Linear Algebra

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An eigen vector is a vector which is stretched by a set of linear operations rather than the
direction being changed

1.Trace=sum of eigen values, Determinant=product of eigen values, sum of squares= sum of

minors of diagonal elements
2.A and A’ have same eigen value, A and A conjugate have λ conjugate
3.For triangular matrix, the eigen values are equal to diagonal element
3.A+kI has characteristic root λ+k, A^n has characteristic root λ^n
4.Rank of matrix is equal to number of non-zero eigen values of matrix
5.A and A-1 have λ and 1/ λ
6.If sum of every rows is same, then one of eigen values is equal to the sum
7.For real matrix, the eigen values are complex conjugates
8.Eigen values of Hermitian, Symmetric matrix are real
9.Eigen values of Skew Symmetric is 0 , skew Hermitian is 0 or imaginary
10.Eigen values of idempotent=1 and 0, involutory=1 and -1
11.Unitary matrix and orthogonal matrix have eigen values of unit modulus
13.Number of linearly independent eigen vectors=n-Rank of coefficient matrix

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