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MODULE 6: circumstances of the case, the defendant acted while in

a dream, under the influence of a hallucination and not in

We have thus far regarded the case upon the

PEOPLE VS TANEO supposition that the wound of the deceased was direct
GR NO L-37673 result of the defendant's act performed in order to inflict
MARCH 31, 1933 it. Nevertheless we may say further that the evidence
does not clearly show this to have been the case, but
that it may have been caused accidentally. Nobody saw
FACTS: how the wound was inflicted. The defendant did not
testify that he wounded his wife. He only seemed to
Potenciano Tadeo live with his wife in his parent's house have heard her say that she was wounded. What the
of the barrio of Dolores, municipality of Ormoc, Leyte. evidence shows is that the deceased, who was in the
On January 16, 1932, a fiesta was being celebrated in sala, intercepted the defendant at the door of the room
the said barrio and visitors were entertained in the as he was coming out. The defendant did not dream that
house. Among them were Fred Tanner and Luis he was assaulting his wife but he was defending himself
Malinao. Early that afternoon, Potenciano Taneo, went from his enemies. And so, believing that his wife was
to sleep and while sleeping, he suddenly got up, left the really wounded, in desperation, he stabbed himself.
room bolo in hand and, upon meeting his wife who tried
to stop him, he wounded her in the abdomen. In view of all these considerations, and reserving the
Potenciano Taneo attacked Fred Tanner and Luis judgment appealed from, the courts finds that the
Malinao and tried to attack his father after which he defendant is not criminally liable for the offense with
wounded himself. Potenciano's wife who was then seven which he is charged, and it is ordered that he be
months pregnant, died five days later as a result of her confined in the Government insane asylum.
wound, and also the foetus which was asphyxiated in the
mother's womb. PEOPLE VS BONOAN
GR NO L-45130
An information for parricide was filed against Potenciano FEBRUARY 17, 1937
Taneo, and upon conviction he was sentenced by the
trial court to reclusion perpetua with the accessory FACTS:
penalties, to indemnity the heirs of the deceased in the
sum of P500 and to pay the costs. From this sentence,
On January 5, 1935, the prosecuting attorney of the City
the defendant appealed.
of Manila filed an information charging Celestino
Bonoan, the defendant-appellant herein, with the crime
The conclusion is that the defendant acted while in a of murder
dream and his acts, with which he is charged, were not
voluntary in the sense of entailing criminal liability. The defense counsel forthwith objected to the
ISSUE: arraignment on the ground that the defendant was
mentally deranged and was at the time confined in the
WON the defendant is liable Psychopatic Hospital. Dr. Fernandez appeared before
the court and ratified his report, stating that the accused
RULING: was not in a condition to defend himself. In view thereof,
In arriving at this conclusion, we are taking into the case was suspended indefinitely.
consideration the fact that the apparent lack of a motive On January 21, 1936, Dr. Dr. Fernandez reported to the
for committing a criminal act does not necessarily mean court that the defendant could be discharged from the
that there are none, but that simply they are not known hospital and appear for trial, as he was "considered a
to us, for we cannot probe into depths of one's recovered case." Summoned by the court, Dr.
conscience where they may be found, hidden away and Fernandez, appeared and testified that the accused "had
inaccessible to our observation. recovered from the disease.

Doctor Serafica, an expert witness in this case, is also of It appears that in the morning of December 12, 1934, the
the same opinion. The doctor stated that considering the defendant Celestino Bonoan met the now deceased



Carlos Guison on Avenida Rizal near a barbershop close that disqualifies them for legal responsibility for their
to Tom's Dixie Kitchen. Francisco Beech, who was at the actions.
time in the barbershop, heard the defendant say in
Tagalog, "I will kill you." Beech turned around and saw the date when the crime was committed — the
the accused withdrawing his right hand, which held a defendant and appellant had "an attack of insomnia",
knife, from the side of Guison who said, also in Tagalog, which is one of the symptoms of, and may lead
"I will pay you", but Bonoan replied saying that he would to, dementia præcox.
kill him and then stabbed Guison thrice on the left side. The defendant-appellant appears to have been arrested
The assaultt was witnessed by policeman Damaso and taken to the police station on the very same day of
Arnoco who rushed to the scene and arrested Bonoan the perpetration of the crime, and although attempted
and took possession of the knife. were made by detectives to secure a statement from him
ISSUE: (see Exhibit B and D and testimony of Charles Strabel, t.
s. n. pp. 9, 10) he was sent by the police department to
The defense set up being that of insanity, the only the Psychopathic Hospital the day following the
question to be determined in this appeal is whether or commission of the crime. This is an indication that the
not the defendant-appellant was insane at the time of the police authorities themselves doubted the mental
commission of the crime charged. (Insane at the time of normalcy of the acused, which doubt found confirmation
commission of the crime, Dementia) in the official reports submitted by the specialists of the
San Lazaro Hospital.
In view of the foregoing, we are of the opinion that the
To be sure, courts should be careful to distinguish defendant-appellant was demented at the time he
insanity in law from passion or eccentricity, mental perpetrated the serious offense charged in the
weakness or mere depression resulting from physical information and that conseuently he is exempt from
ailment. The State should guard against sane murderers criminal liability. Accordingly, the judgment of the lower
escaping punishment through a general plea of insanity. court is hereby reversed, and the defendant-appellant
In the case at bar, however, we are not cconcerned with acquitted, with costs de oficio in both instances.
connecting two or more attacks of insanity to show the
continuance thereof during the intervening period or PEOPLE VS FORMIGONES
periods but with the continuity of a particular and isolated GR NO L-3246
attack prior to the commission of the crime charged, and NOVEMBER 29, 1950
ending with a positive diagnosis of insanity immediately
following the commission of the act complained of. Upon FACTS:
the other hand, there are facts and circumstances of
In the month of November, 1946, the defendant
record which cannot be overlooked.
Abelardo Formigones was living on his farm in Bahao,
From the evidence presented by the defense, Libmanan, municipality of Sipocot, Camarines Sur, with
uncontradicted by the prosecution, it appears that the his wife, Julia Agricola, and his five children. From there
herein defendant-appellant, during the periods from April they went to live in the house of his half-brother,
11 to April 26, 1922, and from January 6 to January 10, Zacarias Formigones, in the barrio of Binahian of the
1926, was confined in the insane department of the San same municipality of Sipocot, to find employment as
Lazaro Hospital suffering from a disease diagnosed harvesters of palay. After about a month's stay or rather
as dementia præcox. His confinement during these on December 28, 1946, late in the afternoon, Julia was
periods, it is true, was long before the commission of the sitting at the head of the stairs of the house. The
offense on December 12, 1934, but this is a accused, without any previous quarrel or provocation
circumstance which tends to show that the recurrence of whatsoever, took his bolo from the wall of the house and
the ailment at the time of the occurence of the crime is stabbed his wife, Julia, in the back, the blade penetrating
not entirely lacking of any rational or scientific the right lung and causing a severe hemorrhage
foundation. resulting in her death not long thereafter. The blow sent
Julia toppling down the stairs to the ground, immediately
All persons suffering from dementia præcox are clearly followed by her husband Abelardo who, taking her up in
to be regarded as having mental disease to a degree his arms, carried her up the house, laid her on the floor
of the living room and then lay down beside her. In this



position he was found by the people who came in As to the strange behaviour of the accused during his
response to the shouts for help made by his eldest confinement, assuming that it was not feigned to
daughter, Irene Formigones, who witnessed and testified stimulate insanity, it may be attributed either to his being
to the stabbing of her mother by her father. feebleminded or eccentric, or to a morbid mental
condition produced by remorse at having killed his wife.
Investigated by the Constabulary, defendant Abelardo
signed a written statement, Exhibit D, wherein he After a careful study of the record, we are convinced that
admitted that he killed The motive was admittedly of the appellant is not an imbecile. According to the
jealousy because according to his statement he used to evidence, during his marriage of about 16 years, he has
have quarrels with his wife for the reason that he often not done anything or conducted himself in anyway so as
saw her in the company of his brother Zacarias; that he to warrant an opinion that he was or is an imbecile. He
suspected that the two were maintaining illicit relations regularly and dutifully cultivated his farm, raised five
because he noticed that his had become indifferent to children, and supported his family and even maintained
him (defendant). in school his children of school age, with the fruits of his
work. Occasionally, as a side line he made copra. And a
His counsel presented the testimony of two guards of man who could feel the pangs of jealousy to take violent
the provincial jail where Abelardo was confined to the measure to the extent of killing his wife whom he
effect that his conduct there was rather strange and that suspected of being unfaithful to him, in the belief that in
he behaved like an insane person; that sometimes he doing so he was vindicating his honor, could hardly be
would remove his clothes and go stark naked in the regarded as an imbecile. Whether or not his suspicions
presence of his fellow prisoners; that at times he would were justified, is of little or no import. The fact is that he
remain silent and indifferent to his surroundings; that he believed her faithless.
would refused to take a bath and wash his clothes until
forced by the prison authorities; and that sometimes he He seems to be one of those unfortunate beings, simple,
would sing in chorus with his fellow prisoners, or even and even feebleminded, whose faculties have not been
alone by himself without being asked; and that once fully developed. His action in picking up the body of his
when the door of his cell was opened, he suddenly wife after she fell down to the ground, dead, taking her
darted from inside into the prison compound apparently upstairs, laying her on the floor, and lying beside her for
in an attempt to regain his liberty.
hours, shows his feeling of remorse at having killed his
loved one though he thought that she has betrayed him.
The appeal is based merely on the theory that the
appellant is an imbecile and therefore exempt from PEOPLE VS PUNO
criminal liability under article 12 of the Revised Penal GR NO L-33211
Code. JUNE 29, 1981

According to the very witness of the defendant, Dr.

Francisco Gomez, who examined him, it was his opinion FACTS:
that Abelardo was suffering only from feeblemindedness
and not imbecility and that he could distinguish right from There is no doubt that at about two o'clock in the
wrong. afternoon of September 8, 1970, Ernesto Puno, 28, a
jeepney driver, entered a bedroom in the house of
ISSUE: Francisca Col (Aling Kikay), 72, a widow. The house was
located in the area known as Little Baguio, Barrio
WON the formigones is exempt from criminal liability. Tinajeros Malabon, Rizal
(No, the behaviour only constitutes a sign of remorse
and not of imbecility.) On seeing Aling Kikay sitting in bed, Puno insulted her
by saying: "Mangkukulam ka mambabarang mayroon
kang bubuyog". Then, he repeatedly slapped her and
In order that a person could be regarded as an imbecile struck her several times on the head with a hammer until
within the meaning of article 12 of the Revised Penal she was dead.
Code so as to be exempt from criminal liability, he must
be deprived completely of reason or discernment and They testified that Puno's eyes were reddish. His look
freedom of the will at the time of committing the crime. was baleful and menacing.



