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CJUVDELJJS normal growth and development.

Instead of using the word

WEEK 13 “juvenile”, Philippine laws made use of the word “child”.
1. The treatment model is the basic belief that the mission As defined in R.A. No. 9344, “Child” is a person under the
of juvenile justice is to rehabilitate youthful offenders. age of eighteen (18) years. While “Child at Risk” refers to
The Treatment model philosophy basis was parens a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing
patriae. Parens patriae gave courts the authority to criminal offences because of personal, family, and social
intervene in families and take steps to protect and punish circumstances. Some of the examples mentioned in the law
juveniles. are being abandoned or neglected and living in a
The Treatment model works by focusing on the mental, community with a high level of criminality or drug abuse.
physical, and social needs of all the individual children. “Child in Conflict with the Law” or CICL on the other hand
The Treatment model sends the youth offenders through refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged
multiple rehabilitation programs before being processed as, having committed an offence under Philippine laws.
into the system.
A child can commit an act or omission whether punishable
2. The justice model is the belief that both juveniles and under special laws or the amended Revised Penal Code
which is referred to as an “Offence”. Under Republic Act
adult offenders are wrong and responsible and deserve
10630, offences which only apply to a child and not to
to be punished proportionately to the seriousness of their
adults are called “Status Offences”. These shall not be
considered as offences and shall not be punished if
The Justice model was created by David Fogel in
committed by a child. Examples of status offences include
response to the criticism the parens patriae philosophy
curfew violations, truancy, parental disobedience, and the
faced. The parens patriae was challenged by the due
like. Before R.A. No. 9344 was enacted, children at risk and
process philosophy which is the root of the Justice
CICL were treated much like adult offenders as when
model. Essentially Fogel believed human beings both,
former President Ferdinand Marcos, Sr. signed into law the
adult and youth were responsible for their own actions
Judiciary Reorganization Act 1980 which abolished the
and if they violated the law they should be punished
juvenile and domestic relations courts. As such child
“proportionately to the seriousness of the offense.”
offenders were subjected to the same adversarial
proceedings as their adult counterparts. As an offshoot of
3. The crime control model believes that offenders have the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
free will and should be punished with harsh penalties, to (UNCRC), the R.A. No. 9344 intends to deal with these
protect society. The crime control model is considered to children without resorting to judicial proceedings. Instead of
be a conservative approach to crime that focuses on punishing juvenile offenders and treating them as criminals,
protecting society from criminals by regulating criminal these child offenders will be provided by the State and the
conduct and justice. Moreover, this model stresses strict community with assistance to prevent them from
and swift punishment for crimes; in return, this strict committing future offences.
adherence benefits society by striking fear in criminals
because they will be harshly punished. THE PHILIPPINES AS A JUVENILE JUSTICE
The crime control model also seeks to move criminal ADVOCATE
cases through the criminal system as quickly as As a signatory to the United Nations Standard Minimum
possible. The goal of the model is to get the cases Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (The Beijing
through the systems swiftly, even if that means Rules), the United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of
expanding the powers of the courts. In fact, this model Juvenile Delinquency (The Riyadh Guidelines), the United
supports greater powers for prosecutors and the courts Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of
that are handling the cases. their Liberty and the most importantly the Convention on
the Rights of the Child, the Philippines guarantees the
4. The balanced and restorative justice model wishes to protection of the best interests of the child in accordance
ensure accountability to crime victims, increase with the standards provided for by these international laws.
competency in offenders and enhance community safety. In the Philippines, members of Congress had passed bills
The restorative model is often integral to diverting young intended to make laws more consistent with the Philippines’
offenders from the formal court system. advocacy on juvenile justice.
It is a contextual model that acknowledges the As much as the Philippines should be concerned with a
desirability of balancing juvenile offenders’ rights against juvenile justice system in harmony with international
their responsibilities to the community. The Inquiry policies, the dominant goal is to achieve a standard national
considers that the national standards for juvenile justice policy on CICL rather than an accurate reproduction of an
should strike a balance between the rehabilitation of international model on CICL. R.A. No. 9344, one bill passed
offenders and restitution to the victim and the into law, institutionalized the promotion of the wellbeing of
community. child and their families, involvement of parents and
guardians, promotion of diversion, avoiding deprivation of
WEEK 14 liberty and protecting the privacy rights of children.
JUSTICE R.A. No. 10630 further emphasized child-sensitive justice
THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE LAW policies focused on the best interest of the child. This
Republic Act No. 9344 or the “Juvenile Justice and Welfare principle has been first laid down in the Doha Declaration.
