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Teacher’s Resource Pack & Tests

Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley

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Module 1 Module 6
Resource Material............................. p. 4 Resource Material ............................ p. 34
Revision Test ................................... p. 5 Revision Test ................................... p. 35
Test 1A Student A ........................... p. 6 Test 6A Student A ........................... p. 36
Test 1B Student B ........................... p. 7 Test 6B Student B ........................... p. 37
Skills Test 1 ..................................... p. 8-9 Skills Test 6 ..................................... p. 38-39

Module 2 Module 7
Resource Material ............................ p. 10 Resource Material ............................ p. 40
Revision Test ................................... p. 11 Revision Test ................................... p. 41
Test 2A Student A ........................... p. 12 Test 7A Student A ........................... p. 42
Test 2B Student B ........................... p. 13 Test 7B Student B ........................... p. 43
Skills Test 2 ..................................... p. 14-15 Skills Test 7 ..................................... p. 44-45

Module 3 Module 8
Resource Material ............................ p. 16 Resource Material ............................ p. 46
Revision Test ................................... p. 17 Revision Test ................................... p. 47
Test 3A Student A ........................... p. 18 Test 8A Student A ........................... p. 48
Test 3B Student B ........................... p. 19 Test 8B Student B ........................... p. 49
Skills Test 3 ..................................... p. 20-21 Skills Test 8 ..................................... p. 50-51

Module 4 Further Practice Material

Resource Material ............................ p. 22 Reading ....................................... p. 52-59
Revision Test ................................... p. 23 Dialogue Completion ...................... p. 60-61
Test 4A Student A ........................... p. 24 Games (1-8) .................................... p. 62-69
Test 4B Student B ........................... p. 25
Skills Test 4 ..................................... p. 26-27 Key to Resource Activities &
Tests ....................................... p. 70-83
Module 5
Resource Material ............................ p. 28
Audioscripts ................................... p. 84-86
Revision Test ................................... p. 29
Test 5A Student A ........................... p. 30
Test 5B Student B ........................... p. 31
Skills Test 5 ..................................... p. 32-33
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Resource Material 1
Vocabulary 3 What nationality is each
1 Match the sports with the pictures.
1 Anna is from the USA.
1 tennis 5 hockey She is .................................... .
2 badminton 6 gymnastics 2 Jack is from Russia.
He is ..................................... .
3 swimming 7 basketball
3 Sarah is from Scotland.
4 football She is .................................... .
4 Luke is from France.
A C He is ..................................... .
B 5 Natalie is from Italy.
She is .................................... .

F Grammar

4 Underline the correct form
of the verb to be.

1 I’m/’s from Italy.

2 They isn’t/aren’t from Mexico.
3 Is/Are she Portuguese?
4 “Is/Are Maria and Rosa sisters?”
“Yes they are/is.”

2 Do the crossword. Write the school subjects. 5

He isn’t/aren’t British.
We’s/’re from China.

5 Choose the correct item.

2 3
1 I/Me am Italian. Where is her/
she from?
2 Look at they/them. They/
Them are sisters.
3 Her/She name is Martha. She/
her is from Spain.
4 We/Us are 14 years old. How
5 old is she/her?
5 What nationality are they/
them? They/Them are Chinese.

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Revision Test 1
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
1 What .......... are you from? France. complete each exchange.
A nationality B country C world
2 There are 1,000 .......... in Bob’s school. 1 A: Good morning, Bill.
A classmates B students C friends B: a Hi, Tom.
3 Jim is from the UK. He’s .......... . b And you?
A Italian B British C Russian 2 A: What’s your favourite
4 Ben is at school with his .......... . subject?
A athletes B students C classmates B: a Football.
5 My favourite .......... is Science. b Geography.
A school B room C subject 3 A: Where’s Jim from?
6 Amy is from .......... . She is American. B: a Italian.
A the USA B the UK C Spain b Italy.
7 My favourite .......... is badminton.
4 A: How are you?
A subject B athlete C sport
B: a Not bad.
8 Mary’s .......... is Smith.
b Thank you.
A name B nationality C surname
9 George’s .......... is Greek. 5 A: How old are you?
A nationality B age C name B: a I’m in Year 8.
10 Paris is the .......... of France. b I’m 11 years old.
A city B capital C town


2 Circle the correct item.

1 .......... are they? They’re at school. 6 Look at .......... . She is from Spain.
A Who B What C Where A him B her C me
2 .......... you from Japan? 7 Lucy .......... 16 years old.
A Are B Is C Am A are B is C am
3 Jim and Karen are from London. 8 Look at .......... . They are British.
.......... are English. A him B them C us
A They B We C Them 9 Ben and Harry .......... good friends.
4 Steve and I are from Rome. .......... are Italian. A are B is C am
A Us B We C They 10 .......... is he? He’s Andy.
5 .......... is that? It’s a ruler. A Who B What C Where
A Who B Where C What

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 4 Fill in: am, is, are.

1 Label the pictures. Diego:

Hi! I 1) ............. Diego. What’s your name?
I 2) ............. Bruna. 3) ............. this your classroom?
1 Diego: Yes. I 4) ............. your classmate.
Bruna: Nice to meet you.
s ________ Diego: 5) ............. you good at History?
e __ __ __ __ __ Bruna: Yes, it 6) ............ my favourite subject. What about you?
Diego: My favourite subject is Science.
3 4
Bruna: 7) ............. Alberto your brother?
p __ __ __ __ __ Diego: Yes, we 8) ............. twins!
r __ __ __ __ Bruna: My sister 9) ............. twelve years old and her name
10) .......... Alisa. She 11) ........... my best friend!
(Points: ___
) ( Points:
11 X 1
11 )
5X5 25
Choose the correct pronoun in each sentence.

1 Give that ball to me/I.

2 Complete the table with the
names of the countries or
2 Mrs Jones isn’t American. Her/She is British.
3 Dante and Fabia are from Italy. Them/They are Italian.
the nationalities.
4 Robert is good at football. He/Him is good at tennis, too.
Nationality Country 5 The photos of my classmates are great! Look at

( )
1) .................. France they/them. Points: ___
5X5 25
2) .................. Mexico
Everyday English
Greek 3) ..................
5) ..................
4) ..................
6 Fill in the correct phrase.

• Nice to meet you, Tim. • I’m fine, thanks.

Russian 6) .................. • Goodbye, see you later. • How old are you?
• What’s your favourite subject?
6 ) 1 A: Goodbye, Colin.
Grammar B: .................................................................................
2 A: How are you?
3 Complete the sentences with:
who, what, where, how old. B: .................................................................................
3 A: .................................................................................
1 “...................’s Pierre from?” B: Twelve.
“France.” 4 A: .................................................................................
2 “...................’s this?” “It’s a B: History.
sharpener.” 5 A: Hi! I’m Tim.
3 “................... is he?” “14.” B: .................................................................................

( )
4 “...................’s she?” “Julie.” Points: ___

(Points: ___
) 5X5 25
4X2 8
( Points: ____
100 )
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 4 Fill in: am, is, are.

1 Label the pictures. Lorena: Good morning, Giulio!

Giulio: Hi. How 1) ............. you?
Lorena: I 2) ............. fine, thanks. What about you?
1 2 Giulio: Not bad. This 3) ............. my friend Mark.
Lorena: Nice to meet you. 4) ............. you Italian?
Mark: No. I 5) ............. British.
s________ b____
Lorena: 6) ............. you from London?
3 4 Mark: No, I 7) ............. not. I 8) ............. from Liverpool.
Lorena: 9) ............. you good at football, Mark?
Mark: Yes. It 10) ............. my favourite sport. What about
s________ you, Giulio?
a____ Giulio: My favourite sport 11) ............. swimming.

( )
5 Points: ___

p _____ c ___ ( Points:

25 ) 11 X 1 11

5 Choose the correct pronoun in each sentence.

2 Complete the table with the

names of the countries or
Look at her/she. She is Italian.
Who is that man? Is he/him your father?
the nationalities. 3 Give that pen to me/I.
Nationality Country 4 This is Ben. He/Him is my new friend.
Italian 1) .................. 5 Kevin and Tina are from the UK. Them/They are British.
3) ..................
2) ..................
( Points:
25 )
Everyday English
4) .................. the UK
6) ..................
5) ..................
6 Complete the dialogue.

• Good morning, Joe. • Where are you from?

( Points:
6 ) • See you. • This is Pamela. • How are you?

Grammar 1 A: .................................................................................
B: Nice to meet you.
3 Complete the sentences with:
who, what, where, how old.
2 A:
See you later!
1 “...................’s he?” “Ben.” 3 A: .................................................................................
2 “...................’s John from?” B: I’m fine, thanks.
“America.” 4 A: Good morning, Kate.
3 “............... is you sister?” “10.” B: .................................................................................
4 ”...............’s her favourite 5 A: .................................................................................
subject?” “Science.” B: Scotland.

( Points: ___
) ( Points:
25 )
( )
4X2 8
Points: ____

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the email and complete the

2 Write an email to your new pen-friend.
Write your name, where you are from,
your age, the name of your school, your
favourite subject, colour, sport and singer (50-60 words). Use the text in Ex. 1 to help you.

Hi Cristina,
How are you? My name’s Tony and I’m from
London, the capital city of the UK. I am British. I’m
15 years old. I’m a student at Wilson’s School and Hi!

my favourite school subject is Art. I’m very good at

Hi ...........................,
painting. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite
How are you? My name is ...............................
sport is athletics. I’m a very good athlete. My
favourite singer is Beyonce. She’s American. She’s .........................................................................
great! What about you? Please write soon. .........................................................................
Tony .........................................................................
1 Tony is from ............................................... .........................................................................
................................................................. . .........................................................................
2 Tony’s favourite subject is ........................... .........................................................................
................................................................. . .........................................................................
3 Tony’s favourite colour is ............................ .........................................................................
................................................................. . .........................................................................
4 Tony is very good at ................................... .........................................................................
................................................................. . .........................................................................
5 Tony’s favourite sport is .............................. .........................................................................
Well, that’s about it.
................................................................. . Bye for now,
6 Tony’s favourite singer is ............................ ...........................
................................................................. .
7 Beyonce is from ..........................................
................................................................. . ( Points: ___
25 )
( Points: ___
35 )

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)


3 Listen to a girl talking to a new boy at school. Listen and complete the gaps.

Name: 0 Juan Barrio

Country: 1

Age: 2 years old

Favourite school
subjects: Maths and 3

Favourite sport: 4

Favourite colour: 5

( Points: ___
20 )

4 Answer the questions about

5 In pairs, ask and answer questions about
yourselves. Use these notes to help you.

1 What’s your favourite sport? • your name with spelling • your age
2 What are your favourite school • your nationality • the name of your school
subjects? • your telephone number
3 Who is your favourite singer?
Who is your best friend?
What is the capital city of your ( Points: ___
10 )

( Points: ___
10 )

( Points: ____
100 )

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Resource Material 2
Vocabulary Grammar

1 Fill in: notebook, sunglasses,

bicycle, guitar, trainers, digital 3 Underline the correct word.

camera, video game, cap. 1 They/Their have got a pet cat.

2 Your/You handbag is very nice.
1 The sun is out and Sally has
3 He/His has got a comic book.
got her ............... on.
4 I/My brother has got a camera.
2 Can you ride a ............... ?
5 We/Our house is big.
3 Put your ............. on your
6 Look at her/she new scarf!
7 Our/We have got many toys.
4 Tom can play the ..............
8 She/Her has got ten pencils.
very well.
9 Let’s go to they/their house.
5 Put your ............... and pen in
10 Your/You have got a beautiful doll.
your schoolbag.
6 Let’s take some pictures with
your new ...............! 4 Circle the correct item.

7 Is that a new ..............., Eric? 1 Bill and John have / has got video games.
Let’s play together! 2 I has / have got a watch.
8 Put on your ............... and 3 We hasn’t / haven’t got bicycles.
let’s go jogging. 4 Have / Has Shrek got a plump body? Yes, he have / has.
5 They haven’t / hasn’t got pens and pencils.

2 Label the parts of the body. 6

Has / Have you got green eyes? Yes, I have / has.
You haven’t / hasn’t got a pet.
8 We has / have got two skateboards.
9 Have / Has your mum got a red car? No, she haven’t /
1h _ _ _ 2e _ _ hasn’t.
10 I haven’t / hasn’t got short hair.
3n _ _ _

4h _ _ _ 5 Write the plurals.

1 toy – ............ 3 woman – ..... 5 lady – ...........

..................... ..................... .....................
2 child – ......... 4 brush – ........ 6 leaf – ............
5l _ _ 6f _ _ _
..................... ..................... .....................

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Revision Test 2
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
1 Lisa’s got a .......... nose. complete each exchange.
A tall B plump C long
1 A: Can I have two, please?
2 Greg has got short red .......... .
B: a What about this pen?
A moustache B hair C mouth
b Sure. That’s $15.
3 The bird has got two long .......... .
A fins B paws C wings 2 A: How can I help you?
4 The old man has got a long white .......... . B: a I want to buy a cap.
A hair B beard C teeth b Of course.
5 I have got long .......... . 3 A: How much is it?
A eyes B knees C hair B: a Here you are.
6 Write the answers in your .........., please. b It’s $40.
A scarf B notebook C helmet 4 A: Can you help me buy a
7 Susan has got beautiful .......... hair. souvenir?
A fair B tall C plump B: a How much is it?
8 Crocodiles have got .......... . b How about this key
A tusks B hooves C scales chain?
9 Frank is short and .......... .
5 A: It’s $10, please.
A plump B long C tall
B: a Here you are.
10 Dolphins have got .......... on their backs.
b Thank you. Goodbye.
A fins B hooves C tusks


2 Circle the correct item.

1 Mary .......... a plump body. 6 Patty and I are twins. .......... birthday is on
A hasn’t got B haven’t got 5th May.
C have got A Us B Our C We
2 There are two .......... in the café. 7 There are many .......... in my school.
A lady B ladys C ladies A childrens B child C children
3 Mr Smith .......... long hair. 8 .......... Michael got a notebook?
A haven’t got B have got A Has B Have C Haven’t
C has got 9 The baby has got four .......... .
4 There are three .......... in the kitchen. A tooths B teeths C teeth
A knifs B knifes C knives 10 .......... Harry and Dan got their books?
5 Jim is a student. .......... teacher is Mr Smith. A Have B Has C Hasn’t
A His B He C Him

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NAME: .................................(Time: 30 minutes)

3 Complete the table with the singular or

1 Complete the sentences with the parts of plural noun.

the body.

1 John has got brown hair and a brown Singular Plural

m________. child 1) .................
2 Linda has a fat face with big l _ _ _ .
2) .................. scarves
3 Josh has got short legs and very small f _ _ _ .
4 Merlin has got a long b _ _ _ _ . watch 3) ..................
5 Sandy has got a beautiful f _ _ _ . 4) .................. women
6 I have got green e _ _ _ .
baby 5) ..................
7 Our baby has got two t _ _ _ _ .
My mum has got long fair h _ _ _ .
Elephants have got a big h _ _ _ .
20 )
10 Phil has got long legs and a _ _ _ . Underline the correct word.

( Points:
3 X 10
30 ) 1
Is this/those her scarf?
This/These is our sister.
Grammar 3 That/These is my new car.
4 Is that/those your handbag?
2 Look at the table and complete the
sentences with the correct form of the
5 That/Those are his sunglasses.

verb have got.

20 )
Simone skateboard, basketball Everyday English
Lucas video games, guitar
Michelle bicycle, helmet
5 Match the questions in column A with
the responses in column B.
1 Simone ................................. a skateboard.
2 Michelle and Simone .................................. 1 How can I help you? a Here you are.
a guitar.
2 That’s $20. b That’s a
3 Lucas ............................... a basketball, but
good idea.
he ............................. a lot of video games.
3 How about these comic c Sure. That’s
4 .............................. Michelle ......................
books? $15.
a helmet?
4 Can I have three, please? d I want to
Yes, she ................................................... .
buy a scarf.

( Points:
20 ) 5 How much is it? e It’s $10.