After the killing, Puno fled to his parents' house at Barrio evident premeditation, abuse of superiority and
Tugatog, Malabon and then went to the house of his disregard of sex as aggravating circumstances.
second cousin, Teotimo Puno, located at Barrio San
Jose, Calumpit, Bulacan, reaching that place in the ISSUE:
evening. How he was able to go to that place, which was WON the defense of insanity can be given credence.
then flooded, is not shown in the record.
Disregarding Puno's threat, Lina, after noting that he had
left, notified the Malabon police of the killing. Corporal In the instant case, the trial court correctly characterized
Daniel B. Cruz answered the call. He found Aling Kikay the killing as murder.
sprawled on her bed already dead, Her head was
After evaluating counsel de oficio's contentions in the
bloody. Her blanket and pillows were bloodstained. He
light of the strict rule just stated and the circumstances
took down the statements of Lina and Hilaria at the
surrounding the killing, we are led to the conclusion that
police station. They pointed to Puno as the killer .
Puno was not legally insane when he killed the hapless
Puno, a native of Macabebe, Pampanga, who testified and helpless victim. The facts and the findings of the
about five months after the killing, pretended that he did psychiatrists reveal that on that tragic occasion he was
not remember having killed Aling Kikay- He believes that not completely deprived of reason and freedom of will.
there are persons who are "mangkukulam,"
"mambabarang" and "mambubuyog and that when one
is victimized by those persons, his feet might shrink or
his hands might swan. Puno believes that a person I dissent. The appellant should not be held liable for the
harmed by a "mambabarang" might have a headache or crime of murder. He was mentally ill when he committed
the alleged killing of Francisca Col (Aling Kikay), a 72-
a swelling nose and ears and can be cured only by a
year old widow. His medical records, as properly
quack doctor (herbolaryo). Consequently, it is necessary
evaluated and confirmed by the expert testimony of the
to kill the "mangkukulam" and "mambabarang". three physicians/psychiatrists who examined and treated
The defense presented three psychiatrists. However, him, undeniably establish the fact that appellant had
been ailing with a psychotic disorder medically known as
instead of proving that puno was insane when he killed
chronic schizophrenia of the paranoid type. Appellant
Aling Kikay, the medical experts testified that Puno acted was stin mentally sick at the time he attacked the victim.
with discernment. He previously suffered from a "displacement of
aggressive and hostile behavior" when he got angry with
Thus, Doctor Araceli Maravilla of the Psychiatry Section
his wife and when he tied and boxed their dog. He had
of the Dr. Jose R. Reyes Memorial Hospital, to whom
the mental delusion that a "mangkukulam" was inflicting
Puno was referred for treatment ten times between harm on him. This delusion found its mark on the victim
September 8, 1966 and July 24, 1970, testified that whom he believed was the "mangkukulam" and fearing
Puno was an out-patient who could very well live with that she would harm him, appellant had to kill her in self-
society, although he was afflicted with "schizophrenic defense. Simply stated, the victim was a mere
reaction"; that Puno knew what he was doing and that he consequence of his mental delusion. He killed the
had psychosis, a slight destruction of the ego. Puno "mangkukulam" as personified by the victim; he did not
admitted to Doctor Maravilia that one cause of his kin Aling Kikay herself. And the said fatal act was made
restlessness, sleeplessness and irritability was his by appellant in defending himself from the
financial problem. "mangkukulam".

The trial court also concluded that if Puno was a While it has been established that appellant was
homicidal maniac who had gone berserk, he would have "manageable" and was "presently free from any social
killed also Hilaria and Lina. The fact that he singled out incapacitating psychotic symptoms" during the trial, the
Aling Kikay signified that he really disposed of her fact remains that at the very moment of the commission
because he thought that she was a witch. of the alleged crime, he was still a mentally sick person.
No evidence was produced to prove otherwise against
His counsel de oficio in this review of the death the bulk of appellant's medical history for 8 years clearly
sentence, contends that the trial court erred in not indicative of his mental psychosis.
sustaining the defense of insanity and in appreciating



As earlier stated, "social recovery" of a schizophrenic cerebro-vascular accident or stroke. But Dr. Balatbat
does not mean that he is "cured" (totally recovered) from who treated the
the disease.
accused for ailments secondary to stroke, and Dr. Lim
PEOPLE VS DUNGO who testified that the accused suffered dorm occlusive
GR NO 89420 disease, concluded that Rosalino was somehow
JULY 31, 1991 rehabilitated after a series of medical treatment in their
On March 16, 1987 between 2:00 and 3:00pm, the WON the accused was insane during the commission of
accused went to Mrs. Sigua's office at the Department of the crime charged.
Agrarian Reform, Apalit, Pampanga. After a brief talk,
the accused drew a knife from the envelope he was RULING:
carrying and stabbed Mrs. Sigua several times. After
No. For insanity to relieve the person of criminal liability,
which he departed from the office with blood stained
it is necessary that there be a complete deprivation of
clothes, carrying a bloodied bladed weapon. The
intelligence in committing the act, that he acts w/o the
autopsy report revealed that the victim sustained 14
least discernment and that there be complete absence
wounds, 5 of which were fatal. Rodolfo Sigua, husband
or deprivation of the freedom of the will. Under Philippine
of the deceased, testified that sometime in February
jurisdiction, there's no definite test or criterion for
1987, the accused Rosalino Dungo inquired from him
insanity. However, the definition of insanity under Sec
why his wife was requiring so many documents from
1039* of the Revised Administrative Code can be
him. Rodolfo explained to him the procedure at the DAR.
applied. In essence, it states that insanity is evinced by a
The accused, in defense of himself, tried to show that he
deranged and perverted condition of the mental
was insane at the time of the commission of the offense:
faculties, which is manifested in language or conduct. An
Two weeks prior to March 16, 1987, Rosalino's wife insane person has no full and clear understanding of the
noticed that he appears to be in deep thought always, nature and consequence of his act. Evidence of insanity
maltreating their children when he was not used to it must refer to the mental condition at the very time of
before. There were also times that her husband would doing the act. However, it is also permissible to receive
inform her that his feet and head were on fire when in evidence of his mental condition for a reasonable period
truth they were not. before and after the time of the act in question.

On that fateful day, Rosalino complained of The vagaries of the mind can only be known by outward
stomachache but they didn't bother to buy medicine as acts. It is not usual for an insane person to confront a
the pain went away immediately. Thereafter, he went specified person who may have wronged him. But in the
back to the store. But when Andrea followed him to the case at hand, the accused was able to Mrs. Sigua.
store, he was no longer there. Worried, she looked for
From this, it can be inferred that the accused was aware
him. On her way home, she heard people saying that a
of his acts. This also established that the accused has
stabbing occurred. She saw her husband in her parents-
lucid intervals. Moreover, Dr. Echavez testified to the
in-law's house with people milling around. She asked her
effect that the appellant could have been aware of the
husband why he did the act, to which Rosalino
nature of his act at the time he committed it when he
answered, "That's the only cure for my ailment. I have
shouted (during laboratory examination) that he killed
cancer of the heart. If I don't kill the deceased in a
Mrs. Sigua. This statement makes it highly doubtful that
number of days, I would die.” That same day, the
the accused was insane when he committed the act. The
accused went to Manila. Dr. Santiago and Dr. Echavez
fact that the accused was carrying an envelope where
of the National Center for Mental Health testified that the
he hid the fatal weapon, that he ran away from the scene
accused was confined in the mental hospital, as per
of the incident after he stabbed the victim several times,
order of the trial court dated Aug. 17, 1987. Based on
that he fled to Manila to evade arrest, indicate that he
the reports of their staff, they concluded that Rosalino
was conscious and knew the consequences of his acts
was psychotic or insane long before, during and after the
in stabbing the victim. (This was taken from the TC's
commission of the alleged crime and classified his
decision). Judgment: questioned decision AFFIRMED.
insanity as an organic mental disorder secondary to



PEOPLE VS RAFANAN cried. It was only the following morning on March 18,
GR NO L-54135 1976 that the complainant told her mother that she was
NOVEMBER 21, 1991 raped by the accused. Upon knowing what happened to
her daughter, the mother Alejandra Ronaya, immediately
accompanied her to the house of Patrolman Bernardo
Mairina of the Villasis Police Force who lives in Barrio
San Nicolas, Villasis, Pangasinan. Patrolman Mairina is
The prosecution's evidence shows that on February 27, a cousin of the father of the complainant. He advised
1976, complainant Estelita Ronaya who was then only
them to proceed to the municipal building while he went
fourteen years old was hired as a househelper by the
to fetch the accused. The accused was later brought to
mother of the accused, Ines Rafanan alias "Baket Ines"
with a salary of P30.00 a month. the police headquarter with the bolo, Exhibit "E", which
the accused allegedly used in threatening the
The accused Policarpio Rafanan and his family lived complainant.
with his mother in the same house at Barangay San The principal submission of appellant is that he was
Nicholas, Villasis, Pangasinan. Policarpio was then suffering from a metal aberration characterized as
married and had two children.
schizophrenia when he inflicted his violent intentions
upon Estelita. At the urging of his counsel, the trial court
On March 16, 1976, in the evening, after dinner, Estelita
suspended the trial and ordered appellant confined at
Ronaya was sent by the mother of the accused to help in
the National Mental Hospital in Mandaluyong for
their store which was located in front of their house
about six (6) meters away. Attending to the store at the observation and treatment. In the meantime, the case
time was the accused. At 11:00 o'clock in the evening, was archived. Appellant was admitted into the hospital
the accused called the complainant to help him close the on 29 December 1976 and stayed there until 26 June
door of the store and as the latter complied and went 1978.
near him, he suddenly pulled the complainant inside the
store and said, "Come, let us have sexual intercourse," Appellant's plea of insanity rests on Article 12 of the
to which Estelita replied, "I do not like," and struggled to Revised Penal Code which provides:
free herself and cried. The accused held a bolo
measuring 1-1/2 feet including the handle which he Art. 12. Circumstances which exempt from
pointed to the throat of the complainant threatening her criminal liability. —
with said bolo should she resist. Then, he forced her to
lie down on a bamboo bed, removed her pants and after
The following are exempt from criminal liability:
unfastening the zipper of his own pants, went on top of
complainant and succeeded having carnal knowledge of
her inspite of her resistance and struggle. After the 1. An imbecile or an insane person, unless the
sexual intercourse, the accused cautioned the latter has acted during a lucid interval.
complainant not to report the matter to her mother or
anybody in the house, otherwise he would kill her. Where the imbecile or an insane person has
committed an act which the law defines as a
Because of fear, the complainant did not immediately felony (delito), the court shall order his
report the matter and did not leave the house of the confinement in one of the hospitals or asylums
accused that same evening. In fact, she slept in the established for persons thus afflicted, which he
house of the accused that evening and the following shall not be permitted to leave without first
morning she scrubbed the floor and did her daily routine obtaining the permission of the same court.
work in the house. She only left the house in the evening
of March 17, 1976. Although the Court has ruled many times in the past on
the insanity defense, it was only in People vs.
Somehow, in the evening of March 17, 1976, the family Formigones that the Court elaborated on the required
of the accused learned what happened the night before standards of legal insanity, quoting extensively from the
in the store between Policarpio and Estelita and a Commentaries of Judge Guillermo Guevara on the
Revised Penal Code, thus:
quarrel ensued among them prompting Estelita Ronaya
to go back to her house. When Estelita's mother
confronted her and asked her why she went home that The Supreme Court of Spain held that in order
that this exempting circumstance may be taken
evening, the complainant could not answer but cried and



into account, it is necessary that there be a circumtances occurring on or immediately before the day
complete deprivation of intelligence in of the rape.
committing the act, that is, that the accused be
deprived of reason; that there be no Accordingly, we must reject the insanity defense of
responsibility for his own acts; that he acts appellant Rafanan.
without the least discernment; that there be a
complete absence of the power to discern or that
there be a total deprivation of freedom of the will. In People vs. Puno (supra), the Court ruled that
For this reason, it was held that the imbecility or schizophrenic reaction, although not exempting because
insanity at the time of the commission of the act it does not completely deprive the offender of the
should absolutely deprive a person of consciousness of his acts, may be considered as a
intelligence or freedom of will, because mere mitigating circumstance under Article 13(9) of the
abnormality of his mental faculties does not Revised Penal Code, i.e., as an illness
exclude imputability. which diminishes the exercise of the offender's will-
power without, however, depriving him of the
consciousness of his acts. Appellant should have been
The allegation of insanity or imbecility must be clearly credited with this mitigating circumstance, although it
proved. Without positive evidence that the defendant would not have affected the penalty imposable upon him
had previously lost his reason or was demented, a few under Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code: "in all cases
moments prior to or during the perpetration of the crime, in which the law prescribes a single indivisible penalty
it will be presumed that he was in a normal condition. (reclusion perpetua in this case), it shall be applied by
Acts penalized by law are always reputed to be the courts regardless of any mitigating or aggravating
voluntary, and it is improper to conclude that a person circumstances that may have attended the commission
acted unconsciously, in order to relieve him from liability, of the deed."
on the basis of his mental condition, unless his insanity
and absence of will are proved. PEOPLE VS MADARANG
GR NO 132319
The standards set out in Formigones were commonly MAY 12, 2000
adopted in subsequent cases. A linguistic or
grammatical analysis of those standards suggests
that Formigones established two (2) distinguishable FACTS:
tests: (a) the test of cognition — "complete deprivation of The accused and Lilia Mirador were legally married and
intelligence in committing the [criminal] act," and (b) the their union was blessed with seven (7) children. The
test of volition — "or that there be a total deprivation accused worked as a seaman for sixteen (16) years. He
freedom of the will." was employed in a United States ship until 1972. In
In the present case: 1973, he worked as a seaman in Germany and stayed
there for nine (9) years, or until 1982. Thereafter, he
The fact that Rafanan threatened the complainant returned to his family in Infanta, Pangasinan, and started
Estelita with death should she reveal she has been a hardware store business. His venture however failed.
sexually assaulted by him indicates that Rafanan was Worse, he lost his entire fortune due to cockfighting.
aware of the reprehensible moral quality of that assault.
In any case, it is the complete loss of intelligence which In the latter part of July 1993, the accused, his wife Lilia
must be shown if the exempting circumstance of insanity and their children were forced to stay in the house of
is to be found. Avelina Mirador as the accused could no longer support
his family. Moreover, Lilia was then already heavy with
Here, appellant failed to present clear and convincing their eight child and was about to give birth.
evidence regarding his state of mind immediately before
and during the sexual assault on Estelita. It has been On September 3, 1993, at about 5:00 p.m., the accused
held that inquiry into the mental state of the accused and Lilia had a squabble. The accused was jealous of
should relate to the period immediately before or at the another man and was accusing Lilia of infidelity. In the
very moment the act is committed. Appellant rested his heat of the fight and in the presence of their children, the
case on the testimonies of two (2) physicians (Dr. accused stabbed Lilia, resulting in her untimely demise.
Jovellano and Dr. Nerit) which, however, did not purport The accused declared that he has absolutely no
to characterize his mental condition during that critical recollection of the stabbing incident. He could not
period of time. They did not specifically relate to



