Gravity Falls Grammar Worksheets

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English Teaching Materials

Grammar Rules

English Teaching Materials

Past Simple
Task 1. Watch the video and answer the questions

1. Where was the mailbox

2. What did Dipper and his team
put in the mailbox?
3. What did the letter inside the
mailbox say?

Task 2. Open the brackets

1. Dipper and his team _____________(put) a letter
in the mailbox.
2. The mailbox _____________(know) their names.
3. The mailbox _____________(be) located in the
middle of the forest with no house or

Task 3. Put the words in

the correct order

English Teaching Materials

Present Perfect
Task 1. Complete
the sentences with
have or has

Task 2. Open the brackets

1. Mabel (eat) __________ dinner already.
2. They (visit) __________ the museum twice.
3. The twins (read) __________ that book before.
4. Dipper (see) __________ that movie many times.
5. We (not / finish) __________ our homework yet.
6. Have you ever (travel) __________ to Europe?

Task 3. Rewrite the sentences as questions

1. You have visited London.
2. Mabel has finished her homework.
3. They have seen that movie.
4. Dipper has met his friends.
5. The twins have tried sushi.
6. Grunkle Stan has bought a new car.
7. You have watched this TV show.

English Teaching Materials

Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Task 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense
1. Mabel __________ (finish) her work an hour ago.
2. They__________(visit) that museum last summer.
3. Dipper __________ (not / eat) lunch yet today.
4. I __________ (read) that book when I was a child.
5. We __________ (see) that movie two days ago.

Task 2. Sort
the following

Task 3. Correct the mistakes

1. I have went to Paris yesterday.
2. They has played soccer yesterday.
3. Mabel have read that magazine.
4. We have went to the beach last summer.
5. Did you ever eaten sushi?
6. Stan goed to the store yesterday.
7. We has watched that movie last night.

English Teaching Materials

Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Task 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense
1. Mabel __________ (finish) her work an hour ago.
2. They__________(visit) that museum last summer.
3. Dipper __________ (not / eat) lunch yet today.
4. I __________ (read) that book when I was a child.
5. We __________ (see) that movie two days ago.

Task 2. Sort
the following

Task 3. Correct the mistakes

1. I have went to Paris yesterday.
2. They has played soccer yesterday.
3. Mabel have read that magazine.
4. We have went to the beach last summer.
5. Did you ever eaten sushi?
6. Stan goed to the store yesterday.
7. We has watched that movie last night.

English Teaching Materials

Interactive Tasks
Click on the sticker and do the task

English Teaching Materials

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English Teaching Materials

Матеріали для дітей та дорослих

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English Teaching Materials

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English Teaching Materials

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