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International Journal of Energy Research

Volume 2023, Article ID 8193592, 15 pages

Research Article
TCSC Application for Transient Stabilization of Wind
Turbine with Fixed Speed Induction Generator

Hossein Sobhani ,1 Mohammad Rasol Jannesar ,1 Saeed Hasanvand ,2

and Amir Khaledian 1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Tehran, Iran
Department of Electrical Engineering, Firouzabad Institute of Higher Education, Firouzabad, Fars, Iran

Correspondence should be addressed to Hossein Sobhani;

Received 9 October 2022; Revised 7 April 2023; Accepted 2 May 2023; Published 24 May 2023

Academic Editor: Yogendra Arya

Copyright © 2023 Hossein Sobhani et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Wind turbines (WTs) are a desirable alternative to traditional nonrenewable power resources as a result of recent environmental
concerns. Some of them are fixed speed wind generator (FSWG) and have been integrated to power system by squirrel cage
induction generator (SCIG). Induction machine absorbs reactive power during all operating conditions, especially at fault
condition may result in severe voltage drop which can lead to generator outage. This outage disconnects a significant amount
of active power and consequently leads to frequency instability. In order to prevent induction generator (IG) outages in short
circuit failures, this paper investigates thyristor-controlled series capacitor (TCSC) device as a candidate solution. TCSC
compensates the IG terminal voltage drop by adjusting transmission line impedance at fault condition. In the proposed
method, a metaheuristic technique means that shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) has been utilized to optimize the TCSC
controller gains. The proposed scheme can be applied for both SCIGs and wound rotor induction generators (WRIGs) which
is another advantage of this method. Single-machine infinite bus system is considered as case study, and various operating
conditions and disturbances have been considered to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

1. Introduction sient stability of synchronous machines [3]. SCIGs absorb reac-

tive power during normal and fault operating condition that
1.1. Background. Renewable energy resources are environmen- may result in voltage collapse and rotor speed instability [4].
tally beneficial and cost-effective power resources, and their If there is no stabilization solution, this event may lead to gen-
penetration level is notably increased in power systems in erator outage, and consequently, a significant amount of active
recent years. In the past decade, wind energy has grown rapidly power may be lost [5]. So, it is important to analyze the tran-
among these resources [1]. Most WTs are connected to power sient stability of SCIGs.
grid using IGs. There are two primary forms of IG that are reg-
ularly utilized. Wound rotor induction generator is connected 1.2. Literature Review. There are many researches related to the
to power grid by electronic converter and is known as a doubly stabilization of FSWG as an interesting topic. It is reported in
fed induction generator (DFIG). This type of IG usually has literatures that static synchronous compensator [6–8] can sta-
variable speed and includes an external mechanism to control bilize the FSWG. Braking resistor has been proposed as
electrical characteristics via rotor circuit [2]. SCIG is another another method for transient stability improvement of syn-
form which is directly connected to the power grid and known chronous generators for a long time [9, 10]. According to
as fixed speed WT. Over the former years, due to simplicity and [11, 12], braking resistor can be recognized as a candidate for
inexpensiveness, SCIGs were installed in large proportions in wind generator stabilization as well. Generally, wind turbine
power grids, but they have stability problems such as the tran- blades are equipped with a pitch angle controller. Although
2 International Journal of Energy Research

the primary purpose of this controller is to keep output power in d − q reference frame system is shown in equations
of WTs at the rated level, it can also improve the transient sta- (1)–(12):
bility of the IG by verifying the rotor speed in emergency con- Stator voltage equations:
dition [13, 14]. Superconducting magnetic energy storage is an
alternative solution for WT stabilization problem. It consists of dλqs
V qs = Rs iqs + ωλds + , ð1Þ
large superconducting coil which can save electric energy in dt
the magnetic field. The real and reactive power can be supplied
or absorbed by the coil related to grid necessities [15–17]. dλds
V ds = Rs ids − ωλqs + : ð2Þ
Smart loads are another choice for improving the fault-ride- dt
through capability of FSWGs in microgrids which is reported
recently [18]. Rotor voltage equations:

1.3. Research Gap, Challenges, and Motivation. The afore- ′

′ = Rr′iqr
V qr ′ + sωλ′dr + = 0, ð3Þ
mentioned solutions of transient stability for FSWGs implies dt
the importance of this issue. TCSC as a series flexible AC
transmission system (FACTS) device is able to change trans- dλ′dr ð4Þ
mission line impedance rapidly and continually [19, 20]. It V ′dr = Rr′i′dr − sωλqr
′ + = 0:
can control the power flow of transmission lines and
improve the transient stability of the power system during Electromechanical equation:
the large disturbances such as short circuit faults [21]. The
application of TCSC to improve voltage stability [22], tran- dωm 1
= ðT − T m Þ: ð5Þ
sient stability [19, 23], and small signal stability [24, 25] of dt 2H e
power systems including synchronous generators has been
previously reported. This paper proposes an application of Electromagnetic torque:
TCSC for power system transient stability including IGs.
This paper is aimed at filling this gap and provides a well- T e = λds iqs − λqs ids : ð6Þ
documented dynamic modeling of WTs and fixed speed
IGs for transient stability study. The method comprises Stator flow equations:
TCSC designing, controller tunning, and stability analyzing.
′ ,
λqs = Ls iqs + Lm iqr ð7Þ
1.4. Contribution. Different control strategies have been used
for FACTS devices. PID control [26], fuzzy logic control [20,
24], lead-lag control [23], and neural network-based control λds = Ls ids + Lm i′dr : ð8Þ
[27] have been studied in the literature. Despite modern con- Rotor flow equations:
trol methods, the classical PID controller is mostly used in
industrial applications as a simple, reliable, and low-priced ′ = Lr′iqr
λqr ′ + Lm iqs , ð9Þ
controller [26]. The most important issue in this controller is
related to the complexity of tuning its gains [28]. In this study,
a method to tune controller gains in an optimal way is pro- ′ = Lr′idr
λdr ′ + Lm ids : ð10Þ
posed. In this regard, a metaheuristic technique, shuffled frog By referring all the values to the stator in these equa-
leaping algorithm, is used to optimize the controller gains of tions, we will have
TCSC integrated to power system with WT. The proposed
scheme can be applied for both SCIGs and WRIGs. Ls = Lls + Lm , ð11Þ
1.5. Paper Organization. The rest of the paper is organized as
follows. The dynamic modeling of WTs and IGs and dynamic Lr′ = Llr′ + Lm : ð12Þ
response of them at fault condition are presented in Section 2.
The controller scheme is introduced in Section 3. The SFLA In these equations, Rs and Rr′ are the stator and rotor
formulation and application for the problem are explained in resistors, Ls and Lr′ are the stator and rotor inductance, Lls
Section 4. Time-domain simulations of the proposed control- and Llr′ are the stator and rotor leakage inductance, Lm is
ler are presented in Section 5, and the results for two scenarios the magnetizing inductance, ids and V ds are the current
show that SCIGs can ride through the fault without discon- and voltage of d -component of the stator, iqs and V qs are
necting from network by well-organized use of TCSC. The the current and voltage of q -component of the stator, i′dr
paper finally concludes in the last section. and V ′dr are the current and voltage of the d-component of
′ and V qr
rotor, iqr ′ are the current and voltage of q-compo-
2. System Model
nent of rotor, ω is the stator field speed, ωm is the rotor
2.1. Dynamic Model of Induction Machine. The 5-order mechanical speed, s is the slip, T e is the electromagnetic tor-
dynamic model of the three-phase induction machine is que, T m is the mechanical load torque, and H is the inertia
known as the Park model [29]. The Park model expression constant which all are expressed in per unit.
International Journal of Energy Research 3

Blades Slow shaft

Wind measuring system
Main bearing
Oil Cover
Hub Nacelle

Rotor Driving
of orientation Panel control
Levels of
orientation system Main frame

Figure 1: Main components of WT.

𝜔meas 10° S 𝛽max

2.2. Dynamic Model and Characteristics of WT. The details KI 1 β
+ KP +
of the WT in this paper are based on the model presented – S 1+TdS
in [30]. Figure 1 shows the main components of the rotating PI controller Rate limiter Limiter
part including the blades, hubs, low speed shaft, high speed
shaft, gearbox, and generator rotor. The dynamics of this Figure 2: Pitch controller.
model can be presented as the following equations:

dωB generator stiffness coefficients. Moreover, RG is the gearbox

JB = T m − DB ωB − DBH ðωB − ωH Þ − K BH ðθB − θH Þ, ratio unit, ω is the angular speed, and p is the number of
ð13Þ generator poles. All parameters are expressed in per unit.
The mechanical torque T m is equal to wind aerodynamic
dωH torque which is calculated from
JH = −DH ωH − DBH ðωH − ωB Þ − DHG ðωH − ωG Þ
dt 0:5ρπR2 V 3w C P ðλ, βÞ
− K BH ðθH − θB Þ − K HG ðθH − θG Þ, Tm = , ð18Þ
where ρ is the air density, R is the radius of the blades, V w is
dω D K the wind speed, and C P ðλ, βÞ is the power factor of the tur-
J G m = −T e − DG ωm − HG ðωG − ωH Þ − HG ðθG − θH Þ,
dt RG RG bine. λ is the ratio of the wind speed to the angular speed of
ð15Þ the blades calculated from equation λ = V w /ωb . β represents
the blade rotation angle. There is a pitch angle control sys-
ωm = RG ωG , ð16Þ tem in WTs to maintain the output power in the generator
p terminal in constant acceptable range using the angle of
ω= ω : ð17Þ the turbine blades when the wind speed changes around
2 m
the rated speed [31]. Although the main purpose of pitch
In these equations, J G , J H , and J B are the inertia moment angle controller is to regulate output power when the wind
of the generator, hub, and blades in which J G = 2H. More- speed is over the rated value, it can enhance the transient
over, ωB , ωH , and ωG are the mechanical speed of the blades, stability of wind generator by controlling the rotor speed.
hub, and gears. θB , θH , and θG are the mechanical angle of The pitch control system used in this work for controlling
the blades, hub, and generator. DB , DH , and DG are self- the rotor speed is shown in Figure 2.
damping coefficients of the blades, hub, and generator. Figure 3 shows the CP − λ curve for different values of β
DBH and DGH are damping coefficients between blade-hub which is referred to the WT characteristic curve [32]. This
and hub-generator. K BH and K GH are blade-hub and hub- curve is calculated by the following nonlinear:
4 International Journal of Energy Research


𝛽 = 2°

𝛽 = 6°

𝛽 = 11°
𝛽 = 17°

0.1 𝛽 = 27°

0 5 10 15 20

Figure 3: Typical WT power factor characteristic.

Tr. Line-1

Tr Tr. Line-2
IG Infinite bus

Figure 4: Single-line diagram of the case study system.

c2 where V s is the stator terminal voltage, xls is the stator leak-
C P ðλÞ = c1 − c3 β − c4 e−c5 λi + c6 λ,
λi age reactance, xlr′ is the rotor leakage reactance referred to
ð19Þ the stator, and xm is the magnetizing reactance. These equa-
λi = À À 3 ÁÁ : tions show the dependency of the active and reactive powers
ð ð
1/ λ + c β
7 ÞÞ − c8 / β + 1 of SCIG on terminal voltage and slip.
The output active power and reactive power vs. slip char-
2.3. Analysis of IG during Fault Condition. Figure 4 illus- acteristics for a typical IG that show the steady-state behavior
trates the FSWG as a single machine connected to infinite of the generator are shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
power bus by two power lines. One line is equipped with a According to Figure 5, the slip value is about -0.01 dur-
three-phase TCSC, and the other one is candidate for fault ing the normal operation of IG based on the prefault curve.
condition. When a fault occurs, the terminal voltage of the generator,
Considering the steady-state equivalent circuit of induc- V s , drops sharply, and according to equation (20), the out-
tion machine, the output active and reactive powers of the put active power of the IG (Pe ) will be decreased. In this
IG are calculated based on the following equations [33]: regard, the postfault active power-slip curve is followed in
Figure 5. In this situation, as Pe is lower than mechanical
h  i input power (Pm ), the rotor speed will be increased continu-
V 2s ðð1 − sÞ/sÞRr′ − Rs + Rr′ ously, and the absolute value of slip will be increased conse-
Pe = h  i2  2 , quently. If the ultimate rotor speed of the generator after the
ðð1 − sÞ/sÞRr′ + Rs + Rr′ + xls + xlr′
fault exceeds the critical speed, the IG will lose its stability
V 2s   V 2s [34]. Therefore, to prevent the generator from tripping, it
Qe = − − xls + xlr′ h  i2  2 , is necessary to make a condition in which the generator
ðð1 − sÞ/sÞRr′ + Rs + Rr′ + xls + xlr′ tracks the postfault curve as soon as possible. Accordingly,
ωsyn − ωm × p/2 increasing the terminal voltage of the generator helps to
s= , achieve this goal. Consequently, the stability of the IG in
permanent fault conditions depends on the recovering time
ð20Þ of terminal voltage as well as the critical speed after fault.
International Journal of Energy Research 5


Active power (p.u.)