remember where he was on that fateful day. He did not The appellant further contends that the fact that he and
know the whereabouts of his wife. It was only during one his wife never engaged in a fight prior to that fateful day
of the hearings when his mother-in-law showed him a should be considered. The marked change in his
picture of his wife in a coffin that he learned about her behavior when he uncharacteristically quarreled with his
death. He, however, was not aware of the cause of her wife on that day and suddenly turned violent on her
demise. He claimed that he did not know whether he confirms that he was mentally disturbed when he
committed the crime.
suffered from any mental illness and did not remember
being confined at the NCMH for treatment.
Lastly, the appellant urges that he had no motive to kill
The initial examination of the accused at the NCMH Lilia who was scheduled to give birth to their eighth child
revealed that he was suffering from a form of psychosis three (3) days prior to the killing. Unless overpowered by
known as schizophrenia. The accused was detained at something beyond his control, nobody in his right mind
the hospital and was administered medication for his would kill his wife who was carrying his child. Jealousy,
the appellant posits, is not a sufficient reason to kill a
illness. On June 19, 1996, after more than two (2) years
pregnant spouse.
of confinement, the accused was discharged from the
NCMH and recommitted to the provincial jail as he was
already found fit to face the charges against him.
WON the defense of insanity can be given merit. (NO)
The appellant insists that at the time he stabbed his wife,
he was completely deprived of intelligence, making his RULING:
criminal act involuntary. His unstable state of mind could
In the Philippines, the courts have established a more
allegedly be deduced from the following:
stringent criterion for insanity to be exempting as it is
required that there must be a complete deprivation of
First. He had no recollection of the stabbing incident.
Hence, he was completely unaware of his acts that intelligence in committing the act, i.e., the accused is
fateful day and must have committed the crime without deprived of reason; he acted without the least
the least discernment. discernment because there is a complete absence of the
power to discern, or that there is a total deprivation of
Second. His behavior at the time of the stabbing proved the will. Mere abnormality of the mental faculties will not
he was then afflicted with schizophrenia. He cited the exclude imputability.
testimony of Dr. Tibayan that a schizophrenic may go
The issue of insanity is a question of fact for insanity is a
into extremes — he may be violent and destructive, or
very silent and self-focused. The appellant exhibited his condition of the mind, not susceptible of the usual means
violent tendencies on that fateful day. He killed his wife of proof. As no man can know what is going on in the
and Avelina and her nephew were so frightened that mind of another, the state or condition of a person's mind
they ran away at the sight of him holding a bolo. He did can only be measured and judged by his behavior.
not seem to recognize anybody and could have turned to Establishing the insanity of an accused requires opinion
anyone and inflicted further injury. He avers that this is testimony which may be given by a witness who is
peculiar only to persons who are mentally deranged for a intimately acquainted with the accused, by a witness
sane person who just committed a crime would have who has rational basis to conclude that the accused was
appeared remorseful and repentant after realizing that insane based on the witness' own perception of the
what he did was wrong. accused, or by a witness who is qualified as an expert,
such as a psychiatrist. The testimony or proof of the
Third. The appellant also relies on Dr. Tibayan's opinion accused's insanity must relate to the time preceding or
that there was a high possibility that he was already coetaneous with the commission of the offense with
suffering from insanity prior to his commission of the which he is charged.
crime on September 3, 1993. 17 The defense posits that
his mental illness may have been caused by his loss of In the case at bar, the appellant was diagnosed to be
fortune. His hardware business, which he started suffering from schizophrenia when he was committed to
through 16 years of working as a seaman, went the NCMH months after he killed his wife. Medical books
bankrupt. He ended up virtually dependent on his
describe schizophrenia as a chronic mental disorder
mother-in-law for his family's support and all these may
characterized by inability to distinguish between fantasy
have been beyond his capacity to handle.
and reality and often accompanied by hallucinations and



None of the witnesses presented by the appellant sure, there was no showing of any odd or bizarre
declared that he exhibited any of the myriad symptoms behavior on the part of the appellant after he lost his
associated with schizophrenia immediately before or fortune and prior to his commission of the crime that may
simultaneous with the stabbing incident. To be sure, the be symptomatic of his mental illness. In fact, the
record is bereft of even a single account of abnormal or appellant's mother-in-law declared that during the time
bizarre behavior on the part of the appellant prior to that that she knew the appellant and while he lived in her
fateful day. Although Dr. Tibayan opined that there is a house, she did not notice anything irregular or abnormal
high possibility that the appellant was already suffering in the appellant's behavior that could have suggested
from schizophrenia at the time of the stabbing, he also that he was suffering from any mental illness.
declared that schizophrenics have lucid intervals during
which they are capable of distinguishing right from PEOPLE VS ROBIOS
GR NO 138453
MAY 29, 2002
Hence the importance of adducing proof to show that the
appellant was not in his lucid interval at the time he
committed the offense. Although the appellant was
diagnosed with schizophrenia a few months after the Appellant assaulted his pregnant wife.
stabbing incident, the evidence of insanity after the fact
of commission of the offense may be accorded weight On March 25, 1995, at around seven o'clock in the
only if there is also proof of abnormal behavior morning, fifteen-year old Lorenzo Robiños was in his
immediately before or simultaneous to the commission parents' house at Barangay San Isibro in Camiling,
of the crime. Evidence on the alleged insanity must refer Tarlac. While Lorenzo was cooking, he heard his
to the time preceding the act under prosecution or to the parents, appellant Melecio Robiños and the victim
very moment of its execution. Lorenza Robiños, who were at the sala, quarrelling.

In the case at bar, we find the evidence adduced by the Lorenzo heard his mother tell appellant, 'Why did you
defense insufficient to establish his claim of insanity at come home, why don't you just leave?' After hearing
the time he killed his wife. There is a dearth of evidence what his mother said, Lorenzo, at a distance of about
on record to show that the appellant was completely of five meters, saw appellant, with a double-bladed knife,
unsound mind prior to or coetaneous with the stab Lorenza on the right shoulder. Blood gushed from
commission of the crime. The arguments advanced by where Lorenza was hit and she fell down on the floor.
the appellant to prove his insanity are speculative and Upon witnessing appellant's attack on his mother,
non-sequitur. For one, his claim that he has absolutely Lorenzo immediately left their house and ran to his
no recollection of the stabbing incident amounts to a grandmother's house where he reported the incident.
mere general denial that can be made with facility. The
Appellant and Lorenza were lying on the floor. Appellant,
fact that Avelina and her nephew were frightened at the
who was lying on his side and holding a bloodstained
sight of the appellant holding a bolo after he killed his
double-bladed knife with his right hand, was embracing
wife does not, by any stretch of imagination, prove that
his wife. He was uttering the words, 'I will kill myself, I
the appellant has lost his grip on reality on that occasion.
will kill myself.' Lorenza, who was lying on her back and
Neither is the appellant's seemingly non-repentant
facing upward, was no longer breathing. She appeared
attitude immediately after he stabbed his wife
to be dead.
an indicium of his alleged insanity. Even criminals of
stable mental condition take this non-remorseful stance. On the police report:
Similarly, that the appellant and his wife were never
seen quarreling prior to that fateful day does not by itself The victim Lorenza Robiños was six (6) months
prove the appellant's unstable mental condition. Neither pregnant. She suffered 41 stab wounds on the different
can it be said that jealousy is not a sufficient reason to parts of her body.
kill a pregnant spouse.
'That suspect (Melecio Robiños) was under the influence
The appellant attributes his loss of sanity to the fact that of liquor/drunk [who] came home and argued/quarreled
he lost his business and became totally dependent on with his wife, until the suspect got irked, [drew] a double
his mother-in-law for support. We find this, however, knife and delivered forty one (41) stab blows.
purely speculative and unsupported by record. To be



the defense interposed insanity. Herein accused- wrongfulness of his act. His behavior at the time of the
appellant, testified that on March 25, 1995, he was in killing and immediately thereafter is inconsistent with his
their house and there was no unusual incident that claim that he had no knowledge of what he had just
happened on that date. He did not know that he was done. Barangay Kagawad Rolando Valdez validated the
charged for the crime of parricide with unintentional clarity of mind of appellant when the latter confessed to
abortion. He could not remember when he was informed the former and to the police officers, and even showed to
by his children that he killed his wife. He could not them the knife used to stab the victim.
believe that he killed his wife.
All the other defense witnesses testified on the
ISSUE: supposed manifestations of his insanity after he had
already been detained in prison.
WON the defense of insanity can be given credence.
GR NO 147674-75
RULING: MARCH 17, 2004
Insanity presupposes that the accused was completely
deprived of reason or discernment and freedom of will at FACTS:
the time of the commission of the crime. A defendant in
a criminal case who relies on the defense of mental There were 2 instances of attack inflicting stab wounds
incapacity has the burden of establishing the fact of to Patrimonio and Dacles. Both attacks, Anacito Opuran
insanity at the very moment when the crime was used a bladed weapon.
committed. Only when there is a complete deprivation of
Murder of Dacles (Allan):
intelligence at the time of the commission of the
crime should the exempting circumstance of insanity be
considered. The evidence for the prosecution discloses that on 19
November 1998, at about 6:30 p.m., prosecution witness
The presumption of law always lies in favor of sanity Bambi Herrera was studying his lessons inside his
and, in the absence of proof to the contrary, every house. His brother and a certain Jason Masbang were
person is presumed to be of sound mind. Accordingly, outside sitting side by side with each other on a plastic
one who pleads the exempting circumstance of insanity chair; opposite them was Allan Dacles, who was lying on
a bench.4
has the burden of proving it. Failing this, one will be
presumed to be sane when the crime was committed.
Moments later, Jason barged into Bambi’s house,
shouting: "There’s a long-haired man!" Bambi stood up
A perusal of the records of the case reveals that and looked through the open door. He saw appellant
appellant's claim of insanity is unsubstantiated and Anacito Opuran stab Allan on the chest with a knife while
wanting in material proof. Testimonies from both the latter appeared to be trying to stand up from the
prosecution and defense witnesses show no substantial bench. Although Allan had several stab wounds on
evidence that appellant was completely deprived of different parts of his body, he managed to stand up and
reason or discernment when he perpetrated the brutal run inside Bambi’s house, with Anacito chasing him.
killing of his wife. Bambi immediately locked the door from the inside to
prevent Anacito from entering. But the latter tried to force
As can be gleaned from the testimonies of the the door open by thrusting a knife at the door shutter. He
prosecution witnesses, a domestic altercation preceded also threw stones at the door. After a short while,
the fatal stabbing. Thus, it cannot be said that appellant Anacito left.
attacked his wife for no reason at all and without
knowledge of the nature of his action. To be sure, his act He saw Anacito’s two brothers and asked for their
of stabbing her was a deliberate and conscious reaction assistance. But one of them merely said: "Never mind
to the insulting remarks she had hurled at him as because he [referring to Anacito] is mentally imbalanced.
attested to by their 15-year-old son Lorenzo Robiños.
Murder of Patrimonio:
Finally, the fact that appellant admitted to responding
law enforcers how he had just killed his wife may have
Tomas was on his way home, he saw Demetrio
been a manifestation of repentance and remorse -- a Patrimonio, Jr. He likewise noticed Anacito hiding in a
natural sentiment of a husband who had realized the