Act” defines the Juvenile Justice and Welfare System as a THE PHILIPPINE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM
system dealing with children at risk and children in conflict with A. Diversion and Intervention Programs
the law, which provides child-appropriate proceedings, The main features of R.A. No. 9344 are the
including programs and services for prevention, diversion, diversion and intervention programs.
rehabilitation, re-integration and aftercare to ensure their
During the diversion process, the responsibility undergo an intensive intervention program supervised by
and treatment of CICL will be determined on the the LSWDO. The child will undergo appropriate intervention
basis of his/her social, cultural, economic, program through the written authorization for voluntary
psychological or educational background without commitment of the child as executed by the parents or
resorting to formal court proceedings. If the CICL is guardians or through a petition in the court for the
found to be responsible for an offence, he/she will involuntary confinement filed by the LSWDO or DSWD.
be required to undergo diversion programs without The “Bahay Pag-asa” will be managed by a multi-
resorting to formal court proceedings. disciplinary team composed of a social worker, a
During the intervention programs on the other psychologist/mental health professional, a medical doctor,
hand, they will undergo a series of activities to an educational guidance counsellor, and a member of the
address issues that caused them to commit an Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC).
offence. These may take the form of counselling, They will come up with individualized intervention plan for
skills training, and education. The bigger the role the child and his/her family. Based on the recommendation
these diversion and intervention programs play in of the multi-disciplinary team of the IJISC, the LSWDO or
child behavior development, the more acceptance the DSWD, the court may require the parents of the CICL to
and social legitimacy these programs are likely to undergo counselling or any other intervention that would
enjoy in resolving problems with CICL. advance the best interest of the child.

B. Age of Criminal Responsibility and the Presumption The BAHAY PAG-ASA YOUTH CENTER operates as a
of Minority transformational facility exclusively for Children-in-Conflict
R.A. No. 9344 likewise raises the age of criminal with the Law (CICL) and Children-at-Risk (CAR) from
responsibility from nine years of age under Negros Occidental and surrounding areas. Through the
Presidential Decree 603 to a minimum of 15 years center, we aim to:
old. CICLs aged 15 and above are also exempted • Administer a wholistic formation/ transformational
from criminal liability unless the prosecution proves program with emphasis on basic education,
that they acted with discernment — the capacity to spiritual formation, life skills and livelihood skills.
distinguish right from wrong.
These child offenders are also afforded all the
• Provide competent and committed legal services
which will include non-formal learning modules on
rights of a CICL until he/she is proven to be
criminal behavior and its consequences.
eighteen (18) years old or older under the
“presumption of minority” rule. In all proceedings, • Provide an interfaced support system for the youth
law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, and offenders after their release composed of the
other government officials concerned are family, the school or workplace, the church, and
mandated to exert all efforts at determining the age the community to ensure successful re-integration;
of the CICL. C. Restorative Justice The concept of and pilot, assess and improve the program so that
“restorative justice” as opposed to retributive it may serve as a model for youth rehabilitation
justice has also been introduced by R.A. No. 9344. which maybe replicated in other areas of the
It espouses resolving conflicts with the maximum country.
involvement of the victim, the offender and the
community. It primarily aims to achieve reparation THE PHILIPPINES’ COMMUNITY-BASED (NON-
for the victim, reconciliation of the offender, the INSTITUTIONAL) TREATMENT OF CICL
offended and the community, and enhancement of A. Who can avail?
public safety. It also ensures that the child’s rights One of the disposition measures that can be availed
will not be infringed when he/she admits to the of by a CICL under suspended sentence is
offence. Community-based Rehabilitation wherein he/she
shall be released to parents, guardians, relatives or
THE PHILIPPINES’ INSTITUTIONAL TREATMENT OF CICL any other responsible person in the community. The
Republic Act No. 10630 or the Act Strengthening the LSWDO shall supervise the CICL in coordination
Juvenile Justice System provided for the establishment of with his/her parents/guardian. Examples of these
an Intensive Juvenile Intervention and Support Center for programs are: competency and life skills
children (IJISC) under the minimum age of criminal development; socio-cultural and recreational
responsibility in “Bahay Pag-asa”. The “Bahay Pag-asa” is activities; community volunteer projects; leadership
a 24-hour child-care institution funded and managed by training; spiritual enrichment; and, family welfare
local government units (LGU) and licensed and/or services. A child under the minimum age of criminal
accredited non-government organizations. Children in responsibility shall also be subjected to a
conflict with the law who are 15 to 18 years old shall be community-based intervention program supervised
housed in these temporary shelters while awaiting trial and by the LSWDO.
the judgement to be rendered by the courts.
The law also clarified procedures for children below the B. Cooperation between Community-based
minimum age if criminal responsibility, including those who Treatment and Institutional Treatment If the best
commit serious offences. It provides that any child aged 12 interest of the child requires, the CICL shall be
to 15 who commits a serious offence punishable by more referred to a youth care facility or ‘Bahay Pag-asa’
than 12 years’ imprisonment should be deemed a managed by LGUs or licensed and/or accredited
neglected child under the Child and Youth Welfare Code. NGOs monitored by the DSWD. As mentioned
previously, a CICL who was previously subjected to a
As a neglected child, the minor should be placed in the community-based intervention programs can be
IJISC. The same is true with a child who was previously deemed a neglected child. As such, he/she shall
subjected to a community-based intervention program. He undergo an intensive intervention programs
shall also be deemed a neglected child and as such shall supervised by the LSWDO.
