2024 ARM1505 Assessment 01

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2024 ARM1505 Assessment Assessment Number: 01

Unique number: 212088

Weighting: 50 marks
Due date: 08 March 2024


General guidelines for essay-type questions in the assignment

▪ Answer all questions.

▪ Number your questions correctly.
▪ All written assignments must contain a title page with a table of contents, listing
the questions that have been answered.
▪ A signed declaration must be included. Refer to the end of this assessment or
the Tutorial Letter 101 and the INKALLE Tutorial Letter 302 for examples of
declaration statement for written assessments.
▪ Assignments must contain a list of references and notes in the text of the
sources consulted, including the study guide. Failure to do so is regarded as
plagiarism. Such assignments may receive zero (0).
▪ The answers should be in your own words and use your own examples – do
not copy from the study guide or other sources.
▪ The study guide and other sources should only be used as references.
Remember this for all such assignments.
▪ Read the TL101 series and the INKALLE TL302 to ensure you have complied
with all the requirements before submitting your assignments. These
requirements should be observed for all assignments submitted to Unisa.
DO NOT password protect the answer script.
▪ Upload your answer script on your myModules site, no emailed script will be


Question 1

1.1 Protecting passwords and preventing unauthorised persons from accessing your
personal information is one of the challenges encountered with using and managing
digital records. Consider this statement and elaborate on the advantages and
disadvantages of electronic records. Relevant examples should be included in your
discussion. [25 marks]

Question 2
2.1 Technological obsolescence is regarded as a major obstacle with regards to
electronic or digital records.
Discuss what is meant by this phenomenon and include examples from your personal
experiences with electronic records and their devices. In order to address these
challenges, several strategies have been considered by records managers, archivists
and ICT practitioners. Select five of these strategies and include them in your
discussion. [25 marks]




Declaration Statement:

I declare that this is my own, original work prepared specifically for 2024 Assessment
01 for ARM1505 and that all the sources I have used or quoted have been indicated
and acknowledged by means of complete references.






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