dark place. When Demetrio Jr. reached the national consistently held by us, "A man may act crazy, but it
highway, near the so-called "lover’s lane," Anacito does not necessarily and conclusively prove that he is
emerged from his hiding place and stabbed Demetrio Jr. legally so.
with a knife about three to four times.
The stringent standard established in People v.
DEFENSE: Formigones requires that there be a complete
deprivation of intelligence in committing the act, i.e., the
he defense presented, as its first witness, the appellant accused acted without the least discernment because of
himself, Anacito Opuran. He declared that on the a complete absence of the power to discern or a total
evening of 19 November 1998, he was resting in their deprivation of the will.
house in Canlapwas, another barangay in Catbalogan,
Samar. He never went out that night. While he was In People v. Rafanan, Jr., we analyzed
sleeping at about 8:30 p.m., eight policemen entered his the Formigones standard into two distinguishable tests:
house, pointed their guns at him, and arrested him. He (a) the test of cognition – whether there was a "complete
was brought to the police station and detained there until deprivation of intelligence in committing the criminal act"
the following morning. He denied being present at the and (b) the test of volition – whether there was a "total
place and time of the stabbing incidents. He admitted deprivation of freedom of the will." We observed that our
knowing Demetrio Jr. as a distant relative and friend case law shows common reliance on the test of
whom he had not quarreled with. As for Allan, he never cognition, rather than on the test of volition, and has
knew him. He had no misunderstanding with prosecution failed to turn up any case where an accused is
witness Bambi Herrera. He asserted that the exempted on the sole ground that he was totally
accusations against him were fabricated because he
deprived of the freedom of the will, i.e., without an
was envied and lowly regarded by his accusers.
accompanying "complete deprivation of intelligence."
This is expected, since a person’s volition naturally
Subsequent hearings were postponed owing principally
reaches out only towards that which is represented as
to the failure of the defense to present witnesses. Then
desirable by his intelligence, whether that intelligence be
on 16 February 2000, the defense moved for the
suspension of the hearing on the following grounds: (1) diseased or healthy.
on 10 January 2000, upon motion of the defense, the A careful scrutiny of the records, however, indicates that
trial court issued an Order authorizing the psychiatric
Anacito failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence
examination of Anacito.
the defense of insanity. For one thing, it was only
Bambi’s personal perception that there was no reason or
On 3 August 2000, the trial court received the Medical
occasion for Anacito to wear Barong Tagalog. Tested
Report of Dr. Lyn Verona, physician-psychiatrist of the
EVRMC, on the psychiatric examination she conducted against the stringent criterion for insanity to be
on Anacito. She found that Anacito had a psychotic exempting, such deportment of Anacito, his occasional
disorder characterized by flight of ideas and auditory silence, and his acts of laughing, talking to himself,
hallucinations. She confirmed her medical findings that staring sharply, and stabbing his victims within a 15-
Anacito was psychotic before and during the commission minute interval are not sufficient proof that he was
of the crime and even up to the present so that he could insane immediately before or at the time he committed
not stand trial and would need treatment and monthly the crimes. Such unusual behavior may be considered
check-up. Her diagnosis was that Anacito was suffering as mere abnormality of the mental faculties, which will
from schizophrenia. not exclude imputability.

ISSUE: Anacito’s psychiatric history likewise fails to meet the

stringent yardstick established by case law. What it
WON Anacito was insane at the time of the commission shows is that Anacito was prescribed thorazine and
of the crime thus exempting him from criminal liability. evadyne, and later an injectable medicine to remedy "his
(NO) lack of sleep and noisiness." As the trial court noted, it
was never shown that these drugs were for a mental
illness that deprived Anacito of reason. Further, Anacito
Insanity is evinced by a deranged and perverted was just an out-patient at the NCMH, EVRMC, and
condition of the mental faculties which is manifested in Samar Provincial Hospital. While Remedios claimed that
language and conduct. However, not every aberration of she requested the confinement of Anacito and that the
the mind or mental deficiency constitutes insanity. As doctors did not refuse her, the fact remains that Anacito



was never confined in a mental institution. Although Dr.

Verona testified that there was a recommendation for
Anacito’s confinement, there was no indication in the FACTS:
records as to when the recommendation was made, who On March 12, 2009, at around 3:00 o'clock in the
made the recommendation, and the reason for the afternoon, Maynard Plata (Maynard) and his father
recommendation. Romeo were at the Baggao Police Station. Together with
At any rate, in People v. Legaspi, we discarded the Ronnie Elaydo (Ronnie), they went there to report that
confinement of the accused at the NCMH prior to the Verdadero had stolen the fan belt of their irrigation
incident in question to be by itself proof of his insanity, pump.
there being no proof that he was adjudged insane by the After a confrontation with Verdadero at the police station,
institute. Applying this principle to Anacito’s case, we the three men made their way home on a tricycle but
find another cogent reason to reject his plea of insanity. stopped at a drugstore as Maynard intended to buy
The records are likewise clear that Anacito was not some baby supplies. Romeo proceeded towards a store
subjected to treatment from 1991 until 1999. While near the drugstore while Ronnie stayed inside the
Remedios insisted that the medicine prescribed for tricycle. From the drug store, Maynard saw Verdadero
Anacito ran out of stock allegedly in 1990, there was no stabbing Romeo, after he was alerted by the shouts of
proof that Anacito needed the medicine during that Ronnie.
period. In fact, there was no intimation that he needed Verdadero stabbed Romeo on the left side of the latter's
the medicine prior to the stabbing incident. She bought upper back with the use of a Rambo knife. He again
medicine for Anacito only in April 2000 because he was struck Romeo's upper back, just below the right
"again noisy in the jail." It seems that it was only after the shoulder. Maynard tried to help his father but Verdadero
stabbing incident, when he was in jail, that his symptoms attempted to attack him as well. He defended himself
reappeared. using a small stool, which he used to hit Verdadero in
Moreover, as found by the trial court, the results of Dr. the chest.
Verona’s examinations on Anacito were based on DEFENSE:
incomplete or insufficient facts. For one thing, she
admitted to have examined Anacito for only three Did not refute the alleged information but interposes a
sessions lasting one to two hours each. defense of insanity stating that he had been an
outpatient of CVMCs Psychiatric Department as he
Interestingly, Anacito failed to raise insanity at the claimed to hear strange voices and had difficulty in
earliest opportunity. He invoked it for the first time in the sleeping. Sometime in 2001, Miriam Verdadero (Miriam),
year 2000 and only after he had already testified on his Verdadero's sister, again brought him to the Psychiatric
defenses of alibi and denial. It has been held that the Department of CVMC after he became violent and
invocation of denial and alibi as defenses indicates that started throwing stones at a tricycle with a child on
the accused was in full control of his mental board. Verdadero was confined for two (2) months and
faculties. Additionally, the trial judge observed that, was diagnosed to be suffering from mental depression.
during the hearings, Anacito was attentive, well-
behaved, and responsive to the questions propounded On July 21, 2003, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia
to him. Thus, the shift in theory from denial and alibi to a and was given medications to address his mental illness.
plea of insanity, made apparently after the appellant Verdadero would irregularly consult with his doctors as
realized the futility of his earlier defenses, is a clear he had a lifelong chronic disease. Then, in 2009, he was
indication that insanity is a mere concoction or an again confined for the fourth (4th) time at CVMC due to a
afterthought. In any event, Anacito failed to establish by relapse.
convincing evidence his alleged insanity at the time he
He claims that Maynard even admitted that he was not in
killed Demetrio Jr. and Allan Dacles. He is thus
the proper state of mind when they were at the police
presumed sane, and we are constrained to affirm his
station before the stabbing took place. Further, it
appeared that Verdadero was having hallucinations after
VERDADERO VS PEOPLE the stabbing incident as testified to by Dr. Andres-
GR NO 216021 Juliana. Verdadero notes that Dr. Pagaddu concluded
MARCH 2, 2016



that he had a relapse at the time of the stabbing incident had reddish eyes and appeared to be drunk. Moreover,
on March 12, 2009. he was immediately transferred to the psychiatry
department because of his impaired sleep and to control
ISSUE: him from harming himself and others.
WON the defense of insanity can be given credence. These circumstances are consistent with Dr. Paggadu's
(YES) testimony that drinking wine, poor sleep and violent
RULING: behavior were among the symptoms of a relapse, the
same testimony that was used as basis for his previous
The Court finds that Verdadero sufficiently proved that diagnosis.29 The evidence on record supports the finding
he was insane at the time of the stabbing. that Verdadero exhibited symptoms of a relapse of
schizophrenia at the time of the stabbing incident. Thus,
In the case at bench, it is undisputed that (1) as early as
Dr. Pagaddu reiterated Dr. Andre-Juliana's conclusion
1999, Verdadero was brought to the Psychiatric
that Verdadero was having a relapse of his illness on
Department of CVMC for treatment; (2) he was
that fateful day.
diagnosed with depression in 2001; (3) he was
diagnosed with schizophrenia on July 21, 2003; (4) he Verdadero already raised the defense of insanity and
was confined in the psychiatric ward sometime in 2009 remained steadfast in asserting that he was deprived of
due to a relapse; (5) he was in and out of psychiatric intelligence at the time of the commission of the offense.
care from the time of his first confinement in 1999 until He no longer offered any denial or alibi and, instead,
the stabbing incident; and (6) he was diagnosed to have consistently harped on his mental incapacity. Unlike in
suffered a relapse on March 20, 2009. previous cases.

Thus, it is without question that he was suffering from In exonerating Verdadero on the ground of insanity, the
schizophrenia and the only thing left to be ascertained is Court does not totally free him from the responsibilities
whether he should be absolved from responsibility in and consequences of his acts. Article 12(1) of the RPC
killing Romeo because of his mental state. expressly states that "[w]hen an insane person has
committed an act which the law defines as a felony, the
Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder characterized court shall order his confinement in one of the hospitals
by inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, or asylums established for persons thus afflicted, which
and often accompanied by hallucinations and he shall not be permitted to leave without first obtaining
delusions. A showing that an accused is suffering from a the permission of the same court." Instead of
mental disorder, however, does not automatically incarceration, Verdadero is to be confined in an
exonerate him from the consequences of his act. Mere institution where his mental condition may be addressed
abnormality of the mental faculties will not exclude so that he may again function as a member of society.
imputability. He shall remain confined therein until his attending
physicians give a favorable recommendation for his
It is true that there is no direct evidence to show release.
Verdadero's mental state at the exact moment the crime
was committed. This, however, is not fatal to the finding
that he was insane. His insanity may still be shown by PEOPLE VS GENOSA
circumstances immediately before and after the incident. 341 SCRA 493
Further, the expert opinion of the psychiatrist Dr. 419 SCRA 537
Pagaddu may also be taken into account.