0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 –0.05 –0.1 –0.15 –0.2
Pre-fault Pe Fault Pe
Post-fault Pe Input Pm

Figure 5: Output active power vs. slip characteristic for IG.


Reactive power (p.u.)






0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2

Pre-fault Qe
Post-fault Qe
Fault Qe

Figure 6: Output reactive power vs. slip characteristic for IG.

If this time is less than a specific value, the IG rotor speed when the absolute value of slip is increased, the amount of
does not exceed the critical speed and its stability will be absorbed reactive power is also increased. When a fault occurs,
guaranteed. On the other hand, increasing the critical speed the terminal voltage of the generator, V s , drops sharply, but the
range of the postfault curve will result in increasing stability, speed does not immediately change because of the rotor inertia.
and thus, the IG will ride through the fault. Therefore, in the fault condition, the amount of reactive power
Output reactive power vs. slip characteristic shown in absorbed by the generator decreases initially, but with the
Figure 6 confirms that the IG absorbs reactive power in both increase in the absolute value of the slip, the amount of
generator and motor modes. For each curve, it is obvious that absorbed reactive power increases, and it may exceed its
6 International Journal of Energy Research


T1 C

Varies from XL to infinity

Figure 7: TCSC electrical model.

Table 1: Operational modes of TCSC for X L < X C .

Zone Range of fire angle

Inductive 0 ≤ α ≤ αL,lim
Resonance αL,lim ≤ α ≤ αC,lim Figure 9: TCSC fire angle controller.
Capacitive αC,lim ≤ α ≤ 90 °
X L ðαÞ which can be calculated as follows:
X C X L ðα Þ
X TCSC ðαÞ = ,
X L ðα Þ − X C
Capacitive region ð22Þ
𝛼Clim to 90 1 1
XC = = ,
ωC 2πf C
Firing angle

0° 90° where α is the delay angle between the peak current of the
Resonance region

capacitor and its voltage or the delay angle by zero-

Inductive region crossing line current [35].
0 to 𝛼Llim By varying the X L ðαÞ from its maximum value (∞) to its
minimum value (X L ), X TCSC ðαÞ will change from X C to X C
X L /ðX L − X C Þ. To have both capacitive and inductive opera-
XC tions, X L should be selected smaller than X C . Table 1 shows
the reactance behavior of TCSC by varying firing angle on
Figure 8: Characteristics of TCSC for X L < X C [35].
this basis.
previous value in the prefault condition. This will lead to a Based on the above description, X TCSC ðαÞ variation vs. α
worse voltage drop at the generator terminal, and as a result, is shown in Figure 8.
the instability of the rotor speed will be aggravated. The appropriate values for the inductor and capacitor in
TCSC are selected based on the equivalent reactance of the
2.4. TCSC Model and Parameter Design. TCSC consists of a transmission line. In this regard, the series compensating
fixed capacitor paralleled by thyristor-controlled reactor in degree of transmission line is described as follows:
order to provide a variable reactance. The electrical model
of TCSC is shown in Figure 7.
The thyristor-controlled reactor is a variable reactor with X TCSC ðαÞ
K= , 0 ≤ K ≤ 1, ð23Þ
respect to its firing angle (α) which is represented by X L ðαÞ. X TL
This reactance has continuous changes which could be
shown in
where K is the degree of compensation and X TL is the equiv-
alent reactance of the transmission line. To avoid resonance
X L ðαÞ = X L , phenomenon, K = 1 should not be selected. In practical
π − 2α − sin α applications, the maximum degree of compensation must
X L ≤ X L ðαÞ ≤ ∞, ð21Þ not exceed 70%. The other assumption is that in the capac-
itive region, the maximum value of X TCSC ðαÞ for αmax = 90
X L = ωL = 2πf L:
must not exceed 4X C . Moreover, X L of TCSC is chosen such
that the ratio X L /X C be in the range between 0.1 and 0.3 to
The equivalent impedance of the TCSC includes X C and have both capacitive and inductive operation modes [36, 37].
International Journal of Energy Research 7


Number of groups (m)
Number of Iterations (Itr)
Generate population (P) randomly
Evaluate the fitness of (P)

Sorting and Division

Sorted population Memeplexes Sort (P) in descending order
Divide sorted (P) into m groups
Member 1 Group 1
Member 2
Local search
Member m Replace the worst member of each group
Evaluate the fitness of new member
Member m+1
Member m+2
Group 2
Member 2 m Mix member of all groups into one group

Convergence No
criteria satisfied?

