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Independent Together

Song 15 of 22
Steven Universe: The Musical Steg, Pearl, Opal

5 2

Not-hing... is hold-ing you back

13 3

now. No one, can push you a -


round. What do you wan - na do?

21 4

You're the mas - ter of you, and is - n't the thought en-ough to lift


you, off of the ground.

28 5

is hold-ing me back now. No one,


can push me a-round. What do I wan - na

36 6

be? I'm the mas - ter of me, and is - n't the thought e-nough to lift


We could be

me, off of the ground.

43 7

in - de-pen-dent to - get - her. In-de-pen-dent to - get - her we can fly.


In-de-pen-dent to get - her,

51 8

in-de-pen-dent to - get - her, in-de-pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

59 9

67 10


High a - bove an end - less sea.

75 11

No one brought us here but me.


Ev - ery step and ev - ery choice.

83 12

It's my fault, it's my thought, it's my words, it's my voice.


In - de-pen-dent to - get - her, in - de-pen-dent to - get - her if we try.

91 13

In-de-pen-dent to - get - her,

In-de-pen-dent to - get - her,


in-de-pen-dent to - get - her. in-de-pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

in-de-pen-dent to - get - her. in-de-pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

99 14

In - de-pen-dent to - get - her,

In - de-pen-dent to - get - her,


in - de-pen-dent to - get - her we can fly.

in - de-pen-dent to - get - her we can fly.

107 15

In-de-pen-dent to - get - her, in-de-pen-dent to - get - her,

In-de-pen-dent to - get - her, in-de-pen-dent to - get - her,


in - de-pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

in - de-pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

115 16

In - de - pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

In - de - pen-dent to - get - her, you and I.

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