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aL LEL LINE DEVELOPMENT paRAt® etopment of cube: Dev Consider the cube is covered in a paper © Oper ” 2 c Paper. I we ops Nhe paper covering si, faces of the cube jlayon a fiat plane, we get the development of cube andl example 1: Draw the development of a cube of side 30 mm. yi solution “ procedure: + Draw the top view of the cube. 2 Project the top view vertically upwards on the reference line XY and draw the front view, 3 Fromthe front view, draw horizontal lines from the base and top. 4 Mark the points on the Projected horizontal lines a’, b’ ... such that a’-b’ equal to the base edge of the solid (30mm), 5 Fromthe points a’,b’,...... draw vertical lines to intersect bottom horizontal line. 6 Draw the top surface and bottom surface (which is a square) on any of the lines d'-a’ and h’-e' to complete the development. FRONT VIEW ——30__ ad) bie) : a il x Y e(h’)| fo) e r g on ° d(h), eg) t 8 80-120 ' bi ate) " Fig. 3.3 TOP VIEW Development of square prism: Consider the square prism is covered in a paper. If we open the paper covering six faces the prism and lay ona flat plane, we get the development of square prism. Ap} jare prism of base side 40 mmand height 80 mm. Example 2: Draw the development ofasqui Solution: ] FRONT VIEW top | aid) be) 7 ¢__d|__@ i sTeP2 3 xl Y + F e Th" *) f g see Se BOTTOM d(h) (9) 2 i STEP 2 |auaal ee ae) bf) ToP VIEW Fig. 3.4 DEVELOPMENT OF SQUARE PRISM Development of rectangular prism: Consider the rectangular prism is covered in a paper. If we open the paper covering six faces ofthe prism and lay ona flat plane, we get the development ofrectangular prism. & < Fig. 3.5 DEVELOPMENT OF RECTANGULAR PRISM « Example 3: Draw the development of a rectangular prism of base side 40 mm X 30 mm and height 70 mm. Procedure Follow the procedure similar to square prism FRONT View 0 dé aay ia. ve ‘ [ ¢ ~ | | > 2 | > e | ¢ Y STEP2 | ‘ e | Al ' el | eh) fig) e fr 9 7 7 if ae { d(h) (9) a 3 J 1 STEP1 "| _____40+30+40630 = 149 ‘ ale) bi) ToP VIEW Fig. 3.6 DEVELOPMENT OF A RECTANGULAR PRISM Development of a hexagonal prism: Consider the hexagonal prism is covered in a paper. If we open the paper covering eight faces of the prism and lay ona flat plane, we get the development of the hexagonal prism. y Fig, 3.7 DEVELOPMENT OF A HEXAGONAL PRISM Example 4: Draw the development of a hexagonal prism of base side 25 mm and axis height 80 mm. Procedure: "1 Draw the top view of the hexagonal prisma,b,c,d,e,f. Project the top view and draw the front view of the hexagonal prism above the reference line. Project the top and bottom lines in front view Mark the points a’-b’,b'-c’,c'~ Draw vertical lines from a’, d'-e'e'-f and f'-a' at equidistant of 25mm. ..and mark g’, Draw the six faces of the hexagon. Now draw the top and bottom face touching the last face and complete the development. NOR Penn FRONT VIEW ‘bw TOP VIEW Fig, 3.8 DEVELOPMENT OF HEXAGONAL PRISM Developmentofa cylinder Consider a solid cylinder is coveredina paper. If we opened it and laid on a flat: Plane, we the development: ofacylinder, HEIGHT Ta\ Fig. 3.9 DEVELOPMENT OF A CYLINDER (Ly Example 5: Draw the development of a lateral surface of aright citcular cylinder of base diamete mm and axi 6mm? 2 [Apr 2018) Solution: Procedure: 1. Draw the top view of the cylinder of. 40mm diameter Divide the circumference of the circle into. twelve equal parts, Project the top view and draw the front view of the cylinder above the reference line XY. Project the front view and draw the ‘welve elements, thatis equal to the circumstance (D) - Now draw the top and bottom face of the. cylinder and complete the development. open | | STRETCH OUT ume | {eottom ) bord = on ee COs 40 { ES s140~125 7 TOP VIEW h Flg.3.10 DEVELOPMENT oF acYUNDER ’ eap)AL LINE DEVELOPMENT: ?, pyramids and cones are developed by radial line development, K STRAIGHY DECE 4 (a) . (e) Fig. 3.11 DEVELOPMENT OF A PYRAMID Development of pyramid: imagine the pyramid is covered in a paper. If we opened the Paper covering each face of the pyramid andlay ona flat plane we get the development of the pyramid, To draw the development of a pyramid we must know the true length of slant edge and the size of taseedge. Thetrue length of the slant edge of a pyramid can be measured. directly from the front view, only if that €09¢ is parallel to the VP Fig3.11 (a) shows a three dimensional view of a pyramid. 