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Inuit Throat Singing

The Inuit word for throat singing is katajjaq.

Throat singing has been around for thousands of years. Some even say it is one of
the world’s oldest forms of music. When first heard, the singing is very different
from what most people are used to - but it is a highly skilled form of singing and
chanting that comes from the reverberation of the throat.

Throat singing is important to Inuit culture and due to colonisation and the
attempted genocide of Indigenous peoples, the art of throat singing was almost lost
and was even banned from Canada. However, in recent years many Inuit people are
reclaiming this art and singing once more. Some are even mixing in contemporary
blends to create unique mixes. Tanya Taqaq performs a unique mix and you can
view her performance here.

Throat singing began with Inuit women who would use it as a sort of game.
They will face each other and often hold arms or bounce left and right. In
throat singing, one person leads the song and the other person responds to
them. Whoever lasts the longest is the winner.

Although it started as a game, it is now

an incredible display of resilience as the
Inuit carry on their traditions through
the challenges. It is important when we
learn about Indigenous culture and
traditions that we show the utmost
respect, as these traditions have
faced attempted genocide but still
flourish today.

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Inuit Throat Singing Questions
1. Why do you think Canada banned throat singing?

2. Think about your own cultural background. Are there any types of music that come from
your culture? What is their significance?

3. What do you think the significance is of throat singing being revitalised?

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Inuit Throat Singing Answers
1. Why do you think Canada banned throat singing?
Answers will vary.

2. Think about your own cultural background. Are there any types of music that come from
your culture? What is their significance?
Answers will vary.

3. What do you think the significance is of throat singing being revitalised?

Answers will vary.


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