Parental Responsibility
THE PHILIPPINES’ SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF CICL Parental responsibility means the legal rights, duties,
Aftercare support services shall be made to prevent re- powers, responsibilities, and authority a parent has for a
offending. These will be given for a period of at least six child and the child's property. A person who has parental
months. These services could include life skills responsibility for a child has the right to make decisions
development, livelihood programs and membership to about their care and upbringing.
existing youth organizations. The aftercare support services
shall be provided by the LSWDO. However, licensed, and The sum total of the duties and obligations of parents
accredited non-government organizations may also be over their minor children. Parental responsibility means
tapped. As with the previous programs, it will require active the legal rights, duties, powers, responsibilities, and
participation of both the child and his/her parents or authority a parent has for a child and the child's property. A
guardians. The ultimate objective of providing the children person who has parental responsibility for a child has the
in conflict with the law with interventions that will improve right to make decisions about their care and upbringing.
their social functioning is for them to be eventually
reintegrated to their families and to their communities as Liabilities of Parents
well. "Parental liability" is the term used to refer to a parent's
obligation to pay for damage done by negligent, intentional, or
THE PHILIPPINE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM criminal acts of that parent's child.
In its effort to articulate the Juvenile Justice System in laws, Parents and guardians are responsible for the damage or
rules and guidelines, the method of its proponents has injury caused by the child under their parental authority.
always been experimented serving as a working hypothesis
which is continually being retested in the laboratories of Legal Custody
youth detention homes. Throughout the history of its The right of custody accorded to parents’ springs from the
implementation, R.A. No. 9344 and its progeny have been exercise of parental authority. Under the Family Code, the
hailed as a medium of hope for CICL. During such times, father and the mother shall jointly exercise parental
the Juvenile Justice System also faced criticism and authority over the persons of their common children. Also,
difficulty. As such, the Juvenile Justice System of the as to adopted children, the adopting parent shall have
Philippines is at odds with itself as to whether or not the parental authority.
present system warrants reconsideration. Today, the
Philippines should see this exigency. In case of separation of parents, no child under SEVEN (7)
YEARS OF AGE shall be separated from his mother unless
WEEK 15 the court decides otherwise.
PD 603 – The Child and Youth Welfare Code Guardianship
• approved on 10 December 1974 Guardianship is when a court orders someone other than the
child's parent to: Have custody of the child; or. Manage the
• effectivity date is 10 June 1975 (six months after approval)
child's property (called "estate"); or. Both.
• shall apply to persons under eighteen (18) years of age A legal guardian is a person who has been appointed by a
court or otherwise has the legal authority to care for the
Presidential Decree No. 603, otherwise known as the personal and property interests of another person, called
Child and Youth Welfare Code and issued in December a ward.
1974, legally defines special categories of youths, A trust relation of the most sacred character, in which one
including youthful offenders, and directs the Ministry of person, called a guardian, acts for another, called a ward,
Social Services and Development (MSSD) to provide regarded as incapable of managing his own affairs
comprehensive services to assist in youth development.
Parental Authority (Patria Potestas) Authority of persons exercising substitute parental
As a general rule, the father and the mother shall jointly authority: Same authority over the person of the child as
exercise parental authority over the persons of their the parents. Can inflict corporal punishment over the child.
common children. However, insofar as illegitimate children
are concerned, Article 176 of the Family Code states that In case of absence or death of both parents, substitute parental
illegitimate children shall be under the parental authority of authority shall be given to the following, in order of priority:
their mother.
a. grandparents
The sum total of the rights of the parents over the b. oldest brother or sister at least 21 years of age
person and property of their child. c. relative who has actual custody of the child/guardian duly
• The exercise of which has no distinction between a legitimate appointed by the court.
and an illegitimate child.
Commencement of Civil Personality
• The father and the mother shall exercise jointly just and
The civil personality of the child shall commence from the moment
reasonable parental authority and responsibility over their
of conception (the beginning of pregnancy).
legitimate or adopted children.
• In case of death of either parent, the surviving parent shall Conception
exercise sole parental authority.
• the start of life
• In case of disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail
• the union of the sperm cell and the egg
unless there is a judicial order to the contrary.
• also called the process of fertilization
Civil Personality survey of a general population sample, Ramiro et al. (2010)
• Pertains to the identity and recognition of an individual as found that 22.8 per cent of participants had experienced
person having rights. physical neglect during the first 18 years of their life.
• Shall commence from the moment of conception, thus all b. Emotional Neglect – it occurs when a child is raped,
children shall have the right to be born and the right to live. seduced, maltreated, exploited, overworked, or made to work
under streets or public places, or when placed in mortal
Abortion danger, or exposed to drugs, alcohol, gambling, prostitution,
The expulsion of the fetus from the mother’s womb. and other vices.