93.11 (b) shows the front view and top view. 93.14 (c) shows the slant height ortrue length. 93.11 (d) shows how to draw to find out the true length. '. Draw an arc of radius r= Ob up to the horizontal line which will meet at point, ® Now project b, upto XY. Join O'andb; Now O'b,"is the required true length. FRONT VIEW ° oO b ___base side _ | (o) (a ) ToP View Fig, 342 a ¢ Example 6: Drawthe: development of a square pyramid of base side 25 mm and axis height 65mn, “Solution: Procedure: 1. Draw the top view of the 25 mm square pyramid a,b, c,d. 2. Take O as the vertex: point. 3. Project the top view and draw the front view . 4.With O as centre and Obas radius, draw an arcto cut the horizontal line drawn fromO. atb, 5. Project the point Ob, to XY line upto b,’. 6. Join O'b,’. Thistineis the true length of the slant edge. o \ ‘ Fig. 3.13 To draw the development: 1, Mark the point O' at any convenient place. apomnt a’ at one end nt ma other POMS ECD wth ence wry sas i a the 8iz0 of the tase ectye (75 men) o.picete qevslopment of Cone — VERTEX a is covered ir . assure the cone is ne \ _ A reer we open the papercovering ( _\ pre | I cried surface of the cone and laid / A ( on 2 flat plane we get the} Y) di.\ cevelopment of the cone. ~ (\ . a oe ae 7 Fig. 3.15 DEVELOPMENT OF CONE Y fe Method I length cone and arc By calculating the 6 subtended by the formula ‘gh equal to the circumference of : aa See Pebase crete, = Rx 360" Wnere s R - Radius of the base circle ee S-Siant length = (Fo H-Height of cone Ue bate cil into 12 equal visions. Squal divisions on the arc, each equal to length of one division of the base circle. Buc] www 02 sixe pur so}owe}p wi gy ose Jo sopuyjko e jo wousdojanap O41 MEQ “wu 02146184 Sie pue @seq wg) puL wus OF jo pruestd seynBuejoos BJO |WOWNdO|OAP OY EIA WGIOY Ww G7 spxe pue sojoWeIp UL Sp ‘85g jo UCD e jo jUOWAOINSP OY) MEIQ {.102190] “Wu 09 @PNIn}e pue ww QZ apis eseq Jo WIsud jeuoBexoY se;nBo. e yo juoWdO|ONDP OU MOUS 07190] wus gene pul WIL OF @SEQ JO PIS jo Wisuid jeuoBexay }Y6Ue Jo saoepns jes910} OM jo wawdojanp ou MEIC {1)02 4d] "Ww Og 1YB!9y sixe ay) pue Wg} apis eseqjo sud jeuoBexoy jo juowdojanap ou MEIQ “Buo| wu cz sixe pue Ww cg x WWW ge apis aseqjowsud seinBuE}D—aL e jo uaudojanap ou meIg “wu G9 1ySi9y pue Ww ge apis aseqjo wsud arenbs e jo jwowdojanap oun mEIg 9153HS | INSWSSASSV SSV¥19 . ore Bla S819 of L8 = 09Ex Sta waa wes = S ‘snipes onus eseg = ‘aus papneu = @ aan, 0 wo oN oO aa ae “9 8{6ue papuaygns yim JO} ue Ue MeJp 'SMIPEd se yjGua) ueys pue aQueo se Q'S “MAA JU) BY} WO) BUD BY) JO (Sua) jueys Oxy aunseayy "2 UO BY) jO MALA JUDY PUB MBA GO} OY AMI | | QuNPSIOLg WSP 19 = 0 8B zve Big (e) (Op, (6)e (9) ja :uoNn|os “wsud 8y) jo adeyns 1e49}2| 84) Jo }UaUIdojanap ay mesg ‘sxe @4) 40 WWIodpiw ay) YBnowy) Bulssed pue g'n ay) 01,08 18 autour aueid e Aq yno si VW d'H ayy uo ased Si! 40 98eq Si! 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Example 20 surface of the truncated pyramid shown in fig (a), ‘\ Draw the development of the late Solution: ti 2th . 220 fen, o Fig, 3.28 Example 21: A square pyramid of base side 20 mm and altitude 40 mm rests on its base on th with two sides of the base parallel to the V.P. Itis cut bya plane bisecting the axis and inclined. 