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HERMES TRISMEGISTOS the alchemical arrangement of the elements below,
the astrological order of the planets above. This
knowledge is planted in him, like a divine spark,
which Alchemy and Astrology help him to
When the viewer centres remember.
himself before this image in Accomplishing all this, he sees his proper
meditation, he begins by reflection, not in the Anthropos, but in the
freely roaming his eye over Demiurge. Like a divine Craftsman, he understands
the lower figures: the basic the order of the elements on earth and of the planets
geometrical shapes, the four in the heavens. Transcending them all, he arrives at
fundamental elements, the the upper aeons.
mineralia, vegetalia and In the glowing caduceus, he sees another image
animalia - he sees all of them of himself. He is not a body with hands and feet. He
TRISMEGISTOS as Nature’s progeny. She is a glowing serpent of Life and Light. The
holds her hands outward as if serpentine and lionine figures ablaze with light
to say, ‘Behold: all of this I reflect his own soul and mind. In this form, he
create’. It is beautiful to winds five times through the five upper aeons.
admire such things. But then Finally, in his vision, all comes together. His
the viewer remembers that focus expands and he sees all of these as one: he is in
she also holds the body of Nature, he is the Anthropos and Demiurge, he is
man in her embrace. Light and Life. At the centre of all of these, he sees
the glowing circle on the chest of the Anthropos:
that is the divine spark in him, the remembrance of
Gradually moving his eye upward, the
the light. In this sacred mirror, he sees himself there,
contemplative holds the central human figure in
as a particle of divine light.
his gaze. After concentrated meditation, he At the final moment his mind expands and his
learns to see the Anthropos as a reflection of particle of divine light merges with the One at the
himself. Though the body belongs to Nature and source. He now sees that the glowing circle of light is
the Earth, in spirit the Anthropos is an image of not an image of his own divine spark, but the One at
the One. Its form reflects the higher self, the the centre of all things. All these disparate images
eternal self. But this is not yet apparent. unite, and find their centre in the Source of Light
Concentrating further on the image, the
and Life.
viewer becomes aware of how he is encompassed
Then, freeing himself from this vision and slowly
seven times by the planets in the lower aeons.
emerging from meditation, he thinks to himself with
Suddenly, he recognizes that these form a the words of the Poimandres,
winding path upward, the Soul’s Ascent. But, to “I saw an endless vision in which everything
tred that path, he must first remember ‘the became light - clear and joyful - and in seeing the
cosmic framework’: vision I came to love it.” (C.H. I. 4)




1 de 1 16/02/2017 16:57

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