Kinds of Abortion
1. Criminal Abortion 4. Disabled Child
Criminal abortion is the unlawful expulsion of the fetus by It includes mentally retarded, physically handicapped,
artificial means. It is a felony when any person advises, emotionally disturbed, and mentally ill children, children with
assists in or performs an abortion. Some states place self- cerebral palsy and those inflicted with similar afflictions.
induced abortion in a similar category. Death of the mother Classification:
upon whom an abortion has been performed is homicide. a. Mentally Retarded
The Penal Code considers abortion to be a criminal offense  socially incompetent, that is, socially inadequate and
punishable by up to six years in prison for doctors and occupationally incompetent and unable to manage
midwives who perform abortions and by 2‒6 years in prison for his own affairs,
women who undergo the procedure, regardless of the reason.  mentally subnormal,
 Classified as intentional or unintentional as provided
by the Revised Penal Code.  retarded intellectually from birth or early age,
 Punishable by law.  retarded at maturity,
 mentally deficient as a result of constitutional origin
2. Therapeutic Abortion through heredity, and
Therapeutic abortion is the ending of a pregnancy on purpose.
It is done before the fetus is able to survive on its own.  essentially curable
Therapeutic abortions can be done to end a pregnancy when
the mother’s life is in danger or if the baby has abnormalities Classification of Mentally Retardation:
involving the major organ systems and is not expected to a.1. Custodial Group – members of this classification are severely
survive after birth. or profoundly retarded, hence, the least capable group.
 Recommended and performed by a certified a.2. Trainable Group – consists of those with IQs from about 25 to
physician when there are health risks and about 50.
complications a.3. Educable Group – this group’s IQ ranges from about 50 to
 Not punishable by law. about 75
Categories of Children a.4. Borderline or Low Normal Group – this is the highest group
1. Dependent Child of mentally retarded, with Iqs from about 75 to about 89.
"Dependent Child" means a legitimate, illegitimate or legally
adopted child chiefly dependent upon and living with the b. Physically Handicapped Child
taxpayer if such dependent is not more than twenty-one (21) A person who is crippled, deaf-mute, blind or suffers from
years of age, unmarried and not gainfully employed or if such defects which restricts his means of action or communication
dependent, regardless of age, is incapable of self-support with others.
because of mental or physical defect. A child is now considered physically handicapped if he cannot,
Without a parent, guardian or custodian, or whose parents, for physical reasons, participate in social, recreational,
guardian, or custodian for good cause desires to be relieved of educational, or vocational activities on fairly equal terms with
his care and custody and is dependent upon the public for other children of his age.
c. Emotionally Disturbed Child
2. Abandoned Child A person who, although not afflicted with insanity or mental
Abandoned Child refers to a child who has no proper parental defects, is unable to maintain normal social relations with
care or guardianship, or whose parent(s) have deserted others and the community in general due to emotional
him/her for a period of at least three (3) continuous months, problems or complexes.
which includes a founding. Some of the characteristics and behaviors seen in children
who have an emotional disturbance include: Hyperactivity
3. Neglected Child (short attention span, impulsiveness); Aggression or self-
It is failure of a parent or legal guardian to provide, for reasons injurious behavior (acting out, fighting); Withdrawal (not
other than poverty, adequate food, clothing, shelter, basic interacting socially with others, excessive fear or anxiety).
education or medical care so as to seriously endanger the
physical, mental, social and emotional growth and d. Mentally Ill Child
development of the child. A person who has behavioral disorder.
A person whose basic needs have been deliberately Whether functional or organic, which is of such a degree of
unattended to or inadequately attended to, physically or severity as to require professional help or hospitalization
emotionally, his parents or guardians.
Types of Neglect: 5. Commitment or Surrender of a Child
Voluntarily Committed / Surrendered Child refers to a
a. Physical Neglect – it occurs when a child is malnourished, ill
child whose parent or legal guardian knowingly and
clad and without proper shelter. willingly relinquished parental authority in writing
According to the studies reviewed here, neglect of children is through a notarized Deed of Voluntary Commitment
commonplace across the Philippines. Using a cross-sectional
to the DSWD or any duly licensed or accredited child May take the form of an individualized treatment program
placement or child-caring agency or institution. which may include counseling, skills training, education,
and other activities that will enhance his or her
Important Provisions of the Laws on Adoption psychological, emotional, and psycho-social well-being.
An act by which relations of paternity and filiations are Diversion
recognized as legally existing between persons not so Refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of
related by nature. the taking into one’s family of the child of determining the responsibility and treatment of a child in
another, as son or daughter and heir, and conferring on it a conflict with the law based on his or her social, cultural,
title to the rights and privileges of such economic, psychological or educational background without
resorting to formal court proceedings
Biological Child
Natural-born child of the parents. Diversion Program
Refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law
Adopted Child is required to undergo after he or she is found responsible
A child who underwent the judicial process of adoption. for an offense without resorting to formal court proceedings.

