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A report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Award of degree


B.NAVEEN 206C1A0406
Under supervision of
(Duration : From June 05 2023 to July 10 2023)


(Approved by AICTE , New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTU Kakinada)
Bhogapuram,Viziyanagaram,Andhra Pradesh
This is to certify that the “Internship report” submitted B.NAVEEN(Regd.
No.: 206C1A0406) is work done by her and submitted during 2023 academic
year, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Department internship coordinator

MR T.N.Murthy Sir,
Head Of The Department
DR. Ravi Babu Sir

First I would like to thank IBM SkillBuild for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within
the organization.
I also would like all the people that worked along with me in IBM Skill Build with their patience and
openness they created an enjoyable working environment.
It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I acknowledge the help
of these individuals.
I am highly indebted to Director & Principal Dr. A. Arjun Rao sir for the facilities provided to
accomplish this internship.
I would like to thank my Head of the Department Dr. Ravi Babu sir for his constructive criticism
throughout my internship.
I would like to thank Sri. G.N.MURTHY Sir internship coordinator Department of ECE for their
support and advices to get and complete internship in above said organization.
I am extremely great full to my department staff members and friends who helped me in successful
completion of this internship.



Organisation Information:

IBM SkillsBuild is a free education program that provides digital training in

STEM, computer study, cyber, information technology, and other sciences through
various courses . It offers free, online, skills-based learning and support for
learners, educators, and organizations . The program is focused on
underrepresented communities and helps adult learners, high school and university
students, and faculty develop valuable new skills and access career opportunities .

Programs and Opportunities:

MyInnerGenius is an ed tech innovation which uses cognitive tools to help match

people to careers which complement their innate skills and abilities.
 CodeDoor enables underrepresented groups to learn how to code.
 Coorpacademy and Skillsoft provide innovative online training.
 IBM’s New Collar Certificate Program provides career-focused skills development
for the most in-demand roles.
I follow a structured methodology for our projects which starts from designing the solution to the
implementation phase. Well planned Project reduces the time to deliver the project and any
additional ad-hoc costs to our clients, hence we dedicate majority of our time understanding our
clients business and gather requirements. This ground up approach helps us deliver not only the
solution to our clients but also add value to your investments.

Key parts of the Report:

Under each division we further provide specific industry solutions on focused domains with
cutting edge technologies.

Benefits of the Company/Institution through our report:

Under each division we further provide specific industry solution on focused domains with
cutting edge technologies. We emphasize on building relationships with our clients by
delivering projects on time and within budget.



3 Software Requirements Specifications

4 Technology

4.1 HTML

4.2 Javascript

4.3 CSS
5 Coding

6 Pictures

7 Conclusion

8 Biblography
Learning Objectives/Internship Objectives

 Internships are generally thought of to be reserved for college students looking to gain
experience in a particular field. However, a wide array of people can benefit from
Training Internships in order to receive real world experience and develop their skills.
 An objective for this position should emphasize the skills you already possess in the
area and your interest in learning more  Internships are utilized in a number of
different career fields, including architecture, engineering, healthcare, economics,
advertising and many more.
 Some internship is used to allow individuals to perform scientific research while
others are specifically designed to allow people to gain first-hand experience working.
 Utilizing internships is a great way to build your resume and develop skills that can be
emphasized in your resume for future jobs. When you are applying for a Training
Internship, make sure to highlight any special skills or talents that can make you stand
apart from the rest of the applicants so that you have an improved chance of landing
the position
Weekly Overview Of Internship Activities

1st WEEK
Date DAY Name of the topic/MODULE COMPLETED
06/06/2023 Tuesday Orientation and Registration

Date DAY Name of the topic/MODULE COMPLETED
13/06/2023 Tuesday Introduction to HTML

3rd WEEK
Date DAY Name of the topic/MODULE COMPLETED
20/06/2023 Tuesday Introduction to CSS and Javascript

