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Early life of the Holy Prophet (pbuh)

Paragraph 1
 He was born in Banu Hashim lane in Makkah on Monday
morning on 12th Rabi ul Awwal / 22nd April 571 AD.
 It was reported that significant miracles accompanied his birth;
fourteen galleries of Kisra’s palace cracked and rolled down
and the Magians’ sacred fire died down.
 The first women who suckled him after his mother was
Thuwaibah, the slave girl of Abu Lahab.
 His father Abdullah died two months before his birth and
mother Amna bint Wahab belonged to the tribe of Banu Zuhra
in Yathrib.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Levels 0300-2101569

Paragraph 2
 It was general custom of Arabs living in towns to send their
children to nurses of Bedouin tribes so that they might grow up
in the healthy surroundings and acquire the pure speech and
 The Holy Prophet was entrusted to Haleema from Banu Saad
tribe. She observed many miracles of the Prophet about the
donkey, she camel and enough rainfall.
 After two years she brought him back to his mother but
requested her to have him stay more with her.
 When he was four years of age, Jibrael came down and ripped
his chest open and took out his heart and extracted a blood-clot
out of it and said, “That was the part of Satan in thee”.

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Paragraph 3
 In respect of the memory of her late husband, Amna decided to
visit his grave in Yathrib. She died on the return journey and was
buried in Abwa and Umm-e-Aiman brought him back.
 Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather, loved more than all other kids
and he had a special place near Kaaba where no one could sit but
Muhammad used to play there. He died when Prophet was 8. He
also made him sit with him in meetings.
 Then Abu Talib took the charge of his nephew in the best way
and preferred him to his own children.“Didn’t He find you an
orphan and He gave you shelter?”
 When he twelve years old, he went with his uncle Abu Talib on a
business journey to Syria.
 When they reached Busra they met a monk called Bahira (his
actual name was Georges) who readily recognized the Prophet and
advised Abu Talib to return him back to Makkah.

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Paragraph 4
 Harb ul Fijar (sac-religious war) started between Quraish and
Banu Hawazin and then many other tribes got involved.
 The Holy Prophet was fifteen years old and his duty was just to
collect the arrows thrown by the enemies and give them to his
uncles. His minor involvement can be justified as Quraish were
on right.
 It was known as sac-religious war because it was continued even
in the months in which fighting was unlawful.
 At the conclusion of these wars, people felt the need for
forming a truce at Makkah for suppressing violence and
injustice and vindicating the rights of weak and destitute. It is
called Truce Al-Fudoul.
 It was designed by the people named Fadal.
 The messenger of Allah witnessed this league and commented
on it with very positive words.“

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Paragraph 5
 At the age of 25, he went to Syria as a merchant for Khadija. She also
sent her servant, Maysara, with him to observe his dealings.
 On his return praised his character and honest dealings and she also
experienced maximum profits.
 She sent the proposal of marriage to him and they got married. She
was 40 and the Prophet was 25.
 When the Prophet was 35, Quraish started rebuilding of Al-Ka’aba.
 When the time came to put the sacred Black Stone in its proper
place. Every tribe wanted that honour and they close to start fighting.
 Luckily, Abu Umayyah Ibn Mughira said, “Let him who enters the
Sanctuary first of all decide on the point.”
 The Messenger of Allah entered first and he solved it wisely and
justly involving everyone in it.
 This shows the Messenger’s wisdom and his ability to lead the
community and to solve their issues.

The ZATians' Academy - O/A Levels 0300-2101569


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