Foundling Youth Detention Home

Refers to a deserted or abandoned infant or child whose Refers to a 24-hour child-caring institution managed by
parents, guardian or relatives are unknown. accredited local government units and licensed and/or
accredited non-governmental organizations providing short-
WEEK 16 term residential care for children in conflict with the law who
REPUBLIC ACT 9344 AND REPUBLIC ACT 7610 are awaiting court disposition of their cases or transfer to
PHILIPPINE JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM other agencies or jurisdiction
RA 9344 – Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9344. AN ACT ESTABLISHING A Youth Rehabilitation Center
COMPREHENSIVE Refers to a 24-hour residential care facility managed by the
JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE SYSTEM, DSWD, local government units, licensed or accredited non-
CREATING THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE governmental organizations monitored by the DSWD, which
COUNCIL UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, provides care, treatment, and rehabilitation services for
APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR AND FOR OTHER children in conflict with the law.
-- repealed the provisions of the Revised Penal Code and Rights of the Child in Conflict with the Law
Presidential Decree No 603 on minor offenders The child in conflict with the law shall enjoy the presumption
of minority and shall enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict
Important Terms Introduced by RA 9344 with the law until proven to be eighteen years old or older at
Juvenile Justice and Welfare System the time of the commission of the offense.
Refers to a system dealing with children at risk and children 1. The right not to be imposed a sentence of capital
in conflict with the law, which provides child-appropriate punishment or life imprisonment.
proceedings, including programs and services for
prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and
2. The right to be detained or imprisoned as a disposition
aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development. of last resort, which shall be for the shortest appropriate
period of time.
Restorative Justice 3. The right to be separated from adult offenders at all
Refers to a principle which requires a process of resolving times: during detention, while being transported to and
conflicts with the maximum involvement of the victim, the from the court and while waiting for the hearing.
offender, and the community; seeks to obtain reparation for 4. The right to be detained only with other detainees of the
the victim, reconciliation of the offender, the offended and same sex, if detention is necessary.
the community and reassurance to the offender that he or 5. The right to be searched only by a law enforcement
she can be reintegrated into society
officer of the same gender.
Child at Risk 6. The right not to be handcuffed, when such is not
Refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of necessary.
committing criminal offenses because of personal, family, 7. the right to have his parents or guardians present
and social circumstances. 8. the right to diversion if he or she is qualified and
voluntarily avails of the same
Child in Conflict with the Law
Refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or adjudged
9. the right to automatic suspension of sentence
as, having committed an offense under Philippine laws 10. The right to probation as an alternative to
imprisonment, if qualified under the Probation Law
Initial Contact with the Child 11. The right to have the records and proceedings involving
Refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a child him be considered privileged and confidential
in conflict with the law-by-law enforcement officers or
private citizens Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
Under RA 9344, the minimum age of criminal liability is 15
Intervention years old. This means that those within the age of 15 to 18
Refers to a series of activities which are designed to years old may be detained in youth centers and go through
address issues that caused the child to commit an offense. rehabilitation programs while those under 15 years old are
exempted from criminal liability but must undergo Taking into custody of a CICL
intervention. Duties of Law Enforcement Officer
a. Identify himself to the child
• A child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of b. Inform the child of his constitutional rights
the commission of the offense shall be exempt from
criminal liability, but he shall undergo intervention
c. Refrain from harassing or abusing the child
program. d. Notify the parents/guardians, local or DSWD social
• A child above fifteen (15) years of age but below worker, and the PAO, not later than 8 hours from the
time the child is taken into custody.
eighteen (18) years of age shall likewise be exempt
from criminal liability, if he or she acted without e. Determines the age of the child
discernment, but he shall undergo intervention f. Take the child to a medical officer for a physical and
program. mental examination
• However, they are exempted only from criminal liability g. Turn over the child to the local/DSWD social worker
and not from civil liability within 8 hours after he is taken into custody
• A child above fifteen (15) years of age but below h. Avoid use of firearms or instruments of force or
eighteen (18) years of age who acted with discernment restraint, unless absolutely necessary
shall be subjected to the diversion proceedings and i. If detention is necessary, separate child from adult
shall undergo diversion program, if qualified. detainees
• A child above fifteen (15) years of age but below j. Record: use of handcuffs or other instruments of
eighteen (18) years of age who acted with discernment restraint; notice to parents,
and who is not qualified for diversion, or refused to DSWD and PAO; measures taken to determine age
undergo diversion, shall be prosecuted.
k. Ensure that statements signed by child are witnessed
Presumption of Age by parents, guardian, social worker or legal counsel
The child in conflict with the law shall enjoy the presumption l. Search on child to be conducted by officer of same
of minority and shall enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict gender
with the law until proven to be eighteen years old or older at
the time of the commission of the offense. Initial Investigation
• Presumption of minority/has rights of CICL until proven It is the stage after initial contact when the law enforcement
18 years old or older. officer takes the statement of the CICL.