10 )
( Points: ____
100 )
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 3 Complete the table with the singular or

plural noun.
1 Complete the sentences with the parts of
the body.
Singular Plural
1 Alex has got blue eyes and a big n _ _ _ . man 1) .................
2 Lucy has got long black h _ _ _ .
2) .................. mice
3 Peter has got long arms and l _ _ _ .
4 Shrek has got a big h _ _ _ with small ears. 3) .................. knives
5 I have got a big m _ _ _ _ with big lips. fox 4) ..................
6 Shrek has got very big h _ _ _ _!
foot 5) ..................
7 Elephants have got big e _ _ _ .

( )
8 My baby sister has got blue e _ _ _ . Points: ___
9 Crocodiles have got big t _ _ _ _ . 5X4 20

10 My father has got a black m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

3 X 10
30 ) 4 Underline the correct word.

1 That/Those are my comic books.

2 This/These is my best friend.
Grammar 3 Are these/this her trainers?
4 This/Those is my basketball.
2 Look at the table and complete the
sentences with the correct form of the 5 This/Those is my helmet.
verb have got.
( Points:
20 )
Sheila trainers, cap Everyday English
Rory watch, digital camera
Hannah handbag, scarf 5 Match the questions in column A with
the responses in column B.

1 Sheila .............................. a pair of trainers. A B

2 Hannah and Sheila ..................................... 1 How much is it? a That’s a good
a digital camera. idea.
3 Rory ....................................... a watch, but 2 That’s $13. b I want to buy
he .................................................. a scarf. a souvenir.
4 ......................... Rory ...................... a cap? 3 How about this T-shirt? c It’s $13,
No, he ..................................................... . please.
4 Can I have four, please? d Here you are.
20 ) 5 Can I help you? e Sure. That’s $8.

( Points:
10 )
( Points: ____
100 )

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NAME: .................................(Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the letter below and answer the

3 Write an email to your English pen-
friend about a collection you have got.
Use the text in Ex. 1 to help you
(40-50 words).
Hi Jack,
How are you? My name’s Lucy. I’m 14 and
I’m from France. I’ve got a great stuffed ...........................
toy collection. My favourite one is a zebra. ...........................
Its name is Fred. It’s got stripes and big Hi!

ears. It’s a souvenir from the UK. What

Hi ........................... ,
about you? Have you got any collections?
How are you? .............................................
I’ve got .......................................................
1 How old is Lucy? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................
2 What nationality is Lucy? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................
3 What kind of animal is Fred? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................
4 Where is Lucy’s favourite toy from? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................
5 Has Fred got big ears? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................

( Points: ___
15 ) ...................................................................
What about you? ......................................

2 Replace the subject pronouns in the ...........................

sentences below with an appropriate
name from the text in Ex. 1.

1 She is 14 years old. .......... ( Points: ___

20 )
2 She has got a stuffed toy
collection. ..........
3 It is a zebra. ..........
4 It has got big ears. ..........
5 It is from the UK. ..........

( Points: ___
15 )
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)

6 In pairs, describe

4 Listen to six students talking about their

collections. Which is their collection? Listen and
your partner’s appearance.
You can use the words
write a letter (A-F). below to help you.

• tall/short
People Collections • thin/plump
0 A Peter • big/small eyes
A gloves
1 Sam • thin/full lips
B video games
2 Sue • big/small nose/eyes
C watches
3 Judy • long/short hair
D basketballs
4 William E dolls
5 Larry F skateboards

( Points: ___
25 )

5 Answer the following questions.

1 How old are you?

2 What have you got in your schoolbag?
3 Have you got a collection?
4 Have you got long hair?
5 Have you got a pet? What is it?

( Points: ___
10 )
( Points: ___
15 )
( Points: ____
100 )

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Resource Material 3
Vocabulary Grammar

1 Number the pictures.

3 Complete the sentences. Use: a, an or the where

1 ski 4 cricket 1 Can you play ............................................. basketball?

2 table tennis 5 rugby 2 John, give me .......................................... ball, please.
3 ice hockey 6 baseball 3 There’s ...................... watch on the table. Whose is it?
4 Have you got .................................................. eraser?
5 Mary, are you in ............................................ kitchen?
6 Do you like ..................................................... Maths?

4 Fill in: this, these, that, those.

1 ................ are


2 ............. is a


3 ............. is
a guitar.

2 Fill in: fast, balance, cliff, spin,

mine, national. 4 .......... are
pens. ☞
1 Sam can ................ five balls at
the same time. He’s great.
2 I can run very ............... . 5 .............. is an
Watch me! umbrella. ☞
3 Tim is a clown. He can ............
on a ball.
4 Baseball is the ............... sport 5 Fill in the gaps with can/can’t.

of Cuba.
1 ............... Mary run fast? Yes, she ............................... .
5 There is a salt ............... near
2 ............... Bob drive a car? No, he .............................. .
here. We can go and see it.
3 ............ your sister speak Spanish? Yes, she ................ .
6 We can stand on that .............
4 ............... Jim and Ted swim? No, they ....................... .
and watch the sunset.
5 ............... Helen play the guitar? Yes, she ................... .

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Revision Test 3
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
complete each exchange.
1 I can ride a .......... .
A trainers B football C bike 1 A: I’d like some information,
2 Tom can .......... a car. please.
A drive B fly C ride B: a How can I help you?
3 Mike can play .......... . b They’re very nice.
A cricket B guitar C cap
2 A: What time are you open?
4 In winter I like to .......... .
B: a From nine to seven.
A rugby B ski C tennis
b They’re not open on
5 Michael can .......... 18 basketballs at the same time.
A play B jump C spin
6 This museum is .......... . You go down 150 metres. 3 A: Can I play sports there?
A carvings B show C underground B: a Yes, of course.
7 I’ve got two tickets for the rock .......... tonight. b Football is great.
A concert B gallery C event 4 A: How much is a day
8 You need a .......... to play baseball. ticket?
A bat B rhino C lion B: a Today is Friday.
9 Harry is not afraid of the crocodiles. He’s very ………. . b Forty pounds.
A fun B fantastic C brave
5 A: Thank you for your help.
10 Are there any ………. in the amusement park?
B: a You’re welcome.
A drive B rides C keeper
b That sounds great.


2 Circle the correct item.

1 Jim, .......... you drive a car? 6 Let’s go to ………. park.

A have B has C can A a B the C an
2 Those are my books and .......... is my pencil. 7 Kelly, can you give me ………. apple, please?
A these B that C those A a B – C an
3 This is my scarf and ………. are my jumpers. 8 My little brother can ride ………. horse.
A this B these C that A a B an C –
4 I’m afraid I ………. play the guitar at all. 9 Patrick, are ………. your shoes?
A can B can’t C have A these B this C that
5 Do you like ………. Geography? 10 Jim can play ………. piano very well.
A a B the C – A a B the C an

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 4 Underline the correct word.

1 Complete the sentences with sports. 1

Is this/those her scarf?
This/These is my sister.
1 My brother can play c _ _ _ _ _ _ . 3 That/These is my new car.
2 Can you play r _ _ _ _? 4 Is that/those your handbag?
3 I don’t know anything about b _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 5 That/Those are his sunglasses.
4 Can you s _ _ ?
( Points:
20 ) ( Points:
20 )
2 Look at each picture and circle the
correct item.
5 Look at the table and complete the
sentences with can or can’t.

1 2 Sally Peter Tony

drive a car, spin a ball, climb,
dance run fast ride a bike

1 Sally ............... drive a car.

A spin a ball A swim 2 Tony and Sally ............... spin a ball.
B balance on B dive 3 Peter ............... run fast, but he ...............
a ball climb.
4 Tony ............... climb.
3 4
5 Tony ............... drive a car, but he
............... ride a bike.
10 )
A drive a car A climb
Everyday English
B fly a plane B jump
6 Match the questions in column A with
the responses in column B.
( Points:
20 ) A B
Grammar 1 I’d like some a Yes, of course.
information, please. b You’re welcome.

3 Complete the sentences. Use a, an, or

the where necessary.
2 What time are you
c Certainly. How
can I help you?
1 I don’t like ..................................... History. d Thirty-three
3 Can I play sports
2 There’s .......................... orange in my bag. pounds.
there? e From nine to
Whose is it?
3 Let’s play ................................. badminton. 4 How much is a day seven.
( )
4 Peter, are you in ............................ garden?
Points: ___
5 I can ride ......................................... horse. 5 Thank you for your 5X2 10

( Points:
20 ) help.
( Points: ____
100 )

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

4 Underline the correct word.

1 That/Those are my comic books.

1 Complete the sentences with sports. 2
This/These is my best friend.
Are these/this her trainers?
1 My brother can play b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 4 That/Those isn’t my basketball.

( )
2 Can you play t _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ ? 5 This/Those is my helmet. Points: ___
3 I don’t know anything about c _ _ _ _ _ _ . 5X4 20

( ) 5
4 Can you r _ _ _ a bike? Points: ___ Look at the table and complete the
5X4 20 sentences with can or can’t.

2 Look at each picture and circle the Lillian Laura Martin

correct item. ski, play swim, balance jump,
the guitar on a ball dive
1 2

1 Lillian ............... ski.

2 Lillian .................. swim, but she
.................. play the guitar.
A drive a car A dive 3 Martin ............... jump, but he ...............
B fly a plane B swim balance on a ball.
4 Laura ............... balance on a ball.
5 Martin ............... dive, but he ............... ski.

( )
3 4 Points: ___
5X2 10

Everyday English

A spin a ball A climb 6 Match the questions in column A with

the responses in column B.
B balance on B jump
a ball A B

( )
Points: ___ 1 How much is a day a Thirty-three
5X4 20 pounds.
b Yes, of course.
Grammar 2 I’d like some
c You’re welcome.
information, please.
3 Complete the sentences. Use a, an, or
the where necessary.
3 What time are you
d From eight to
open? e Certainly. How
1 I can ride ........................................... bike. 4 Thank you for your can I help you?
2 Let’s play ......................................... rugby.

( )
3 I don’t like ........................................... Art. Points: ___
5 Can I play tennis 5X2 10
4 Mike, are you in ............................ kitchen?
5 There’s .......................... apple on my desk.
Whose is it?
( Points: ____
100 )
20 )
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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the letter below and answer the

2 Write an email to your English pen-
friend about the sports you can do.
Use the text in Ex. 1 to help you
(40-50 words).
Hi Kelly,
How are you? My name’s Jack. I’m ten years
old and I’m from the USA. I like sports a lot. I can
play table tennis and I can play rugby, too. In
winter I like to ski. It’s my favourite sport. Do you
like sports? What’s your favourite one?
Hi ............... ,
How are you?
1 Who is writing the letter? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................
2 Where is Jack from? ...................................................................
.................................................................. ...................................................................
3 How old is Jack? ...................................................................
.................................................................. What’s your favourite one?
4 Can Jack play rugby? ...................................................................
5 Which sport does Jack do in winter?
( Points: ___
25 )
( Points: ___
25 )

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)


3 Listen to Karl talking to his friend. Match the 5 In pairs, ask and
answer questions about
people with the activities.
yourselves. Use these notes
to help you.
People Activities

A ride a bike • your name

0 A Mum • your age
B dance
1 Anna • sports you can do
C sing well
2 Dad
ski ( Points: ___
15 )
5 Stewart
play badminton
run fast ( Points: ____
100 )
H play the guitar

( Points: ___
25 )

4 Answer the following questions.

1 Do you like sports?

2 Which sports can you do?
3 What’s your favourite sport?
4 Can you ride a bicycle?
5 Can you play the guitar?

( Points: ___
10 )

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Resource Material 4
Vocabulary Grammar

1 Write the names of the

items under each picture.
3 Look at the picture.
Fill in: there is/there are,
Then, write the type of there isn’t/there aren’t.
room each group belongs to.
1 ................... a fireplace. 6 ................... a painting.
2 .......................... a sofa. 7 .............. some curtains.
A ................................................ 3 .................. a bookcase. 8 .................... a window.
4 .................... five tables. 9 ....................... a carpet.
1 2
5 .................... any 10 ............................ some
posters on the walls. cushions on the sofa.

4 Fill in with: a/an, some or any.

................. ................. I have got 1) ..................... very big room. There is

2) ..................... bed in front of the window and there
B ................................................ are 3) ..................... pillows on it. There is
4) ..................... desk and 5) ................. armchair. There
3 4 are 6) .................. posters on my wall, but there aren’t
7) ..................... paintings. There is also
8) ..................... big bookcase.

................. .................
5 Write the ordinal numbers.

1 5th ............................ 6 9th ............................

2 21st ............................. 7 22nd ............................
2 Group the words/phrases
under the headings.
3 23rd ............................ 8 12th ............................
4 8th ............................. 9 4th ............................
• cupboards • mirror 5 15th ............................ 10 19th ............................
• cooker • toilet • sink
• washbasin • fridge
• bath • table
6 Look at the picture and circle the correct

BATHROOM KITCHEN 1 There’s a table behind / in front of the sofa.

2 There’s a window on / behind the sofa.
3 There’s a wardrobe next to /
between the two armchairs.
4 There are some cushions on /
in the sofa.
5 There’s a carpet next to /
under the table.

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Revision Test 4
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
complete each exchange.
1 There is a .......... with clothes in it.
A fridge B bath C wardrobe 1 A: Is there a computer in
2 There is a carpet on the .......... . your room?
A floor B wall C ceiling B: a It’s nice.
3 You can go down the .......... to the kitchen. b No, there isn’t.
A stairs B floor C carpet
2 A: Where’s your room?
4 There is a cooker in the .......... .
B: a Next to the sofa.
A bathroom B hall C kitchen
b It’s upstairs next to
5 Harry is on the .......... floor.
the bathroom.
A first B one C eleven
6 There is a poster on the .......... . 3 A: Is Lucy here?
A wall B sink C washbasin B: a Yes, she’s in the
7 There are cupboards in the .......... . living room.
A bedroom B bathroom C kitchen b Yes, there is.
8 My bedroom is on the .......... floor. 4 A: Your room is great!
A thirteen B three C third B: a Yes, it’s really big.
9 There are two ………. on the bed. b Yes, and a DVD
A pillows B sofas C curtains player, too.
10 Lisa is on the ………. floor.
5 A: Whose CD player is this?
A seven B seventh C seventeen
B: a It’s on the table.
b It’s my sister’s.

2 Circle the correct item.

1 In the kitchen, there .......... a table. 6 There ………. a carpet on the floor.
A is B are C aren’t A aren’t B isn’t C are
2 There are ………. flowers in the vase. 7 ………. there a bookcase in your bedroom?
A any B some C a A Are B Is C Aren’t
3 There is ………. armchair in the living room. 8 Are there ………. pillows on the bed?
A an B any C a A a B some C any
4 There ………. two plants on the table. 9 In the bedroom, there ………. any chairs.
A are B is C isn’t A is B isn’t C aren’t
5 The bed is next ………. the window. 10 The table is ………. the piano.
A on B to C in A between B next C in front of

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary b) Look at the picture in Ex. 4a, and

answer the questions.

1 Fill in the gaps: living room, fridge, pillows,

washbasin, wardrobe. 1 Is there a wardrobe in the living room?
1 There is a sofa in the ................................ . 2 Is there a carpet on the floor?
2 There is a ........................ in the bathroom. ...................................................................
3 She has got ............................. on her bed. 3 Are there any stairs?
4 There is a ............................ in the kitchen. ...................................................................
5 My clothes are in my ................................ . 4 Are there any lamps in the room?

( Points: ___
) ...................................................................

( )
5X4 20

2 Write the ordinal numbers. Points:


20th ...................
1st ...................
12th ...................
2nd ...................
5 Fill in the gaps with the prepositions in,
behind, between, on, in front of.

