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Achievements in Academics

Awarded Certificate of Merit for securing Maximum marks in Mathematics, Physics and
Chemistry in the AISSCE Examination in March 2008-09
Awarded Certificate of Merit for securing Maximum marks in Mathematics, Social Science
and Science & Technology in the AISS Examination in March 2007
Awarded the Mahindra Search for Talent Scholarship for obtaining the first rank in the final
examination of class 11, 10 and 9 of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vaduthala, Ernakulam
Awarded the Merit Certificate by Sahodaya Schools Complex for securing A1 grade in all
subjects and Maximum Marks in Mathematics in the AISSE Examination held by CBSE in
March 2007
Selected as one among the district level winners of Malayala Manorama- Swadeshi Sastra
Prathibha Matsaram 2003-04 organized by Swadeshi Science Movement and the Malayala
Manorama Group of Publications
First Level Winner of the Swadeshi Sastra Prathibha Matsaram held on 7th November, 2004
Secured rank 238 in the final round of Fifth National Science Olympiad held on 9th May,
Recognized as the top 10% scorers in the Junior level Screening test of National Mathematics
Talent Competitions

Triple crown winner award (3 levels in 6 months) and Pathbreaker (completed a path in 4
Runner up at Club level Evaluation Speech Contest
Best Club level officer award (Sergeant At Arms & VP Education)

State a challenging situation that you have encountered in your personal/professional

life and what were the two major lessons learnt?
In my current role as an Analyst, I work on providing various kinds of customized reports to
hedge fund managers so that they can analyse their portfolio. Whenever the client needs a
report, they raise support tickets which appear in our queue. Usually I get 3-4 support tickets
in our queue. Couple of months back, I received around 8-9 support tickets on average every
day. Now there was a ticket of a very sensitive client in my queue for many days. Since it
was a little difficult ticket to solve, it was in my queue for many days as there were other
doable tickets. Some days later, when I was planning to leave after work, I noticed a long
message from the client on the ticket that he was waiting for the response for many days, and
he wanted the ticket sorted that day. It came to the notice of team lead and he asked me why I
the ticket was pending in the queue for so long and why I hadn’t brought it to the notice of
other team members if I had found it difficult. He instructed me to solve it then and there as
he didn’t want the ticket to get escalated to the top. It was already 9.30 pm and everyone had
gone home. I had to go on a call with client to get it sorted. By the time I left office, I
couldn’t get a cab and had to stay in my friend’s house nearby
One major lesson I learned was the importance of prioritizing the task while working. Had I
prioritized time according to nature of client and made note of it, this issue wouldn’t have
occurred. Another is the importance of proper communication when working in team. In case
you face any issue, try to intimate the team regarding this because all jobs are teamwork

What are your goals in life and how MBA going to help achieve them?
As part of family business, I increased the annual turnover of the company from 15 crore to
24 crore. The qualities which helped me achieve this was my keen problem solving ability
and new ideas. When I was in business, I faced many challenges like lower profitability due
to lower margin, stagnant sales. I came up with new ideas to improve the business network,
improve customer base and introduce new product lines into the portfolio. Over the years, I
have managed to increase the profitability of the company. However in the long term, I would
like to move up the ladder from a distributor to a manufacturer. For this, I require corporate
experience and need to establish an industry network. Given the regional exposure I have, it
would be difficult to do so. An MBA would help me here. Firstly, it would provide me with
opportunities of peer to peer learning with people. Secondly, working in a corporate company
would provide me industry experience. Thirdly, MBA would be best option for understanding
the theoretical aspects of different verticals of company like Operations, Finance, HR,

Disciplined and punctual:
When I served as Toastmasters Club Officer (as Sergeant at Arms) at Gabbys Toastmasters
Club, I managed the end to end logistics needed for meeting including finding roletakers,
sharing the project details and release the agenda of meeting. All these used to be done atleast
24 hours before the meeting as a result of which the meeting was very smooth

Problem solving ability

As VP Education of my Toastmasters Club, one big challenge I faced was finding roletakers
for each meeting. There were auxiliary roles like Timer, Grammarian, Ah Counter which
people never used to take because they were interested in being a speaker or evaluator. As a
result we had to find roletakers from outside the club. After some point it became a little
tedious to do so as we had almost 3 meetings per week and it was difficult to find roletakers
outside the club. So I implemented various measures to overcome this. I started providing
best “Best Participation” award on a monthly basis to the one who took all the roles in a
month. Secondly, we started asking the mentors to encourage mentees to take up all these
roles. We also set up a condition that we would approve education awards only if the
members take all the available roles at least once during his/her entire path

Difficulty of saying “No”
Something I find it difficult is to say “No” blatantly to someone. In Toastmasters
International, I have built network with people outside my club. Most of them approach me
for taking roles in the club. Although I would be hesitant to take up since the meeting might
be during the office hours. I couldn’t directly say no to them. It happened once that the
meeting time was during an important office meeting and I couldn’t say no to them. After the
club meeting was over, I looked at the watch and realized the office meeting is over. There
were some important updates in the meeting which I missed. I realized that this wouldn’t
have happened if I had said “No”. Currently, if somebody asks me something, the first thing I
try to do is whether it practically possible for me to do so. If it is not

Difficulty in multitasking/prioritizing tasks

An important skill which I needed in my current job is multitasking and prioritizing tasks.
There are three responsibilities in my current job- one to on board new clients into the
system, solve support tickets for existing client and also train new joiners in my team. When I
joined, I was able to manage things well because I had to work on support tickets only and
there used to only 2-3 support tickets on which I needed to work. When my team lead
realized my efficiency in job, I was given additional task of on boarding new clients and
training new joiners. When I was part of on boarding, there were long hours of client call as a
result of which I found crunch in time while working on support tickets. However some time
back it so happened that the tickets started increasing and it became 8-9 almost every day in
the queue. I took this lightly and didn’t sit down to prioritize things. After some days, when
my team lead enquired me regarding the status of pending tickets, I realized there were
almost 12 tickets in my queue pending for 2 weeks! That day I had to sit till late to resolve
the tickets. It taught me an important lesson, the need to plan out and prioritize things at
work. Nowadays, I started to plant things at work and maintain a list of to do activities and
prioritize them according to their importance

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