Member (n-1).m+1 Yes

Member (n-1).m+2 Group m
Determine the best solution

Member n.m

(a) (b)

Figure 10: (a) Division step in SFLA. (b) Flowchart of SFLA.

Table 2: Parameters of grid.

Transformers Distribution feeder Substation

Rated power = 3MVA
Trans:ratio = 0:69/33 kV Rl = 3:54Ω V Sub = 33 kV (1 p.u.)
Leq = 0:1 p.u. Ll = 0:03858 H Short circuit level = 600 MVA
Req = 0:016 p.u.

3. Proposed Control Scheme This controller can also be activated if there are tran-
sients corresponding to rotor relative speed. It should not
3.1. Structure. Figure 9 depicts the controller structure used affect original slow control function in which TCSC acts as
for TCSC to have the appropriate firing angle. Since the a line power flow management. The output of the proposed
capacitive operating mode is considered in this paper, the controller has to be slowly bypassed in steady state by a
PID controller is configured to provide the appropriate washout filter with zero static gain.
response in the entire capacitance zone. The linearization
block is a lookup table that matches the input reactance
values to the corresponding proper firing angle. The firing 3.2. Optimum Design. After a disturbance, the TCSC controller
angle should not exceed its maximum value in αmax = 90 must be able to limit and stabilize the transient of the rotor’s
and minimum value in αC,min . Therefore, a limiter is used speed, . In other words, the swings reflected in the speed devi-
to restrict the linearization block output. Finally, for each ations must be damped and settled down as soon as possible. It
phase, the firing angle is compared with the line current means that the settling time and overshoot of Δω must be
using a comparator, which results in a square pulse at the minimized. In this regard, an optimization problem given in
comparator output that can be applied to each thyristor. (24) must be solved.
8 International Journal of Energy Research

min f f ðX Þg Table 3: Parameters of IG and WT.

f ðX Þ = w1 × max Δω2 + w2 × Δω2 :dt Rated power = 1:67 MVA
 à Rated voltage = 0:69 kV
X = K p, K i, K d
ð24Þ RS = 0:004843 p.u.
subject to : LS = 0:1248 p.u.
R = 44 m
K p,min ≤ K p ≤ K p,max RR′ = 0:004377 p.u. ρ = 0:979 p.u.
LR′ = 0:1791 p.u. V w = 11 m/s
K i,min ≤ K i ≤ K i,max RG = 55
LM = 6:77 p.u.
K d,min ≤ K d ≤ K d,max : H = 1:8 s
Friction factor = 0:01 p.u.
In (24), f ðXÞ is the objective function as well as w1 and w2 Pairs of poles ðpÞ = 3
are the weighing factors. The first part of f ðxÞ relates to the
overshoot, and the second part relates to the settling time. Var-
iables that must be optimized are PID gains, i.e., K p , K i , and D = rand ðSÞ ∗ ðX b − X w Þ,
K d . The problem constraints are the limitations of TCSC con- X w,new = X w + D,
troller gains. ð26Þ
To calculate the objective function, the time-domain X w,new = min ðX max , X w,new Þ,
simulation of the studied power system is carried out. The X w,new = max ðX min , X w,new Þ,
major problem is to find the optimal set of K p , K i , and K d .

4. Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm where rand ðSÞ is a random s-dimensional number each in
the range [0, 1]. If the fitness of X w,new is better than the fit-
Eusuff et al. developed SFLA to solve optimization problems ness of X w , the worst member is replaced by the new one.
[38]. This algorithm is a metaheuristic population-based Otherwise, X b is replaced by X g in equation (26), and the
solution to seek the global optimal answer. In SFLA, frogs process is repeated. If no improvement becomes possible in
as solution candidate members are divided in several groups these two cases, the worst member is replaced by a new ran-
and improve their positions by communicating information dom one and its fitness is evaluated. The local search is done
with each other and shuffling to other groups. for all worst members in all groups [39]
The SFLA steps are as follows:
(iv) Shuffling: after local search step, all P members in all
(i) Initialization: random initial population of P solution groups are mixed into one group. The algorithm is
possible members is generated. Each one has S returned to sorting and division step. This process
dimension based on the number of decision variables is repeated until termination criterion such as fin-
ishing specific number of iterations or reaching rel-
  ative tolerance of global best fitness less than a
X j = x1j , x2j , ⋯, xSj , ð1 ≤ j ≤ P Þ: ð25Þ predefined value. Figure 10(b) demonstrates the
SFLA flowchart

5. Simulation Results and Discussion

(ii) Sorting and division: the members are sorted in The case study is shown in Figure 4. The grid components
descending order according to their finesses. These are modeled in three phases, and the distribution feeders
sorted members are divided into m groups known are modeled as resistive-inductive (RL) series impedances.
as memeplexes; each has n members such that P = The output power is delivered to a 33 kV bus at 50 Hz
m × n. The division is done in such a way that the first through two parallel feeders and a transformer. The param-
sorted member goes to the first group, the second one eters of the system have been listed in Tables 2 and 3.
goes to the second group, the m-th one goes to the m The system also comprises a WT coupled to a 3 MVA
-th group, the ðm + 1Þ-th one goes back to the first SCIG.
group, etc. Figure 10(a) demonstrates this process. To show the effectiveness and validation of the proposed
The members with the best and worst fitness for each method, the following cases are considered.
group are identified as X b and X w , respectively. More-
over, the first sorted member with the global best fit- 5.1. Scenario 1. In this scenario, it is supposed that a three-
ness is identified as X g phase fault to ground is occurred in the middle point of
transmission line at t = 0:2 s and cleared by circuit breaker
(iii) Local search: the worst member in each group is after 200 ms as depicted in Figure 4. Although the speed of
propelled toward X b or X g as follows: wind is a stochastic variable, during the short time interval
International Journal of Energy Research 9







0 20 40 60 80 100
No. of iterations

Figure 11: Convergence plot for SFLA.



Rotor speed (p.u.)






0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)
Without control
Conventional scheme
Proposed scheme

Figure 12: Rotor speed of the IG.

Table 4: Comparison of maximum rotor speed and settling time.

Without control Conventional scheme Proposed scheme

Maximum speed (p.u.) Unstable 1.0368 1.0330
Settling time (S) Unstable 2.6890 1.3383
10 International Journal of Energy Research




Output active power (p.u.)







0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)
Without control
Conventional scheme
Proposed scheme

Figure 13: Output active power of the IG.



Output reactive power (p.u.)








0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)
Without control
Conventional scheme
Proposed scheme

Figure 14: Output reactive power of the IG.

of the transient stability analysis, the change of the wind for fault ride through of WTs. In this regard, the time constant,
speed can be ignored, so in this study, the wind speed is T d , of the pitch control system depicted in Figure 2 is consid-
assumed to be constant. ered 1.0 second. Moreover, the parameters of the PI controller,
This scenario consists of three cases as follows: K p and K i , are considered 98 and 3, respectively, by trial and
Case 1. Without control.
Case 3 (proposed scheme (TCSC with optimal control)). In
Case 2 (conventional scheme (pitch angle control)). Pitch this case, based on the discussion in Section 2.4, the maximum
angle control system is considered as conventional solution degree of line compensation by TCSC is assumed to be 70%. In
International Journal of Energy Research 11




Terminal voltage (p.u.)







0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)
Without control
Conventional scheme
Proposed scheme

Figure 15: Terminal voltage of the IG.

Table 5: Comparison of terminal minimum voltage and settling time.

Without control Conventional scheme Proposed scheme

Minimum voltage (p.u.) Unstable 0.2460 0.3675
Settling time (S) Unstable 2.4615 1.3325


Electromagnetic torque (p.u.)





0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)
Without control
Conventional scheme
Proposed scheme

Figure 16: Electromagnetic torque of the IG.

12 International Journal of Energy Research

Fundamental (50 Hz) = 387.6, THD = 2.83%

Mag (% of fundamental) 1.6
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 17: Harmonic components and THD of voltage in generator terminal.

Table 6: Comparison of proposed and conventional schemes in facing different situations.

