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Homework has been a long-standing tradition in education, with students being assigned tasks to

complete at home after school hours. However, there is a growing debate on whether or not
homework is actually beneficial for students. Many argue that it causes unnecessary stress and takes
away from valuable family and leisure time. In this article, we will explore why homework should be
abolished and why students should consider seeking help from ⇒ ⇔ instead.

The Stress of Homework

One of the main reasons why homework should be abolished is the stress it causes for students. With
increasing academic pressure and extracurricular activities, students are already overwhelmed with
their daily schedules. Adding on hours of homework only adds to this stress and can have negative
effects on their mental health. This stress can also lead to burnout and a lack of motivation towards

Lack of Family Time

Homework also takes away from valuable family time. With busy schedules, many families struggle
to find time to spend together. Assigning homework only adds to this struggle, as students are often
forced to spend their evenings completing assignments instead of bonding with their families. This
lack of family time can have a negative impact on the overall well-being of students.

Inequality in Education
Another issue with homework is that it can create inequality in education. Students from
disadvantaged backgrounds may not have the same resources or support at home to complete their
homework as their peers. This can result in them falling behind in their studies and feeling
discouraged. Abolishing homework would level the playing field and allow all students to have an
equal opportunity to succeed.

Alternative Solutions
Instead of assigning homework, there are other solutions that can be implemented to ensure students
are still learning and retaining information. For example, in-class assignments and projects can be
used to reinforce learning without adding extra stress and taking away from family time.
Additionally, online platforms such as ⇒ ⇔ offer academic assistance and resources
for students who need extra support in their studies.