• Birth certificate, baptismal certificate, other pertinent The law enforcement officer shall make the initial investigation
documents (school records). by taking the statement of the child:
• In the absence: information from child, physical 1. In a language that the child understands
appearance, testimonies of other persons or other
relevant evidence. 2. In a friendly and non-intimidating manner
3. In a separate room or place where the child is
Juvenile Justice Welfare Council (JJWC) comfortable
• Created and attached to the DOJ and place under its 4. Privacy must be observed at all times
administrative supervision
• Shall be chaired by undersecretary of the DSWD Intervention Program
A series of activities designed to address issues that
• Shall ensure the effective implementation of this act caused the child to commit an offense.
and coordinate among the following agencies: Some examples of useful interventions include building
a. CWC relationships, adapting the environment, managing sensory
b. DepEd stimulation, changing communication strategies, providing
c. DILG prompts and cues, using a teach, review, and reteach
process, and developing social skills.
d. PAO Procedure on Intervention
e. BUCOR 1. A CICL 15 years old and below taken into custody,
f. PPA must be immediately released to his/her parents,
h. PNP 2. With notice to LSWDO to determine appropriate
programs with child, parents if D-A-N (dysfunctional
i. BJMP family, abandoned, neglected).
j. CHR 3. Child does not comply with intervention, LSWDO files
k. TESDA for Involuntary Commitment.
l. NYC Examples of Intervention
m. Other institutions focused on juvenile justice 1. Counseling
and intervention programs 2. Peer counseling and life skills training and education
3. Provision of support services to the family
Initial Contact
"Initial Contact With-the Child" refers to the apprehension or 4. Referral to other agencies for appropriate services
taking into custody of a child in conflict with the law-by-law 5. Access to child and youth organizations community
enforcement officers or private citizens. such as but not limited to SK.
Monitoring Compliance or threatening for the child. This includes neglect. When
The child and the parents, guardian or persons having child abuse occurs in the home and the abuser is, for
custody of the child shall regularly report to the LSWDO example, the child's parent or caregiver, this is a form of
who determined the intervention program for evaluation of domestic violence.
the: 'Child abuse or neglect' means the physical injury or
a. Effectiveness of the programs; and neglect, mental injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or
maltreatment of a child under age 18 by a person under
b. Compliance by the child and the parents with circumstances that indicate that the child's health or welfare
the terms of the prevention program
is harmed or threatened.
Failure to Comply with Intervention Programs
Forms of Child Abuse
If the child and the parents, guardian or persons having
custody of the child fail to comply with the intervention 1. Cruelty – refers to any word or deed which debases,
program, despite exhausting all efforts to assist them, the degrades, or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of
LSWDO may file the proper petition for involuntary the child as human being
commitment of the child pursuant to PD 603. 2. Physical injury – includes but is not limited to
lacerations, fractured bones, burns, internal injuries,
Diversion severe injuries, or serious bodily harm suffered by a
An alternative, child-appropriate process of determining child
the responsibility and treatment of a CICL 3. Psychological injury – means harm to a child’
Based on his/her social, cultural, economic, psychological psychological or intellectual functioning which may be
or educational background exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or
Without resorting to formal court proceedings outward aggressive behavior
Who undergoes Diversion?
4. Neglect – means failure to provide, for reasons other
• CICL above 15 years but below 18 years of age who than poverty, the basic needs of the child, such as food,
acted with discernment clothing, medical care, shelter and basic education
• Children who are 15 years old and below who 5. Sexual abuse – includes the employment, use,
committed an offense inducement or coercion of a child to engage in sexual
Contract of Diversion intercourse or lascivious conduct, the molestation,
• Child voluntarily admits commission of the act prostitution and or incest with children
• Victim and offender must both agree to diversion
Child Prostitution
• Must be in writing signed by parties and concerned Child prostitution is prostitution involving a child, and it is a
form of commercial sexual exploitation of children. The term
• LSWO implements/supervises the Diversion Program normally refers to prostitution of a minor, or person under
• Diversion proceedings to be completed in 45 days the legal age of consent. In most jurisdictions, child
On Diversion Program: prostitution is illegal as part of general prohibition on
• Child must present himself/herself at least once a prostitution.
month for reporting and evaluation Exploitation of children, whether male or female, by
coercing them into indulging in sexual intercourse or
• Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of lascivious conduct for money, profit or any other
Diversion Program as certified by the LSWDO, victim consideration.
has the option to institute appropriate legal action
Failure to Comply Who are Criminally Liable for Child Prostitution:
• Failure to comply with the terms and condition of the 1. Those who engage in or promote, facilitate, or induce
contract of diversion, as certified by the LSWDO, shall child prostitution, such as:
giver the offended party the option to institute the
appropriate legal action
a. Those acting as procurer of a child prostitute.
b. Parents, guardians, or relatives who knowingly
IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF RA 7610 allow or coerce their children or ward into
RA 7610 – Special Protection of Children Against Child prostitution.
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act 2. Those who commit the act of sexual intercourse or
• approved on 17 June 1992 lascivious conduct with a child exploited in child
• this law is also commonly referred to as the Anti-Child prostitution, such as:
Abuse Act a. clients of child prostitutes
3. Those who derive profit or advantage there from, such
RA 7658 – amendatory law to RA 7610 as:
• approved on 9 November 1993 a. Managers or owners of the establishment where
• this law amended the provisions of RA 7610 regarding the prostitution takes place.
working children
• this law was further amended by RA 9231 Obscene Publications and Indecent Shows
The use, hiring, employment and coercing of children as
Child Abuse performers, actors or models for obscene exhibitions and
Refers to maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of the indecent shows, whether live or in video, or in printed
child. pornographic materials.
