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Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, India

Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, India.,

A right Choice for the Real Aspirant
Sec: Outgoing Seniors_AIIMS S60 Date: 27-07-2020

1 The presence of excess amounts of urea in the blood due to malfunctioning of kidney is
known as -------------

2. A renal disease characterised by inflammation of glomeruli (or) small blood vessels of the
Kidney is -----------------------------

3. The chief causes of uremia is -----------, --------------and--------------.

4. The uremia is usually treated by --------------------.

5. Stones (or) insoluble mass of crystallised salts (oxalates, uric acid) formed with in the
Kidney is ---------------.

6. Dialysing fluid having the same composition as that of plasma except ----------------.

7. Hemo dialysis is working principle is based on ----------------.

8. In the dialyser apparatus blood flows through channels (or) tubes made up of -------

9. The cellophane membrane is impermeable to macromolecule such as --------------- and

permeable to a----------------,b--------------------,c- ------------------and d------------------

10. After dialysis the cleared blood in pumped back to body through a ---------------------- after
adding Anti heparin.

11. Each dialysis session last for -----------------------

12. Lungs regularly eliminate about ------------of CO2.

13. Some quantity of Cholesterol, degraded products of steroid hormones certain vitamins
and drugs are excreted via ----------------through ----------------.

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Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, India
14. Primary function of sweat is to facilitate ------------------.

15. For Kidney failure (renal failure) persons , Kidney transplantation is final option ,so
preferably Kidney a close relative why -----------------------------.

16. ------------------- eliminate certain substance like sterols, hydrocarbons, through -------------

17. An adult excretes on an average of -------------------- litres of urea per day and PH is -------

18. Presence of Glucosuria and Ketonuria in the urine are indicative of --------------------

19. What is micturition---------------------------and for this voluntary signal is given by ---------


20. A healthy adult will excrete an average to -------------------grams of urea per day.

21. When urinary bladder gets filled with urine in response stretch receptors on the walls of
bladder Send signals to ------------------------.

22. Osmo receptors in the body are activated by changes in ---------------, ---------------- and ---


23. -----------------------organ produces Angiotensinogen and where it circulates------------------


24. ADH (or) Vasopressin facilitates----------------------reabsorption from latter parts of tubule

thus preventing--------------------------.

25. An increase in body fluid volume can switch off ---------------------and supress---------------
--- Release.

26. The ADH due to its constrictory effect on blood vessels causes an increase of ----------
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Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, India
27. A fall in the glomerular blood flow / Glomerular blood pressure/ GFR can activate---------
---------- to release---------------------.

28. Angiotensinogen is converted to Angistensin1 because of --------------------------.

29. Angiotensinogen II activates adrenal cortex to release--------------------------.

30. Aldosterone causes reabsorption of --------------------- and ---------------------- from the

distal Convoluted tubule.

31. An increase in blood flow to the atria of the heart causes the release of ----------------------.

32. ANF can cause------------------------and here by decrease the --------------------.

33. The ----------------- and ----------------- play significant role in to produce concentrated

34. Counter current gradient is mainly caused by --------------- and-----------------------.

35. Small amounts of urea enter-------------------------which is transported back to the

interstitium by the collecting tubule.

36. Human Kidneys can produce urine nearly -------------------times concentrated than the
initial Filtrate formed.

37. A special arrangement of Henle`s loop vasa recta for the transport of substances to
produce Concentrated urine is ------------------------.

38. At the tip of Henle`s loop, in the inner medulla the osmolority is---------------------- milli
Osmoles per litre.

39. The counter current mechanism helps in maintain concentration gradient in the ------------

40. The PCT is lined by -----------------------.

41. 70 to 80% of electrolytes, water and nearly all nutrients are reasserted in ---------------------

42. PTC also helps to maintain -------------------and------------------------body fluids.

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43. By selective secretion of ---------------------, -----------------------and----------------------into
the filtrate and by absorption of ----------------------------from it.

44. The descending limb of loop of Henle is permeable to ------------------------- and almost in
Impermeable to-----------------------.

45. The ascending limb of impermeable to ------------------and allows transport of ---------------

-- Actively (or) passively.

46. Conditional reabsorption of -----------------and------------------takes place in digital

convoluted Tubule.

47. DCT is capable of reabsorption of ------------------and selective secretion of -------------,

-------------------- and -----------------------.

48. Large amounts of ---------------------could be reabsorbed in the -------------------to produce

Concentrated urine.

49. The collecting duct allows ------------------- into medullary interstitium to keep the

50. DCT is lined by------------------.


1. Uremia

2. Glomerulonephritis

3. A. Glomerulonephritis, B. Hypertension, C. Diabetes mellitus

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4. Haemodialysis

5. Renal calculi

6. Nitrogenous wastes

7. Concentration gradient

8. Cello phane

9. Plasma proteins, A. urea, B. uric acid, C. creatinine and D. mineral ions

10. A Vein

11. 2 to 6 hours

12. 18 litres

13. Bile, Liver

14. A cooling effect on body surface

15. To minimise its chances of rejection by immune system of host.

16. A. Sebaceous glands, B. Sebum

17. 1 to 1.5 litres , 6.0 PH

18. Diabetes milletes

19. Passing of urine, central nervous system

20. 25 to 30 grams

21. Central nervous system

22. A. Blood volume, B. Body fluid volume, C. Ionic concentration

23. Liver, Blood

24. Water, Diuresis

25. Osmoreceptors , ADH

26. Blood pressure

27. JG cells, Renin

28. Renin
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29. Aldosterone

30. Na+ , Water

31. Atrial Natriuretic factor (ANF)

32. Vasodilation, Blood pressure

33. Henle’s loop, Vasa recta

34. NACL and urea

35. thin segment of ascending limbs of Henle`s loop

36. 4 times

37. Counter current mechanism

38. 1200

39. Medullary interstitium

40. Simple cuboidal epithelium with brush boarders

41. PCT

42. PH and ionic balance

43. Hydrogen ions, Ammonia and potassium ions, HCO3-

44. Water, Electrolytes

45. Water, Electrolytes

46. Na+ , Water

47. HCO3- , Hydrogen, Potassium and NH3

48. Water, Collecting duct

49. Small amounts of urea

50. Cuboidal epithelium without brush borders

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