4th WEEK
Date DAY Name of the topic/MODULE COMPLETED
27/06/2023 Tuesday Website designing using html,css,js

5th WEEK
Date DAY Name of the topic/MODULE COMPLETED
04/06/2023 Tuesday Project
6th WEEK
Date DAY Name of the topic/MODULE COMPLETED
10/06/2023 Monda Coding and testing

 A front-end developer is responsible for creating the user

interface of a website or application.
 They work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create
visually appealing and responsive web pages.
 If you’re looking for an internship in front-end
development, it’s important to have a basic
understanding of these technologies
 You can start by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and
 Are many online resources available that can help you
get started.

 You can also prepare a short script that highlights your

skills, talents, and areas of expertise that are important to
you as a front-end developer.

 Then go over why you’re applying for a front-end

developer position, emphasizing career-related motives
including a desire to gain experience and take on more
responsibilities 1.
2.System Analysis

System analysis for front-end development involves the process of understanding, designing, and planning the
front-end components and user interfaces of a software system. It's an essential step in the software development
lifecycle that ensures the user interface meets the requirements and expectations of the users and the business.
Here are the key steps and considerations in system analysis for front-end development:

1. Requirement Gathering

- Collaborate with stakeholders, including users, product managers, and designers, to gather detailed
requirements for the front-end system.

- Identify the goals, objectives, and constraints of the project.

2. User Research

- Conduct user interviews, surveys, and usability testing to gain insights into user preferences, behaviors, and
pain points.

- Create user personas to represent different user groups and their needs.

3.Functional Analysis:

- Define the core functionality of the front-end, such as navigation, user interactions, data input, and data

- Create use cases or user stories to describe how users will interact with the system.

4. Information Architecture

- Organize the content and structure of the front-end, including the navigation hierarchy and content layout.

- Create sitemaps, wireframes, or mockups to visualize the information architecture.

5. Technology Stack Selection

- Choose the appropriate front-end technologies and frameworks based on project requirements and
constraints. Common technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular libraries or frameworks like
React, Angular, or Vue.js.

6. Design and Prototyping

- Work with UI/UX designers to create visual designs and interactive prototypes of the front-end.

- Ensure that the design aligns with the branding and user experience goals.

7. Performance Analysis

- Assess the performance requirements of the front-end, including page load times and responsiveness.

- Optimize assets (e.g., images, scripts, stylesheets) for performance.

8. Accessibility and Usability

- Ensure that the front-end is accessible to users with disabilities by following web accessibility guidelines
(e.g., WCAG).

- Conduct usability testing to identify and address usability issues.

9. Security Analysis
- Identify potential security vulnerabilities in the front-end, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or cross-site
request forgery (CSRF).

- Implement security best practices to protect user data and the system.

System analysis for front-end development is an iterative process, and it should be flexible to adapt to changing
requirements and user feedback. Collaboration between front-end developers, designers, and other stakeholders
is crucial to ensure the successful development of a user-friendly and functional front-end system.
3. Software Requirements Specifications
System configurations
The software requirement specification can produce at the culmination of the analysis
task. The function and performance allocated to software as part of system engineering are refined
by established a complete information description, a detailed functional description, a
representation of system behavior, and indication of performance and design constrain, appropriate
validate criteria, and other information pertinent to requirements.