Dr. Pagaddu categorically testified that Verdadero was FACTS:

suffering a relapse at the time of the stabbing incident.
Main witness: Joeph Valida saw tha appellate going out
Maynard was familiar with Verdadero as the latter was of there house with her 2 kids, locking the gate and
his neighbor for a long time. He had observed that there taking her children at the waiting area to wait for a bus
were times that Verdadero appeared to be of unsound going to Ormoc. They had no conversation as Joseph
mind as he would sometimes become violent. On the noticed that appellant did not want to talk to him.
day of the stabbing incident, Maynard perceived that
Verdadero was again of unsound mind noting that he



Around 2 days after, the neighbors of Steban Matiga On cross-examination by the private prosecutor, Dr.
told him about the foul odor emanating from his house Pajarillo said that at the time she killed her husband
being rented by Ben and appellant. Marivic'c mental condition was that she was 're-
experiencing the trauma.' He said 'that we are trying to
Alone, Steban went inside the unlocked bedroom where explain scientifically that the re-experiencing of the
the offensive smell was coming from. There, he saw the trauma is not controlled by Marivic. It will just come in
lifeless body of Ben lying on his side on the bed covered flashes and probably at that point in time that things
with a blanket. He was only in his briefs with injuries at happened when the re-experiencing of the trauma
the back of his head. Seeing this, Steban went out of the flashed in her mind.' At the time he interviewed Marivic
house and sent word to the mother of Ben about his
'she was more subdued, she was not super alert
son's misfortune. Later that day, Iluminada Genosa, the
mother of Ben, identified the dead body as that of [her] anymore x x x she is mentally stress (sic) because of the
son. predicament she is involved. (NOTE Marivic also alleged
that there were multiple times that she wanted to leave
Appellant admitted killing Ben. She testified that going her husband but would reconcile eventually. In her
home after work on November 15, 1995, she got worried defense, witnesses who were not so closely related to
that her husband who was not home yet might have Marivic, testified as to the abuse and violence she
gone gambling since it was a payday. With her cousin received at the hands of Ben.)
Ecel Araño, appellant went to look for Ben at the
marketplace and taverns at Isabel, Leyte but did not find Appellant admits killing Ben Genosa but, to avoid
him there. They found Ben drunk upon their return at the criminal liability, invokes self-defense and/or defense of
Genosas' house. Ecel went home despite appellant's her unborn child.
request for her to sleep in their house.
"Then, Ben purportedly nagged appellant for following WON self defense can be given credence. (NO)
him, even challenging her to a fight. She allegedly
ignored him and instead attended to their children who RULING:
were doing their homework. Apparently disappointed
with her reaction, Ben switched off the light and, with the In sum, the defense failed to elicit from appellant herself
use of a chopping knife, cut the television antenna or her factual experiences and thoughts that would clearly
wire to keep her from watching television. According to and fully demonstrate the essential characteristics of the
appellant, Ben was about to attack her so she ran to the syndrome.
bedroom, but he got hold of her hands and whirled her
around. She fell on the side of the bed and screamed for A battered woman has been defined as a woman "who is
help. Ben left. At this point, appellant packed his clothes repeatedly subjected to any forceful physical or
because she wanted him to leave. Seeing his packed psychological behavior by a man in order to coerce her
clothes upon his return home, Ben allegedly flew into a to do something he wants her to do without concern for
rage, dragged appellant outside of the bedroom towards her rights. Battered women include wives or women in
a drawer holding her by the neck, and told her 'You any form of intimate relationship with men. Furthermore,
might as well be killed so nobody would nag me.' in order to be classified as a battered woman, the couple
Appellant testified that she was aware that there was a must go through the battering cycle at least twice. Any
gun inside the drawer but since Ben did not have the key woman may find herself in an abusive relationship with a
to it, he got a three-inch long blade cutter from his wallet. man once. If it occurs a second time, and she remains in
She however, 'smashed' the arm of Ben with a pipe,
the situation, she is defined as a battered woman.
causing him to drop the blade and his wallet. Appellant
then 'smashed' Ben at his nape with the pipe as he was Battered women exhibit common personality traits, such
about to pick up the blade and his wallet. She thereafter as low self-esteem, traditional beliefs about the home,
ran inside the bedroom. the family and the female sex role; emotional
dependence upon the dominant male; the tendency to
"Appellant, however, insisted that she ended the life of accept responsibility for the batterer's actions; and false
her husband by shooting him. She supposedly 'distorted' hopes that the relationship will improve.
the drawer where the gun was and shot Ben. He did not
die on the spot, though, but in the bedroom.
Effect of Battery on Appellant



Because of the recurring cycles of violence experienced phase of the cycle. She was able to explain in adequate
by the abused woman, her state of mind detail the typical characteristics of this stage. However,
metamorphoses. In determining her state of mind, we that single incident does not prove the existence of the
cannot rely merely on the judgment of an ordinary, syndrome. In other words, she failed to prove that in at
reasonable person who is evaluating the events least another battering episode in the past, she had
immediately surrounding the incident. gone through a similar pattern.

To understand the syndrome properly, however, one's In any event, the existence of the syndrome in a
viewpoint should not be drawn from that of an ordinary, relationship does not in itself establish the legal right of
reasonable person. What goes on in the mind of a the woman to kill her abusive partner. Evidence must still
person who has been subjected to repeated, severe be considered in the context of self-defense.
beatings may not be consistent with -- nay,
comprehensible to -- those who have not been through a From the expert opinions discussed earlier, the Court
similar experience. reckons further that crucial to the BWS defense is the
state of mind of the battered woman at the time of the
offense-- she must have actually feared imminent harm
Thus, just as the battered woman believes that she is
from her batterer and honestly believed in the need to kill
somehow responsible for the violent behavior of her
him in order to save her life.
partner, she also believes that he is capable of killing
her, and that there is no escape. Battered women feel
unsafe, suffer from pervasive anxiety, and usually fail to Settled in our jurisprudence, however, is the rule that the
leave the relationship. Unless a shelter is available, she one who resorts to self-defense must face a real
stays with her husband, not only because she typically threat on one's life; and the peril sought to be avoided
lacks a means of self-support, but also because she must be imminent and actual, not merely imaginary.
fears that if she leaves she would be found and hurt
even more. Threatening behavior or communication can satisfy the
required imminence of danger. Considering such
In the instant case, we meticulously scoured the records circumstances and the existence of BWS, self-defense
for specific evidence establishing that appellant, due to may be appreciated.
the repeated abuse she had suffered from her spouse
over a long period of time, became afflicted with the We reiterate the principle that aggression, if not
battered woman syndrome. We, however, failed to find continuous, does not warrant self-defense. In the
sufficient evidence that would support such a conclusion. absence of such aggression, there can be no self-
More specifically, we failed to find ample evidence that defense -- complete or incomplete -- on the part of the
would confirm the presence of the essential victim.Thus, Marivic's killing of Ben was not completely
characteristics of BWS. justified under the circumstances.

(a) Each of the phases of the cycle of violence must be She was however given a mitigating factor.
proven to have characterized at least two battering
episodes between the appellant and her intimated
partner; (b) The final acute battering episode preceding
the killing of the batterer must have produced in the
battered person’s mind an actual fear of an imminent
harm from her batterer and an honest belief that she
needed to use force in order to save her life, and; (c) At
GR NO 46539
the time of the killing, the batterer must have posed
SEPTEMBER 27, 1939
probable – not necessarily immediate and actual – grave
harm to the accused based on the history of violence
perpetuated by the former against the latter. FACTS:

The defense fell short of proving all three phases of the The accused-appellant, who is a minor, was prosecuted
"cycle of violence" supposedly characterizing the for homicide in the Court of First Instance of
relationship of Ben and Marivic Genosa. No doubt there Pangasinan, for having killed Juan Ragojos by stabbing
were acute battering incidents. In relating to the court a him in the breast with a knife on November 19, 1938, in
quo how the fatal incident that led to the death of Ben the municipality of Sual, Pangasinan. The court, after
started, Marivic perfectly described the tension-building



trying the case, held that the accused acted with law, is his MENTAL CAPACITY to understand the
discernment in committing the act imputed to him. difference between right and wrong, and such capacity
may be known and should be determined by taking into
On the date of the crime, the appellant was exactly consideration all the facts and circumstances afforded by
thirteen years, nine months and five days old. the records in each case, the very appearance, the very
attitude, the very comportment and behavior of said
minor, not only before and during the commission of the
Between 1 and 2 o’clock in the afternoon of November
act, but also after and even during the trial.
19,1938, the now deceased Juan Ragojos and one
Epifanio Rarang were playing volleyball in the yard of the
intermediate school of the municipality of Sual, Province Taking into account the fact that when the accused
of Pangasinan. The herein accused, who was also in Valentin Doqueña committed the crime in question, he
said yard, intervened and, catching the ball, tossed it at was a 7th grade pupil in the intermediate school of the
Juan Ragojos, hitting him on the stomach. For this act of municipality of Sual, Pangasinan, and as such pupil, he
the accused, Juan Ragojos chased him around the yard was one of the brightest in said school and was a
and, upon overtaking him, slapped him on the nape. captain of a company of the cadet corps thereof, and
Said accused then turned against the deceased during the time he was studying therein he always
assuming a threatening attitude, for which reason said obtained excellent marks, this court is convinced that the
deceased struck him on the mouth with his fist, returning accused in committing the crime, acted with discernment
immediately to the place where Epifanio Rarang was in and was conscious of the nature and consequences of
order to continue playing with him. The accused, his act, and so also has this court observed at the time
offended by what he considered an abuse on the part of said accused was testifying in his behalf during the trial
Juan Ragojos, who was taller and more robust than he, of this case.
looked around the yard for a stone with which to attack
the now deceased Juan Ragojos, but finding none, he Article 12 section 3 of the Revised Penal Code states
approached a cousin of his named Romualdo Cocal, to that: A person over nine years of age and under fifteen,
ask the latter to lend him his knife. Epifanio Rarang, who unless he has acted with discernment, in which case,
had heard what the accused had been asking his cousin, such minor shall be proceeded against in accordance
told the latter not to give the accused his knife because with the provisions of Article 80 of this Code.
he might attack Juan Ragojos with it. The accused,
however, succeeded in taking possession of the knife When such minor is adjudged to be criminally
which was in a pocket of his cousin’s pants. Once in irresponsible, the court, in conformity with the provisions
possession of the knife, Valentin Doqueña approached of this and the preceding paragraph, shall commit him to
Juan Ragojos and challenged the latter to give him the care and custody of his family who shall be charged
another blow with his fist, to which the deceased with his surveillance and education; otherwise, he shall
answered that he did not want to do so because he be committed to the care of some institution or person
(Juan Ragojos) was bigger than the accused. Juan mentioned in said Article 80.
Ragojos, ignorant of the intentions of the accused,
continued playing and, while he was thus unprepared
and in the act of stopping the ball with his two hands, the
GR NO 151085
accused stabbed him in the chest with the knife which he
AUGUST 20, 2008

At the time of commission of rape, the accused was only

WON the accussed acted with discernment.
13 years old, while the victim AAA was 6, both minors. It
was alleged that petitioner raped her three times on
RULING: three different occasions in 1996. The lower courts
convicted him of rape with criminal and civil liability
Yes, the accused acted with discernment. Accused imposed. The case was pending when Republic Act
mistakes the discernment for premeditation, or at least 9344 (R.A. No. 9344) or the Juvenile Justice and
for lack of intention, as a mitigating circumstance. Welfare Act of 2006, was enacted amending the age of
criminal irresponsibility being raised from 9 to 15 years
However, the DISCERNMENT that constitutes an old. Said law took effect on May 20, 2006. At the time of
exception from criminal liability of a minor under 15 the promulgation of judgment, the accused already
years but over nine, who commits an act prohibited by reached the age of majority. The Office of the Solicitor



General (OSG) claimed that petitioner is not exempt 100.00 marked bills in exchange of a sachet of shabu.
from criminal liability because he is not anymore a child The poseur buyer went back to the police officers and
as defined by R.A. No. 9344. The OSG further claimed told them that the transaction has been completed and
that the retroactive effect of said law is applicable only if they rushed to the place and handcuffed Mantalaba. In
the child-accused is still below 18 years old. the presence of barangay officials, the police officers
found a big sachet of shabu and the marked money that
ISSUE: Mantalaba thrown on the ground. The laboratory
examination revealed that the substance recovered from
Mantalaba is an illegal drugs (methamphetamine
WON RA 9344 should apply in favour of the minor (now
in age of majority) accused. (YES)

RULING: Thereafter, two information were filed against him for

violation of Section 5 and 11 of RA 9165, selling and
possession of dangerous drugs respectively. The RTC
The rape case was dismissed and petitioner is hereby find him guilty beyond reasonable doubt and meted a
referred to the local social welfare and development penalty of Reclusion Perpetua for selling shabu without
officer of the locality for the appropriate intervention considering his minority at the time of the commission of
program. the crime. He was also sentence for 6 yrs and 1 day, as
minimum, to 8 yrs as maximum of Prision Mayor,
However, while the law exempts petitioner from criminal applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, for illegal
liability for the two (2) counts of rape committed against possession of shabu.
AAA, Section 6 thereof expressly provides that there is
no concomitant exemption from civil liability. Anent the age of the appellant when he was arrested,
this Court finds it appropriate to discuss the effect of his
penal laws are construed liberally in favor of the minority in his suspension of sentence. The appellant
accused. In this case, the plain meaning of R.A. No. was seventeen (17) years old when the buy-bust
9344's unambiguous language, coupled with clear operation took place or when the said offense was
lawmakers' intent, is most favorable to herein petitioner. committed, but was no longer a minor at the time of the
No other interpretation is justified, for the simple promulgation of the RTC's Decision.
language of the new law itself demonstrates the
legislative intent to favor the CICL. It must be noted that RA 9344 took effect on May 20,
2006, while the RTC promulgated its decision on this
It bears stressing that the petitioner was only 13 years case on September 14, 2005, when said appellant was
old at the time of the commission of the alleged rape. no longer a minor. The RTC did not suspend the
This was duly proven by the certificate of live birth, by sentence in accordance with Article 192 of P.D.
petitioner's own testimony, and by the testimony of his 603, The Child and Youth Welfare Code and Section
mother. Furthermore, petitioner’s age was never 32 of A.M. No. 02-1-18-SC, the Rule on Juveniles in
assailed in any of the proceedings before the RTC and Conflict with the Law, the laws that were applicable at
the CA. Indubitably, petitioner, at the time of the the time of the promulgation of judgment, because the
commission of the crime, was below 15 years of age. imposable penalty for violation of Section 5 of RA 9165
Under R.A. No. 9344, he is exempted from criminal is life imprisonment to death.
It may be argued that the appellant should have been
PEOPLE VS MANTALABA entitled to a suspension of his sentence under Sections
GR NO 186227 38 and 68 of RA 9344 which provide for its retroactive
JULY 20, 2011 application.