Child abuse is not just physical violence directed at a child.
It is any form of maltreatment by an adult, which is violent Children as Zones of Peace
Children as a Zone of Peace (CZOP) is a strategy that aims • Information must allege that the child acted with
to provide humanitarian aid during conflict by prioritizing the discernment
rights of children. ... Further potential is suggested, both in
conflict settings and non-conflict environments, where R.A. 9344 as amended by R.A. 10630
children's rights are not being met. Child – refers to a person under the age of 18 years
• Children shall not be the object of attack in situations of CICL – refers to a child who is alleged as, accused of, or
armed conflict. adjudged as, having committed an offense under Philippine
• They shall be protected from any form of threat, assault, laws
torture or other cruel, inhumane, or degrading treatment. CAR – children who are vulnerable or at -risk of behaving in
a way that can harm themselves or others, or vulnerable
• Children shall not be recruited to become members of the
and at risk of being pushed and exploited to come into
Armed Forces of the Philippines of its civilian units, nor be
conflict with the law because of personal, family and social
allowed to take part in the fighting, or used as guides,
couriers, or spies.
International Human Rights Instruments
• Children shall be given priority during evacuation as a o The UN Convention on the Right of the Child (UN
result of armed conflict.
WEEK 17 o Article 37 and Article 40, UN CRC
REPUBLIC ACT 10630 AND UNITED NATION o The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the
DECLARATIONS Administration of Juvenile Justice- Beijing Rules
Promotion and protection of the rights of CAR and CICL o Article 20 (1), Article 19 (1), Article 13(2) of the Beijing
under a restorative justice and welfare system Rules
 Other important provisions
o The UN Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile
 Automatic suspension of sentence Delinquency - Riyadh Guidelines
 Credit in the service of sentence Salient Features of R.A. 9344, as amended by R.A. 10630
 Mandatory registry of CICL Art. 3, 1987 Philippine Constitution
 Confidentiality of records and proceedings Art. 2, Sec. 13 1987 Philippine Constitution
 Prohibited Acts R.A. 9344 as amended by R.A. 10630
 Notification of PAO not later than 8 hours after
apprehension The UN agency for children
 No detention of CICL in jail pending trial or hearing of In the aftermath of World War II, the plight of Europe’s children
his/her case (Sec. 35, RA 9344 as amended) was grave, and a new agency created by the United Nations
 Custody of CICL pending trial stepped in to provide food and clothing and health care to
 PAO to obtain Order of Release from the Court if child is these children. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of
deprived of liberty the UN and began a successful global campaign against
yaws, a disfiguring disease affecting millions of children, and
Standard Procedure in the Management of CAR and CICL one that can be cured with penicillin.
Cases Declaration of the Rights of the Child
 CICL exempt from criminal responsibility (15 years and In 1959, the UN General Assembly adopted the
below) Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which defines children’s
 CICL above 12 to 15 years old who committed a serious rights to protection, education, health care, shelter, and good
crime listed in the Act  CICL above 12 to 15 years old nutrition.
but reported for repetition of offenses.
 CICL above 15 years but below 18 years of age who Education
acted without discernment; and Following more than a decade of focus on child health
 CICL above 15 years but below 18 years of age who issues, UNICEF expanded its interests to address the needs
acted with discernment. of the whole child. Thus, began an abiding concern with
education, starting with support for teacher training and
 CAR who violates status offenses and local ordinances
classroom equipment in newly independent countries. In 1965,
under Sec. 57 and Sec. 57-A
the organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize “for the
Promotion of brotherhood among nations.” Today, UNICEF
Other Salient Features
works in more than 190 countries and territories, focusing
Discernment o Diversion
special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded
• at the level of the law enforcement officer children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.
• at the LSWDO Convention on the Rights of the Child
• Prosecutor or Judge UNICEF's work is guided by the Convention on the
Rights of the Child (1989). The Convention is the most rapidly
• Provides for the Rights of a CICL and widely ratified international human rights treaty in history.
• Sets the MACR at above 15 years old The Convention changed the way children are viewed and
• Mandates a Standard, Child-Sensitive Procedure in treated – i.e., as human beings with a distinct set of rights
the Management of CAR and CICL Cases from Initial instead of as passive objects of care and charity. The
Contact to Reintegration unprecedented acceptance of the Convention clearly shows a
• Enhanced Process Flowcharts wide global commitment to advancing children’s rights. Much
has been accomplished since the adoption of the Convention,
• Integrated Care Management Protocol from declining infant mortality to rising school enrolment, but
• LSWDO to conduct initial assessment much remains to be done.
