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Featurette of the episode

1)Fill in the blanks the best as you can

Remember : 1) you listen, no writing
2) you listen and you fill in the gaps – pauses-
3) you listen and you correct yourself.

1 "......................,[...] .................... is a satire on ........................ and the .................... of

ourselves we like to.................. and project to others. It stars Bryce Dallas Howard
who is ...................... and she ..... ......................... a ......................... called Lacie
who .......................... her life trying to please ..................... .

5 ............... is lost, she has .............. herself in this ......................... where she thinks that
her value is equivalent to her ....................

[... ] " Two stars? Two stars? It wasn't a meaningful encounter"[...]

Everyone is a little bit heightened and ...................... because

everyone's ................................. of being marked down ........................... the
10 consequences of that are ..........................
So it's ........................... the ................... we ................ in."

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2)Vocabulary : Guess and Circle the correct equivalent :

A satire A picture a caricature an episode
ourselves Neighbours them us, personally
To portray To represent to draw to draw a portrait
others A group me and you the rest of the people
To please To make someone happy to say « please » to be polite
heightened enthusiastic full of energy really positive
To mark down To be named « Mark » the name of a brand to give a bad mark
unpleasant Not nice really nice polite

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3) Match the sentences and complete the phonetics: (several answers possible)

This TV program is about ● ● they are scared of people’s judgement online.

Bryce Dallas Howard is ● ● a character trying to please people for a good mark

Lacie is ● ●
[...] [...]
online life.
Everyone is false/…………….. because ● ●
[...] [...]
marking people on a social media.
This world today is already about ● ● the actress playing Lacie.
[...] [...]

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4) Grammar :

Highlight the verbs at the present tense in the text. Put them into 2 groups.

….. …….
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What can you notice ?


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