Allen Mantalaba, 17 years old at the time, was selling WON Allen Mantalaba may be given the benefit of RA
shabu at Purok 4 Brgy 3, Agao District, Butuan City. A 9344’s retrospective application. (YES, but not to the
buy bust operation was conducted composed of 2 police suspension only to the penalty.)
officers (PO1 Pajo and PO1 Simon and 2 poseur-buyer).
Around 7 in the evening when the poseur-buyer RULING:
approached Mantalaba and handed the 2 pieces of Php



If said child in conflict with the law has reached eighteen FACTS:
(18) years of age while under suspended sentence, the
court shall determine whether to discharge the child in Following the campaign of President Rodrigo Roa
accordance with this Act, to order execution of Duterte to implement a nationwide curfew for minors,
sentence, or to extend the suspended sentence for a several local governments in Metro Manila started to
certain specified period or until the child reaches the strictly implement their curfew ordinances on minors
maximum age of twenty-one (21) years. through police operations which were publicly known as
part of "Oplan Rody."[3]
Petitioners,[9] spearheaded by the Samahan ng mga
Hence, the appellant, who is now beyond the age of
Progresibong Kabataan (SPARK)- an association of
twenty-one (21) years can no longer avail of the
young adults and minors that aims to forward a free and
provisions of Sections 38 and 40 of RA 9344 as to his
just society, in particular the protection of the rights and
suspension of sentence, because such is already moot
welfare of the youth and minors[10] - filed this present
and academic. It is highly noted that this would not have
petition, arguing that the Curfew Ordinances are
happened if the CA, when this case was under its
unconstitutional because they: (a) result in arbitrary and
jurisdiction, suspended the sentence of the appellant.
discriminatory enforcement, and thus, fall under the void
The records show that the appellant filed his notice of
for vagueness doctrine; (b) suffer from overbreadth by
appeal at the age of 19 (2005), hence, when RA 9344
proscribing or impairing legitimate activities of minors
became effective in 2006, appellant was 20 years old,
during curfew hours; (c) deprive minors of the right to
and the case having been elevated to the CA, the latter
liberty and the right to travel without substantive due
should have suspended the sentence of the appellant
process; and (d) deprive parents of their natural and
because he was already entitled to the provisions of
Section 38 of the same law, which now allows the primary right in rearing the youth without substantive due
process.[11] In addition, petitioners assert that the Manila
suspension of sentence of minors regardless of the
Ordinance contravenes RA 9344, as amended by RA
penalty imposed as opposed to the provisions of Article
192 of P.D. 603.
A violation of Section 5 RA 9165 (Dangerous Drugs Act) GR NO L-5418
merits the penalty of life imprisonment to death; FEBRUARY 12, 1910
however, in Section 98, where the offender is minor, the
penalty of life imprisonment to death shall become
reclusion perpetua to death. Basically, this means that FACTS:
the penalty can now be graduated as it has adopted the
technical nomenclature of penalties provided in the RPC. Cecilio Tanedo (accused), a landowner, went with some
Consequently, the privileged mitigating circumstance of workers to work on the dam on his land, carrying with
minority can now be appreciated in fixing the penalty that him a shotgun and a few shells. Upon reaching the dam,
should be imposed. Applying this rule, Mantalba being the accused went on his way to hunt for wild chickens.
minor, the proper penalty should be one degree lower On his way, he met Feliciano Sanchez (victim) and the
than reclusion perpetua, which is reclusion temporal. latter’s mother and sick uncle. The accused asked the
Necessarily, also applying the ISLAW, the minimum
victim’s uncle for the best place to hunt for the wild
penalty should be taken from the penalty next lower in
chickens, but since the latter was sick, the victim
degree which is prision mayor and the maximum penalty
shall be taken from medium of reclusion temporal, there answered for him and pointed to a general direction in
being no other mitigating nor aggravating circumstances. the forest. Upon the victim’s recommendation, the
The ISLAW is applicable in the present case because accused then went to the forest to continue his search
the penalty which has been originally an indivisible for the wild chickens. When the accused saw one, he
where ISLAW is inapplicable, became a divisible penalty shot it, and simultaneously heard a human cry out in
by virtue of minority. Therefore a penalty of 6 yrs and 1 pain. After seeing that Sanchez was shot in the heart
day of prision mayor as minimum, and 14 yrs 8 mos and Tanedo ran back to his workers and asked one
1 day of reclusion temporal as maximum would be the Bernardino Tagamba (Tagampa) to help him hide the
proper imposable penalty. body. They did so by putting it amidst the tall cogon
grass, and later burying the body in an old well and
SAMAHAN NG MGA PROGRESIBONG KABATAAN covering it with burnt cogon grass. Only one shot was
VS QUEZON CITY heard that morning, and it isn’t contested that a chicken
GR NO 225442 was killed by a gunshot wound. Chicken feathers were
AUGUST 8, 2017 found at the scene of the crime, as well, and there is no



enmity between the accused and he victim. Prior to the and no sufficient evidence was found to support the
trial, the accused denied all knowledge of the crime, but judgment of conviction.
later confessed during the trial that he buried the victim’s
body. The lower court found the accused guilty of PEOPLE VS CASTILLO
GR NO 172695
JUNE 29, 2007
The deceased was a tenant on land belonging to a
relative of the accused. There was no enmity and no
unpleasant relations between them. No attempt was
made to show any. There appears to have been no Guillermo Antiporta, father of the victim, narrated in
motive whatever for the commission of the crime. The Court that in the evening of November 5, 1993, between
Government has not attempted to show any. The only 9:00 o'clock to 10:00 o'clock, the accused came home
possible reason that the accused could have for killing drunk and was in an angry mood. The accused kicked
the deceased would be found in the fact of a sudden the door and table, and then threw the electric fan away.
quarrel between them during the hunt. That idea is He was prevailed upon by Guillermo to take a rest. But
wholly negative by the fact that the chicken and the man the accused did not heed the advice of Guillermo as he
were shot at the same time, there having been only one took instead his sling and arrow from the house ceiling
shot fired. where he was keeping them. Dejectedly, Guillermo
transferred to the adjacent house of her daughter [in-law]
In this case there is absolutely no evidence of
Yolanda. From there, Guillermo heard the victim crying
negligence upon the part of the accused. Neither is there
and, afterwards, shouting at the accused. Guillermo
any question that he was engaged in the commission of
concernedly ordered Yolanda to see what was
a lawful act when the accident occurred. Neither is there
happening inside the house of Consorcia, and Yolanda
any evidence of the intention of the accused to cause
obeyed. On her way, Yolanda met the accused carrying
the death of the deceased. The only thing in the case at
the bloodied body of Consorcia. Guillermo, the accused,
all suspicious upon the part of the defendant are his
and Yolanda brought Consorcia to the hospital but to no
concealment and denial.
avail. From all the circumstances gathered, the infliction
ISSUE: of the fatal injury upon Consorcia was preceded by a
quarrel between her and the accused. This spat negated
WON Tanedo is criminally liable. the accused's version that he was practicing the use of
the weapon when Consorcia was hit by the arrow, and
lends credence to the prosecution's contention that the
No, The only possible reason that the accused could shooting was intentional.
have for killing the victim would be a sudden quarrel
The accused raised as an issue his lack of intent to do
between them during the hunt, which is negated by the
the fatal harm to his wife. This is the same issue to be
fact that the chicken and the man were shot at the same
resolved by this Court. Whether or not the fatal injury
time, there having only one shot fired. According to
sustained by the victim was accidental.
Article 8 subdivision 8 of the Penal Code, “he who, while
performing a legal act with due care, causes some injury ISSUE:
by mere accident without liability or intention of causing
it.” WON the accussed hitting his wife with an arrow was an
It is uniformly held that if life is taken by misfortune or
accident while in the performance of a lawful act RULING:
executed with due care and without intention of doing
NO. It is not accidental. "Accident" is an affirmative
harm, there is no criminal liability. In this case, there is
defense which the accused is burdened to prove, with
absolutely no evidence of negligence on the part of the
clear and convincing evidence. The defense miserably
accused. Neither is there any question that he was
failed to discharge its burden of proof. The essential
engaged in the commission of a lawful act when the
requisites for this exempting circumstance, are: (1) a
accident occurred. Neither is there any evidence of the
person is performing a lawful act (2) with due care; (3)
intention of the accused to cause the death of the
he causes and injury to another by mere accident (4)
deceased. The only thing in the case at all suspicious on
without fault or intention of causing it. By no stretch of
the part of the accused are his concealment and denial,



imagination could playing with or using a deadly sling Emmanuel Cañon, Jr. The Cañons and the appellant
and arrow be considered as performing a "lawful act." were neighbors. The matter was brought to the attention
Thus, on this ground alone, appellant's defense of of the barangay captain who conducted an investigation.
accident must be struck down because he was It turned out that Emmanuel Cañon, Jr. was not the
performing an unlawful act during the incident. culprit. The barangay captain considered the matter
Furthermore, in the instant case, the following closed. The appellant, however, was bent on confronting
circumstances satisfactorily established appellant's Emmanuel Cañon, Jr. On November 5, 1993, at about
intent to kill his wife: (1) The killing was immediately 9:00 p.m., 50year-old Emmanuel Cañon, Sr., a pedicab
preceded by a quarrel between the appellant and his driver called it a day and decided to go home after a
wife. Leticia, the victim's sister, testified that the day's work. He drove his pedicab and stopped at the
deceased suffered from the violent behavior of the junction of Rizal and Gallardo Streets, at the poblacion
appellant who would often lay hand on the victim during of Tuburan. The appellant, who was conversing with
their marital squabbles. (2) It has always been said that Marcial Luciño saw him. "Noy, why is [it] your son did
criminal cases are primarily about human nature. something to my brother?" Emmanuel ignored the
appellant. The appellant was incensed and ran after
In the instant case, appellant disappeared after his Emmanuel. He
wounded wife was rushed to the hospital. This is indeed
contrary to human nature. A husband is expected to lend overtook Emmanuel, grabbed and pushed the pedicab
comfort to his dying wife up to her last breath. In this which nearly fell into a canal. Emmanuel again ignored
case, however, appellant took flight. It is well-established the appellant and pedaled on until he reached his house.
that the flight of an accused is competent evidence to His wife, Norberta Cañon was in the balcony of their
indicate his guilt, and flight, when unexplained, as in this house, above the porch waiting for him to arrive.
case, is a circumstance from which an inference of guilt Emmanuel, Jr., meanwhile, was already asleep.
may be drawn. (3) The location of the wound and its Undeterred, the appellant continued following
extent likewise proved appellant's intent to kill the victim. Emmanuel. Shortly after Emmanuel had entered his
The autopsy report revealed that the victim sustained a house, the appellant arrived and tarried at the porch.
punctured wound in the neck, a vital organ, which fatally Emmanuel suddenly opened the door and demanded to
lacerated her jugular vein causing massive hemorrhage. know why he was being followed. The appellant told
The extent of the physical injury inflicted on the Emmanuel that he just wanted to talk to Emmanuel, Jr.,
deceased manifests appellant's intention to extinguish but Emmanuel told the appellant that his son was
life. (4) As regards appellant's act of carrying the body of already asleep. Norberta went down from the balcony
his wounded wife and bringing her to the hospital, the and placed her hand on her husband's shoulder to pacify
same does not manifest innocence. It is merely an him. The appellant forthwith pulled out a handgun from
indication of an act of repentance or contrition on the under his T-shirt and shot Emmanuel on the forehead.
part of appellant. There is likewise no merit in appellant's The latter fell to the floor as the appellant walked away
contention that assuming he was the one who killed his from the scene. Norberta shouted for help. The
wife, the same was accidental and not intentional. The neighbors, her daughter, and her son-in-law arrived.
exempting circumstance of accident is not applicable in They brought Emmanuel to the Tuburan District
the instant case. Hospital, but the victim died shortly thereafter. The
PEOPLE VS RETUBADO appellant admitted shooting the victim but claimed that
GR NO 124058 he was merely performing a lawful act with due care;
DECEMBER 10, 2003 hence, cannot be held criminally liable for the victim's
death. He testified that when he insisted that Emmanuel
wake up his son, Emmanuel went to his room and
FACTS: emerged therefrom holding a handgun with his right
hand. Emmanuel's trigger finger was outside the trigger
Shortly before November 5, 1993, someone played a
guard, and he held the firearm with the muzzle facing
joke on Edwin Retubado, the appellant's younger brother
downward. Fearing that he would be shot, the appellant
who was mentally ill. Someone inserted a lighted
took hold of Emmanuel's right hand with his left, and
firecracker in a cigarette pack and gave it to Edwin. He
pulled the gun towards Emmanuel's stomach. The
brought the cigarette home and placed it on the dining
appellant grabbed Emmanuel's free hand with his right
table as he was having dinner with his father.
hand, and the old man almost fell on his knees to the
Momentarily, the firecracker exploded. The suspect was