The ratio of the fault distance from the IG terminal to the length of the transmission line (%)
Clearance time (ms) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
180 — — — — T TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP —
185 — — — — — T TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP —
190 — — — — — T TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP T —
195 — — — — — — T T TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP — —
200 — — — — — — — T TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP T — —
205 — — — — — — — — T T TP TP TP TP TP T — — —
210 — — — — — — — — T T T TP TP TP T — — — —
215 — — — — — — — — — — T T T T — — — — —
220 — — — — — — — — — — — T T — — — — — —
225 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
TP: both TCSC and pitch angle solutions can ride through the IG from fault; T: only TCSC solution can ride through the IG from fault; P: only pitch angle
solution can ride through the IG from fault.

this regard, TCSC capacitor and inductor values in each phase 5.1.1. Rotor Speed Evaluation. The rotor speed of IG for all
are obtained 1554 μF and 1.32 mH, respectively. cases is shown in Figure 12. As can be seen, in without con-
trol case, the rotor speed continually increases and fault
The SFLA is used to minimize the objective function clearance by breaker cannot make the IG stable. In conven-
introduced in Section 3.2. The initial parameters of the SFLA tional and proposed schemes, rotor speed is recovered.
are as follows: However, the maximum speed and settling time of the pro-
Population size: 100 members posed scheme are better as detailed in Table 4.
Number of iterations: 100
Number of groups: 20 5.1.2. Active and Reactive Power Evaluation. The active and
As a result, the optimum PID controller gains, K p , K i , reactive powers of IG are depicted in Figures 13 and 14,
and K d , are obtained as 0.43, 0.08, and 0.09, respectively. respectively. When there is no control scheme, after fault
The convergence plot of the SFLA is shown in Figure 11. occurrence, generated active power of the IG converges to
International Journal of Energy Research 13

zero. In conventional and proposed schemes, the IG continues 6. Conclusion

to inject active power into the grid, but the steady state in pro-
posed method is achieved faster than conventional scheme. In this paper, a new control method for thyristor-controlled
As can be seen in Figure 14, the IG absorbs reactive series capacitor was proposed to enhance fault ride through
power from grid in all cases, but in conventional and pro- of wind turbines equipped with the FSIG. The dynamic
posed schemes, the absolute value of absorbed reactive behavior of IG and WT was introduced to study the stability
power is recovered and converged around the previous fault of power system. Furthermore, the TCSC modelling and
condition. integration for fault ride through of IG were investigated.
In order to obtain the optimal PID controller gains of TCSC,
5.1.3. Terminal Voltage Evaluation. The response of IG ter- shuffled frog leaping algorithm was utilized. For comprehen-
minal voltage is illustrated in Figure 15. When there is no sive study, the clearance time and fault location were consid-
control scheme, the voltage drops to almost 0.8 p.u. after ered as variable parameters to study different conditions.
fault occurrence. This voltage drop occurs because of signif- Simulation results show that proposed method can stabilize
icant amount of absorbed reactive power. The voltage drop the IG rotor speed in more conditions in comparison con-
in both the conventional and proposed schemes is lower in ventional method. In the other words, marginal clearance
comparison to no-control scheme. Moreover, the proposed time was improved in the proposed scheme. In fact, adjust-
scheme's settling time is better than the conventional ing transmission line impedance with TCSC results in IG
scheme. The results are presented in detailed in Table 5. voltage compensation and more possible restoration to nor-
mal operating mode after fault occurrence. For future work,
5.1.4. Electromagnetic Torque Evaluation. The electromag- it is needed to apply the TCSC to the larger power networks,
netic torque of IG is displayed in Figure 16. When there is including more fixed speed wind generators. Also, more
no control scheme, the torque almost converges to zero. In research is necessary to study the effect of the TCSC on var-
conventional and proposed schemes, the induction machine iable speed wind generator. Moreover, the effect of the shunt
recovers its normal operation. However, the response of the FACTS devices for stabilizing the fixed and variable speed
proposed scheme is better in which the torque converges to wind generators can be investigated as future work.
the steady-state value with less fluctuations.
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to power system, it is acceptable if the generated harmonic is There is no data supporting this study.
less than the standard. The generator terminal bus is taken
under study to evaluate the effect of harmonic on the IG Conflicts of Interest
operation because it is close to the wind turbine. Figure 17
shows the harmonic component and total harmonic distor- The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
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