5 ; the base. Draw the development of the lateral surfaces of the lower part of the cut pyramid a ° ° @ » Fig. 3.29 px pak E poight of Cone Are 60 mn, "8 0n the Hp. Nd 70 yy ; # pand perpendicular to the yp pe jedevelopmentof the | With ity 1 tog 718 Daralle Mite Parallel to the VP The base diameter ‘DOCLive ®Nd page Thi *Ssing nes NG thro Meral su 20 Ol tha ee 2 POINtAO min atiove the base on the an CON, below the Luling plan culling plane *con0 Is cut by 4 plane inclined at YW to wine geet, v be Gb | mata opis yBiy Burssiyy ayy Buyweag mai, doy Buissiyy er} “Nn ywoss waif Opis Yo 1 ees ae main do} Bulssiw ayy mex € sg erduern' 0) main 601 onezyensia aveitl2es v oy uMesp malA SUIeWOS] (@ smaja ual () Buissiw (2) ne opis 15! main Od Cl eee ; Z| ~ (7 waan org maneps Wet on 1 Too] ‘s7\ | Z ~ oy OY me 2 bowen (7) rn ~ on main opys WOT Buss ut NoUvAgT3 AGIA BOIS LHOIS — l, | “main do} Bulssiw ay) Me1q 8 ls Ff ee eee oe eee 1 ep ojdwex3 ' i nolan alo | oe or ‘oe 0 eo 09 ons vor wary ‘ayn doy Buyssiu meg [sem] [se7 oS [ra K ir] i” 1 © | en Burssn nu Meg oe J 8 1c ~ t T ch fh @-. ao Rcasve oz : c i614 eh y uw 02 14819y pue WW g¢ apis jo sud euoBexey e jo malA oLjaWOS! ay) MENG “6 aldweXy ory Bi co OL e LE “ww 0 1yBley pue WW GE apls Jo WslUd eJeNbs e JO MaIA UJaWOS! BY) MeJQ =g a]dwexXy ovis ree 081 04) MEQ. Lojdwexg vey Old e % chy 6s thy Oy “WW 02 1YBI8Y Pue WU Oy J3}3u2, aseq JO J@pUl|AD & JO MAIA OUJBWOS) sy 2, Zh aldwer, OZ “ww 07 1yBiay pue ww ge eP!s° P euoBexay e yo main aujawos! v rhe 0 A Example 13; Draw the isometric view of a cone of base 1 A\ om 4 height 70mm | \ 1SO} Fig. 4.15 VIEW OF TRUNGATED)SOLIDS| Example 14: Draw the isometric view of a ‘rustum of a cone of base diameter 60 mm, top diameter 30 mm and height 60 mm. Fig. 4.16 ixample 15: Draw the isometric projection of frustum of pentagonal pyramid having longer base ide 40 mm and shorter base side 30 mm with axis of 70 mm resting on its longer side base keeping ne ofits base side parallel tothe V.P. [Apr 2016] g HELPING FIGURE HELPING FIGURE ~ ISOMETRIC PROJECTION Fig. 4.17 RIGHT END VIEW Procedure: Fig. 4.18 ELEVATION Note the overall dimensions (Length 60mm, width 40 mmand height 40 mm) of the object Draw the 3 isometric axes and draw the isometric view of the enclosing box. (Select the length axis according to the side view, ie. if the right side view is given, draw the length axis onthe leftand ifthe left side view is given, draw the length axis on the right) Draw the front face (front view) by marking the length on length axis (OX) and height on OZ axis, Draw the edges of the object on X axis, Project all the points of the front view on Y axis and connect the points to complete the sides and top faces (step 2, step3, step4). * Make thick outline of the object. 0. & \ STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP <3 ISOMETRIC VIEW Fig, 4.19 UGHT END VIEW Fig. 4.20 ELEVATION PLAN Fig, 4.21 April 2018 Example 18 Piemonte N | | ta : ! | Lot ' | 4 \. ‘ 70 sreP.t . ~ er NN STEP-3. ae 2 > IN | ee SY ; Draw ISO view of Hise A detlls aus view of block B details Form rectangular box Picked up from the left side view picked up from the top view raw Iso view of block ¢ Draw iso view of suras details picked up from top view Sets picked up from the side view Darken and finish & > Example 19/7 40 j-2—t2 a Fig. 4.22 Fig. 4.23 « Example 20 » \ oe Form Rectangular Box STEP-4 Draw Iso view of block A details pick up from the front view using are method Draw Iso view of block A details pick up from the front view using are method Draw Iso view of block B details pick up from the Top view Fig. 4.24 Draw Iso view of block A detalls pick up from the front view using arc method STEP-6 I Draw Iso view of block B details pick up from the Top view using parallel arc method 109. rer 8 < » Example 22 La Fig. 4.27 April 2004 Fig. 4.29 weeg | Lot 20 > oo ze Bid we very Bid | og SL oc'y “6d byp Biy Hl wero x SS 1 LA!

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