In conclusion, homework should be abolished in order to reduce stress, promote family time, and
create a more equal education system. There are alternative methods of learning and seeking
academic support that can be utilized instead. So next time you are feeling overwhelmed with
homework, consider seeking help from ⇒ ⇔ instead of struggling on your own.
If you find homework beneficial, then homework is good for you. But if you’re looking to start with
something easier. Students who get pushed out of their comfort area progress their skills, which
enables them to gain confidence. Parents need to understand that they are doing their children a
disservice by doing the homework for their kids. Along these lines, in a debate on homework should
be abolished we can share that no homework approaches no pressure. The study also showed that
parental involvement with homework helps improve student academic achievement. The parents of
the students then conclude that the school’s teaching is poor, and they may decide to send their child
to a different school. Homework can help children grasp and reaffirm what they learned that day.
Time management is a very important skill that helps throughout life in different ways. Homework is
an important part of being successful both inside and outside of the classroom, but too much of it
can hinder success. In comparison, only 1% of students believe that homework is not a stressor. And
there are many more issues related to children’s health that are why this is important to discuss why
homework should be banned. If it is abolished, the students shall have nothing to do after school.
The effects can be devastating, only beginning by creating a negative image of school in the child’s
mind. You can also help your kids develop a sense of self-value by making them take a few daily
chores. It offers students the chance to explore their specific styles of learning through more open-
ended tasks while additionally being able to illustrate what they know and have learned. 9. Makes
them Responsible Homework teaches children time management and the significance of deadlines.
You can do that by giving your children a well-designed and comfortable area for studying. 5. You
can communicate with the child’s teacher There are many reasons why you want to be in contact
with your child’s teacher. An adult who doesn’t do homework could end up working double-duty at
home because he’s also doing homework. To a lot of people that favor the death penalty, capital
punishment. These activities should not be mandatory and give children an opportunity to try
different things. I support, therefore, that homework should not be abolished, as it is necessary part
of learning. The homework that they are given is a way to teach them how to stay on task and learn.
This can be a more effective way to reinforce learning than traditional homework assignments. It also
helps parents track what their children are learning in class. That doesn’t leave a lot of room for
homework to be done. On the other hand, children in higher-income homes are likely to have more
resources. This can help with a variety of concerns, from making sure they are paying attention to
preventing them from slacking off in front of the TV. To put it succinctly, homework should not be
abolished. It is a cruel and cold blooded form of punishment and there have been instances where
innocent people were sentenced to death and later found to be innocent. Our website is not intended
to be a substitute for professional advice.
That way, when he goes to college and wants to take advanced math courses, he’ll be able to do so
with help from his mom and dad. This situation could lead to a resentment between the adult and the
child about how much the child is relying on him. The student on a normal day is going through no
less than 11 hours of school-related work. School without homework is not an image I can fathom.
Homework is an important part of being successful both inside and outside of the classroom, but too
much of it can hinder success. Teachers feel that giving students more homework will help them grow
and learn. Additionally, children want (and should) participate in extracurricular activities, including
soccer, chess club, drama club, and more. While we debate on whether homework should be
abolished from school it is required to understand that students are given an excessive amount of
homework from all subjects and on various assigned days. There are also times when homework
should not be done. Where homework is limited in the US: Texas Louisiana Nebraska Utah
Connecticut New Jersey Florida How Can Parents Help Their Children to Get Better Academic
Marks. You can do that by giving your children a well-designed and comfortable area for studying. 5.
You can communicate with the child’s teacher There are many reasons why you want to be in contact
with your child’s teacher. Doing homework at home can be a source of great reward for kids.
Therefore, homework should continue to be assigned appropriately, focusing on quality rather than
quantity. Students could take up exercises like moving, playing computer games, and painting and
simultaneously have the option to find a way into the general public when they grow up. Homework
is an important part of being successful both inside and outside of the classroom, but too much of it
can hinder success. Kids start focusing on their schoolwork and projects as soon as they get home,
and they barely have time to chat with their families because they’re so fatigued. Homework provide
opportunities for students to use deeper research. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you.
An entire elementary school in Vermont did the same. Homework prepares students to work more
independently, as they have to in College and in workplace. Homework can help children grasp and
reaffirm what they learned that day. There are many reasons why homework should not be banned
and we will explore each reason one by one. Are you ready to give up an opportunity where new
notions are introduced and planted firmly within your mind? A student’s perception of the subject
may be tainted by pointless busywork homework (not to mention a teacher). While we debate on
whether homework should be abolished from school it is required to understand that students are
given an excessive amount of homework from all subjects and on various assigned days. Homework
adds as a significant worry for youngsters who often fall prey to stress-related health issues. There Is
A Lack Of Support This brings us to the 8th reason why homework should be banned. You can also
find more Debate Writing articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more. Homework
Is a Type of Irrelevant Content Is Homework Slavery: Can Homework Be Considered Slavery. On