• Discernment assessment tool developed by the DSWD State of the World's Children
Every child has the right to health, education and violence with the youngest being especially vulnerable as they
protection, and every society has a stake in expanding are less able to speak up and seek support.
children’s opportunities in life. Yet, around the world, millions In 2006, the UN Study provided a set of
of children are denied a fair chance for no reason other than recommendations on how to end violence against children;
the country, gender or circumstances into which they are born. and the Secretary-General appointed a Special
Poverty affects children disproportionately. Around the world, Representative to ensure their effective follow-up and to
one out of five children live in extreme poverty, living on less monitor implementation.
than US$1.90 a day. Their families struggle to afford the basic There has been some real progress: many states now
health care and nutrition needed to provide them a strong have legislation to prohibit physical, mental, and sexual
start. These deprivations leave a lasting imprint; in 2019, 149 violence and support victims; campaigns are raising
million children under the age of five were stunted. awareness of the negative impact of violence; and bullying,
Despite great progress in school enrolment in many sexual violence and harmful practices against children are
parts of the world, more than 175 million children are not being tackled. We also have more data on the scale and
enrolled in pre-primary education, missing a critical investment nature of violence against children.
opportunity, and suffering deep inequalities from the start. 6 These are significant developments but much more
out of 10 leave primary school without achieving minimum needs to be done. The inclusion of a specific target (16.2) in
proficiency levels in reading and mathematics, according to a the 2030 Agenda has shown the world’s commitment to end to
2017 UNESCO report. This challenge is compounded by the all forms of violence against children. We must work urgently
increasingly protracted nature of armed conflict. to ensure that noble vision becomes a reality for every child.
Children and armed conflict
More than twenty years ago, the world united to
condemn and mobilize against the use of children in armed Children and the Sustainable Development Goals
conflict. Since then, thousands of children have been released For 15 years, the Millennium Development Goals
as a result of Action Plans mandated by the UN Security (MDGs) were a guiding force on many issues affecting the
Council and other actions aimed at ending and preventing lives of children, young people and their families. Over this
recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups. time, tremendous progress was made in reducing preventable
However, serious challenges for the protection of children child deaths, getting more children into schools, reducing
affected by armed conflict remain. extreme poverty and ensuring more people have access to
safe water and nutritious food.
Nearly 250 million children live in countries and areas However, progress has been uneven and many of the most
affected by armed conflict. In the Syrian Arab Republic, the pressing issues for the world -- including addressing
nine-year conflict has caused the deaths of 400,000 people, inequalities, promoting inclusive economic growth, protecting
according to estimates by the former Special Envoy for Syria, children from violence and combating climate change -- were
Staffan de Mistura. More than 7,000 children were killed or not adequately covered in the MDGs.
maimed since the conflict erupted, the UN verified. In With the adoption of the new Sustainable
Afghanistan in the first half of 2019, child casualties Development Goals (SDGs) in September of 2015, world
represented almost one-third of the overall total of civilian leaders have committed to ending poverty by 2030. But unless
casualties, with 327 deaths and 880 injured. accelerated efforts are made:
 Almost 52 million children may die before reaching
In Somalia, children continue to be the most affected their fifth birthday between 2019 and 2030.
by crises. More than 5,200 children were victims of grave
violations, alone in 2018, and that is just the number of
 Children in sub-Saharan Africa will be 16 times more
likely to die before their fifth birthday than children in
reported cases. Children get recruited, used, killed and
high-income countries.
maimed. More than 3 million remained out of school last year.
Hundreds of thousands were malnourished.  Nine out of 10 children living in extreme poverty will
Millions of children, many of whom are live in sub-Saharan Africa.
unaccompanied or separated from their families are being  More than 60 million primary school-aged children will
displaced by armed conflict. These children are at a high risk be out of school – roughly the same number as are
of grave violations in and around camps, and other areas of out of school today. More than half will be from sub-
refuge. Action is urgently required to alleviate the plight of Saharan Africa.
children displaced by armed conflict and the Secretary-  More than 150 million additional girls will marry before
General encourages Member States to respect the rights of their 18th birthday by 2030.
displaced and refugee children and to provide them with These vast inequities and dangers do more than
necessary support services. violate the rights and imperil the futures of individual children.
Violence against children They perpetuate intergenerational cycles of disadvantage and
The right of children to protection from violence is inequality that undermine the stability of societies and even the
enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and yet security of nations everywhere.
still one billion children experience some form of emotional,
physical, or sexual violence every year; and one child dies Children and the UN system
from violence every five minutes. From the focus on education of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
Violence against children knows no boundaries of to the efforts of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to
culture, class or education. It takes place against children in abolish child labor, to the Children and Youth Program of the
institutions, in schools, and at home. Peer violence is also a UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
concern, as is the growth in cyberbullying. Children exposed to Near East (UNRWA), to the nutritional work for mothers and
violence live in isolation, loneliness and fear, not knowing young children provided by the World Food Program (WFP), to
where to turn for help, especially when the perpetrator is disease-eradication campaigns by the World Health
someone close. Children’s gender, disability, poverty, Organization (WHO), the UN system is there for children
nationality or religious origin may all increase the risk of

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