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Lesson Plan

Title of Social Programs in Canada Unit Mixed and Market economies

Lesson/Topic and the US

Subject Area Social Grade 9

Teacher Carter Utke (Hans Bowden) Time/Duration 45 Minutes

What resources will you need?
Slides, Google Classroom, Students note sheet on google
classroom for recording similarities and differences.

GLO Students will demonstrate an understanding and

appreciation of how economic decision making in Canada
and the United States impacts quality of life, citizenship
and identity.

SLO What are some similarities and differences in the way

governments in Canada and the
United States intervene in the market economies? (ER,

Prior to the Create notes sheet, make slides, post in google classroom

Introduction Start by having students grab a chromebook and log in on the board before class.
5 Minutes
Explain to students that we will be looking at how social programs in Canada
and the US are different.

Go over objectives

1. Finish looking at why the economies of Canada and the US are different
2. Explain the in class assignment
3. Look at social programs in Canada and the US
Review Ask students to consider the main difference between the US and Canada's
history that influences the economy.
-Recap the different histories of revolution and gradual independence

Overview Why Explain some main differences in why the economies of Canada and the
are Their US are different.
Different -History
-Politics: Multipart system and the prevalence of more left leaning parties
such as the NDP and CCF.
Explain the CCF as the predecessor of the NDP, how their party shifted
Canada to the left with healthcare
Power of the NDP in a minority government to influence decision making:
Get students upset about how the NDP has such an influence with so
little seats.

-Values: American idea of pull yourself up by your bootstraps, the

American dream and values of individualism
Canada is more reliant on social safety nets.
Explain in Class Go to google classroom on viewboard
Tell students we will be looking at some different social programs in Canada and
the US. Students are to take notes on the differences and similarities between
social programs in Canada and the US. They will put these in a google doc and
then answer a few reflection questions at the end of class.

Healthcare in In Canada
Canada and the ● This is the most obvious difference people talk about between
US Canadian and American economies.
● In Canada our healthcare is free for Canadian citizens.
10 Minutes ● The provincial government collects tax revenues and funds the
Healthcare in Canada. This means that citizens can see a doctor at
no charge.
● Again it is not entirely free as pharmacare is still paid for by private
● Wait times for public healthcare can be longer than private
● Issues with finding doctors.

In the US
● The US government does not provide universal healthcare to its
● If people go to the hospital they have to pay to access a doctor or go
to the clinic
● People in the US can buy into health insurance plans such as
medicare and medicaid.
● Treatment can be costly

Look at the costs of some surgeries and medical treatments in the US

● A broken leg could cost $7500

● Average cost of a 3 day hospital stay is $30,000
● Care for chronic diseases such as cancer could cost hundreds of
thousands of dollars.
● Prices vary by state, hospital, treatment and doctor because it is
private ex buying a meal at a restaurant

Education In Canada
5-10 minutes ● Schools in Canada are funded by the provincial government
● Different provinces have different school systems and funding for
● In Alberta public school are available for all kids but charter school
also exist as a form of private schools.
● French schools are also mandated for every student in Canada to
have access to
● Universities & Colleges are subsidized by the provincial
governments of Canada (Often Cheaper Tuition than the US)

In the US

● In the US public schools are also funded by the American

● In this system states and school boards usually have more control
over how the funding works for schools.
● For example some states may have better funded schools than
● Private schools are also more popular in the United States than
● Colleges and Universities receive less government funding than in
Canada: Their tuition is higher but the quality of education is
National Canada
Defence Canada spends 26.4 billion $ on its military: That around 1.4% of its GDP

5 Minutes Canada is ranked at having the 27th most powerful military in the world


The US spends around $880 Billion a year on Military (3.3%): Remember

from last class that is just under half of Canada's GDP (2 Trillion)

The US military is one of the strongest if not the strongest military in the

Discuss how America values a strong military compared to Canada and

how Canada and the United States position in the world play a role in this.

Show a figure that has the military spending of the biggest militaries in the
world and discuss how this demonstrates America valuing the government
for providing safety for its citizens.

Childcare For this one to break up lecturing I will ask students to research how the
10 Minutes government intervenes in Childcare in each country. Look up the different
programs they have and record them in your notes. After share what you found
with the people around you.

If students are confused you could clarify things as a class like how Canada
recently put forth an effort to subsidize this

Taxes Discuss taxes in Canada and the US

Canada generally has a higher income tax rate for all citizens than the US.
The US does have a more spread out tax bracket than Canada.

Canada has a sales tax on all goods (GST) while the US does not require a
federal sales tax it is up to the provinces.

-Canada tax rates 15-33%

-US tax rates 10-37%

Overall Canadians pay more in taxes than the US.

Conclusion and Ask students if they have any questions
Student Work
Time After that, let them have time to work on two reflection questions posted in the

1. What are some general differences between social programs in Canada

and the US?
2. What economic system would you prefer and why?
For the rest of class students can work on writing their responses. They should
be detailed enough for me to understand their point of view.

Reflections After the Overall this lesson went well. I think that giving students work
Lesson: to do while I talk keeps them more engaged.

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