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Thesis on working class people

This realtime thesis is based on the informal sector of our
economy.basically,informal sector revolves around the casual workers,daily
wagers, of the most hit and vulnerable part pour society are these
people.their problems are mostly neglected,but for our countrys
development,we need to focus on finding a way to get strong answers to their

To interview the working class people and find out their life history. education,
income etc. this paper mainly focuses on what are the errors and struggles
people face in this fast pacing economy.

i interviewed a tea shop owner,named jameel.he is a 56 year old man running
the tea shop from a very long time.the place is kind of a hub for everyone
located in the locality,from the richest uncles in the block to the street
vendors,everyone is a huge fan of the black tea there.
Basically,when I questioned about why all of this happened.the only thing he
could think of was poverty.he wanted to be a actor at the bollywood,but neither
the family could afford any basic expenses nor could he follow his passion due
to the lack of money.
He started the shop around 14 years,with his father who passed away around
when jameel uncle was 20.this made him forget his love for acting,as he had to
shoulder the familys responsibilty as the only man in the house.initially it was
difficult for him,but now he’s earning a good amount of money,more than
that,hes happy for the love people are giving for his tea,which makes him forget
everything he once wished for.
Secondly,I interviewed sameer uncle,who owns a popular fast food eatery
nearby.the name of the shop is taj fast food centre.the main highlight of the
place is that,the shop peaks from7 in the evening until latenight accompanied by
IT crowd at mosts and localites.hes been doing the buisness from
genrations.sameer uncle pursued a basic sslc.thats all he could do at that point
of his had given him ,he had to hold up the falling buisness or study for
his future.he decided to keep family as his first priority and chose to save the
Uncle told me one very strong point,my situation made me drop
this fast moving world,a man without education is a human without
respect.even though I run a succesful business that earns me handful of cash,im
still a uneducated man.i didn’t want this to continue with my children,im
making sure,every single kid from my family ( the next generation) must be
educated and be a degree holder at any costs.
He also told that,practically without education ive brought this buisness to this
level with whatever knowledge I have.if I was educated,this buisness would
have reached many more heights,but with me I coudnt do it,now my own
sons,who are getting educated,will surely lift this buisnes to the next level.lets
hope for the best. We ended our conversation a very positive note there.
Now,after making up mind to interview few more people,i came across mrs
shantamma.she is a vegetable street vendor.ive been seeing her from a very long
time.she and her husband walk barefoot and sell veggies all over the locality.the
couple age around 57-65 years and are still working hard.
when I asked them why are you working so hard at this age,I was shiocked by
their answer,shantamma told me that her daughter is working in ibm and earns
decent money and she is supportive too.but,we have been working since a very
long time,we can sit at home and enjoy all the luxuries,as our daughter can
afford a good livelihood.
but we neither our mind nor our body will accept the food that we eat without
working nor we can sit we come out to work,its become part of our
life.this totally shattered me,to see such people in this time of the gave
me a strong understanding that,even tho education plays a severe role in shaping
our lifes for the society.the moral values we carry to matters a lot.with this I
signed of my interviews.

Analysis post interviews:

The only thing,I felt after listening to these people who belonged to the informal
sector was that,they didn’t forcefully choose to work in this part of the
economy,rather the situations,time and emotions I what made them come here.
The most common problem here was poverty,that hit education.but even though
these people are uneducated ,they all have a strong sense of practicallity.the
clear understanding of customer behaviour,common sense of circulationg
money,even though its unorganised and clumsy,they handle all expenses like
how an educated man belonging to the formal sector do,just a bit informal.
Even though,lifes been hard on them.our economy is shouldered by these
people belonging to the informal sector.without which circulation of money is a
do or die task.
They don’t have any theory knowledge like we do as educated people.but
somehting more stronger than that a stronng emotional core.

An thesis by
Ba economics,1st semester

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