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4/4/24, 11:00 AM CS4212: Compiler Design (Autumn 2023) — CS4212 2023

CS4212: Compiler Design (Autumn 2023)

1. Course Syllabus and Grading Schema [syllabus.html]

2. Software Prerequisites [prerequisites.html]
3. OCaml Style Guide [codestyle.html]

Instructor: Ilya Sergey []

Lectures: Mondays, 3:00pm-6:00pm

Location: COM1-0212

Teaching Assistant: Vladimir Gladshtein []

The 2023 edition of CS4212 is over. Compiler Design will return in Autumn 2024!

Week 01: Introduction [W01 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-01-Intro.pdf]]
[W01 Code []]

Week 02: X86Lite [W02 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-02-x86lite.pdf]]

[W02 Code []] [X86lite
Specification [hw02-x86lite-spec.html#x86-spec]]

Week 03: Compiling Function Calls to X86 [W03 Slides

[_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-03-irs.pdf]] [W03 Code

Week 04: (Ilya is away) Intermediate Representations and LLVM [W04 Slides
[_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-04-llvm.pdf]] [W04 Code

Week 05: LLVMlite and Lexing [W05 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-05-

lexing.pdf]] [W05 Code []]
[LLVMlite Specification [hw03-llvmlite-spec.html#llvmlite-spec]] 1/4
4/4/24, 11:00 AM CS4212: Compiler Design (Autumn 2023) — CS4212 2023

Week 06: Lexing (cont’d) and Parsing [W06 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-

Week-06-parsing.pdf]] [W06 Code [

Week 07: Parsing (cont’d) [W07 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-07-more-

parsing.pdf]] [W07 Code []]

Week 08: First-Class Functions, Lambda Calculus [W08 Slides

[_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-08-lambda.pdf]] [W08 Code

Week 09: Types and Type Checking [W09 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-

09-typing.pdf]] [W09 Code [
2023]] [Oat v.1 typing [_static/oat-v1-typing.pdf]]

Week 10: Advanced Typing [W10 Slides [_static/lectures/PLDI-Week-10-

more-typing.pdf]] [W10 Code [
2023]] [Java Arrays []] [Full
Oat [_static/oat-full.pdf]]

Week 11: Code Optimizations and Dataflow Analysis [W11 Slides


Week 12: Register Allocation and Wrap-Up [W12 Slides


Homework Projects

Textbooks and Additional Resources

On General Principles of Compiler Construction

1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (2nd Edition)

2nd/dp/0321486811] by Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman

2. Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation

[ 2/4
4/4/24, 11:00 AM CS4212: Compiler Design (Autumn 2023) — CS4212 2023

Muchnick/dp/1558603204/] by Muchnick

3. Modern Compiler Implementation in ML [

Compiler-Implement-Andrew-Appel/dp/0521607647] by Appel

On Compiling Functional Languages

1. The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages

content/uploads/1987/01/slpj-book-1987-small.pdf] by Simon Peyton Jones

On Types and Programming Language Foundations

1. Types and Programming Languages

[] by Pierce

2. Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages

[] by Pierce et al.

3. Software Foundations [] by

Pierce et al.

On Program Analysis

1. Static Program Analysis [] by Anders Møller

and Michael I. Schwartzbach

2. Principles of Program Analysis

[] by Nielson, Nielson,
and Hankin

On OCaml

1. Real World OCaml [] by Yaron Minsky and

Anil Madhavapeddy

2. Introduction to Objective Caml [./resources/ocaml-book.pdf] by Jason


Copyright 3/4
4/4/24, 11:00 AM CS4212: Compiler Design (Autumn 2023) — CS4212 2023

Most of the materials and assignments for this module have been adapted, with
permission, from the UPenn’s compiler class by Steve Zdancewic

Indices and tables

Index [genindex.html]

Search Page [search.html] 4/4

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