( )
3 8th ................... Points: ___ 1 There is a table
5X2 10
................. the sofa.
Grammar 2 The sofa is

3 Fill in the gaps with a, an, some or any. .................... two

1 There is .................... mirror on the wall. 3 There is a vase
2 We’ve got .................... armchair in our .................... the table.
bedroom. 4 There are some flowers ................ the vase.
3 He hasn’t got ................ pillows on his bed. 5 There is a window .................... the sofa.
There are .............. towels in the bathroom.
Are there .................... flowers in the vase?
( Points:
10 )
( Points:
10 ) Everyday English

6 Match the exchanges.

4 a) Look at the picture. Fill in: is, isn’t,

are, aren’t.
1 Where’s your bedroom? a Yes, there are.
1 There .......... a 2 What colour is the
table. living room? b It’s on the wall.
2 There .......... 3 Are there pillows on
some cushions on your bed? c The 6th.
the sofa. 4 Which floor is your
3 There .......... a flat on? d It’s blue.
lamp above the fireplace. 5 Where is the mirror? e It’s upstairs.
There .......... any posters on the walls.
There .......... some plants in the room.
( Points:
20 )
( Points:
10 ) ( Points: ____
100 )
24 ©Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary b) Look at the picture in Ex. 4a, and

answer the questions.

1 Fill in the gaps: mirror, bed, cushions,

bedroom, sink. 1 Is there a bookcase in the living room?
1 There is a ................................ on the wall. 2 Are there any curtains in front of the windows?
2 The .................................. is in the kitchen. ...................................................................
3 She has got blue curtains in her ............... . 3 Is there a carpet on the floor?
4 There are four ......................... on the sofa. ...................................................................
5 She has pillows on her ............................. . 4 Are there any stairs?
(Points: ___
) ...................................................................

( )
5X4 20
Points: ___

2 Write the ordinal numbers. 5X4 20

21st ..................
3rd ..................
19th ..................
5th ..................
5 Fill in the gaps with the prepositions on,
in, behind, in front of, between.
3 20th ..................
10 ) 1 There is a coffee
table ......... the sofa.
Grammar 2 There is a window
............... the sofa.
3 Fill in the gaps with a, an, some or any.
3 The sofa is .............
two small tables.
1 She has got ........ bookcase in her bedroom.
4 There is a vase
2 Has she got ............... plants in the kitchen?
............... one of the small tables.
3 There are ............... slippers under the bed.
5 There are some flowers ............... the vase.
4 They’ve got ............... armchair next to the

There aren’t ................. books in the room.
( Points:
10 )
Everyday English
10 )
6 Match the exchanges.

4 a) Look at the picture. Fill in: is, isn’t,

are, aren’t. 1 Which floor is your
1 There .......... a table in the living room. flat on? a Yes, there is.
2 Is there a DVD player
2 There .......... some cushions on the sofa.
3 There .......... a fireplace. in your room? b It’s on the desk.
3 Whose is this guitar? c It’s next to
4 There .......... any posters on the walls.
5 There .......... any flowers on the table. the bathroom.
4 Where is the lamp? d My brother’s.
10 ) 5 Where is your bedroom? e The 2nd.

( Points:
20 )
( Points: ____
100 )
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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the email below and mark the

sentences T (True) or F (False).
2 Write an email to your English pen-
friend about your home. Use the text in
Ex. 1 to help you. Write how many
Thomas rooms it has got, what special features
Adam it has got and what your favourite
My new house room looks like (40-50 words).

Hi Adam!
How are you? I’m fine. ...........................
We’ve got a new house. It’s really great! It’s
got three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
There’s a living room and a big fireplace. The
kitchen isn’t very big. There’s a small table Hi ............... ,
and two chairs in it. Outside the kitchen How are you? I’m fine.
there’s a small garden. We’ve got a new house. It’s really great! It ....
My favourite room is my bedroom. It’s blue .......................................................................
and it’s very big! I’ve got some posters on my .......................................................................
walls and comic books in my bookcase. I’ve .......................................................................
also got a computer on my desk. My favourite room
What about your house? What does your .......................................................................
favourite room look like? .......................................................................
Write back,
1 There are three bedrooms .......................................................................
in Tom’s new house. ............... .......................................................................
2 The kitchen is small. ............... .......................................................................
3 Tom’s favourite room is Our new house has got everything!
the living room. ............... Write back,
4 There are some comic books
in the bookcase. ...............
5 There is a computer
in Tom’s bedroom. ............... ( Points: ___
25 )
( Points: ___
25 )

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)


3 Listen to a conversation about a famous landmark and complete the gaps.

Address: 5, Pavilion 0 Buildings , Brighton.

Days you can
visit: 1 to Saturday.
Opening Times: 2 am to 5:15 pm.
Tickets: Adult £8.30, children 3
You can see: Chinese furniture, 4 and
beautiful paintings.
Souvenirs: Available from the 5 shop.

( Points: ___
20 )
Speaking Student A

4 Answer the questions.

5 Work with student B. Ask and answer
questions to find out about his/her living room, as
• Where is your flat/house?
• How many rooms are there in the example.
in your flat/house? LIVING ROOM
• Which is your favourite • armchair • paintings • fireplace • sofa • carpet
SA: Has your living room got an armchair?
• Where is your bedroom?
SB: Yes, it has./No, it hasn’t.
• What have you got in your
bedroom? Student B

( Points: ___
15 ) Work with student A. Ask and answer questions to
find out about his/her bedroom.

• posters • mirror • desk • wardrobe

( )
• bedside cabinet Points: ___

( Points: ____
100 )

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Resource Material 5
Vocabulary Grammar

1 Look at Nancy’s family tree below.

Write the missing words: brother,
4 Put the verbs in brackets into the
present simple.
grandma, sister, dad, mum, granddad.
1 He .............................................................
(play) tennis on Saturdays.
2 They ..........................................................
(watch) a DVD in the evenings.
1 ................. 2 ................. 3 We ............................................................
(not/live) in England. We live in Italy.
4 What time ..................................................
3 ................. 4 ................. (she/have) breakfast?
5 ..................................................................
(you/walk) to school?
6 My brother ................................................
(not/like) computer games.
5 ................. Hi, I’m Nancy. 6 .................

5 Circle the correct word in bold.

2 Look at each picture and write the correct

word: serious, strong, funny, clever, weak, quiet. 1 Who’s / Whose John? He’s Nancy’s dad.
2 Whose / Who’s schoolbag is this? It’s
1 2 3 Luke’s.
3 Whose / Who’s she? She’s our teacher.
4 Who’s / Whose brother is David? He’s
................... ................... ................... James and Kate’s brother.
5 Whose / Who’s bike is that? It’s Tom’s.
4 5 6

6 Circle the correct item.

................... ................... ................... 1 This is ........................................ bedroom.

A Maria B Marias’ C Maria’s
3 Label the jobs.
2 Is this ...................................... skateboard?
A Stevens’ B Steven’s C Steven
3 He is ......................................... granddad.
A the boys B the boy’s C the boy
4 These are ........................................ books.
2 .................. A Matthew B Matthew’s C Matthews
1 .................. 5 Is this the ......................................... book?
3 .................. 4 ..................
A woman B women C woman’s

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Revision Test 5
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
complete each exchange.
1 Jane is very .......... . She is always telling jokes.
A funny B serious C polite 1 A: Is 5:00 OK with you?
2 My mum’s sister has got two children. They’re my ......... . B: a No, it hasn’t.
A nieces B cousins C nephews b Yes, that’s OK.
3 Frank is a ………. . He repairs cars.
2 A: Do you want to practise
A vet B nurse C mechanic
football with me?
4 That’s my dad’s brother. He’s my ………. .
B: a No, that’s fine.
A uncle B aunt C cousin
b Sure.
5 My sister has got a baby daughter. She’s my ………. .
A nephew B cousin C niece 3 A: What’s the time, please?
6 Laura types letters in an office. She’s a ………. . B: a It’s four o’clock.
A secretary B teacher C hairdresser b Is 4:30 OK with you?
7 Bill is ………. . He always says ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. 4 A: Let’s meet at the
A silly B rude C polite cinema at seven o’clock.
8 John is a ………. boy. He gets A’s in all his tests. B: a OK. See you there!
A clever B quiet C noisy b It’s seven o’clock.
9 That’s my dad’s dad. He’s my ………. .
5 A: Are you free this
A granddad B husband C father-in-law
10 Lucy flies planes. She’s a ………. .
B: a I think so. Why?
A photographer B pilot C secretary
b Meet you there!


2 Circle the correct item.

1 Sue .......... in Rome. 6 They .......... pizza on Thursdays.

A live B don’t live C lives A eat B doesn’t eat C eats
2 Lucy .......... lunch at one o’clock everyday. 7 I .......... eggs.
A have B has C haven’t A likes B doesn’t like C don’t like
3 I .......... football every day. 8 .......... you sing well?
A play B doesn’t play C plays A Do B Does C Doesn’t
4 Peter .......... to the supermarket on 9 Her brother .......... computer games.
Mondays. A play B doesn’t play C don’t play
A go B don’t go C goes 10 .......... she live here?
5 My mum .......... when she watches dramas. A Do B Does C Don’t
A cry B don’t cry C cries

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Complete the pairs. Female – Male.

4 Fill in with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

1 grandma – ............................................... 1 .............. you eat fish? No, I ....... .

2 aunt – ...................................................... 2 .............. they go to bed early? Yes, they ... .
3 daughter – ............................................... 3 ............... he play the piano? No, he ....... .
4 mother-in-law – ........................................ 4 ............... your parents have any pets? No,
5 wife – ....................................................... they ............. .

(Points: ___
) 5 .............. Sarah speak English? Yes, she ...... .

( )
5X4 20
Points: ___
5X2 10

2 Match the people in column A with the

character adjectives in column B. 5 Choose the correct answer.

A B 1 .......... handbag is this? It’s my grandma’s.

1 Dave makes people laugh. a rude A Who’s B Who C Whose
2 Jason doesn’t say ‘please’ 2 My .......... name is Alex.
and ‘thank you’. b serious A friend B friends’ C friend’s
3 .......... she? She’s my teacher.
3 Sally doesn’t like jokes. c noisy
A Whose B Who’s C Who
4 Sam is good with puzzles. d funny
4 My .......... names are Sharon and Lucy.
5 Julia plays very loud music. e clever
A sisters B sister’s C sisters’
20 ) 5 .......... daughter is Melinda? She’s Mandy’s
A Whose B Who C Who’s

3 Match the jobs with the descriptions.

( Points:
10 )
A B Everyday English

1 mechanic a takes photographs Match the questions in column A with the
2 photographer b does people’s hair responses in column B.
3 vet c types letters
4 hairdresser d looks after sick
1 What’s the time, please? a Yes, I have.
2 Have you got a sister? b It’s half past
5 secretary e repairs cars
20 ) 3 What’s your brother like? c I’m 14.
4 How old are you? d Tom.
5 What’s his name? e He’s very clever.

( Points:
20 )
( Points: ____
100 )
30 ©Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Complete the pairs. Male – Female.

4 Fill in with do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

1 granddad – .............................................. 1 ............... they like tennis? No, they ....... .

2 nephew – ................................................. 2 ............... Tom work late? No, he ....... .
3 husband – ................................................ 3 ............... Lucy get up late? Yes, she ....... .
4 son – ........................................................ 4 .............. Malcolm and Chloe play the
5 brother – .................................................. guitar? No, they ....... .

20 ) 5 .............. you eat vegetables? Yes, I .......... .

( Points: ___
5X2 10

2 Match the people in column A with the 5 Choose the correct answer.

character adjectives in column B. 1 .......... he? He’s my cousin.

A Whose B Who C Who’s
1 2 This is the .......... ruler.
Mary makes funny faces. a quiet
2 A boy B boys C boy’s
Sandra can lift heavy bags. b polite
3 3 .......... gloves are these? They’re Emma’s.
Liam isn’t very loud. c weak
4 A Who’s B Whose C Who
Simon says ‘please’ and
4 My .......... names are Tom and Jim.
‘thank you’. d silly
5 A brothers B brother’s C brothers’
Johnny can’t carry heavy
5 .......... sister is Marcia? She’s Mike’s sister.
things. e strong
A Whose B Who’s C Who

20 ) ( Points:
10 )
Everyday English
3 Match the jobs with the descriptions.
6 Match the questions in column A with the
responses in column B.
1 pilot a looks after sick people
1 Are you free this a He’s very funny.
2 nurse b plays football
3 teacher c types letters
2 Have you got the b He’s from
4 secretary d teaches children
time, please? Canada.
5 footballer e flies planes

( )
3 Where’s he from? c Susan.
Points: ___
5X4 20 4 What’s your dad like? d Yes, it’s half past
5 What’s her name? e I think so.

( Points:
20 )
( Points: ____
100 )
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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read Carla’s blog and answer the

questions below.
2 Write a blog about your favourite
singer. Use the text in Ex. 1 to help you
(50-60 words).

My favourite
singer! My favourite
Post your message
Post your message
My favourite singer is Tiziano
Ferro. He comes from Latina, a
small city near Rome. I love his My favourite singer ....................................
songs and he has got a great ..................................................................
voice. He writes all his songs.
He can also play the guitar and
the piano. Tiziano lives in He/She can ...............................................
London and sings in other ..................................................................
countries. He wants to visit ..................................................................
Mexico, France and Spain. I’ve
got all his posters on my walls
in my bedroom. I like to watch My favourite song .....................................
him sing and dance on TV. My ..................................................................
favourite songs are Sere Nere ..................................................................
and Perdono. Tiziano is great!
1 Where does Tiziano come from?
2 What does he do? ...............

( )
3 Can he play the piano? Points: ___
.................................................................. 25

4 Where does he live?

5 What countries does he want to visit?

( Points: ___
25 )
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)

Listening Speaking

3 Tick (✓) the correct answer A, B or C.

4 Answer the following questions.

0 Where is Anna from? 1 How many people are there in your family?
2 What do your parents do?
3 Describe a member of your family.
4 What time do you get up in the morning?
A B ✓ C 5 What time do you go to bed?

1 What is Mrs Smith’s job? ( Points: ___

15 )
5 In pairs, look at the Smith’s
family tree and use the words to ask
and answer questions, as in the
2 What does Mary’s dad look like? The Smith Family Tree
Peter Mary

Greg Laura Frank Susan
3 What sport does Peter play at the weekends?

Harry Rachael Alice

4 Who is Michael?
• Rachael’s / granddad?
SA: Who is Rachael’s granddad?
SB: Rachael’s granddad is Peter.
• Rachael’s / grandma?
A B C • Harry’s / dad?
5 What time does Laura get up in the morning? • Laura’s / mum?
• Susan’s / father-in-law?
• Rachael’s / cousin?
• Frank’s / nephew?
A B C • Alice’s / uncle?
( Points: ___
10 )
( Points: ___
25 ) ( Points: ____
100 )
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Resource Material 6
Vocabulary Grammar

1 Complete the crossword puzzle.

3 Fill in with in, on or at.

2 1 Geography class starts ................ 1 o’clock.

2 Mum always makes me breakfast the
3 My family and I leave for Scotland ..............
2 4 We don’t have school ............ the summer.
5 My birthday is ........................... 14th May.
3 3
6 My family and I eat lunch ................. noon.
4 6
4 Match column A with column B.

1 Who a are you so happy? I’ve got
4 7
a new dog.
2 What b do sharks eat? Small fish.
3 When c pets have you got?
Three dogs.
4 Where d is that man? My English
2 Look at the pictures and fill in the
letters. 5 Why e
teacher, Mr Roberts.
do you live? On Maple street.
6 How many f is your birthday? 10th July.

Put the adverb of frequency in the
correct position.
f _ _ t _ _ rs h__n __n
1 My younger sister watches TV in the
morning. (always) .....................................
2 My dad is late for work. (never) .................
3 I do my homework in the afternoon.
(usually) ....................................................
b___ h__v_s c___s
4 Bobby rides his bike to school. (often) .......

