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Heat transfer theory

Basic knowledge training


© Alfa Laval

 Modes of heat transfer

 Flow principles

 The heat balance

 The heat transfer equation

 Thermal length concept

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Modes of heat transfer
 Law of physics
 Heat = Energy
 If you take a hot spot
 … and a cold spot
 … the heat will always be transferred from the hot to the cold

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Three ways to transfer heat
 Radiation Reflected

− Electromagnetic waves
− When it reaches a body it has 3 options:

 Conduction
− Molecular or atomic vibrations

− No material transport

 Convection
− Energy is transferred by the motion and intermixing of small mass elements
− Natural convection caused by density difference
− Forced convection is man-made (ex., pump)
© Alfa Laval
Example, a day at the beach


© Alfa Laval

Which of these three are important in PHE?
 Radiation?

 Conduction?

 Convection?

 Conduction and convection are the most effective ways of heat

transfer and Radiation has only a very small contribution and can
considered negligible when we calculate heat transfer for PHE

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Flow principles
 Two types of flow
− Laminar
 Orderly flow throughout the fluid Laminar Flow

 Parabolic flow profile

− Fluid at the wall moves slower
− Due to the friction from the wall surface Flow profile Velocity profile

 Ex., viscous fluids or water at low velocity

 How is heat transferred through the above

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Flow principles
 Two types of flow
− Turbulent
 No orderly flow Turbulent Flow

 Random eddy motion mixes the fluid Conduction


 Always a laminar film closest to the wall Conduction

Flow profile Velocity profile

 Ex., water at higher velocity
 How is heat transferred in the middle and at
the wall?

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Flow principles
 Turbulent flows mean convection which give
better heat transfer Laminar Flow

 How does velocity affect the laminar film?


 How does viscosity affect the laminar film?

Flow profile Velocity profile

Turbulent Flow




Flow profile Velocity profile

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Heat transfer in a GPHE

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Heat transfer in a GPHE
T1, Bulk temperature on hot side

Hot side

Flow direction T3
Flow direction
Cold side

T2, Bulk temperature on cold side

Slide 11
The temperature profile at
one point
© Alfaof the plate wall
Laval Heat transfer (Q) driven
by temperature difference
The Heat Balance
 Liquid-to-liquid Definitions
Cold fluid out at T2 Out
Q = Heat load, W (kW)
Mass flowrate m2
(rate of heat transfer)
m = Mass flow rate, kg/s
Cp = Specific heat, J/kg°C (kJ)
Hot fluid in at T1 In
Cold fluid in at T2 In (the energy needed
Mass flowrate m1
Mass flowrate m2 to heat 1 kg of the fluid

Hot fluid out at T1 Out

Mass flowrate m1
Heat released by the hot fluid: Q1=m1*Cp1*(T1 In-T1 Out)

Heat absorbed by the cold fluid: Q2=m2*Cp2*(T2 Out -T2 In)

Heat losses are negligible  Q1= Q2

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The Heat Balance
T2 Out= X

T2 In= 20°C
m2 = 120 kg/s T1 In = 80°C
Cp2 = 4,2 kJ/(kg °C) m1 = 100kg/s

T1 Out = 40°C
Cp1 = 4,0 kJ/(kg °C)

Heat Load: Q1 = m1*Cp1*(T1 In-T1 Out) = 100 kg/s * 4.0 kJ/(kg °C) * (80-40)°C
Q1 = 16 000 kJ/s = 16 000 kW
Q1= Q2: 16 000 kW = Q2=m2*Cp2*(T2 Out -T2 In)
16 000 kW = 120 kg/s * 4.2 kJ/(kg °C) * (X-20)°C
X = 16 000 / (120 * 4.2) + 20 = 52°C
© Alfa Laval
The Heat Balance
 Steam described Enthalpy-Temperature Temperature-Pressure

in diagrams Enthalpy Temperature

Saturated steam

Temperature 2 bar Pressure

Tboil (°C) (bar)

Hvap = Heat needed to vaporise 1 kg of a fluid (kJ/kg)

The same amount of energy is released during condensation
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© Alfa Laval
The Heat Transfer equation
Q = k * A * LMTD
 Q = Heat Load, W (kW) (same as Q1 = Q2 before)
 k = k-value, overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC), W/m²°C
− Higher k-value = More efficient heat transfer
− Described later on how this value is calculated

 A = heat transfer area (m²) - our goal is to minimise this !!!

 LMTD= Logarithmic mean temperature difference
− The driving force of heat transfer is temperature difference
− LMTD describes the temperature profile in the HE
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The heat transfer plate
 The area participating in heat transfer

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The Distribution area
 The area participating in heat transfer

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What drives Heat Transfer?