Software Requirements
 Operating system : windows
 Coding Language : HTML , CSS , JAVAscript
 Other : BootStrap
 Compeiler : Vs code
 4.Technology
4.1 HTML
HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a standard markup
language used to create the structure and content of web pages. It is
a fundamental technology for building websites and web
applications. HTML provides a set of elements (tags) that web
developers use to define and structure the different parts of a web
page, including text, images, links, forms, and more.
Here are some key aspects of HTML:
1. **Markup Language**: HTML is a markup language, not a
programming language. It consists of a series of tags enclosed in
angle brackets (< >) that are used to describe the elements and their
structure on a web page.
2. **Semantic Structure**: HTML allows you to create a semantic
structure for web content. Semantic HTML elements provide
meaning to the content, making it more accessible and
understandable to both humans and machines. For example, you can
use <h1> for the main heading, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, and
<img> for images.
3. **Hierarchy**: HTML documents have a hierarchical structure.
They start with an <html> element that contains two main sections:
<head> (for meta-information and scripts) and <body> (for the visible
content of the web page).
4. **Attributes**: HTML tags can have attributes that provide
additional information about an element. Attributes are placed
within the opening tag and are used to customize and define the
behavior of elements. For example, the "src" attribute in an <img>
tag specifies the image source.
4.2 CSS
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language used in web
development to describe the presentation and styling of HTML or
XML documents. CSS enables web developers to control the layout,
appearance, and formatting of web pages, making it an essential
technology for creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites.
Here are the key aspects of CSS:
1. **Separation of Concerns**: CSS follows the principle of
separating content (HTML) from presentation (CSS) and behavior
(JavaScript). This separation allows developers to make changes to
the appearance of a web page without altering its content or
2. **Styling Elements**: CSS is used to apply styles to HTML
elements. Styles include properties like colors, fonts, margins,
padding, borders, positioning, and more. By specifying these styles,
you can control how elements are displayed on a web page.
3. **Selectors**: CSS uses selectors to target specific HTML elements
that you want to style. Selectors can be based on element types (e.g.,
`p` for paragraphs), class names (e.g., `.header` for elements with the
"header" class), IDs (e.g., `#menu` for elements with the "menu" ID),
and various other criteria.
4. **Cascading**: The term "cascading" in CSS refers to the order of
precedence when multiple CSS rules apply to the same element. CSS
rules can be defined in multiple stylesheets (e.g., external, internal,
inline) and may conflict with each other. The rules are applied in a
specific order, and conflicts are resolved based on specificity and the
importance of the rule.
5. **Inheritance**: CSS properties can be inherited from parent
elements to their child elements. This means that if you apply a style
to a parent element, it may affect its child elements unless
overridden by specific child element styles.
4.2 javascript
JavaScript, often abbreviated as "JS," is a high-level, versatile, and
widely used programming language primarily employed in web
development. It enables web developers to add interactivity, dynamic
behavior, and complex functionality to websites and web
applications. JavaScript is a core technology of the modern web, and
it runs directly in web browsers, making it an essential component of
client-side web development.
Here are the key aspects of JavaScript:
1. **Client-Side Scripting**: JavaScript is primarily used for client-
side scripting, which means it runs in the user's web browser. This
allows web developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages
that respond to user actions without the need for constant
communication with the web server.
2. **Web Development**: JavaScript is a cornerstone of web
development and is commonly used for tasks such as form validation,
DOM manipulation (changing the content and structure of web
pages), handling user events (e.g., clicks and keyboard input), and
making asynchronous requests to web servers (AJAX).
3. **Versatility**: JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used
for various purposes, including web development, server-side
programming (Node.js), desktop application development (using
frameworks like Electron), and mobile app development (using
frameworks like React Native).
4. **Cross-Browser Compatibility**: Modern web browsers support
JavaScript, making it a cross-browser scripting language. Developers
can write JavaScript code that works consistently across different
5. **Event-Driven**: JavaScript is event-driven, which means it
responds to events triggered by user actions (e.g., clicks, keypresses)
or other activities (e.g., data loading completion). Developers write
event handlers to specify how the program should react to these
6. **Object-Oriented**: JavaScript is an object-oriented language,
and it uses a prototype-based inheritance model. It allows
developers to create and manipulate objects, making it suitable for
building complex software systems
Here are some key features and aspects of Bootstrap:

1. Responsive Design: Bootstrap is known for its responsive grid system, which
allows developers to create web layouts that adapt smoothly to different
screen sizes and devices. This ensures that websites built with Bootstrap look
and function well on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
2. Pre-Designed Components: Bootstrap offers a collection of pre-designed UI
components, such as navigation bars, buttons, forms, modals, tooltips,
carousels, and more. These components are ready to use and can be
customized to match the design of your project.
3. Easy Customization: While Bootstrap provides default styles and
components, it is highly customizable. Developers can use CSS variables or
modify the framework's source code to tailor the appearance and behavior of
Bootstrap components to meet specific design requirements.
4. Browser Compatibility: Bootstrap is designed to be compatible with modern
web browsers, ensuring a consistent and reliable user experience across
different platforms.
5. Accessibility: Bootstrap includes features and practices that promote web
accessibility, making it easier for users with disabilities to navigate and interact
with websites and web applications built using the framework.
6. Extensive Documentation: Bootstrap provides comprehensive
documentation with examples and usage guidelines, making it easy for
developers to get started and make the most of the framework's features.
7. Community and Support: Bootstrap has a large and active community of
developers and contributors. This community offers support, shares code
snippets, and creates additional Bootstrap themes and extensions.
<!DOCTYPE html>

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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<title>Personal Portfolio</title>

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<h1>Hi, I'm <span>BANDI NAVEEN</span> <br>From INDIA</h1> <br>Welcome To My Webpage</h1>





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<img src="images/user.png" alt="user">


<div class="about-col-2">

<h1 class="sub-title">About Me</h1>


Throughout my career,
I have honed my skills in HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT,PYTHON.</p>

<div class="tab-titles">

<p class="tab-links active-links" onclick="opentab('skills')">Skills</p>

<p class="tab-links"onclick="opentab('experience')">Experience</p>

<p class="tab-links"onclick="opentab('education')">Education</p>


<div class="tab-contents active-tab" id="skills">


<li><span>UI/UX</span><br>Designing Web/App interfaces<br></li>

<li><span>Web Development</span><br>WebApp Development<br></li>

<li><span>App Development</span><br>Building Android<br></li>



<div class="tab-contents" id="experience">


<li><span>2021-current</span><br>Python <br></li>

<li><span>2022</span><br>WebApp Development<br></li>

<li><span>2023</span><br>Building Android<br></li>



<div class="tab-contents" id="education">



<li><span>2020</span><br>Intermediate (+12)<br></li>

<li><span>2024</span><br>Pursuing 4th Year B-Tech<br></li>








<div id="services">

<div class="container">

<h1 class="sub-title">My Services</h1>

<div class="services-list">


<i class="fa-solid fa-code"></i>

<h2>Web Design</h2>

<p>the process of planning,conceptualizing,and implementihg the plan for designing a website in a

good user experince</p>


<a href="#">Learn more</a>



<i class="fa-sharp fa-solid fa-crop"></i>

<h2>UI/UX Design</h2>

<p>User experience design is the process of defining the experience a user would go through when interacting with a company, its services


<a href="#">Learn more</a>



<i class="fa-brands fa-app-store"></i>

<h2>App Design</h2>Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for one or more mobile devices, which can include personal digital assistant


<a href="#">Learn more</a>






<div id="Portfolio">

<div class="container">

<h1 class="sub-title">My Work</h1>

<div class="work-list">

<div class="work">

<img src="images/work-1.png">

<div class="layer">

<h3>Social Media App</h3>

<p>The app connects you to the talented people around the world.

download it from the playstore.</p>

<a href="#"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"> </i></a>



<div class="work">

<img src="images/work-2.png">

<div class="layer">

<h3>Music App</h3>

<p>The app connects you to the talented people around the world.

download it from the playstore.</p>

<a href="#"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"> </i></a>



<div class="work"><img src="images/work-3.png">

<div class="layer">

<h3>Online shopping App</h3>

<p>The app connects you to the talented people around the world.

download it from the playstore.</p>

<a href="#"><i class="fas fa-external-link-alt"> </i></a>




<a href="#" class="btn">see more</a>




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<h1 class="sub-title">Contct Me</h1>

