction to Experimental Medicine
Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Sci- (Macmil lan. New York, 1927).
8. Holto n. G. The Scientific Imagination (Cambridge
ences Citation Index (SSCT) , this "fai- Pennsylvania 19104, USA University Press , 1978) .
lure" is grossly overstated.
According to the 1969-77 SSCI , com- SI R- It is not surprising that there is no
prising 800,000 source items and nearly 8
million references cited within them ,
' Popper' school1 • First , philosophers of
science seem to be more concerned with
Women in science
Popper was the third most-cited author the nature of reality and truth in general SIR - Your leading article "Women in
in the philosophy and history of science3 , than the special features of science , and, Science" (Nature 359, 92; 1992) cannot
and his book Logik der Forschung/The second, Popper's contributions to the go unchallenged . You argue that the
Logic of Scientific Discovery (J 935/1959) understanding of the nature of science proposal by the Nati onal Science Found-
was the second most-cited book in this seem to be overrated6 . To hi s credit he ation to refuse fin ancial support for sci-
subject 4 . Of course , this does not direct- has emphasized the creative aspects of entific meetings unless women speakers
ly measure Popper's influence on philo- science, but what is usually regarded as are included in the programme is mis-
sophers per se because the impact of his his most important contribution - that guided, because it will indirectly lead to
work could be on scholars in disciplines science proceeds by falsificati on - has the conclusion "that women in sci ence
other than philosophy. severe limitations . are not really as good as men ". What
But when we compare the number of The basic idea that only falsification is nonsense ! This conclusion will be
articles citing Popper in SCI (column A impo rtant and one should not merel y reached only if the presentations by
in the table), SSCI (excluding philoso- look for confirming instances was put wo men over time are significantly In-
phy) (B) and SSC/ (only philosophy) (C) forward by Claude Bernard in his book ferior in quality to those of men.
during 1974-91 , his impact in each field on experimental medicine in 18657 . But Th ere was no evidence for this at the
has been considerable. science works in a much more complex exciting and stimulating Cold Spring
Still, there is an apparently great dif- way, theories and experiments often Harbor Meeting on Mouse Molecular
ference between Popper's impact on the being intimate ly linked . The history of Genetics (26-30 A ugust) where a high
philosophy literature (C) as compared to science is filled with examples where proportion of the speakers were women .
the science (A) and social-sciences (B) scientists succeeded because they No r have I obtained this impression
literature. But this difference diminishes ignored falsification. Indeed , Gerald from a variety of other conferences in
when we consider that the total number Holton 8 has argued cogently that the which women have been well repre-
of lSI-indexed philosophy papers graveyard of failed scientists is littered sented. On the other hand , as a member
(50,006) is a small fraction of the total in with those who did not practise a suspen- of a National Institutes of Health Study
the SSC/ file (2 ,170,943) and the SCT file sion of disbelief when their ideas were Section I have repeatedly been dis-
(9,741,144) during 1974-91. first shown to be wrong. As F rancis appointed to see proposals for meetings
Consider also that the annual average Crick said: "A theory that fits all the in which very few women have been
citations per cited author in the SSCT file facts is bound to be wrong, as some of invited. Invariably, the organizers of
has ranged from 3.4 to 4.4 during this the facts will be wrong" . such meetings are well established men ,
time , and 7. J to 8.8 in the S CI. In The theory does not even resolve the while comparable meetings with women
comparison , Popper's annual average problem of induction , for one wants to orga nizers include a reasonable propor-
citation rate in the SSCI was 234.9, and have a sufficie nt number of experimental tion of articulate women doing good
79.0 in the SCT, during 1974-91. If we falsifications to be persuaded. The idea science . With time , some change is in-
take into account only the philosophy also does not distinguish between science evitable but, in my opinion, women have
and nonscience because absurd ideas - been waiting long enough and are tired
NUMBER OF ARTICLES CITING WORKS BY such as that eating hamburgers will make of it. If faster change cannot be brought
you a good poet - are falsifi able. Worse about by persuasion and feedback, as
Years A B c Total still, Popper's philosophy is at heart experience suggests, then stronge r press-
relativistic, for there is no real measure ure has be to be applied by funding
1974-76 111 447 109 667 o f reliability of ideas or use of confirma- agencies who want to promote a fair
1977-79 185 557 175 917 tions, and its emphasis on th eory margi- hearing for th e women students and
1980--82 240 648 101 989 nalizes empirical discovery . investigators they pay to train and sup-
1983--85 312 686 97 1095 Finally, consider appl ying the falsifica- po rt .
1986--88 281 572 111 964
tion test to his falsification hypothesis. Brlgid Hogan
1989-91 293 607 119 1019
How would one falsify it? If the evidence Department of Cell Biology,
Total 1422 3517 712 5651 of history is not adequate what is? As Vanderbilt University,
Popper's champion, Medawar, pointed Nashville, Tennessee 37232, USA
204 NATURE · VOL 360 · 19 NOVEMBER 1992
© 1992 Nature Publishing Group

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