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Date of birth


Aadhya Avish Rathi ### Aadhya is an obedient child. She stays focused on task at hand

AAVYA ANUPKUMAR GINDODIYA 5/16/2019 Aavya shows responsibility and follows directions whenever g

ABHIRAJ RAHUL PATIL 6/12/2019 Abhiraj has shown a positive change in reading and writing sk

ARJUN ADITYA BORADE ### Arjun has shown good improvement in his reading and writin

DHRUVIN RAGHUNANDAN BHAKKAD 5/22/2019 Dhruvin has good grasping power. He spends his time in conv

GITIKA SUMIT TALREJA 8/13/2019 Gitika is a shy and sensitive girl. She has shown good improve

HARSH KUNAL MANTRI 6/13/2019 Harsh is good at grasping anything that is taught. He often str

HARSHITA PIYUSH MUNDADA ### Harshita performs independent work with confidence and tak

IRA PRADIP SATONKAR 8/1/2019 Ira is a very sensitive girl. She is interested in her own learning

ISHIT RAVI SHARMA 8/15/2019 Ishit is an energetic child. He needs frequent reminders to be

JAYVEER DNYANESHWAR JARHAD ### Jayveer is good at grasping anything that is taught. He is enco

KHADIJA AZIMUDDIN SHAIKH 3/21/2019 Khadija is a shy and sensitive girl. She has shown a good impro

LABH NITIN SOMANI ### Labh has shown a positive change in reading and writing skills
MAHI VISHNU BHUTE 6/1/2019 Mahi is interested in her own learning, listens attentively and

MIHIT PRATIKKUMAR JETHLIA 8/28/2019 Mihit is good at grasping anything that is taught. He needs to improve his overal

MRIDANG PRANAV SHAH 9/27/2019 Mridang has shown a positive change in reading and writing skills in the academ

OJAS RAGHUNANDAN RATHI 8/15/2019 Ojas performs independent work with confidence and focus. He spends his time

PRAKET PRAMOD BONDLE 1/10/2019 Praket is good at grasping anything that is taught. He needs to improve his hand

PRAPTI DEEPAK MODI 11/5/2018 Prapti works independently with confidence and focus. She always looks for wa

RANVEER KAPIL WAGH 11/5/2018 Ranveer has shown a positive change in his reading and writing skills in the aca

RIDHIMA AMOL RAUT 9/2/2019 Ridhima has shown good improvement in reading and writing skills. She is good

RUSHANK DEEPAK AHUJA 11/6/2018 Rushank is an energetic child. He spends his time in converstion with friends wh

SHIVANYA BHAGWAT JARHAD 2/23/2019 Shivanya has shown a positive change in reading and writing skills. She has bee

SIDDHANSH PRITESH BHARUKA 5/27/2019 Siddhansh was having a hard time earlier in the first half but he has started ident

TANISHA TUSHAR SHROTRIYA 4/20/2019 Tanisha is an obedient child. She stays focused on task at hand. She listens to an

YUG NILESH MALPANI 8/10/2019 Yug has started showing response in reading and writing in the second half but s
ed on task at hand. She has shown positive change in reading and writing skills. She needs to be motivated to
ctions whenever given. Her grasping power is good. She has shown a positive change in the academic year. Sh
ing and writing skills in the academic year. He is encouraged to be more responsible in completing tasks witho
eading and writing skills. He is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible behaviour and attitudes in the c
s his time in conversation with friends which affects his academics. He needs to work on self discipline skills.H
wn good improvement in reading and writing skills. She needs to develop her conversation skills. She has parti
ught. He often struggles to focus in the class, which harms his ability to engage well in class activities and assig
onfidence and takes pride in work done well. She grasps the concept very easily. She needs to develop her co
n her own learning, listens attentively and makes a solid effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt her le
t reminders to be attentive during instructions and lessons. He has shown good improvement in his reading a
aught. He is encouraged to demonstrate more responsible behaviour and attitudes in the classroom.He has p
own a good improvement in her reading and writing skills. She must improve her conversation skills. She can
g and writing skills. He often struggles to focus on the task at hand and needs frequent reminders to be attenti
ns attentively and makes solid efforts to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process. She is goo
s to improve his overall work habits and concentration skills which may exceed his grade expectations. He has participated in the events of Re

ing skills in the academic year. He often struggles to stay focused in the class. He needs to work on self discipline skills and show more approp

us. He spends his time in conversation with friends which affects his academics. He has good grasping power.He has participated in the events

ds to improve his handwriting. He needs to work on self discipline skills.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Fancy dress and Annu

he always looks for ways to be helpful in the classroom. She needs to work on her conversation skills.She has participated in the events of Rec

writing skills in the academic year. He needs to work on his communincation skills.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatizati

iting skills. She is good in art and craft activities. She needs to be more expressive.She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatizat

erstion with friends which affects his academics. He needs to improve his handwriting and conversation skills.He has participated in the event

ting skills. She has been working hard to improve her overall grade level.She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Sport

but he has started identifying letters and numbers and also has improved his writing skills. He needs to improve his communication skills. He

hand. She listens to and follows directions precisely and attentively. Her grasping power is good.She has participated in the events of Recitati

in the second half but still needs to work harder. He needs to increase his concentration level and communication skills.He has participated in
e motivated to perform sports activities. She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fan
ademic year. She can do much better.She has participated in the events of Recitation, Fancy dress, Sports day
ting tasks without needing regular reminders.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, T
ttitudes in the classroom. He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy d
iscipline skills.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Sport
lls. She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sp
tivities and assignments. He needs to show more appropriate bheaviour when interacting with classmates.He
develop her conversation skills.She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, F
nterrupt her learning process. She is good in art and craft. She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dr
n his reading and writing skills.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Fo
sroom.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day
n skills. She can do much better.She has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fancy dress, S
ers to be attentive. He can do much better.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fan
ocess. She is good in art and craft. She needs to improve her conversation skills.She has participated in the eve
d in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.

d show more appropriate behaviour when interacting with classmates.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent sh

cipated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.

ncy dress and Annual day.

in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.

itation, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Founders day and Annual day.

citation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.

cipated in the events of Recitation, Talent show, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.

Dramatization, Sports day and Annual day.

unication skills. He has participated in the events of Recitation and sports day.

e events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.

has participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.
on, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.
ancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.
ation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.
, Talent show, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.
ow, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.
dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.
ng with classmates.He has participated in the events of Recitation, Talent show, Fancy dress and Annual day.
tization, Talent show, Fancy dress and Annual day.
events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show and Annual day.
zation, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.
rts day and Annual day.
tization, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.
on, Dramatization, Fancy dress, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.
participated in the events of Recitation, Dramatization, Talent show, Fancy dress, Sports day and Annual day.

on, Dramatization, Talent show, Founders day, Sports day and Annual day.
dress and Annual day.
s day and Annual day.

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