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Revision Test 6
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
complete each exchange.
1 A bear has got thick brown .......... .
A wings B scales C fur 1 A: Are you sure it’s safe?
2 A(n) .......... has got two long wings. B: a Maybe another time.
A eagle B squirrel C hamster b Of course.
3 Cows are .......... animals. They live on a farm.
2 A: What’s the problem?
A wild B pet C domestic
B: a I’m afraid of snakes.
4 A parrot has got a .......... .
b It’s really cute.
A beak B wings C fin
5 Tigers are .......... animals. They live in the jungle. 3 A: How old is it?
A wild B domestic C pet B: a It’s only two months
6 Eagles have got sharp .......... at the end of their feet. old.
A hooves B claws C legs b It’s a wolf spider.
7 A trout is a type of .......... . 4 A: Would you like to try?
A fish B bird C horse B: a Don’t be afraid.
8 A(n) .......... has got two horns and hooves. b Maybe another time.
A elephant B horse C goat
5 A: I’ve got a new pet.
9 A seagull has got .......... on its wings.
B: a What is it?
A fur B feathers C scales
b Here, look.
10 A fish has got .......... to help it swim.
A fins B feathers C tails


2 Circle the correct item.

1 I like to watch TV .......... the afternoon. 6 .......... many brothers have you got?
A in B at C on A Who B What C How
2 It’s Alan’s birthday .......... 27th August. 7 My parents .......... play tennis on Saturdays.
A in B on C at They never miss it.
3 We go on holidays .......... the summer. A always B sometimes C usually
A on B in C at 8 They finish school .......... three o’clock.
4 How .......... do you surf the Internet? A on B in C at
A often B usually C sometimes 9 .......... is your favourite sports star?
5 .......... time do you go to school? A What B Who C Why
A What B When C How 10 We .......... eat pizza. We don’t like it.
A often B usually C never

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 5 Put the words in the correct order to

make sentences.

1 Match the animals to the pictures. 1 mum/often/My/dog/our/walks/morning/in/the

A parrot C duck E bear
B chimpanzee D elephant ..................................................................
2 She/leaves/her/outside/cats/sometimes
2 ..................................................................
1 3 forests/usually/live in/Kangaroos

( Points:
20 ) 4

2 Mark the animals below as D (Domestic) ..................................................................

or W (Wild). ..................................................................
5 Some birds/build/never/nests
1 sheep ............. 5 bear ................... ..................................................................
2 dolphin .......... 6 cow .................... ..................................................................

( )
3 eagle .............. 7 fox ..................... Points: ___
4 chicken ........... 8 koala .................. 5X4 20

( Points:
8 )
Everyday English
3 Fill in the correct question word.
6 Complete the dialogue with the
following sentences:
1 ......................... do Koalas live? In Australia.
2 ........................ old is your cat? 7 years old. • What is it? • No, get it away from me.
3 ................. is that pink bird? It’s a flamingo. • Oh my goodness!
4 ............... do foxes normally hunt? At night. • I’m afraid of mice.
5 ............. do you like dolphins? Because they
A: Hi, Maria. Would you like to see my new

( )
are friendly. Points: ___ pet?
5X4 20
B: 1) ..............................................................

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct A: It’s a mouse.

preposition: in, at, on. B: 2) ..............................................................
A: What’s wrong?
1 I take my dog to the park .......... Saturdays. B: 3) ..............................................................
2 My country is very cold ............ the winter. A: Don’t be silly. Would you like to hold it?
3 I go to school ............. 9 o’clock every day. B: 4) ..............................................................
4 I feed my cat ......................... the morning.
5 Owls don’t sleep .............................. night. ( Points:
20 )
( )
6 My birthday is ............................. 3rd June. Points: ____

( Points:
12 ) 100

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 5 Put the words in the correct order to

make full sentences.
1 Match the animals to the pictures.
1 I/dog/feed/my/before/always/school
A hamster C horse E rabbit ..................................................................
B chicken D sheep ..................................................................
2 Birds/winter/fly/for/south/usually/the
2 ..................................................................
1 3 meat/Elephants/eat/never

( )
5 Points: ___
5X4 20 ..................................................................
4 hunt/animals/Tigers/often/smaller
2 Mark the animals below as D (Domestic)
or W (Wild).
1 giraffe ............. 5 chicken .............. 5 stand/leg/Flamingos/on/sometimes/one
2 cow ................ 6 tiger ................... ..................................................................
3 squirrel ........... 7 hawk .................. ..................................................................

( )
4 elephant ......... 8 sheep ................. Points: ___

( Points:
8 ) 5X4 20

Grammar Everyday English

3 Fill in the correct question word.
6 Complete the dialogue with the
1 ................ do koalas sleep? During the day. following sentences:
2 ........................... do sheep live? On a farm.
• Oh, no! • What is it?
3 ........... long do koalas live? About 18 years.
• I’m afraid of dogs.
4 ................................ do you like parrotfish?
• Would you like to hold it?
Because they are very colourful.
5 ................................. do pink dolphins eat? A: Hi, Adrian. Would you like to see my new
Crabs, small fish and turtles. pet?

( Points:
20 ) B:
Sure. 1) .....................................................
It’s a dog.

4 Fill in the gaps with the correct

preposition: in, at, on.
2) ..............................................................
What’s wrong?
B: 3) ..............................................................
1 I play basketball ......................... Tuesdays.
A: But it’s really cute. 4) .................................
2 He has a Maths class ........... the afternoon.
B: No, maybe another time.
3 Birds usually don’t sing .................... night.
4 We have breakfast ...................... 8 o’clock. ( Points:
20 )
It is Mother’s Day ......................... Sunday.
My birthday is ............................. 3rd May. ( Points: ____
100 )
( Points:
12 )
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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the text below and answer the

2 Use the fact file to write an article
about the chimpanzee (50-60 words).
You can also use the article in Ex. 1 as a
Giraffes live in model. Write about:
Africa. They are
• where it lives • how tall it is
about 5 metres tall
• what it looks like
and they have got
• how much it weighs
long legs and long
• how long it lives • what it eats
necks. They are
• what it can do
usually brown and
white and they CHIMPANZEE Fact File
have a thin tail.
They have got Lives: in Africa
small horns on Height: up to 1.5 metres tall
their heads. They often weigh 1000 kilos. Description: wide mouth/
They live for about 25 years. Giraffes eat long arms/brown fur
leaves from trees and wild plants. They often Weight: 70 kilos
sleep less than 2 hours a night and they are Lives: up to 40 years
very quiet animals. They can run very fast Eats: fruit/plants
but they cannot swim. Can do: climb trees

1 Where do giraffes live?
2 How tall are they?
3 How long do they live?
4 What does a giraffe eat?
5 How long do they sleep?

( Points: ___
25 ) ( Points: ___
25 )

38 ©Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)

Listening Speaking

3 Listen to Bill and Mary

talking about a dog show.
4 Answer the following questions.

Circle the correct answer 1 Have you got a pet? Use the prompts to describe it.
A, B or C. • what it is • its name • what it looks like
• what it eats • what it can do
0 Bill learns about the Dog Show
from 2 Are there any festivals in your country? Use the prompts
A the school newspaper. to describe one.
B the radio. • where • when • how often • how long it lasts
C the TV. • activities
1 The Dog Show is for dogs from 3 How often do you go to the cinema?
A Bill and Mary’s town. 4 What animal are you scared of? Why?
B around the world. 5 What is your favourite animal? Why?

C around the country.
Mary’s cat is afraid of ( Points: ___
15 )
A big crowds.

B Bill. In pairs, use the ideas and the fact file to
C dogs. ask and answer questions about the grizzly bear, as
3 Mary can come to the Dog in the example.
Show on
A Friday.
B Saturday.
C Sunday. • has got small ears, sharp
4 At the Dog Show, Mary
teeth and thick fur
wants to • lives in North America
A go to the pet shop. • weighs 500 kg
B take pictures. • 3 metres tall when
C play with the dogs.
5 Admission for Bill’s dad is • eats meat and fish
A £25. • lives 25 years
B £5.
C £4.

( Points: ___
25 ) SA: What does the grizzly bear look like?
SB: The grizzly bear has got small ears, sharp teeth
and thick fur.

( Points: ___
10 )
( Points: ____
100 )

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Resource Material 7
Vocabulary 4 Look at the pictures and write the
names of the items.
1 Find the months of the year in the word
search. 1 b ......................................................

E R U N R N M F R L 2 c ................................................
U T D E C E M B E R 3 T ..................................................
E E G E A U G U S T 4 j .................................................
5 d ...................................................
2 Write the four seasons.
5 Put the verbs in brackets into the
1 s ......................... 3 s ......................... present continuous.
2 w ....................... 4 a ........................ 1 Jack ......................................... (watch) TV
at the moment.
3 What’s the weather like? Fill in the
words from the list.
2 “......................................... (Mary/do) her
homework?” “Yes, she is.”
• boiling • windy • sunny
3 The boys ................................... (not/play)
• foggy • snowing
in the park.
1 It’s ........................... . 4 I ................................................... (talk) to
Jack on the phone now.
2 It’s warm and ............... . 5 “........................ (the Smiths/work) now?”
“No, they aren’t.”

3 It’s ...................... hot. 6 Underline the correct item.

1 John usually goes/is going bowling on

4 It’s chilly and ................ .
2 Emma and Sam don’t ride/aren’t riding
their bikes to school every day.
3 Carla swims/is swimming in the sea now.
4 We have/are having English lessons every
5 It’s ........................... . Tuesday and Thursday.
5 It isn’t snowing/doesn’t snow now.

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Revision Test 7
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
1 You need to wear a coat today. It’s .......... . complete each exchange.
A hot B sunny C freezing
1 A: This shirt costs £50.
2 You need an umbrella. It’s .......... outside.
B: a That’s not too bad.
A cold B freezing C raining
b Do you think so?
3 She .......... exercises every day after work.
A does B goes C plays 2 A: How much is it?
4 Tom wears .......... when it’s hot outside. B: a I’ll take it.
A T-shirts B boots C gloves b It’s £70.
5 Ben sometimes wears a .......... around his trousers. 3 A: Do you like this dress?
A tie B belt C glove B: a Yes, but I prefer the
6 The months of .......... are December, January and February. red one.
A winter B spring C autumn b They’re not too bad.
7 Bill often .......... snowmen in the winter.
4 A: What do you think of
A plays B does C makes
this shirt?
8 Alice usually wears .......... because they are comfortable
B: a OK, then.
for her feet.
b It looks nice on you.
A sandals B gloves C jeans
9 The Smith family sometimes .......... skiing in the winter. 5 A: What’s the weather like
A do B go C play today?
10 The months of .......... are September, October and B: a It’s freezing.
November. b In spring, it’s quite
A summer B autumn C spring warm.

2 Circle the correct item.

1 Lucy and Anna sometimes ....... photographs. 6 I ....... reading a book at the moment.
A takes B take C taking A ’re B ’m C ’s
2 They ....... sitting in a café at the moment. 7 Does your father fly planes? No, he ....... .
A ’m B ’s C ’re A does B don’t C doesn’t
3 Are Bob and Jack ....... now? 8 She ....... to football practice every Friday.
A swimming B swim C swims A goes B is going C are going
4 Bill and I usually ....... basketball on Wednesdays. 9 He ....... TV now.
A play B plays C playing A doesn’t watch B isn’t watching
5 Are you doing your homework now? Yes, I C aren’t watching
....... . 10 Is John eating a sandwich? No, he ....... .
A do B am C ’m not A isn’t B aren’t C doesn’t

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Fill in the missing seasons and months.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the
present simple or present continuous.
Autumn 3 ............. 6 ............. Summer 1 My dad usually ................. (drive) to work,
but today he .................... (take) the train.
1 ............. December 7 ............. June
2 Jack .................... (not/want) to watch TV.
He ...................... (do) his homework now.
October 4 ............. 8 ............. 9 .............
3 Mary usually ........................ (cook) dinner
every evening, but tonight she ...................
2 ............. 5 ............. May 10 ...........
(eat) at a restaurant.

( )
Points: ___
4 I usually .............. (do) my homework after
10 X 2 20 school, but today I .......................... (play)

2 What’s the weather like? Write the football with my friends.

correct word under each picture.
( Points:
20 )
1 .................. Everyday English
4 ..................

6 Complete the dialogues.

( )
3 ..................
Points: ___ • It’s a little chilly. • They are £50 each.
2 .................. 5X4 20
• They’re great! • I’m afraid I can’t.
3 Put the following words in the correct
• Yes, but I prefer the white one.

1 A: Shall we go camping this weekend?

• shorts • boots • jeans • dress
B: ...............................................................
• tie • jumper • belt • sandals • trainers
2 A: Do you like this dress?
• trousers • hat • T-shirt
B: ...............................................................
1 Accessories ............................................... 3 A: How much do they cost?
.................................................................. B: ...............................................................
2 Clothes ..................................................... 4 A: What’s the weather like today?
.................................................................. B: ...............................................................
3 Shoes ........................................................ 5 A: What do you think of these trousers?
.................................................................. B: ...............................................................
( Points: ___
( )
12 X 1 12
Points: ___

4 Fill in the gaps with go, do, play or make. 5X4 20

......... kitesurfing
....... a snowman
........... exercises
......... basketball
( Points: ____
100 )
( Points:
8 )

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary Grammar

1 Fill in the missing seasons and months.

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the
present simple or present continuous.
1 ............. Winter 5 ............. 8 ............. 1 I usually ............................ (send) my aunt
an email, but today I ..................... (write)
September 3 ............. 6 ............. 9 .............
her a letter.
2 They usually .................... (ride) their bikes
2 ............. January April July
to school in the morning, but today they
....................................... (walk) to school.
November 4 ............. 7 ............. 10 ...........
3 Grandma often .............................. (have)

( )
Points: ___
lunch in the living room, but today she
10 X 2 20 .................................. (eat) in the kitchen.

2 What’s the weather like? Write the

correct word under each picture.
4 Danny sometimes ........................ (watch)
television after school, but today he ...........
(study) for an exam.

1 ..................
( Points:
20 )
4 ..................
Everyday English
3 ..................
2 ..................
20 ) 6 Complete the dialogues.

3 Put the following words in the correct • That’s a good idea. • OK, I’ll take them.
categories: • It’s £20 • It’s boiling hot.
• Yes, but I prefer the brown one.
• top • shirt • trainers • socks
• gloves • jacket • boots • hat 1 A: Do you like this white shirt?
• jeans • sandals • belt • skirt B: ...............................................................
2 A: How much does it cost?
1 Accessories ............................................... B: ...............................................................
.................................................................. 3 A: Let’s go kitesurfing this weekend.
2 Clothes ..................................................... B: ...............................................................
.................................................................. 4 A: What’s the weather like today?
3 Shoes ........................................................ B: ...............................................................
.................................................................. 5 A: Those trousers look great on you.
12 X 1
12 ) B: ...............................................................

4 Fill in the gaps with go, do, play or make.

( Points:
20 )
............ bowling
....... a snowman
4 .........................
computer games ( Points: ____
100 )
3 ........... exercises
( Points:
8 )
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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the postcard below and answer the

2 Write a postcard to your English pen-
friend telling him/her:

• where you are • what the weather is like

• who you are with • what you/your family
are doing now
Use the postcard in Ex. 1 as a model
(50-60 words).

Dear .......... ,

Greetings from ...........................................

Dear Sam,
Greetings from Scotland! I’m here with ...................................................................
my family
and we are staying in a camp in the
mountains. ...................................................................
The weather is freezing cold and righ
t now it’s
snowing. There’s lots to do here. We
usually go ...................................................................
skiing in the afternoons and play in
the snow. It’s
very exciting. At the moment, Dad and ...................................................................
Katie are
making a snowman and my mum is
making hot
chocolate for us. I’m having lots of fun ...................................................................
here! See
you on Friday.
Bye for now!
Keith ...................................................................

1 What is the weather like in Scotland? ...................................................................

2 Who is with Keith? ...................................................................
3 What do they do in the afternoons? ...................................................................
4 What is Keith’s mum doing now? Bye for now!
5 How does Keith like it there? ...................................

