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Mother Teresa Law Degree College

Internal Examination 2024
LLB (semester –iv),
Family law

Time-01:00 hrs Marks- 30

Note: Answer any 6 questions in all.

Q1. Write short notes on-

(i) What do you understand by Hindu joint family. Discuss karta its legal
position and power of karta? (5 marks)

(ii) What do you understand by the term coparcenary. Explain the rights of
coparcener? (5 marks)

(iii) Explain the Doctrine of aul/increase and Radd/ Return under muslim
law? (5 marks)

(iv) What is partition. Who can claim partition and if partition takes place
who are entitles to get share in such partition. Discuss? (5 marks)

(v) Define ‘Hiba’ under muslim law and discuss its essentials. (5 marks)

(vi) What is pre emption and discuss its origin, kinds,effect? (5marks)
(vii) State the esssentials of a valid will under muslim law. How can a will be
revoked? (5 marks)

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