The temperature difference between the two fluids

provides the driving force for heat transfer

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Q = k * A * LMTD
 LMTD= Logarithmic mean temperature difference
− Depend on counter-current or co-current flow

Counter-Current Co-Current Flow

T1 in Flow T1 in
T2 out 1 T1 out
T1 out 2
2 T2 out
T2 in T2 in
1 − 2
 1 
 
 2 
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Q = k * A * LMTD
 LMTD and counter-current flow
− Counter-current flow always gives a higher LMTD for liq/liq.
• Remember the Q = k * A * LMTD

• For the same heat load (Q) and the same k-value...
• A higher LMTD…
• Allows a smaller Area  More competitive design !
– Counter-current flow allows temperature cross
• Hot side temperature outlet
is lower than cold side outlet

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Q = k * A * LMTD
 LMTD and co-current flow
▪ When do we need to use co-current flow?
▪ When the wall temperatures are important. These are not the same for the
two cases.

© Alfa Laval

Q = k * A * LMTD
 LMTD with steam as heating media

Counter-Current Flow
Co-Current Flow
1 2

2 1

Area Area
− Pure steam condense at constant temperature
− Same LMTD for co-current and counter-current

© Alfa Laval

Q = k * A * LMTD
Wall Flow direction
T1, Bulk temperature on hot side
Cold side
Called Film heat transfer Wall conductivity, 
1-value coefficient on hot side
Wall thickness, 
T3 Resistance
Hot side T4 from the wall
Flow direction
Film heat transfer Called
coefficient on cold side 2-value

T2, Bulk temperature on cold side

© Alfa Laval Heat transfer (Q) driven

by temperature difference
Q = k * A * LMTD
 The k-value formula

1 1 1  δ  k == Overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m²°C

= + +   + R=f Wall thickness, m

Film heat transfer coefficient, W/m²°C

k α1 α 2  λ  w  = Wall conductivity, W/m°C

A high k-value means…
We get a high k-value when...
Less area is needed...
The -values are high meaning:
For the same heat load
– High turbulence
– Thin laminar film Q = k * A * LMTD
 Less heat transfer resistance
And the plate is thin with high conductivity
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Q = k * A * LMTD
 How do we get the k-value?
  is known, it is the plate thickness
1 1 1 δ
  from tables of metal conductivity = + +  +R
 How do we get the -values? k α1 α 2  λ  w
 Thanks to three scientists:
− Wilhelm Nusselt
− Ludwig Prandtl
− Osborne Reynolds

 They found three different dimensionless numbers that describe the heat transfer

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Thermal length
 Describes how “difficult” a duty is thermally
 Two names for the same thing:
− Number of Transfer Units (NTU)
− Theta,  (mainly used in Alfa Laval)
 We use the “Theta” concept in several ways:
− Thermal duty (high / low theta duties)
− Unit (high / low theta PHE models)
− Plates (high / low theta plates)
− Channels (high / medium / low theta channels)

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Thermal length - duty
 Theta is calculated for the hot and cold side

T1in − T1out T2in − T2 out

NTU1 =  1 = NTU 2 =  2 =

1 − 2
 1 
ln  
 2 

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NTU (Theta)

Low theta duty High theta duty

 Duty to the left has lower NTU, duty to the right has higher NTU.
 A low NTU duty requires a low NTU type channel, a high NTU
duty requires a high NTU type channel.

© Alfa Laval Slide 28

NTU (Theta) - summary
 NTU (Number of Transfer Units): This is a relationship between
the four inlet and outlet temperatures.
 A heat recovery duty has a high NTU number, whereas a duty with
a large temperature difference between the two fluids has a low
NTU number.
 A high NTU duty calls for a long plate with low pressing depth, a
low NTU duty requires a short plate with high pressing depth.

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What factors decide θ (NTU) of a plate channel?

1. Channel Length
2. Pressing Depth
3. Chevron Angle

© Alfa Laval Slide 30

Theta PHE examples
Port size Lower theta Higher theta
3 cm TL3-P TL3-B
5 cm T5-M T5-B
6 cm TS6-M TL6-B
8 cm T8-M T8-B
10 cm M10-M M10-B
10 cm TL10-P TL10-B
15 cm M15-M M15-B
15 cm TL15-B
20 cm TS20-M
20 cm T20-M T20-P,T20-B
25 cm MX25-M/T25B MX25-B/MX25M, T25-P/T25-M
35 cm TS35-P/T35-P TL35-B
45 cm T45-M
50 cm TS50-M T50-M

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Theta (NTU) @ 40°C & 100kPa

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Theta (NTU) @ 40°C & 100kPa

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Thermal length - plates & channels
 We have two (three) plate corrugations (L and H)
 These form three different channels (L, M and H)

L: Low theta H: High theta

L + L = L channels L + H = M channels H + H = H channels

 We choose between L, M and H channels to tailor-make it for the specific duty

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Thermal length - plates & channels
 A concept to optimize the thermal fit for each PHE to the duty!

Low turbulence Medium turbulence High turbulence &

& pressure drop & pressure drop pressure drop

L + L = L channels L + H = M channels H + H = H channels

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GPHE product range
− Industrial line, small

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GPHE product range
− Industrial line, Medium

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GPHE product range
− Industrial line, Large and Extra Large

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GPHE product range
− AlfaCond and AlfaVap

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GPHE product range
− Industrial semi-welded line

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GPHE product range
− BaseLine and M line, industrial plates

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GPHE product range
− FrontLine

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© Alfa Laval

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