( Points: ___
25 ) ( Points: ___
25 )
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)

Listening Speaking

3 Tick (✓) the correct answer A, B or C.

4 Answer the questions.

0 What does Tony eat for lunch? 1 When is your birthday?

2 What is the weather like today?
3 What is your favourite season?
4 What activities do you do in the summer?
A B C ✓ 5 What are you wearing now?
1 What is the weather like?
( Points: ___
15 )
5 Look at the pictures. In pairs,
describe what you see in one of the
pictures to your partner. Think about:

A B C • people • place • clothes

2 What do the boys decide to do? • weather • activities

3 Which colour dress does she like best?

P u r p le RED Black

4 Which is Ann’s favourite season? B

5 Which is Paul’s school uniform?

( Points: ___
10 )
( Points: ___
25 ) ( Points: ____
100 )

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Resource Material 8
Vocabulary Grammar

1 Find the fruits and vegetables in the

word search below.
4 Fill in the gaps with a, an, some, any.

On the breakfast table, there is 1) ..............

• apples • potatoes • oranges • lettuce milk and 2) ........................ glass of orange
• grapes • carrots • corn • cabbage juice. There are 3) ................. bananas, but
there aren’t 4) .................... oranges. There
are 5) ....................................... grapes and
A R B E O M L A A V 6) .......................... apple in the fruit bowl.
K A P P L E S B Z E There is 7) .................... bowl of cereal and
B N A C P O T B F G 8) ......................... egg on a plate. There is
U G R A P E S A R M 9) .................................... bread, but there
isn’t 10) ......................................... cheese.
T Y P O T A T O E S 5 Underline the correct item.

E L E T T U C E D Z 1 A: How many/much eggs have we got?

B: Not many/much.
2 A: Should I buy much/some orange juice?
B: No, we have a lot of/much juice.
2 Match the words in column A to the
words in column B.
3 A: Should I buy some/many strawberries?
B: Yes, thank you. We don’t have any/much.
4 A: Do we need any/some grapes?
1 a glass a of bread
B: No, there are a lot of/much grapes.
2 a cup b of water
5 A: Have we got many/any bread?
3 a piece c of rice
B: No, not many/much.
4 a loaf d of cheese
5 a bowl e of tea
6 Write C (countable) or U (uncountable).

3 Fill in the gaps with meal words:

breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack.
1 pear ................... 4 milk ....................
2 bread ................. 5 carrot .................
1 My mum starts preparing ............... as soon 3 meat .................. 6 cheese ................
as she gets home from work.
2 Every Sunday morning, Dad makes us
bacon and eggs for ............... . 7 Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

3 I usually have an apple or orange for a 1 You ........................ go outside; it’s raining.
.......... after school. 2 ................................ I have a slice of pizza?
4 I usually eat ............. in the school cafeteria. 3 Norm ...................... cook well. He’s a chef.
5 I am making a chocolate cake for .............. . 4 Mary ............ come to the party; she’s sick.
5 Tommy is still a baby. He ............. walk yet.

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Revision Test 8
Everyday English
1 Circle the correct item.
3 Circle the correct item to
complete each exchange.
1 We usually eat ..... for breakfast.
A pasta B salad C cereal 1 A: I want some chips.
2 I always eat ..... like crisps between meals. B: a Large or small?
A snacks B lunches C desserts b I don’t think so.
3 Her favourite ..... is chicken.
2 A: That’s £5.30, please.
A fruit B meat C vegetable
B: a Thank you.
4 Would you like to ..... our soup, sir?
b Here you are.
A fry B try C look
5 I often eat a ..... of pizza for lunch. 3 A: Hello. What can I do for
A slice B bowl C carton you?
6 You usually eat ice cream for ..... . B: a I’d like a Caesar
A dinner B breakfast C dessert salad, please.
7 Alice eats two pieces of fruit every day – an apple and a(n) .... . b That would be nice.
A carrot B orange C cabbage 4 A: How about a drink?
8 I buy a ..... of bread from the bakery every day. B: a A cola, please.
A loaf B piece C bottle b Large, please.
9 I need to get a ..... of milk from the supermarket.
5 A: Enjoy your meal.
A bowl B glass C carton
B: a Oh! Yes. A mineral
10 Chris eats ..... like cheese and yoghurt.
water, please.
A dairy products B meat C grains
b Thank you.


2 Circle the correct item.

1 There isn’t .......... milk in the carton. 6 “Is there any oil in the bottle?” “Not .......... .”
A much B many C some A any B much C many
2 There is .......... tea in the pot. 7 We need to buy .......... butter from the
A any B many C some supermarket.
3 There are .......... eggs in the fridge. A some B many C any
A a lot of B much C any 8 Can I have .......... oranges, please?
4 Can I have .......... banana, please? A a B an C some
A any B some C a 9 “Are there any grapes?” “Not .......... .”
5 How .......... apples are there in the bowl? A some B many C much
A some B many C much 10 How .......... cheese is there?
A much B many C some

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 4 Circle the correct item. Then, indicate

which items are C (countable) and

1 Write the names of the food under the

which are U (uncountable).

1 much / some biscuits ...............................

2 a / an apple .............................................
3 some / an oil ...........................................
4 some / a butter ........................................
1 ................................ 2 ................................
( Points:
20 )
5 Fill in with some, any, much, or many.

3 ................................ 4 ................................ 1 A: Is there ...................................... sugar?

B: Yes, but not ........................................ .
2 A: Do we need ................................ eggs?
B: No, there are ........... eggs in the fridge.
5 ................................ 6 ................................ 3 A: How ..................... onions have we got?
B: Not .................................... . Only two.
4 A: Do you need ............................ cheese?
B: No, but I need .......................... lettuce.
7 ................................ 8 ................................
( Points: ___
( )
8X2 16
Points: ___
8X2 16
Everyday English
2 Circle the correct word.

1 a carton / loaf of milk 6 Complete the dialogues.

2 a bottle / slice of bread • Large or small? • Can I help you?

3 a bowl / bag of soup • That would be nice. • Some orange juice,
4 a glass / piece of water please. • Here you are.
5 a bag / bottle of sugar
20 ) 1 A: .............................................................
B: I’d like a chicken sandwich, please.
Grammar 2 A: Would you like anything to drink?
B: .............................................................
3 Indicate if the sentences show A
(ability) or P (permission).
3 A: I’d like a portion of chips, please.
B: .............................................................
1 She can play tennis well. .......................... 4 A: Would you like a bowl of soup?
2 We can go to the park after dinner. .......... B: .............................................................
3 He can swim very well. ............................. 5 A: That’s £10, please.
4 I can stay out later tonight. ....................... B: .............................................................

8 ) ( Points:
20 )
( Points: ____
100 )
48 ©Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
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NAME: ................................... (Time: 30 minutes)

Vocabulary 4 Circle the correct item. Then, indicate

which items are C (countable) and
1 Write the names of the food under the
which are U (uncountable).

1 much / many apples ................................

2 some / an water ......................................
3 some / an egg .........................................
4 a / some rice ...........................................
1 ................................ 2 ................................
20 )
5 Fill in with some, any, much, or many.

3 ................................ 4 ................................ 1 A: Have we got .............................. butter?

B: Not ..................................................... .
2 A: Do we need .................................. milk?
B: No, there is ................ milk in the fridge.
3 A: How ................. ice cream have we got?
5 ................................ 6 ................................
B: Not ..................................................... .
4 A: How ................. tomatoes have you got?
B: Not ................................... . Only three.

7 ................................ 8 ................................ (Points:

16 )
( Points:
16 ) Everyday English
2 Circle the correct word.
6 Complete the dialogues.

1 a piece / loaf of cheese • Large or small? • Here you are.

2 a bag / bottle of oil • I don’t think so. • Enjoy your meal.
3 a slice / glass of water • What would you like to eat?
4 a cup / carton of tea 1 A: .............................................................
5 a loaf / bowl of rice
( Points:
20 ) 2
I’d like a Caesar salad, please.
How about a drink?
Grammar B: .............................................................
3 A: I’d like a cola, please.
3 Indicate if the sentences show A (ability)
or P (permission). B: .............................................................
4 A: That’s £3, please.
1 She can speak English well. ....................... B: .............................................................
2 They can take her mum’s car. ................... 5 A: .............................................................
3 He can play the piano. .............................
( )
B: Thank you. Points: ___
4 We can go to the party tonight. ............... 5X4 20

( Points:
8 ) ( Points: ____
100 )

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NAME: ................................. (Time: 45 minutes)

Reading Writing

1 Read the text and mark the sentences

T (true) or F (false).
2 Write an article about an important
celebration in your country (60-80
words). Write about:

• when it is • what you celebrate

• what activities you do
• what you wear • what you eat
Use the article in Ex. 1 as a model.

....................... is a special celebration in my


Chinese New Year is an important ...................................................................
festival in China. It lasts for fifteen days
and starts on a different day every year, ..................................................................
usually in January or February.
Chinese people celebrate the end of the ..................................................................
year and the beginning of the new one. On
New Year’s Day there are big parades in ..................................................................
every city. In the evening there are also
firework displays. ..................................................................
On New Year’s Day families eat fish and
parents give their children chocolate. You .................................................................
can see the colour red everywhere
because Chinese people think that it keeps .................................................................
evil spirits away. Many people wear red
clothes and shoes. ................................................................


1 Chinese New Year starts
on the same day every year. .......... ...............................................................
2 There are no parades in China ...............................................................
on New Year’s Day. ..........
3 Chinese people eat fish on
New Year’s Day. .......... ...............................................................
4 Parents give their children
money on New Year’s Day. ..........
5 People wear red clothes to keep ...............................................................
evil spirits away. ..........

( Points: ___
25 ) ( Points: ___
25 )

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NAME: ................................... (Time: 45 minutes)


3 Listen to the conversation and complete the gaps.

The Fat Lobster Restaurant – Booking Form

Day: 0 Monday
Time: 1
Name: 2 Patrick .....................................

Number of customers: 3
Entertainment: 4 A .............................................

Address: 5 45 ...........................................

( Points: ___
25 )

4 Answer the following 5 In pairs, imagine that you need to get some
things from the supermarket. Put a tick (✓) next to
the things you have got and a cross (✗) next to the

1 How often do you eat out? ones you want your partner to buy for you. Act out,

2 How often do you eat fruit? as in the example.

3 What do you usually have for _____ oranges _____

breakfast? _____ sugar _____
4 How do you celebrate your _____ chicken _____
birthday? _____ eggs _____
5 What is a popular celebration _____ potatoes _____
in your country?

( Points: ___
10 )
SA: Have we got any cheese?
SB: No, we haven’t. Can you get some, please?

( Points: ___
15 )
( Points: ____
100 )

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Further Practice Material

1 Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

Kevin Richardson:

Kevin Richardson is a play with their babies!

32-year-old vet. He works Kevin says that the lions
in a wildlife park in South are not afraid of him
Africa where people keep because he never hurts
and protect wild animals. them. He loves all the
Kevin takes care of many lions he works with very
different animals, but the much and feels comfortable
lions are his favourite. around them.
People call Kevin the Kevin thinks that he has
‘Lion Whisperer’ because the best job in the world.
he has an extraordinary He enjoys taking care of
ability. Kevin can play with the lions, sleep with the lions every day and wants to continue
them and even kiss them, but the lions never working in the wildlife park for many years.
attack him. Some mother lions even let him

1 Kevin’s surname is Richardson. ..........

2 Kevin works in a place where people keep wild animals safe. ..........
3 Kevin only works with lions in the wildlife park. ..........
4 Kevin allows the lions to play with his babies. ..........
5 Kevin feels scared when he is with the lions. ..........
6 Kevin speaks to the lions to make them feel safe. ..........
7 Kevin feeds the lions every day. ..........
8 Kevin wants to continue working with animals. ..........

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Further Practice Material

2 Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

an you imagine eating your dinner you’re on your own in the dark! You can’t
with your eyes closed? Well, Dans see anything, so you have to use your
le Noir is a new restaurant in hands to find your knife, fork and plate.
London, England, where you can eat your All the guests make mistakes and there is
meal in the dark. always food on the floor at the end of the
When you arrive at the restaurant you night, but everyone has a good time.
order the meal you want from a menu in So, if you’re looking for a unique dining
the front room. Then, a waiter shows you experience for your next party, you and
to your table in the dining room and your friends and family can enjoy dinner
serves you your meal. From then on, in the dark at Dans le Noir.

1 Dans le Noir is a restaurant in France. ..........

2 You decide what meal you want in the front room. ..........
3 You follow a waiter to your table in the dining room. ..........
4 You have to eat your meal with your hands. ..........
5 You can’t drink cola during your meal. ..........
6 A waiter helps you to find your knife and fork on your table. ..........
7 Some customers drop food onto the floor during their meals. ..........
8 There are no lights in the kitchen in Dans le Noir. ..........

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Further Practice Material

3 Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

The kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand. It is

about the size of a chicken and is usually brown or
grey. It has got a long beak and a small round body.
The kiwi has got very small wings, so it can’t fly.
The kiwi has got many special abilities. It can smell
very well. It comes out at night and uses its sense of
smell to hunt for insects. Also, the kiwi has got very
strong legs. It can run very fast and fight enemies with
its sharp claws.
The kiwi is a very important bird to New Zealanders.
In New Zealand you can see pictures of the kiwi on the
country’s stamps and on the flags of some cities and
sports clubs. But today there are not many kiwis left.
Because of this, New Zealanders are trying to protect
this unique bird.

1 Kiwis are always the same colour. ..........

2 The kiwi is able to fly. ..........
3 The kiwi hunts for food during the night. ..........
4 The kiwi eats insects. ..........
5 The kiwi can jump very high. ..........
6 The kiwi can run very fast. ..........
7 The national flag of New Zealand has got a kiwi on it. ..........
8 People in New Zealand are trying to keep kiwis safe. ..........

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Further Practice Material

4 Read the text and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say).

The Bristol International Balloon Festival takes place in early August in a park near Bristol,
England. It lasts for four days and attracts more than 500,000 visitors every year. It is the biggest
hot air balloon festival in Europe.
During the festival, you can see hundreds of hot air balloons flying in the sky. You can even go on
a balloon ride yourself and see the beautiful English countryside from high up in the sky. The most
popular attraction at the festival is the ‘Special Shapes Rodeo’. Here you can see balloons in the
shape of cartoon characters, animals and even pieces of fruit!
The festival has got a great carnival atmosphere with live music for all ages. You can come at any
time of the day from 6 o’clock in the morning to 9 o’clock at night and admission is free. Have

1 The Bristol International Balloon Festival takes place

in England. ..........
2 You can see hot air balloons from around the world
at the festival. ..........
3 Visitors to the festival can go on a balloon ride. ..........
4 The balloons in the ‘Special Shapes Rodeo’ all look the same. ..........
5 There are places to eat food at the festival. ..........
6 Musicians perform music at the festival. ..........
7 Visitors cannot come to the festival after 6:00 am. ..........
8 It is expensive for visitors to get into the festival. ..........

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Further Practice Material

5 Read the text and answer the questions.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a very famous footballer. He is from Madeira in Portugal, and he is

24 years old. He scores many goals every year and is the favourite player of many fans.
Sometimes he is the captain of Portugal’s national team.
Ronaldo has to practise every day with his team-mates, so he doesn’t have a lot of free
time. But when he does have free time, he likes going for long walks in the countryside
and listening to music. His favourite singer is Shakira. He also likes spending time with
his family. He has got two sisters and a brother. With his sisters, Katia and Telma, he
owns two clothes shops in Portugal.
A lot of people think that Ronaldo is the best football player in the world. He is still very
young, so he can play for many more years and score many more goals.

1 Who is Cristiano Ronaldo? 5 What are his favourite things to do in his

.................................................................. free time?
2 Where is he from? ..................................................................
.................................................................. 6 What is the name of his favourite singer?
3 How old is he? ..................................................................
.................................................................. 7 How many brothers has he got?
4 Why does he not have much free time? ..................................................................
.................................................................. 8 What type of shops does he own with his

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Further Practice Material

6 Read the text and answer the questions.

This week, “Teen Dream” meets secondary school student Fiona

Deeds. Fiona tells us about how she and her classmates are trying to
help children who have no homes.