<p><i class="fas fa-paper-plane"></i></p>

<p><i class="fas fa-phone-square-alt"></i>+91 6301270852</p>

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<a href="images/resume.pdf" download class="btn btn2">Download CV</a>


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<button type="submit" class="btn btn2"> Submit </button>


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<p>THANK YOU VIST AGAIN<i class="fas fa-heart"></i></p>




var tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tab-links");

var tabcontents = document.getElementsByClassName("tab-contents");

function opentab(tabname){
for(tablink of tablinks){


for(tabcontent of tabcontents){






var sidemenu= document.getElementById("sidemenu")

function openmenu(){"0";

function closemenu(){"-200px";



const scriptURL = '<>'

const form = document.forms['submit-to-google-sheet']

form.addEventListener('submit', e => {


fetch(scriptURL, { method: 'POST', body: new FormData(form)})

.then(response => {

msg.inneerHTML="Message sent successfully"


msg.innerHTML =""



.catch(error => console.error('Error!', error.message))







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As my internship as a Front-End Developer comes to an end, I am pleased to reflect
on the valuable experiences, skills gained, and contributions made during my time
with the team. This internship has been an incredible learning journey, allowing me
to grow both personally and professionally.

Throughout my internship, I had the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and

tasks, ranging from building responsive web applications to optimizing user
interfaces for better performance and accessibility. Some of the key accomplishments
and takeaways from my internship include:

1. Hands-On Experience: I had the chance to apply my knowledge of HTML,

CSS, JavaScript, and various front-end frameworks like React and Vue.js to
create interactive and visually appealing web applications.
2. Collaborative Environment: I had the privilege of working with a talented
and supportive team. Collaboration was at the core of our workflow, and I
gained valuable insights into the importance of communication and teamwork
in a development environment.
3. Problem Solving: I encountered various challenges during my internship,
from cross-browser compatibility issues to improving the user experience.
These challenges taught me how to think critically and find effective solutions.
4. User-Centric Design: I developed a deeper understanding of the importance
of user-centered design principles. This allowed me to create interfaces that
prioritize usability, accessibility, and a seamless user experience.
5. Version Control: I became proficient in using Git for version control, which is
essential for collaborative software development. This skill will be invaluable in
my future career as a developer.
6. Adaptability: I was exposed to various development tools and libraries, and I
quickly adapted to new technologies and methodologies. This adaptability will
serve me well in an ever-evolving tech landscape.
7. Continuous Learning: I discovered that the world of front-end development
is constantly evolving. My internship taught me the importance of staying
updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field.
**Project Title: Front-End Development Internship**
1. **"HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites"** by Jon Duckett
- This book provided foundational knowledge of HTML and CSS, helping me create well-
structured web pages.
2. **"JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual"** by David Sawyer McFarland
- A comprehensive guide that improved my understanding of JavaScript and jQuery for
interactive web development.
3. **MDN Web Docs** (
- A vital online resource that I frequently referenced for in-depth documentation and
examples related to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
4. **"Responsive Web Design"** by Ethan Marcotte
- This book was instrumental in learning the principles of responsive design and creating
mobile-friendly web interfaces.
5. **"Bootstrap Documentation"** (
- Bootstrap documentation was my go-to resource for creating responsive and aesthetically
6. **"Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance"** by Jim Thatcher, et
- Understanding web accessibility principles was crucial for creating inclusive and user-
friendly web applications.
7. **GitHub** (
- I utilized GitHub for version control and collaboration with my team, learning best
practices in code collaboration.
8. **Visual Studio Code** (
- Visual Studio Code served as my primary code editor, and I explored various extensions to
enhance my development workflow.
9. **"Web Designer"** (Magazine)
- I subscribed to this magazine to stay updated with the latest design trends and web
development practices.
10. **W3C Web Standards** (
- Understanding and adhering to W3C web standards was essential for ensuring cross-
browser compatibility.

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