the other hand, the amount of homework done by children is largely a result of how much
homework is required and how much their parents expect of them.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(3), 820-832. Obviously, you must still be a student or you
would understand the work ethic it takes to succeed in business or engineering career. If you fit this
description, you can use our free essay samples to generate ideas, get inspired and figure out a title or
outline for your paper. I agree that playing is very necessary for the healthy growth of a child. Does
Homework Cause Stress: Everything You Need To Know In Which State Is Homework Illegal.
Completing homework early in the school years ensure that it becomes a habit. In comparison, only
1% of students believe that homework is not a stressor. The negative impact on kids’ behavior and
performance in school is very real. The results raise important questions about how to use the
homework system to its full potential. As a result, a student’s fantasy of having no schoolwork has
come true. Students at this age understand the competition facing them as they enter college or the
work world. March 7, 2022 by Prasanna Debate on Homework Should be Abolished: Homework
takes up a major part of a child’s life. Piling on more homework is not going to lead to
understanding; rather, other helps need to be researched. Family time, shared nights, end-of-the-
week trips, and meals are missed by students who are continually investing energy in homework. On
the other hand, homework is assigned to students without their permission. For some people, it is
seen as “burdening the kids” or even “working at home for parents”. Children go through days and
evenings on book reports, numerical statements, writing papers, and making science posters or
projects. This negativity toward homework could eventually cause children to stop doing it
altogether. Many schools or college teachers fail to express many things needed to perform the task
during class, which is considered one of the most compelling grounds for forbidding homework. Our
website is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. I strongly support the view that
homework generates a sense of fear and avoidable tension. We know what stress can do to our
bodies, adding that staying up late to do projects leads to sleep disruption and tiredness. Students
who get pushed out of their comfort area progress their skills, which enables them to gain
confidence. Furthermore, homework supporters argue that it is a crucial aspect of education and that
students who do not complete it may fall behind their peers. Furthermore, the teacher can identify
the weaknesses of the student so they can ameliorate their study habits in hopes of pulling their
grades up. While we debate on whether homework should be abolished from school, I might want to
highlight that for a student going to class resembles regular work like most of us adults. The research
team developed the surveys based on existing literature and professional experience. 18. Academic
achievement Doing homework is an essential part of the educational process. It helps with time
management and organization skills, allows teachers the opportunity to find their students
weaknesses so that they can help them to improve and lastly, it helps to reinforce things taught in
school and help to gain a better understanding of the new ideas and concepts taught, engraving it
inside students memories forever. Additionally, children want (and should) participate in
extracurricular activities, including soccer, chess club, drama club, and more. Once they reach that
level of self-reliance, they can achieve the next level of independence. 4. Improves student grades
Homework has been controversial since the late nineteenth century.
It makes kids hate learning since they know they have to do homework once they get home. There
are so many programming languages you can learn. We will occasionally send you account related
emails. Doing homework will give you an effective time management. For parents, it’s a sound
financial investment to get your children to finish school. It is a key reason why homework should
be prohibited. Hence, I conclude on a note to say that homework should be abolished in the need of
the hour. Counter Claim: Homework is important. 8. My stance. Too much, should lessen. (Rebuttal)
Given if only necessary. It’s true that most children don’t need extra help doing homework. Students
could take up exercises like moving, playing computer games, and painting and simultaneously have
the option to find a way into the general public when they grow up. There are times when homework
needs to be done, and school districts should make homework assignments available so that children
can figure them out on their own. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and
word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Providing resources, such as
online tutorials or study groups, can help to ensure that students are still receiving the support they
need. However, teachers don’t get any financial benefits. But they should also be given the freedom
to do so and to do it at any time that they want to, not just when their homework is due. The
negative impacts of failure are less impactful as a child when compared to as an adult. Anything
beyond that is punishment, in my opinion. Investing an excess of energy in homework is connected
to a reduction in scholarly execution. I should like to draw attention to the fact that the children are
not fully developed in their minds at this stage. !hey are little capacity to retain anything without any
practical demonstration in their mental faculties. They can sit still and loosen up faster to complete
their work in a shorter time period with a fresh mind. Only 1% of students, on the other hand, say
that homework is not a significant source of stress. Most educators recommend that elementary
school homework should not exceed 10 to 20 minutes a day, and that high schoolers should spend no
more than two and a half hours a day on homework. For some people, it is seen as “burdening the
kids” or even “working at home for parents”. Along these lines, in a debate on homework should be
abolished we can share that no homework approaches no pressure. If it is abolished, the students
shall have nothing to do after school. Homework also helps students prepare for exams and can be
an important factor in determining their grades. They also have the opportunity to experience cultural
and learning experiences. It allows deeper and better understanding about the lesson that the teachers
discussed in front of the class. See also Unlocking the Power To Use Datasets: A Comprehensive
Guide 3. Parents in lower income families may have less resources for homework assistance.