Tell us a few things about yourself and your What kinds of toys do you make?
school, Fiona. We make dolls, teddy bears and toy cars.
I am 14 years old and I live in Leeds. I go to Sometimes we take our old dolls from home and
Woodhouse Grove School and my favourite make new clothes for them. The boys bring their
subject is History. My school has got 1,000 old toy cars to school and paint them. In the end,
students. the toys look amazing!
What do you and your classmates do to help Do the children like the toys
children who have no homes? you and your classmates make?
Every Friday after class, we get together and we Oh yes, they love
make toys for them. Our art teacher helps us, too. them! They play
Why do you do that? with them all the
Well, there are many groups in our town that give time and feel very
food and clothes to these children. We know that happy. Of course,
this is very important, but we also think that these we feel very happy,
children need other things. Many of the children too.
don’t have any toys to play with. We think it’s a
good idea.

1 What is Fiona’s surname? 6 What do other groups in Fiona’s town do to

.................................................................. help children who have no homes?
2 How old is she? ..................................................................
.................................................................. 7 What kinds of toys do Fiona and her
3 Where does she live? classmates make?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 What is her favourite school subject? 8 How do the children feel when they play
.................................................................. with their new toys?
5 What do Fiona and her classmates do every ..................................................................
Friday after class?

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Further Practice Material

7 Read the text and answer the questions.

The Purcell School of Music in Watford, England isn’t an ordinary school. It’s a school
for young people who are very good musicians. There are 175 students at the school,
aged from 9 to 18 years old. Some students live at the school and some go home
every day when they finish their classes.
All the students in the school have to practise their musical instruments every
day, sometimes for more than six hours! Many students learn to play more than
one musical instrument and some also learn how to write music. Students also
study normal school subjects like English, Maths and Science, but music is
always at the centre of everything that happens at the school. There are over
150 concerts at the school each year when parents can come to watch their
children perform.
For students at the Purcell School of Music, music is the most important part
of their daily lives. This is why many of the students who go to the school become
famous musicians after they leave.

1 Where is the Purcell School of Music? 6 Around how many concerts take place at
.................................................................. the school each year?
2 How many students go to the school? ..................................................................
.................................................................. 7 Who comes to watch the students play at
3 Does every student live at the school? their concerts?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 How many hours a day do students have to 8 What happens to many students when they
practise playing their instruments? leave the school?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
5 Does every student at the school play more
than one instrument?

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Further Practice Material

8 Read the text and answer the questions.

Mardi Gras in New Orleans, USA is one of

the most popular festivals in the world.
More than 500,000 visitors from the USA
and around the world come to New
Orleans to celebrate every year.
There are many big parades with
colourful floats at Mardi Gras. Many
people decorate their floats with the
traditional colours of the festival, purple,
green and orange. People on the floats
throw toys and sweets to the crowds.
Many people wear funny masks and dress up as famous people.
People also eat King Cake, a type of cake made with coffee and
sugar. Musicians play jazz music and many people dance in the
streets until late at night. Mardi Gras is a great festival with many
activities to amuse the whole family.

1 In what country is New Orleans? 5 What do people on the floats throw to the
.................................................................. crowds?
2 How many people visit New Orleans for ..................................................................
Mardi Gras every year? 6 What do people dress up as during Mardi
.................................................................. Gras?
3 What can you see in the big parades during ..................................................................
Mardi Gras? 7 What is King Cake made of?
.................................................................. ..................................................................
4 What are the traditional colours of the 8 What type of music can you hear during
festival? Mardi Gras?
.................................................................. ..................................................................

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Options 5 TRP DialCompl.qxp_Options 5 TRP DialCompl.qxp 5/25/16 20:14 Page 60

Dialogue Completion

1 Complete the exchanges with the

phrases below.
3 Complete the exchanges with the
phrases below.

• It’s really big. • Get it away from me!

• I want to buy the Superman comic book. • How much is it?
• A cola, please. • That’s £2.10.

A: How can I help you? A: Look, Martha, this is my pet spider.

B: 1) .............................................................. B: 1) ..............................................................
A: Sure. That’s €3. A: Don’t be silly. It’s cute.

A: What’s your new house like? A: I’d like a chicken sandwich.

B: 2) .............................................................. B: 2) ..............................................................
A: That’s great! A: Here you are.

A: Would you like anything to drink? A: How about this mug?

B: 3) .............................................................. B: 3) ..............................................................
A: Large or small? A: It’s £14.50.

2 Complete the exchanges with the

phrases below.
4 Complete the exchanges with the
phrases below.

• Where’s that?
• I’m fine, thanks. And you?
• Sure. What is it?
• It looks really nice on you.
• Yes, there is.
• Yes, that’s fine.

A: Would you like to see my new pet?

A: Do you want to meet outside the cinema at
B: 1) ..............................................................
A: It’s a hamster.
B: 1) ..............................................................
A: OK. See you there! A: Fred’s in his room.
B: 2) ..............................................................
A: What do you think of this hat?
A: It’s upstairs next to the bathroom.
B: 2) ..............................................................
A: OK, then. I’ll take it. A: Is there a TV in your bedroom?
B: 3) ..............................................................
A: Hi, Jason. How are you?
A: Lucky you!
B: 3) ..............................................................
A: Not bad.

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Dialogue Completion

5 Complete the dialogue by using the

information in brackets.
7 Complete the dialogue by using the
information in brackets.

A: Have you got any brothers or sisters? A: Can you swim?

B: Yes, I do. 1) ............................. . (brother) B: Yes. 1) .......................................................
A: Is your brother thirteen? ................................................ (very well)
B: No, he isn’t. 2) .......................... . (fifteen) A: Do you go to the beach often?
A: Does your brother go to school? B: Yes, I do. 2) ...............................................
B: Yes, he does. 3) ......................................... ............................. (every day in summer)
................................. . (secondary school) A: Do you play sports at the beach?
A: Does he play football? B: No, I don't. 3) ............................................
B: No, he doesn’t. 4) ..................................... ................................... (make sandcastles)
.............................................. (basketball) A: Do you wear sunglasses at the beach?
B: No, I don't. 4) ............................................

6 Complete the dialogue by using the

information in brackets.
......................................................... (hat)

A: Do you go to university?
8 Complete the dialogue by using the
information in brackets.
B: No, I don’t. 1) ...........................................
................................... (secondary school) A: Does your mum work?
A: Do you learn languages at school? B: Yes, she does. 1) ........................................
B: Yes, I do. 2) ............................................... ................................................... (teacher)
............................... (French and German) A: Is your father a vet?
A: Is French your favourite subject? B: No, he isn’t. 2) ..........................................
B: No, it isn’t. 3) ............................................ .................................................... (doctor)
............................................. (Geography) A: Does he work in a hospital?
A: Do you have a nice Geography teacher? B: Yes, he does. 3) .........................................
B: Yes, I do. 4) ............................................... ............................. (St Vincent’s Hospital)
.................................... (name/Mrs Smith) A: Do you want to be a doctor, too?
B: No, I don’t. 4) ...........................................
............................................... (footballer)

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Match the flags to the countries. Then write the nationalities.

2 ............................... 4 ...............................

3 ...............................
1 ...............................

the UK
Italy Greece
the USA


6 ............................... 8 ...............................

5 ...............................
7 ...............................

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You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice and move your counter the
same number of squares the dice shows. Complete the sentence, write the plural or
opposite, or name the object or cartoon character in each square. If you can’t, you miss a
turn. The player who reaches Finish first wins. Good luck!

Has he got
.................... you a bicycle? one tomato –
got a guitar ? Yes, he four ....................
................... .

one baby – one leaf – fat ≠

two .................... two .................... ....................

tall ≠ one child –

.................... five ....................

Name four .................... you big ≠

body parts one pencil – ....................
got a pencil?
five ....................

old ≠ one foot –

one match – two ....................
three ....................

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You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice and move your counter the
same number of squares the dice shows. Complete the sentences or name the sport in each
square. If you can’t, you miss a turn. The player who reaches Finish first wins. Good luck!

That is my book I can play

.................... you and .....................
dance well? ............. guitar.
are my pencils.

................... man There’s

He’s got ............. over there is Mr ................ boy
new car. Jones. outside your

I ................. run
very fast. Look!

Can you Have you got Sam is in

Name four
................ a ................ orange .............. garden.
plane? notebook?

I can’t ..................
a horse.

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Play in pairs. You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice and move
your counter the same number of squares the dice shows. Look at the picture in the
square you land on and say whether the sentence in the square is true or false. If a
sentence is incorrect, say the sentence correctly. If you can’t answer a question or get it
wrong, move one square back. The player who reaches Finish first wins.

There aren’t
any books The books
in the are in the
bookcase. There are some posters desk.
on the wall.

The table is
between the chair
There are There and the fridge.
some aren’t any
clothes curtains
in the in the
wardrobe. bedroom.

The cat is in the basket.

There are two armchairs

The dog is behind the tree. in the living room.

There are some

on the table.

PHOTOCOPIABLE ©Express Publishing 65

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You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice and move your counter the
same number of squares the dice shows. Choose the correct answer or complete the
sentence. If you can’t, you miss a turn. The player who reaches Finish first wins. Good luck!

Peter is Bill Jane types letters. Jenny plays /

Pebbles is Fred and Mary’s / She is play
Flintstone’s Bill’s a secretary / the piano
daughter / wife. and Mary nurse. very well.

Tom tells great Your mum’s A: Who’s / Susan is

jokes. mum Whose Bob? David’s /
He is very is your B: He’s my Davids’
funny / rude. ....................... . brother. best friend.

Do you We go / goes
Wilma’s mother
like football? Do / Does Sally
don’t like / to bed early
No, I sing well?
doesn’t like Fred. in the evening.
....................... .

Sue and Jill

Who / Whose Your dad’s dad Barney Rubble
don’t live /
pet is Hoppy? is your is Bamm-Bamm’s
doesn’t live
....................... . ....................... .
near their school.

66 ©Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

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Quiz Time
Play in pairs. Students answer the questions by ticking (✓) Yes or No, and then check their
answers with the teacher. The pair with the most correct answers wins.

1 2
Pumas have
got very strong
The lionfish has got 4
Pink dolphins eat crabs claws.
and small fish. Yes No
Yes No
Octopuses have got two
Yes No

Puffer fish are poisonous. Koalas have
Yes No got thick
grey fur. Bald eagles
have got very
5 Yes
small wings.


8 Giant pandas
have got
Parrotfish have got 10
sharp claws.
9 a lot of teeth.
No live in China.


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Quiz Time
Play in pairs. In one minute, both players write as many words as they can think of under
the headings: Seasons, Months, Weather, Clothes. Read out your list. Your partner crosses off
the words he/she hears on his/her list. Swap roles and do the same with your list. Give 1
point for each word you haven’t crossed off. The player with the most points wins.

Seasons Months Weather Clothes

Total points:

Seasons Months Weather Clothes

Total points:

68 ©Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

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You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice and move your counter the
same number of squares the dice shows. Complete the sentence or name the object in each
square. If you can’t, you miss a turn. The player who reaches Finish first wins. Good luck!

T A R T!
S 1
2 A .......................
4 How
of bread. .......................
“Can I go out?” coffee do you want?
“No, you
a carton
b loaf
3 a much
...................... .” b many

5 7 8
Name four
different How
6 kinds .......................
lemons are there?
of fruit.
a much
b many

9 11 12
“Can he 10 There is
Name three stay here
different kinds tonight?”
of drinks. “Yes, he
a some
........................ .”
b any

14 15 There aren’t
....................... Is there
you play the A ....................... .....................
guitar well? 13 tea? of rice. 16 biscuits.
a some
a some a glass
b bowl b any
b any


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5 1 me 3 They 5 them
2 She 4 He
Resource Material
6 1 Goodbye, see you later.
1 1 E 3 G 5 D 7 A 2 I’m fine, thanks.
2 B 4 C 6 F 3 How old are you?
4 What’s your favourite subject?
2 1 Music 4 Science 5 Nice to meet you, Tim.
2 Geography 5 Maths
3 PE 6 Art Test 1B
1 1 schoolbag 4 atlas
3 1 American 4 French
2 books 5 pencil case
2 Russian 5 Italian
3 sharpener
3 Scottish
2 1 Italy 3 Chinese 5 the USA
4 1 ’m 3 Is 5 isn’t
2 Turkey 4 British 6 Scottish
2 aren’t 4 Are, are 6 ’re
3 1 Who 3 How old
5 1 I, she 4 We, she
2 Where 4 What
2 them, They 5 they, They
3 Her, She
4 1 are 4 Are 7 am 10 is
2 am 5 am 8 am 11 is
Revision Test 1
3 is 6 Are 9 Are
1 1 B 3 B 5 C 7 C 9 A
2 B 4 C 6 A 8 C 10 B 5 1 her 3 me 5 They
2 he 4 He
2 1 C 3 A 5 C 7 B 9 A
2 A 4 B 6 B 8 B 10 A 6 1 This is Pamela.
2 See you.
3 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 3 How are you?
4 Good morning, Joe.
Test 1A 5 Where are you from?
1 1 eraser 4 pencil
2 sharpener 5 notebook SKILLS TEST 1
3 ruler 1 1 London 4 painting 7 the USA
2 Art 5 athletics
2 1 French 4 China 3 blue 6 Beyonce
2 Mexican 5 Portuguese
3 Greece 6 Russia 2 Suggested Answer
3 1 Where 3 How old
2 What 4 Who
Hi Maria,
4 1 am 4 am 7 Is 10 is How are you? My name is Lisa Olsen
2 am 5 Are 8 are 11 is and I’m from New York, USA. I’m 13 years old
3 Is 6 is 9 is and I’m a student at Akron School.

Options 5 TRP Key-Audio.qxp_Options 5 TRP Key-Audio.qxp 5/25/16 20:12 Page 71


My favourite subject is History. I like painting

very much and my favourite colour is green. I
also like sports and my favourite sport is
Resource Material
basketball. My favourite singer is Hilary Duff.
She’s American. She’s great! 1 1 sunglasses 5 notebook
Well, that’s about it. 2 bicycle 6 digital camera
Bye for now, 3 cap 7 video game
Lisa 4 guitar 8 trainers

3 1 Mexico 4 football 2 1 head 3 nose 5 leg

2 12/twelve 5 orange 2 ear 4 hand 6 foot
3 Science
3 1 They 5 Our 9 their
4 Suggested Answers 2 Your 6 her 10 You
3 He 7 We
1 My favourite sport is swimming.
4 My 8 She
2 My favourite school subjects are Music
and Art.
4 1 have 6 Have, have
3 My favourite singer is Justin Timberlake.
2 have 7 haven’t
4 My best friend is Gianna Rossi.
3 haven't 8 have
5 The capital city of my country is Rome.
4 Has, has 9 Has, hasn’t
5 haven't 10 haven’t
5 Suggested Answers
• A: What’s your name? 5 1 toys 4 brushes
B: My name’s Roberto Ricci. 2 children 5 ladies
A: How do you spell your surname? 3 women 6 leaves
B: R – I – double C – I. How about you?
A: My name is Gina Thomas. Revision Test 2
B: How do you spell your surname?
1 1 C 3 C 5 C 7 A 9 A
A: T – H – O – M – A – S.
2 B 4 B 6 B 8 C 10 A
• A: How old are you?
B: I’m 13. And you? 2 1 A 3 C 5 A 7 C 9 C
A: I’m 12 years old. 2 C 4 C 6 B 8 A 10 A
• A: What nationality are you?
3 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a
B: I’m Italian. How about you?
A: I’m British.
Test 2A
• A: What’s the name of your school? 1 1 moustache 6 eyes
B: It’s Marymount International School. 2 lips 7 teeth
What’s the name of your school? 3 feet 8 hair
A: It’s Poole School. 4 beard 9 head
• A: What’s your telephone number? 5 face 10 arms
B: It’s 3211548. What’s your telephone
number? 2 1 has got 3 hasn’t got, has got
A: It’s 2027539. 2 haven't got 4 Has … got, has

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3 1 children 3 watches 5 babies my comic books because I can read them

2 scarf 4 woman again and again.
What about you? Have you got a collection?
4 1 this 3 That 5 Those Frank
2 This 4 that
4 1 C 2 E 3 B 4 D 5 F
5 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 e
5 Suggested Answers
Test 2B 1 I’m 12 years old.
1 1 nose 6 hands 2 I have got notebooks, books and a pencil
2 hair 7 ears case in my schoolbag.
3 legs 8 eyes 3 Yes, I have. I’ve got a collection of dolls.
4 head 9 teeth 4 Yes, I have.
5 mouth 10 moustache 5 Yes, I have. It’s a cat.