ground. Emmanuel still resisted. The appellant pulled the The appellant had the motive to shoot and kill the victim.
gun to the level of Emmanuel's forehead, and the gun The victim ignored the appellant as the latter talked to
suddenly went off. The bullet hit Emmanuel's forehead. him at the junction of Rizal and Gallardo streets, in the
poblacion of Tuburan. The appellant was incensed at the
The appellant asserts that he was merely performing a effrontery of the victim, a mere pedicab driver. The
lawful act of defending himself when he grabbed the appellant followed the victim to his house where the
victim’s hand which held the gun. The gun accidentally appellant again confronted him. The appellant insisted
fired and the bullet hit the victim’s forehead. on talking with the victim’s son but the victim refused to
ISSUE: wake up the latter. The appellant, exasperated at the
victim’s intransigence, pulled out a gun from under his
WON the death of Emmanuel was an accident caused shirt and shot the victim on the forehead. It was
by the appellant. impossible for the victim to survive. With the appellant’s
admission that he shot the victim, the matter on whether
he used his right or left hand to shoot the latter is
Yes, The shooting was no accident. A number of legal inconsequential.
scholars in Europe are of the view that the act of the
accused in a state of necessity GR NO 150647
SEPTEMBER 29, 2004
is justifying circumstance; hence, lawful. Under Article FACTS:
12, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code, a "state of
necessity" is a justifying circumstance. The accused Policemen arrested Tomas Balboa, a master teacher of
does not commit a crime in legal contemplation; hence, Concepcion College of Science and Fisheries in
is not criminally and civilly liable. By admitting causing Concepcion, Iloilo, for he was allegedly connected with a
the injuries and killing the victim, the accused must rely robbery. He was brought to the Headquarters of the
on the strength of his own evidence and not on the Philippine Constabulary Company at Camp Jalandoni in
weakness of the evidence of the prosecution because if Iloilo where he was detained. Roweno Pomoy, a
such evidence is weak but the accused fails to prove his member of the Iloilo Provincial Mobile Force Company,
defense, the evidence of the prosecution can no longer directed the latter to come out for a tactical interrogation
be disbelieved. Whether the accused acted under a at the investigation room. Petitioner had a gun hanging
state of necessity is a question of fact, which is from his holster. After that, 2 gunshots were heard.
addressed to the sound discretion of the trial court. The Petitioner was seen holding his .45 caliber
facts are clear as established by the trial court that when
Norberta heard her husband and the appellant arguing pistol facing Balboa who was lying in a pool of blood.
with each other in the porch of their house, she went Balboa died. The version of the defense presented by
down from the balcony towards her husband and placed accused Pomoy, Erna Basa (eyewitness) and Eden
her hand on the latter's shoulders. She was shocked Legaspi (was sitting with Basa at the time the incident
when the appellant pulled out his handgun and occured) is that Balboa allegedly tried to grab the handle
deliberately shot the victim on the forehead. After of Pomoy’s gun. Balboa was no able to take actual hold
shooting the victim, the appellant fled from the situs of the gun because of his efforts in preventing him. He
criminis. He surrendered to the police authorities only on and Balboa grappled in taking control of his gun, then
November 6, 1993, but failed to surrender the gun he Balboa was accidentally shot.
used to kill the victim. The appellant's claim that he
placed the gun on the dining table before entering his
bedroom to change his clothes is incredible. There is no WON the shooting was an accident.
evidence that the appellant informed the police
authorities that he killed the victim in a state of necessity RULING:
and that his brother, Edwin, threw the gun into the sea.
Exemption from criminal liability proceeds from a finding
The appellant never presented the police officer to whom
that the harm to the victim was not due to the fault or
he confessed that he killed the victim in a state of
negligence of the accused, but to circumstances that
could not have been foreseen or controlled. Thus, in
determining whether an "accident" attended the incident,
courts must take into account the dual standards of lack



of intent to kill and absence of fault or negligence. This duties as investigating officer that, under the instructions
determination inevitably brings to the fore the main of his superior, he fetched the victim from the latter’s cell
question in the present case: was petitioner in control of for a routine interrogation.
the .45 caliber pistol at the very moment the shots were
fired? Again, it was in the lawful performance of his duty as a
law enforcer that petitioner tried to defend his
Petitioner was not in control of the Gun when it fired. possession of the weapon when the victim suddenly
tried to remove it from his holster. As an enforcer of the
The records show that, other than petitioner himself, it law, petitioner was duty-bound to prevent the snatching
was Erna Basa who witnessed the incident firsthand. of his service weapon by anyone, especially by a
detained person in his custody. Such weapon was likely
The deceased persistently attempted to wrest the
to be used to facilitate escape and to kill or maim
weapon from him, while he resolutely tried to thwart persons in the vicinity, including petitioner himself.
those attempts. That the hands of both petitioner and the
victim were all over the weapon was categorically
Petitioner cannot be faulted for negligence. He exercised
asserted by the eyewitness. In the course of grappling all the necessary precautions to prevent his service
for the gun, both hands of petitioner were fully engaged - weapon from causing accidental harm to others. As he
- his right hand was trying to maintain possession of the so assiduously maintained, he had kept his service gun
weapon, while his left was warding off the victim. It locked when he left his house; he kept it inside its holster
would be difficult to imagine how, under such at all times, especially within the premises of his working
circumstances, petitioner would coolly and effectively be area.
able to release the safety lock of the gun and
deliberately aim and fire it at the victim. At no instance during his testimony did the accused
admit to any intent to cause injury to the deceased,
It is undisputed that both petitioner and the victim much less kill him.
grappled for possession of the gun. This frenzied
grappling for the weapon -- though brief, having been US VS CABALLEROS
finished in a matter of seconds -- was fierce and vicious. GR NO 1352
The eyewitness account amply illustrated the logical MARCH 29, 1905
conclusion that could not be dismissed: that in the
course of the scuffle, the safety lock could have been
accidentally released and the shots accidentally fired. FACTS:

That there was not just one but two shots fired does not The defendants have been sentenced by the CFI of
necessarily and conclusively negate the claim that the Cebu to the penalty of seven years of presidio mayor as
shooting was accidental, as the same circumstance can accessories after the fact in the crime of assassination or
easily be attributed to the mechanism of the .45 caliber murder perpetrated on the persons of the American
service gun. More significantly, the present case school-teachers Louis A. Thomas, Clyde O. France,
involves a semi-automatic pistol. . 45 caliber is prone to John E. Wells, and Ernest Eger, because, without having
accidental firing when possession thereof becomes the taken part in the said crime as principals or as
object of a struggle. accomplices, they took part in the burial of the corpses
of the victim in order to conceal the crime.
Furthermore, the wound inflicted by the accidental firing
does not negate the existence of the alleged grappling. As regards Roberto Baculi, although he confessed to
having assisted in the burial of the corpses, it appears
The elements of accident are as follows: 1) the accused that he did so because he was compelled to do so by the
was at the time performing a lawful act with due care; 2) murderers of the four teachers. And not only does the
the resulting injury was caused by mere accident; and 3) defendant affirm this, but he is corroborated by the only
on the part of the accused, there was no fault or no eyewitness to the crime, Teodoro Sabate, who, by the
intent to cause the injury. From the facts, it is clear that way, is a witness for the prosecution. This witness says
all these elements were present. At the time of the he was present when the Americans were killed; that
incident, petitioner was a member -- specifically, one of Roberto Baculi was not a member of the group who
the investigators -- of the Philippine National Police killed the Americans, but that he was in a banana
(PNP) stationed at the Iloilo Provincial Mobile Force plantation on his property gathering some bananas; that
Company. Thus, it was in the lawful performance of his when he heard the shots he began to run; that he was,



however, seen by Damaso and Isidoro, the leaders of look at him, the man in dark sweater poked his gun at
the band; that the latter called to him and striking him the him, and ordered all those inside to lie on the floor. In the
butts of their guns they forced him to bury the corpses. meantime, outside at the balcony the man in red clothes
asked Fabie for a glass of water, and the latter asked
ISSUE: Mario Monge to get the glass of water, but Mario did not
WON the court is right in convicting Caballero as an obey and instead went to the sala. Hence, Fabie himself
accessory of the crime. went inside the house to fetch the glass of water. But, as
he went inside the sala, he noticed the man in red
RULING: clothes following him. As Fabie reached the door to the
sala, the man in red clothes poked his gun on Fabie's
No, The Penal Code exempts from liability any person
back and pointed a sharp instrument on his neck and
who performs the act by reason of irresistible force (par.
then he was pushed to go inside the sala. Once inside
9, art. 8). Baculi acted, doubtless, under such
the sala, which was lighted, Fabie saw and recognized
circumstances when he executed the acts which are
the man in red clothes to be Eustaquio Loreno.
charged against him.
Also Elias Monge and his two daughters, Monica and
This witness says he was present when the Americans
Cristina, saw and recognized Eustaquio Loreno as he
were killed; that Roberto Baculi was not a member of the
entered the sala as one of the companions of the man in
group who killed the Americans, but that he was in a
dark sweater. All the occupants of the house were
banana plantation on his property gathering some
ordered by the man in dark sweater and Loreno to
bananas; that when he heard the shots he began to run;
remain lying flat on their stomachs on the floor.
that he was, however, seen by Damaso and Isidoro, the
leaders of the band; that the latter called to him and Jimmy Marantal stayed as lookout outside the house.
striking him the butts of their guns they forced him to Thereafter, the man in dark sweater instructed Loreno to
bury the corpses. tie all their victims on the floor. Loreno tied them with
rattan. The man in dark sweater cut the baby's hammock
PEOPLE VS LORENO (duyan) and got the ropes with which he and Loreno
GR NO L-54414
used to reinforce in tying the victim's hands together
JULY 9, 1984
behind their backs. After Loreno and Fabie returned to
the sala, the man in dark sweater got hold of Monica
FACTS: Monge and dragged her up to a room located above the
balcony. She tried to resist but she was then still tied.
In the evening of January 7, 1978, Barangay Captain Inside the room, Monica was asked to reveal the
Elias Monge along with his family (2 young daughters) whereabouts of her piggy bank savings. She said there
and some workers of the farm that stayed with the was none. He ransacked the room but found none. The
family. They were preparing to attend a dance held at man in dark sweater then seized Monica and forcibly
the barrio. removed her pants. Monica resisted and shouted at her
At about 7:40 o'clock that same evening, while he was at parents for help. He boxed and slapped her. Despite her
the balcony of said house, Francisco Fabie saw at first struggle, he was able to remove her panty and
four men with flashlights approaching. When they came successfully raped her. After that, he dragged Monica
near, he heard one of them call Elias Monge saying that back to the sala and proceeded to do the same to
there was a letter from the chief (hepe). Elias Monge Cristina. While all of this was happening, the other men
asked them to come inside since he can’t read the letter then proceeded to ransack the house and found and
properly. When he and the man in dark sweater were took a lot of valuables including a kulambo and kaserola
inside the sala Elias Monge asked his daughter, Monica tangina nila pati yun kinuha.
to fetch his reading glasses. On reading the letter, Elias Thereafter, Loreno entered the room where Cristina was
Monge and Monica read the following: "Kami mga NPA", still lying on the floor and proceeded to kiss and touch
which caused Monica to run to her mother, seized with her vagina. Suddenly, he was called to hurry up because
fear, informing her just what she came to know about someone was approaching the house. When he went
their visitors. Cristina Monge attempted to run to the back, the dark shirt guy warned everyone not to tell
kitchen to get a bolo but she was held back by the man anyone, got their valuables, and left. They managed to
in dark sweater who then announced to all those inside untie themselves eventually and after positively affirming
not to make any scandal. When Elias Monge turned to



