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Cooking Club

Preparation Notes and Tips

To help you manage your club and your teaching responsibilities, why not
try some of the following to make things easier?
• If possible, ask another member of staff to join you in running Cooking
Club. Extra adults in the room can help manage children’s behavior, the
preparation of food, handling of hot materials etc.
• Ask a member of staff to prepare the food (slice, dice, chop etc.
and place into bowls for children to select from) during the last 30
minutes of the school day, ready for the club after school. This can
save time and avoid accidents by having less people handling knives.
• Try arranging the desks in your classroom or kitchen into a production
line. Children can start from one end of the line, working towards the
opposite end as they assemble and build their pizzas.
• Get as many of your ingredients as possible a few days before the club runs.
• Read through each recipe before running the club and ensure that you understand the steps well.
• Adjust the number of attendees you are happy to facilitate based on the space you have available and the
number of adults present.
• Ask children to bring food storage containers with them each week to take home leftovers or food that can
be shared with others.
• If possible, make extras as you go (including asking children to make extras when they finish) just in case
someone drops something on the floor.
• Be flexible with ingredient lists. If seasonal or cheaper alternatives are available to you, try adapting the
recipe. It can also be good to be flexible for dietary and cultural/religious beliefs.


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