2 1 has got 3 has got, hasn’t got 6 Suggested Answer

2 haven't got 4 Has … got, hasn’t SA: Anna is tall and plump, with beautiful
big blue eyes. She has got thin lips, a
3 1 men 3 knife 5 feet small nose and short black hair.
2 mouse 4 foxes SB: Lisa is short and thin. She has got small
eyes, full lips and a small nose. She has
4 1 Those 3 these 5 This got long fair hair.
2 This 4 This

5 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b MODULE 3

SKILLS TEST 2 Resource Material

1 1 Lucy is 14. 1 1 A 3 B 5 E
2 Lucy is French. 2 D 4 F 6 C
3 Fred is a zebra.
4 Lucy’s favourite toy is from the UK. 2 1 spin 3 balance 5 mine
5 Yes, it has. 2 fast 4 national 6 cliff

2 1 Lucy 3 Fred 5 Fred 3 1 – 3 a 5 the

2 Lucy 4 Fred 2 the 4 an 6 –

3 Suggested Answer 4 1 These 3 This 5 That

From: 2 This 4 Those
Hi Marco, 5 1 Can, can 3 Can, can 5 Can, can
How are you? My name is Frank. I’m 12 years 2 Can, can’t 4 Can, can’t
old and I’m Scottish. I’ve got a great
collection of comic books. Revision Test 3
My favourite one is a Superman comic. It’s 1 1 C 3 A 5 C 7 A 9 C
very old and now costs a lot of money. I love 2 A 4 B 6 C 8 A 10 B

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2 1 C 3 B 5 C 7 C 9 A 2 Suggested Answer
2 B 4 B 6 B 8 A 10 B From:
3 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a Hi Sue,
How are you? My name’s Roy. I’m ten years
Test 3A old and I’m from Scotland. I like sports a lot. I
1 1 cricket 3 baseball can play cricket and I can play football, too.
2 rugby 4 ski My favourite sport is basketball. Can you play
basketball? Do you like sports? What’s your
2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A favourite one?
3 1 – 2 an 3 – 4 the 5 a
3 1 D 2 C 3 F 4 H 5 G
4 1 this 3 That 5 Those
2 This 4 that 4 Suggested Answers
1 Yes, I do.
5 1 can 4 can 2 I can play football and basketball.
2 can’t 5 can’t, can 3 My favourite sport is table tennis.
3 can, can’t 4 Yes, I can.
5 Yes, I can.
6 1 c 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 b
5 Suggested Answer
Test 3B
SA: My name is Sam. I’m eleven years old. I
1 1 basketball 3 cricket can play football and ice hockey. What
2 table tennis 4 ride about you?
SB: I’m Kelly. I’m nine years old. I can swim
2 1 A 2 B 3 B 4 B and ride a horse.

3 1 a 2 – 3 – 4 the 5 an

4 1 Those 3 these 5 This MODULE 4

2 This 4 That
Resource Material
5 1 can 4 can 1 1 armchair 3 desk
2 can’t, can 5 can, can’t 2 sofa 4 wardrobe
3 can, can’t
A living room B bedroom
6 1 a 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 b
2 BATHROOM: mirror, toilet, washbasin, bath
SKILLS TEST 3 KITCHEN: cupboards, cooker, sink, fridge,
1 1 Jack is writing the letter.
2 He is from the USA.
3 1 There is 6 There is
3 He is ten.
2 There is 7 There are
4 Yes, he can.
3 There isn’t 8 There is
5 Ski.
4 There are 9 There is
5 There aren’t 10 There are

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4 1 a 3 some 5 an 7 any Test 4B

2 a 4 a 6 some 8 a 1 1 mirror 3 bedroom 5 bed
2 sink 4 cushions
5 1 fifth 6 ninth
2 twenty-first 7 twenty-second 2 1 twenty-first 4 nineteenth
3 twenty-third 8 twelfth 2 third 5 fifth
4 eighth 9 fourth 3 twentieth
5 fifteenth 10 nineteenth
3 1 a 3 some 5 any
6 1 in front of 4 on 2 any 4 an
2 behind 5 under
3 between 4 a) 1 is 3 isn’t 5 aren’t
2 are 4 aren’t
Revision Test 4
1 1 C 3 A 5 A 7 C 9 A b) 1 No, there isn’t. 3 Yes, there is.
2 A 4 C 6 A 8 C 10 B 2 Yes, there are. 4 No, there aren’t.

2 1 A 3 A 5 B 7 B 9 C 5 1 in front of 3 between 5 in
2 B 4 A 6 B 8 C 10 C 2 behind 4 on

3 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 c


1 1 living room 4 fridge 1 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T
2 washbasin 5 wardrobe
3 pillows 2 Suggested Answer
2 1 twentieth 3 eighth 5 second To:
2 first 4 twelfth Subject: My new house

3 1 a 3 any 5 any Hi Elena,

2 an 4 some How are you? I’m fine.
We’ve got a new house. It’s really great! It has
4 a) 1 is 3 isn’t 5 are got three bedrooms and a big bathroom. The
2 are 4 aren’t kitchen is very big and you can see the
garden from the window.
b) 1 No, there isn’t. 3 No, there aren’t. My favourite room is the living room because
2 Yes, there is. 4 Yes, there are. it’s got a fireplace. My bedroom is nice. The
walls are blue and there’s a big bookcase in
5 1 in front of 3 on 5 behind there.
2 between 4 in Our new house has got everything!
Write back,
6 1 e 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 b George

3 1 Monday 3 £5.00 5 gift

2 10 4 old carpets

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4 Suggested Answers 3 1 hairdresser 3 photographer

• My house is in a nice street, next to a big 2 footballer 4 secretary
• There are three bedrooms, a living room, 4 1 plays 4 does she have
a kitchen and two bathrooms in my 2 watch 5 Do you walk
house. 3 don't live 6 doesn’t like
• My favourite room is the living room
because this is where my computer is. 5 1 Who’s 3 Who’s 5 Whose
• My bedroom is upstairs, next to the small 2 Whose 4 Whose
• In my bedroom I have got a bed, a desk, 6 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 B 5 C
a bookcase, a wardrobe and a lot of
posters on the walls. Revision Test 5
1 1 A 3 C 5 C 7 C 9 A
5 Student A (Suggested Answers) 2 B 4 A 6 A 8 A 10 B
SA: Has your living room got any paintings?
SB: Yes, it has. 2 1 C 3 A 5 C 7 C 9 B
SA: Is there a fireplace in your living room? 2 B 4 C 6 A 8 A 10 B
SB: No, there isn’t.
SA: Is there a sofa in your living room? 3 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 a
SB: Yes, there is.
SA: Has your living room got a carpet? Test 5A
SB: No, it hasn’t. 1 1 granddad 4 father-in-law
2 uncle 5 husband
Student B (Suggested Answers)
3 son
SB: Are there any posters in your bedroom?
SA: Yes, there are. 2 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 c
SB: Have you got a mirror in your
bedroom? 3 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 c
SA: No, I haven't.
SB: Is there a desk in your bedroom? 4 1 Do, don't 4 Do, don't
SA: Yes, there is. 2 Do, do 5 Does, does
SB: Has your bedroom got a wardrobe? 3 Does, doesn’t
SA: Yes, it has.
SB: Is there a bedside cabinet next to your 5 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A
SA: Yes, there is. 6 1 b 2 a 3 e 4 c 5 d

Test 5B
1 1 grandma 3 wife 5 sister
Resource Material 2 niece 4 daughter
1 1 granddad 4 mum
2 1 d 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 c
2 grandma 5 brother
3 dad 6 sister
3 1 e 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 b
2 1 funny 3 strong 5 clever
2 quiet 4 serious 6 weak

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4 1 Do, don't 4 Do, don't • SA: Who is Rachael’s cousin?

2 Does, doesn’t 5 Do, do SB: Rachael’s cousin is Alice.
3 Does, does • SA: Who is Frank’s nephew?
SB: Frank’s nephew is Harry.
5 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A • SA: Who is Alice’s uncle?
SB: Alice’s uncle is Greg.
6 1 e 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 c


1 1 Tiziano comes from Latina, a small city
near Rome. Resource Material
2 He is a singer. 1 1 chimpanzee 5 rabbit
3 Yes, he can. 2 chicken 6 bear
4 He lives in London. 3 hamster 7 eagle
5 He wants to visit Mexico, France and 4 horse
2 1 feathers 3 fin 5 hooves
2 Suggested Answer 2 horn 4 beak 6 claws
My favourite singer is Demi Lovato. She’s
American and her voice is fantastic. 3 1 at 3 on 5 on
She can play the guitar and the piano. 2 in 4 in 6 at
Demi Lovato is also a great actress. She plays
in the film ‘Camp Rock’ and she appeared in 4 1 d 3 f 5 a
the TV series ‘Prison Break’. 2 b 4 e 6 c
Demi also writes songs. My favourite song is
‘Don't Forget’. She’s got two sisters and she 5 1 My younger sister always watches TV in
lives in California. I love Demi Lovato! the morning.
Anna 2 My dad is never late for work.
3 I usually do my homework in the
3 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 C afternoon.
4 Bobby often rides his bike to school.
4 Suggested Answers
Revision Test 6
1 There are four people in my family.
2 My dad is a vet and my mum is a nurse. 1 1 C 3 C 5 A 7 A 9 B
3 My brother is tall with fair hair and blue 2 A 4 A 6 B 8 C 10 A
eyes. He’s a bit plump.
4 I get up at 7:30. 2 1 A 3 B 5 A 7 A 9 B
5 I go to bed at 10:30. 2 B 4 A 6 C 8 C 10 C

5 • SA: Who is Harry’s dad? 3 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a

SB: Harry’s dad is Greg.
• SA: Who is Laura’s mum? Test 6A
SB: Laura’s mum is Mary. 1 A 3 B 5 C 1 D 2 E 4
• SA: Who is Susan’s father-in-law?
SB: Susan’s father-in-law is Peter. 2 1 D 3 W 5 W 7 W
2 W 4 D 6 D 8 W

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3 1 Where 3 What 5 Why 2 Suggested Answer

2 How 4 When Chimpanzees live in Africa. They grow up to
1.5 metres tall and they often weigh about
4 1 on 3 at 5 at 70 kilos. A chimpanzee has a wide mouth,
2 in 4 in 6 on long arms and brown fur. Chimpanzees live
for up to 40 years. They like to eat fruit and
5 1 My mum often walks our dog in the plants and they can climb trees.
2 She sometimes leaves her cats outside. 3 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B
3 Kangaroos usually live in forests.
4 My parrot always sings in the morning. 4 Suggested Answers
5 Some birds never build nests. 1 I’ve got a pet cat. Her name is Cartoons
because she’s funny, like a cartoon. She’s
6 1 What is it? black and white and has got very big
2 Oh my goodness! paws. She likes to eat fish. Cartoons can
3 I’m afraid of mice. climb trees and can run very fast.
4 No, get it away from me. 2 A popular festival in my country is the
Carnival in Venice. It usually takes place
Test 6B in February every year and lasts for about
1 A 3 B 5 C 1 D 2 E 4 10 days. There are parades with colourful
floats and people in fantastic costumes
2 1 W 3 W 5 D 7 W and masks. There is also lots of music and
2 D 4 W 6 W 8 D dancing.
3 I usually go to the cinema once a week.
3 1 When 3 How 5 What 4 I’m scared of bears because they have got
2 Where 4 Why very sharp claws.
5 My favourite animal is the cat because
4 1 on 3 at 5 on cats are funny and playful.
2 in 4 at 6 on
5 Suggested Answers
5 1 I always feed my dog before school. • SA: Where does the grizzly bear live?
2 Birds usually fly south for the winter. SB: It lives in North America.
3 Elephants never eat meat. • SA: How much does a grizzly bear weigh?
4 Tigers often hunt smaller animals. SB: It weighs about 500 kilos.
5 Flamingos sometimes stand on one leg. • SA: How tall is a grizzly bear?
SB: It’s 3 metres tall when standing.
6 1 What is it? 3 I’m afraid of dogs. • SA: What does a grizzly bear eat?
2 Oh, no! 4 Would you like to hold it? SB: It eats meat and fish.
• SA: How long does a grizzly bear live?
SKILLS TEST 6 SB: It lives for 25 years.
1 1 Giraffes live in Africa.
2 They are about 5 metres tall.
3 They live for about 25 years.
4 A giraffe eats leaves from trees and wild
5 They often sleep less than two hours a

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2 1 windy 3 rainy
2 snowy 4 cloudy
Resource Material
3 1 tie, belt, hat
1 A P R I L O B O R A 2 shorts, jeans, dress, jumper, trousers,
E R U N R N M F R L T-shirt
J B O C T O B E R E 3 boots, sandals, trainers
4 1 go 2 make 3 do 4 play
N O V E M B E R E M 5 1 drives, is taking
E U U B J U L Y M A 2 doesn’t want, is doing
S E P T E M B E R Y 3 cooks, is eating
4 do, am playing
2 1 summer/spring 3 spring/summer
2 winter 4 autumn 6 1 I’m afraid I can’t. 3 They’re £50 each.
2 Yes, but I prefer 4 It’s a little chilly.
3 1 foggy 3 boiling 5 snowing the white one. 5 They’re great!
2 sunny 4 windy
Test 7B
4 1 boots 3 T-shirt 5 dress 1 1 Autumn 6 March
2 coat 4 jumper 2 October 7 May
3 December 8 Summer
5 1 is watching 4 am talking 4 February 9 June
2 Is Mary doing 5 Are the Smiths 5 Spring 10 August
3 aren’t playing working
2 1 sunny 3 rainy
6 1 goes 4 have 2 cloudy 4 snowy
2 don't ride 5 isn't snowing
3 is swimming 3 1 gloves, hat, belt
2 top, shirt, socks, jacket, jeans, skirt
Revision Test 7 3 trainers, boots, sandals
1 1 C 3 A 5 B 7 C 9 B
2 C 4 A 6 A 8 A 10 B 4 1 go 2 make 3 do 4 play

2 1 B 3 A 5 B 7 C 9 B 5 1 send, am writing
2 C 4 A 6 B 8 A 10 A 2 ride, are walking
3 has, is eating
3 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 4 watches, is studying

6 1 Yes, but I prefer 3 That’s a good idea.