the identities of their malefactors, along with Elias finding Loreno pointed the gun to the victims which enabled the
out the sexual abuse his daughters suffered, filed a malefactors to ransack the house (p. 38, tsn, Oct. 30,
report against the robbery-rape incident. After 1979 PM).
substantial examination to his daughters and initial
investigation, the accused were detained, charged and 2. When Eustaquio Loreno and the man in dark sweater
found guilty. Appellants Eustaquio Loreno and Jimmy reached the balcony, Loreno positioned himself next to
Marantal claimed that they acted under the compulsion the post in the balcony, while the man in dark sweater
of an irresistible force and/or under the impulse of delivered the letter to Elias Monge. Loreno admitted that,
uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury. They without prior instructions, he immediately positioned
admitted that they were in the house of himself near the post of the balcony (p. 10, tsn, Id.), an
act which showed his voluntary participation in the
Elias Monge on the night of January 7, 1978, but they criminal acts.
were only forced by a man wearing black sweater and
his five companions who claimed to be members of the 3. Eustaquio Loreno himself tied the victim with rattan
New People's Army (NPA), operating in the locality, with and thereafter, with ropes of the hammock. Loreno in
the threat that if they did not obey, appellants and their fact admitted that he was the one who furnished the
families would be killed. rattan which he got from inside the house (pp. 14-15,
tsn, Id.).
4. When Monica Monge was struggling and shouting for
WON the accused acted under the compulsion of an help from inside the room where she was earlier
irresistible force and are therefore exempt from criminal dragged by the man in dark sweater, Loreno’s
liability. (NO) immediate reaction was to point his gun to the victims
who were then lying on the floor, telling them not to rise
RULING: if they wanted to live (p. 38, tsn, Id.).
A person who acts under the compulsion of an
The records likewise revealed that on the two occasions
irresistible force, like one who acts under the impulse or
Eustaquio Loreno brought Beata Monge to the master’s
uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury is exempt
room and the teacher’s room where he made her open
from criminal liability because he does not act with
the trunk and the "aparador" with her keys and got the
freedom. The force must be irresistible to reduce him to
contents which he brought and poured on the floor of the
a mere instrument who acts not only without will but
sala, appellant Loreno acted alone, without the threat
against his will. The duress, force, fear or intimidation
and assistance of the man in dark sweater. And after the
must be present, imminent and impending and of such a
man in dark sweater consummated his lust on Cristina
nature as to induce a well-grounded apprehension of
Monge in the teacher’s room and seeing Cristina Monge
death of serious bodily harm if the act is not done. A
still lying on the floor, Loreno embraced her and tried to
threat of future injury is not enough. The compulsion
kiss and touch her private parts.
must be of such a character as to leave no opportunity to
the accused for escape or self-defense in equal combat. PEOPLE VS DEL ROSARIO
GR NO 127755
A perusal of the appellants statement of the robbery- APRIL 14, 1999
rape incident as summarized in their joint brief (pp. 3-
10), showed that they admitted their participation in the
commission of the crimes of robbery and rape against FACTS:
Elias Monge and his family on January 7, 1978. Further
On 13 May 1996 between 6:00 and 6:30 in the evening,
established were facts inconsistent with appellant s
Alonzo stopped his tricycle by the side of Nita’s
claim of having acted under the compulsion of an
Drugstore, General Luna St., Cabanatuan City, when
irresistible force and/or under the impulse of an
three women flagged him. Parked at a distance of about
uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury, to wit:
one and a-half (1½) meters in front of him was a tricycle
driven by accused Joselito del Rosario. At that point,
1. Appellant Eustaquio Loreno was armed with a short
Alonzo saw two (2) men and a woman grappling for
firearm when he and the man in dark sweater went up
possession of a bag. After taking hold of the bag one of
the house of Elias Monge. While inside the house,



the two men armed with a gun started chasing a man opportunity for the accused for escape or self-defense in
who was trying to help the woman, while the other equal combat.
snatcher kicked the woman sending her to the ground.
Soon after, the armed man returned and while the As a rule, it is natural for people to be seized by fear
woman was still on the ground he shot her on the head. when threatened with weapons, even those less
The bag taken by the man was brought to the tricycle of powerful than a gun, such as knives and clubs. People
accused del Rosario where someone inside received the will normally, usually and probably do what an armed
bag. The armed man then sat behind the driver while his man asks them to do, nothing more, nothing less. In the
companion entered the sidecar. When the tricycle sped instant case, del Rosario was threatened with a gun. He
away Alonzo gave chase and was able to get the plate could not therefore be expected to flee nor risk his life to
number of the tricycle. He also recognized the driver, help a stranger. A person under the same circumstances
after which he went to the nearest police headquarters would be more concerned with his personal welfare and
and reported the incident. security rather than the safety of a person whom he only
saw for the first time that day.
Joselito del Rosario gave his own version of the incident:
At around 5:30 in the afternoon he was hired for P120.00 PEOPLE VS BANDIAN
GR NO 45186
5 by a certain "Boy" Santos, 6 his co-accused.
SEPTEMBER 30, 1936
Upon arriving at Dicarma, the three (3) men alighted and
warned del Rosario not to inform the police authorities
about the incident otherwise he and his family would be
harmed. Del Rosario then went home. Because of the Valentin Aguilar, the appellant's neighbor, saw the
threat, however, he did not report the matter to the appellant go to a thicket about four or five brazas from
owner of the tricycle nor to the barangay captain and the her house, apparently to respond to a call of nature
police. because it was there that the people of the place used to
go for that purpose. A few minutes later, he again saw
As earlier stated, the court a quo found accused Joselito
her emerge from the thicket with her clothes stained with
del Rosario guilty as charged and sentenced him to
blood both in the front and back, staggering and visibly
death. He now contends in this automatic review that the
showing signs of not being able to support herself. He
court a quo erred in: (1) Not finding the presence of
ran to her aid and, having noted that she was very weak
threat and irresistible force employed upon him by his
and dizzy, he supported and helped her go up to her
co-accused Virgilio "Boy" Santos, Ernesto "Jun"
house and placed her in her own bed. Upon being asked
Marquez and "Dodong" Bisaya;
before Aguilar brought her to her house, what happened
ISSUE: to her, the appellant merely answered that she was very
dizzy. Not wishing to be alone with the appellant in such
WON Del Rosario acted upon because of an irresistible circumstances, Valentin Aguilar called Adriano Comcom,
force. who lived nearby, to help them, and later requested him
to take bamboo leaves to stop the hemorrhage which
had come upon the appellant. Comcom had scarcely
Yes, A person who acts under the compulsion of an gone about five brazas when he saw the body of a
irresistible force, like one who acts under the impulse of newborn baby near a path adjoining the thicket where
an uncontrollable fear of equal or greater injury, is the appellant had gone a few moments before. Comcom
exempt from criminal liability because he does not act informed Aguilar of it and latter told him to bring the body
with freedom. Actus me invito factus non est meus to the appellant's house. Upon being asked whether the
actus. An act done by me against my will is not my act. baby which had just been shown to her was hers or not,
The force contemplated must be so formidable as to the appellant answered in the affirmative.
reduce the actor to a mere instrument who acts not only
By the way, it should be stated that there is no evidence
without will but against his will. The duress, force, fear or
showing how the child in question died. Dr. Nepomuceno
intimidation must be present, imminent and impending;
himself affirmed that the wounds found in the body of the
and of such nature as to induce a well-grounded
child were not caused by the hand of man but by bites
apprehension of death or serious bodily harm if the act
animals, the pigs that usually roamed through the thicket
be done. A threat of future injury is not enough. The
where it was found.
compulsion must be of such a character as to leave no



ISSUE: of marital life with her lover Luis Kirol by whom she was
begotten with a child for the first time. Her said lover
WON Bandian committed infanticide. knew that she was pregnant and both were waiting for
the arrival of the happy day when the fruit of their love
RULING: should be born.

Believing that she did nothing more to respond to an

Infanticide and abandonment of a minor, to be urgent call of nature which brought her there, she
punishable, must be committed wilfully or consciously, or returned home staggering for lack of strength to support
at least it must be result of a voluntary, conscious and herself and for being dizzy, without suspecting that she
free act or omission. Even in cases where said crimes was leaving a newborn child behind her, and she only
are committed through mere imprudence, the person knew that she had given birth when she was shown the
who commits them, under said circumstances, must be already dead child with wounds on the body produced by
in the full enjoyment of his mental faculties, or must be the bites of pigs.
conscious of his acts, in order that he may be held liable.
As the herein accused was not aware that she had
The evidence certainly does not show that the appellant, delivered and that the child had been exposed to the
in causing her child's death in one way or another, or in rough weather and to the cruelty of animals, it cannot be
abandoning it in the thicket, did so wilfully, consciously held that she deceitfully committed the crime of
or imprudently. She had no cause to kill or abandon it, to infanticide or that of abandonment of a minor, because
expose it to death, because her affair with a former according to the above-cited legal provision there is
lover, which was not unknown to her second lover, Luis deceit when the act punishable by law is performed with
Kirol, took place three years before the incident; her deliberate intent. Suffering from fever and from
married life with Kirol — she considers him her husband dizziness, the appellant under the circumstances was
as he considers her his wife — began a year ago; as he not aware that she had given birth and, consequently,
so testified at the trial, he knew that the appellant was she could not have deliberately intended to leave her
pregnant and he believed from the beginning, affirming child, of whose existence she was ignorant, to perish at
such belief when he testified at the trial, that the child the mercy of the elements and of the animals. Neither
carried by the appellant in her womb was his, and he can it be held that she faultily committed it because, as
testified that he and she had been eagerly waiting for the already stated, not knowing for lack of experience in
birth of the child. The appellant, therefore, had no cause childbirth that in defecating — a perfectly lawful
to be ashamed of her pregnancy to Kirol. physiological act, being natural — she might expel the
child she carried in her womb, she cannot be considered
The act performed by the appellant in the morning in imprudent, a psychological defect of a person who fails
question, by going into the thicket, according to her, to to use his reasoning power to foresee the pernicious
consequences of his willful act.
respond to call of nature, notwithstanding the fact that
she had fever for a long time, was perfectly lawful. If by
doing so she caused a wrong as that of giving birth to
her child in that same place and later abandoning it, not
because of imprudence or any other reason than that
she was overcome by strong dizziness and extreme
debility, she should not be blamed therefor because it all
happened by mere accident, from liability any person
who so acts and behaves under such circumstances
(art. 12, subsection 4, Revised Penal Code).


I concur in the acquittal of the accused Josefina Bandian

not on the ground that she is exempt from criminal
liability but because she has committed no criminal act
or omission.

The evidence conclusively shows that on the day in

question the accused Josefina Bandian had spent a year



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