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20 a 12 13 14 1s 16 17 18 a9 20 © & ‘Taped Interview of MICHAEL GALMICHE 12-453718 Page 7 A Yes. Q ..Came? Do you see where...did you see where they came from or... ‘AI didn't see where they came from uhh, because I was behind o> oe OBO ON/LER/42916 02 the video screen. And I only noticed them when they turned the corner around the video screen. and it was a split second that uhh, from me seeing them to me being attacked. Okay. About how many bouncers do you remember seeing? Ubh, I remember seeing five bouncers. Okay. And did the bouncers hit you first or did Mike Miske: hit you first? i Okay. So the...the first bouncer swung at me but I ducked. So he missed me. Okay. And then Mike Miske hit me firat. Okay. So technically, he's the first guy that hit me. ‘Kay. So when Mike Miske hits you, where does he hit you? He hits me in my head. Okay. 00188536 10 ut 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a1 o ° © Taped interview of MICHABL GALMICHE 12-453718 Page 8 A 1...T covered up. 1 ducked. and as I ducked, I covered up. And when he hit me, he...he hit me towards my head, yeah, @ Okay. Uhh, when you say your head, uhh, the top of your head? The side? Your temple? My face. Your face? Yea. ‘Kay. So Mike Miske... » o> oP Threw uppercuts at my face. Cause I was ina duck...ducking down position. Q Okay. So after the first bouncer throws a punch, misses you, uhh, Mike Miske starts throwing uppercuts at your face? A Yes. Q Is that with a closed fist? A Yes. @ Okay, Do you know which hand he used? A His left hand. Q@ Okay. So Mike Miske uses his left hand with a closed fist and starts uhh, hitting you with uppercuts to your face? IN/LKA/42916 . 01 8 00188537

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