Test 7A
the brown one. 4 It’s boiling hot.
1 1 September 6 Spring 2 It’s £20. 5 OK, I’ll take them.
2 November 7 March
3 Winter 8 April
4 January 9 July
5 February 10 August

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1 1 It’s freezing cold.
2 His family (his dad, his mum and Katie). Resource Material
3 They usually go skiing and play in the
1 C O R N R T E C H W
4 She’s making hot chocolate.
5 He’s having lots of fun. B N A C P O T B F G
2 Suggested Answer L E W R I C B G T I
Dear Matthew, P S A R Q E U E P L
Greetings from the Greek island of Crete! I’m T Y P O T A T O E S
here with my family and my cousin Maria and
we’re staying at a great hotel near the sea.
The weather is hot and sunny. We go
swimming and try different water sports every 2 1 b 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c
day. At the moment, my parents are sleeping
and my cousin and I are sunbathing. It’s 3 1 dinner 3 snack 5 dessert
fantastic here! 2 breakfast 4 lunch
See you on Sunday. Bye for now!
Angela 4 1 some 4 any 7 a 10 any
2 a 5 some 8 an
3 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 3 some 6 an 9 some

4 Suggested Answers 5 1 many, many 4 any, a lot of

2 some, a lot of 5 any, much
1 My birthday is on 3rd November.
3 some, any
2 It’s boiling hot today.
3 My favourite season is spring.
6 1 C 3 U 5 C
4 I usually go swimming and play volleyball
2 U 4 U 6 U
on the beach.
5 I’m wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of
7 1 can’t 3 can 5 can’t
red shorts.
2 Can 4 can’t
5 Suggested Answers
Revision Test 8
• In picture A, there is a family of four who
1 1 C 3 B 5 A 7 B 9 C
are camping. The weather is warm and
2 A 4 B 6 C 8 A 10 A
sunny and they are all sitting by the lake.
They are enjoying the sunshine. They are
2 1 A 3 A 5 B 7 A 9 B
wearing summer clothes.
2 C 4 C 6 B 8 C 10 A
• In picture B, there are two young children
with their parents outside their house. It’s
3 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
cold and they’re wearing warm jumpers
and jackets. They’re playing in the snow
Test 8A
and making a snowman.
1 1 chicken 4 garlic 7 beef (meat)
2 oranges 5 pasta 8 yoghurt
3 bread 6 pears

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2 1 carton 3 bowl 5 bag like flowers or a special heart-shaped cake. The

2 slice 4 glass family wears nice clothes and has a special
dinner together. The mother doesn’t cook or do
3 1 A 2 P 3 A 4 P any other chores on Mother’s Day. Everyone
else in the family helps with everything.
4 1 some, C 3 some, U
2 an, C 4 some, U 3 1 8:30 pm/ 3 2 / two
eight thirty pm 4 live band
5 1 any, much 3 many, many 2 Trimble 5 Bond Street
2 any, some 4 any, some
4 Suggested Answers
6 1 Can I help you? 3 Large or small? 1 I usually eat out once or twice a month.
2 Some orange 4 That would be nice. 2 I eat fruit every day.
juice, please. 5 Here you are. 3 I usually have some milk and cereal and a
glass of fruit juice for breakfast.
Test 8B 4 I invite my friends to my house and we
1 1 lettuce 4 cabbage 7 potatoes have a nice party on my birthday.
2 oranges 5 biscuits 8 grapes 5 The Carnival in Venice is a very popular
3 rice 6 carrots celebration in my country.

2 1 piece 3 glass 5 bowl 5 Suggested Answers

2 bottle 4 cup • SA: Have we got any biscuits?
SB: Yes, we have.
3 1 A 2 P 3 A 4 P • SA: Have we got any milk?
SB: No, we haven’t. Can you buy a
4 1 many, C 3 an, C carton, please?
2 some, U 4 some, U • SA: Do we need any cereal?
SB: No, we don’t.
5 1 any, much 3 much, much • SA: Have we got any bread?
2 any, some 4 many, many SB: No, we haven’t. Can you get some,
6 1 What would you 3 Large or small? • SA: Have we got any oranges?
like to eat? 4 Here you are. SB: No, we haven’t. Can you get a kilo,
2 I don't think so. 5 Enjoy your meal. please?
• SA: Have we got any sugar?
SKILLS TEST 8 SB: Yes, we have.
1 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T • SA: Have we got any chicken?
SB: Yes, we have.
2 Suggested Answer • SA: Do we need any eggs?
La Festa della Mamma, or Mother’s Day, SB: Yes, we do. Can you get some, please?
is a special celebration in my country. • SA: Have we got any potatoes?
It takes place every year on the second SB: No, we haven’t. Can you get two kilos,
Sunday of May. On this day, we give thanks to please?
our mothers for all the things that they do in our
lives. Children give their mothers nice presents,

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8 1 The USA.
Further Practice Material
2 More than 500,000.
3 Colourful floats.
1 1 T 3 F 5 F 7 DS
4 Purple, green and orange.
2 T 4 DS 6 DS 8 T
5 Toys and sweets.
6 They dress up as famous people.
2 1 F 3 T 5 DS 7 T
7 Coffee and sugar.
2 T 4 F 6 F 8 DS
8 Jazz.
3 1 F 3 T 5 DS 7 DS
2 F 4 T 6 T 8 T Dialogue completion

4 1 T 3 T 5 DS 7 F 1 1 I want to buy the Superman comic book.

2 DS 4 F 6 T 8 F 2 It’s really big.
3 A cola, please.
5 1 A very famous footballer.
2 Madeira in Portugal. 2 1 Yes, that’s fine.
3 24. 2 It looks really nice on you.
4 Because he has to practise every day with 3 I’m fine, thanks. And you?
his team-mates.
5 Going for long walks in the countryside 3 1 Get it away 2 That’s £2.10.
and listening to music. from me! 3 How much is it?
6 Shakira.
7 One. 4 1 Sure. What is it? 3 Yes, there is.
8 Clothes shops. 2 Where’s that?

6 1 Deeds. 5 1 I’ve got a brother.

2 14. 2 He’s fifteen.
3 In Leeds. 3 He goes to secondary school.
4 History. 4 He plays basketball.
5 They make toys for children who have no
homes. 6 1 I go to secondary school.
6 They give food and clothes to the 2 I learn French and German.
children. 3 Geography is my favourite subject.
7 They make dolls, teddy bears and toy 4 Her name is Mrs Smith.
8 They feel very happy. 7 1 I can swim very well.
2 I go every day in summer.
7 1 In Watford, England. 3 I make sandcastles.
2 175. 4 I wear a hat.
3 No, some go home when they finish their
classes. 8 1 She’s a teacher.
4 About six hours a day. 2 He’s a doctor.
5 No, but many do. 3 He works at St Vincent’s Hospital.
6 Over 150. 4 I want to be a footballer.
7 The children’s/student’s parents.
8 They become famous musicians.

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21 ride
22 dive
23 dance
1 1 Mexico – Mexican
24 climb
2 The USA – American
3 Turkey – Turkish
4 1 True
4 China – Chinese
2 True
5 Russia – Russian
3 True
6 Greece – Greek
4 True
7 Italy – Italian
5 False. There are some curtains in the
8 The UK – British
6 True
2 1 helmet 14 handbag
7 False. The cat is next to the basket.
2 skateboard 15 children
8 False. The dog is under/in front of the tree.
3 Have 16 small
9 False. There is one armchair (and a sofa) in
4 has 17 pencils
the living room.
5 tomatoes 18 scarf
10 False. There is a vase (and two books) on
6 thin 19 Have
the table.
7 Prince Charming 20 (Suggested answers)
8 leaves leg, arm, head, eye
5 1 daughter 9 don’t
9 babies 21 young
2 Bill and Mary’s 10 doesn’t like
10 watch 22 sunglasses
3 secretary 11 go
11 trainers 23 matches
4 plays 12 Does
12 short 24 feet
5 funny 13 Whose
13 digital camera
6 grandma 14 granddad
7 Who’s 15 don’t live
3 1 table tennis
8 David’s 16 dad
2 ski
3 Can
6 1 No 4 No 7 No 10 Yes
4 these/those
2 Yes 5 Yes 8 Yes
5 the
3 Yes 6 Yes 9 No
6 a
7 rugby
7 Suggested Answers (Players A and B)
8 That
9 a Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
10 ice hockey Months: January, February, March, April,
11 baseball May, June, July, August,
12 can September, October, November,
13 cricket December
14 snowboard Weather: rainy, snowy, foggy, hot, cold,
15 spin a ball cloudy, sunny, warm, windy,
16 the freezing
17 an Clothes: coat, suit, dress, jeans, top, T-
18 balance on a ball shirt, socks, skirt, jumper, jacket,
19 (Suggested answer) basketball, cricket, shorts, shirt
baseball, ice hockey
20 fly

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8 1 cabbage 9 (Suggested answer) mineral water,

2 can’t orange juice, tea
3 b 10 can
4 a 11 lettuce
5 corn 12 a
6 (Suggested answer) grapes, pears, 13 Can
strawberries, bananas 14 b
7 b 15 b
8 grapes 16 b

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➣ Exercise 3 ➣ Exercise 3
Amanda: Hello. What’s your name? Suzanne: Hi, Karl. Tell me about your family. What can
Juan: Hi. My name is Juan. Juan Barrio. your mum do? Can she drive?
Amanda: How do you spell your surname? Karl: No, she can’t drive. But she can ride a bike. My
Juan: B – A – double R – I – O. sister Anna can drive.
Amanda: Where are you from, Juan? Suzanne: Can your dad dance?
Juan: I’m from Mexico. Karl: No, he can’t, but he can sing very well.
Amanda: Wow! You’re Mexican, then. Suzanne: Can your brother, Brian, play any sports?
Juan: Yes, I’m from the capital city. Karl: Yes, he’s very good at sports. He can play
Amanda: Mexico City? badminton very well.
Juan: That’s right! Suzanne: Can Meg play sports?
Amanda: How old are you? Karl: No, she can’t. She likes music. She can play the
Juan: I’m twelve years old. guitar very well.
Amanda: What are your favourite school subjects? Suzanne: Great! And what about your little brother,
Juan: My favourite subjects are Maths and Science. Stewart? What can he do?
Amanda: What’s your favourite sport? Karl: He’s only 3 years old, but he can run fast!
Juan: My favourite sport is football.
Amanda: That’s great! What’s your favourite colour? SKILLS TEST 4
Juan: My favourite colour is orange.
Amanda: Bye. ➣ Exercise 3
Juan: See you! Hello, this is the Royal Pavilion information line.
SKILLS TEST 2 The Royal Pavilion is a great place for all the family. Our
address is 5, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton. We are open
➣ Exercise 4
Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 5:15 pm. You can
Teacher: OK, everyone let’s talk about hobbies. Peter, buy tickets inside the hall. Tickets for adults are £8.30 and
have you got a hobby? for children they are £5.00. The Royal Pavilion is an old
Peter: Yes, Miss. I like collecting. and very unusual building. It doesn’t look British, it looks
Teacher: Collecting? What do you like collecting? like a building in India. Inside there are rooms with
Peter: I’ve got a collection of gloves. Chinese furniture, old carpets and beautiful paintings.
Teacher: Gloves? That’s interesting! And don’t forget to visit our gift shop before you leave
Sam: I’ve got a collection, too, Miss. where you can buy some beautiful souvenirs. Come and
Teacher: Yes, Sam? see a great landmark!
Sam: I like watches so I’ve got a big collection of
Teacher: How about you Sue? I know you like video
games. Have you got a collection of video games? ➣ Exercise 3
Sue: No, Miss. Judy has got a collection of video
0 Where is Anna from?
games. I’ve got a collection of dolls. I’ve got one here
A: Hello. My name is George. I’m from the USA.
today, look!
What about you?
Teacher: She’s very pretty. How about you, William?
B: My name is Anna. I’m British.
Have you got a collection?
A: So, do you come from England?
William: Yes, Miss. I like basketball. I’ve got a big
B: No, I come from Scotland.
collection of basketballs.
Larry: That’s cool! 1 What is Mrs Smith’s job?
Teacher: Yes, you’re right, Larry. But how about you? A: Hello, Mrs Smith, I’m your daughter’s teacher,
Larry: Well, I’ve got a collection of skateboards. I can George Allen.
... B: It’s nice to meet you, Mr Allen. My daughter
likes your classes very much.

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A: So, what do you do, Mrs Smith? Mary: When is it?

B: Well, I look after sick people in the hospital. Bill: Well, it starts on Friday, but Spot competes at the
A: So, you’re a doctor? weekend, so we can go then.
B: No, I’m a nurse. Mary: I’m busy on Saturday, but I can come on
2 What does Mary’s dad look like?
Bill: Great! After Spot competes we can walk around
A: What does your dad look like, Mary?
and look at the other dogs. I always play with some of
B: Well, he is tall and he has got fair hair.
them and take photographs of the funny-looking
A: Is he plump?
ones! Also, there is a pet shop we can visit.
B: No, he is very thin.
Mary: Great! I want to go to the pet shop and buy a
3 What sport does Peter play at the weekends? toy for my cat! So, what’s the admission?
A: Do you play any sports? Bill: Well, it’s £25 for us because Spot is competing.
B: Yes. I play basketball on Wednesday and I have For people who come to watch it’s £5 for adults and
tennis practice on Thursday. £4 for children. My dad comes every year.
A: What about at the weekend? Mary: Sounds good! See you then.
B: My friends and I play football every Saturday and Bill: OK.
4 Who is Michael? SKILLS TEST 7
A: Who are these people in this picture, Doug?
B: That’s my sister, Sarah, and her husband, David, ➣ Exercise 3
with my grandfather, Bill. 0 What does Tony eat for lunch?
A: And who is the young boy? A: Hi, Tony. Do you eat breakfast every day?
B: Oh, that’s their son Michael. B: Yes. I always eat some bread with jam in the
A: Ah! So you are an uncle! mornings.
5 What time does Laura get up in the morning? A: And what do you eat for lunch? A salad?
A: What time do you go to school, Laura? B: No. I eat salads for dinner in the evenings. For
B: I take the bus outside my house at eight thirty lunch I prefer to eat fish and chips.
every morning. 1 What is the weather like?
A: So, do you get up at eight? A: What’s the weather like today, Laura? Do I need
B: No, I usually get up earlier, at seven o’clock. an umbrella?
B: No. It’s not raining and there are no clouds in
SKILLS TEST 6 the sky.
A: So, is it sunny then?
➣ Exercise 3 B: No. It’s a little chilly, so wear your coat.
Bill: Mary, look at this article in the school newspaper. 2 What do the boys decide to do?
It’s about the Dog Show. A: Hi, Jim. Shall we play computer games at my
Mary: What’s the Dog Show? Is it a programme on house today? I have a new basketball game.
TV? B: Well, the weather is lovely today, so let’s do
Bill: No, it’s a festival. Dogs compete in races and perform something outside instead.
tricks to win prizes. I bring my dog, Spot, every year. A: OK, you’re right. Let’s go swimming at the
Mary: Is it only for dogs from our town? beach then.
Bill: No, it’s a national festival. The winner goes to the
World Dog Show in America. Do you want to come? 3 Which colour dress does she like best?
Mary: Bill, I have a cat. Not a dog! A: Excuse me, how much do these dresses cost?
Bill: I know, but people bring many different types of pets B: The purple one is €50 and the red one you’re
to the show. Is your cat afraid of dogs or big crowds? wearing is €70.
Mary: No, she’s not, but she is terrified of you! She A: I prefer the red one, but it’s very expensive.
runs under my bed when you come to my house. B: But it looks really nice on you, especially with
Bill: Don’t be silly. Anyway, I want you to help me take your black shoes. Look in the mirror.
care of Spot at the show. A: Yes. It’s perfect.

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4 Which is Ann’s favourite season? Receptionist: We have a table available at 8 pm

A: Which is your favourite season, Bob? tomorrow.
B: I love summer. What about you, Ann? Patrick: Hmm. I finish work at seven thirty and I need
A: I don’t really like hot weather, so I prefer some time to get ready. Is eight thirty OK?
autumn and winter. Receptionist: That’s no problem, sir. So, Monday
B: But which is your favourite? evening at half past eight. And your name, please?
A: Hmm. I like autumn best. Winter is sometimes Patrick: My name is Patrick Trimble.
too cold. Receptionist: Can you spell that?
5 Which is Paul’s school uniform? Patrick: Sure, it’s T-R-I-M-B-L-E.
A: Hi, Paul. Do you have to wear a uniform at your Receptionist: OK. Thank you. Now, how many people
school? do you want your table for?
B: Yes, we have to wear black trousers and a striped Patrick: Only for my wife and me. We are celebrating
shirt. my wife’s birthday.
A: And a tie, too? Receptionist: OK, sir. Is there anything else?
B: No, not a tie. Patrick: Yes. Is there any entertainment at the
Receptionist: Yes, there is. We have a live band every
➣ Exercise 3 Patrick: That sounds great. And where is the restaurant
Receptionist: Hello. The Fat Lobster Restaurant. Can I
Receptionist: We are in 45 Bond Street.
help you?
Patrick: OK. See you tomorrow evening, then.
Patrick: Yes. I want to book a table for this evening,
Receptionist: Goodbye.
Receptionist: I’m sorry sir, but there are no tables
available this evening. We are very busy on Sundays.
Patrick: What about tomorrow evening then?

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