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4. Is there always stress with leadership? Leadership can be a stressful and daunting task.

Most of the
leaders will be easily stressed due to the assigned workload and have to assign work to the team
members, not only that, but also have to resolve the conflicts at work as well as the conflicts of the team
members. And managing a group with many members is also very difficult and makes the leader feel

5. Does leadership exist in a romantic partnership? When managing a large group of people, there are
many cases where leaders will have to meet someone they like and will not avoid the situation that two
people will date. Therefore, balancing love and work will also be difficult, with wise leaders they will
often make rules to avoid different treatment between members.

6. Is leadership an art or a science? I think a leader is a person who manages a group, so good team
management is the first and most important thing of a leader. In addition, having a leader with
specialized knowledge of the assigned work will also be an advantage for the leader to be able to
support the group, and finally understanding the team members will also help the leader understand
the situation. Visualize and handle problems at work better. So leadership is an art or a science isn’t

7. Do you think people with no leadership skills have a more or les happy life? I think wherever you are,
whatever you do, you need a leader to manage, talk a little more about rice, money, no one wants that
they will always be managed by someone, so having no leadership skills religion is a major shortcoming
that a person is lacking. Because when you have leadership skills you will easily survive in work or when
managed by someone you will also easily gain attention to gain credibility.

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