Many students chose not to say when they are experiencing difficulties and it is often up to the
teacher to find out. Despite the fact that homework can help you get better grades, it usually has
diminishing returns. 6. There Will Be No Family Time This brings us to the 6th reason why
homework should be banned. Not only does it give them a chance to get away from the humdrum of
school, it also provides parents with a glimpse at what their kids are up to at school. They soon feel
numb and unmotivated rather than experiencing engaging school life. Don’t hesitate to call us. FAQs
Q1. Is homework harmful to one’s mental health. If it is abolished, the students shall have nothing to
do after school. These are a great way to help your children feel more optimistic about their futures.
So completing work at home increases productivity greatly. 17. It creates a strong bond between
student, parents, and teachers The purpose of homework is to provide students with the opportunity
to practice skills and reinforce learning. I wholeheartedly support that homework leaves the children
no time for games, rest and recreation. Investing an excess of energy in homework is connected to a
reduction in scholarly execution. This can help with a variety of concerns, from making sure they are
paying attention to preventing them from slacking off in front of the TV. The effects can be
devastating, only beginning by creating a negative image of school in the child’s mind. It’s about
time we have this discussion in the education sector too. Your boss gives you some extra tasks to
complete within a given deadline. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English
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them 57 hours in which to grow up strong and competent and whole. It helps with time management
and organization skills, allows teachers the opportunity to find their students weaknesses so that they
can help them to improve and lastly, it helps to reinforce things taught in school and help to gain a
better understanding of the new ideas and concepts taught, engraving it inside students memories
forever. It makes kids hate learning since they know they have to do homework once they get home.
Homework Should Be Banned Agree Or Disagree: Debate On the one hand, those who believe
homework should be banned argue that it causes stress, anxiety, and even depression in students.
That’s why “No Homework Policy” was created, this law is one of the laws that governments want
to implement in our country, but some are against this law in some reason and this paper is also
against to that law. It’s no wonder that kids are working late at night on homework when you
consider travel hours, dining times, family gathering times, and so on. There are many reasons why
homework should not be banned and we will explore each reason one by one. For example, it may
be beneficial for students with learning disabilities to receive homework. Parents are unable to assist
in all aspects of their children’s lives. The average elementary school student is spending 25-30
minutes on a homework load similar to this every night. To top it all students are given homework
and expected to present their work on the immediately following day. Some schools have banned
homework, while others limit the amount of homework given to students. This negativity toward
homework could eventually cause children to stop doing it altogether. But that doesn’t mean that
they should be punished for doing it. Additional tutoring and special education services are existent
in most schools.
Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. Our professional writers can rewrite it
and get you a unique paper. She particularly loves digging into the historical aspects of America’s
educational structure. This gives them an opportunity to share about their day and discuss important
issues. To a lot of people that favor the death penalty, capital punishment. If necessary, adjustments
may need to be made to ensure that students are still learning and progressing. The benefits and
drawbacks of giving assignments after school was discussed. I am saying there are a lot of managers
and supervisors who should not be in those positions because they have no respect for subordinates
and they simply do not know how to manage. The research team conducted a survey with parents,
teachers, and students. How would you feel? Well, it is obvious to many people that you feel very
stressed. This means that the effects of homework are very uneven across the population. Journal of
Educational Psychology, 104(3), 820-832. The effects can be devastating, only beginning by creating
a negative image of school in the child’s mind. And we definitely don't like it when people think they
know what we do. Don’t hesitate to call us. FAQs Q1. Is homework harmful to one’s mental health.
Some studies suggest that more time spent on homework improves students’ grades. Footer Picture
Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English Letter Writing English Essay Writing English
Textbook Answers Types of Certificates ICSE Solutions Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal
Solutions HSSLive Plus One HSSLive Plus Two Kerala SSLC Distance Education Disclaimer
Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. If they are not given a free and fair environment, they will
remain diseased forever. The average elementary school student is spending 25-30 minutes on a
homework load similar to this every night. It should be abolished immediately. 'earning with
homework is, therefore, a continuous torture for the children. There are many reasons why
homework should not be banned and we will explore each reason one by one. While we debate on
whether homework should be abolished, I might want to mention that teachers believe that the more
homework they give, the quicker students will improve and recollect what they have learned. It can
assist foster skills in children like independence and discipline, and it’s a pathway to achievement.
FAQ’s on Debate on Homework Should be Abolished Question 1. It is also seen as a way for
students to practice what they have learned and to prepare for upcoming exams. We all know that
homework is part of school life; it was given to all level of pupils and students, even to those in
kindergarten. Also they said that the student will be able to help in the house such as doing house
choirs and other things. Children are not the only ones to fear the evils of homework though.
Encouraging self-care activities can help to support students’ overall well-being. It also gives
opportunity to the students to use the knowledge that they gained, and it practice students in
developing good work habits.

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