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to help them formulate strategies 2001—the day after Ghost Wars cul-

great and small. minated—and takes the saga through

Shortly before defining grand strategy 2014. In its more than 750 pages, Coll
as the “alignment of potentially unlim- chronicles the complex web of tensions,
ited aspirations with necessarily limited rivalries, suspicions, and miscalcula-
capabilities,” Gaddis makes the case for tions that prevented strategic success
common sense— “Common sense, in for the United States and thwarted
this sense, is like oxygen: the higher you a long-planned U.S. departure from
go, the thinner it gets.” Afghanistan. Coll shows how a lack of
To much criticism from both the trust and a misappreciation of deeply
political left and the right, President held security and cultural narratives
Barack Obama famously asserted that among the United States, Pakistan,
his first task as President was “Don’t do and Afghanistan—as well as between
stupid shit”—a pungent shorthand for frequently competing U.S. national
“use common sense.” It seems that a security and intelligence agencies—made
U.S. President with little formal training America’s search for decisive victory in
in strategic affairs had stumbled upon a Afghanistan languish unrealized for more
truism Professor Gaddis developed over than a decade and a half.
a lifetime of study. Rather than simply do Directorate S provides an extremely
something that conventional wisdom in- valuable reference for scholars and poli-
sisted was required, Obama tried to keep cymakers working on the complexities of
his options open, a strategy that Gaddis South Asia security. Coll’s story is based
calls “pivoting.” The President took so
Directorate S: The C.I.A. and on at least 100 interviews with a myriad
long to make a decision, however, that he
America’s Secret Wars in of critical U.S., Afghan, and Pakistani
was openly accused of dithering. He piv-
Afghanistan and Pakistan policymakers and their supporting staffs.
By Steve Coll
oted to the point where he even changed His interview-based writing is leavened
Penguin Press, 2018
his policies when he realized the implica- with the experience of a journalist boast-
$35.00 784 pp.
tions of earlier decisions, such as when ing 3 years as a reporter in South Asia
ISBN: 978-1594204586
he decided not to enforce his proclaimed and another three decades tracking and
red line against Syria’s continued use of Reviewed by Thomas F. Lynch III writing astute shorter works on the most
chemical agents. critical security topics for the region. The
President Obama might be classi- number and quality of sources accessed
fied as a proverbial “hedgehog” with an irectorate S by longtime Washing- by Coll during the years of his research
overarching idea that dissatisfied many
professional national security scholars and
politicians. He pursued what he under-
D ton Post journalist, former think
tank president, and now dean
of the Graduate School of Journalism
are remarkable and unique, going well
beyond the tell-all political texts of those
like journalist Bob Woodward, or political
stood to be common sense and applied at Columbia University, Steve Coll, is figures Bob Gates and Hillary Clinton.
Gaddis’s preferred “proportionality,” a seminal book. It is a highly worthy Directorate S accurately captures the
even in the face of many foreign policy successor to the author’s Pulitzer complexities of strategic analysis and
crises and emerging geopolitical develop- Prize–winning 2004 work Ghost Wars. the conflicting policy perspectives from
ments. He applied this strategy among Directorate S is impressive in its scope, Washington to Kabul to Rawalpindi (the
his many advisors and the Department of level of detail, and readability. It suc- home of Pakistan’s military and intelli-
Defense, as well. cessfully fills much of the gaping void gence leadership). Coll logically identifies
As frustrating as that was to many in prior literature on the controversial that the relationship between the Central
observers, Mr. Obama was simply dem- topic of the U.S. role in Afghanistan Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Pakistan’s
onstrating the ability to be both fox and and Pakistan. As a reference for scholars Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI)
hedgehog by combining approaches. and policymakers, this book is first rate. was the most critical in the multimodal
This flexibility, Gaddis claims, is the Although it will not be the final word strategic dynamic, but one based on a
“strategist’s keys to victory.” JFQ on the strategic trajectory of South paradox. The CIA needed the ISI and
Asia and the future arc of complex U.S. Pakistani army to gain intelligence on the
policy choices in that region, Coll’s movement and recruitment of Taliban
Dr. Peter Dombrowski holds an appointment work makes an indelible mark. and al Qaeda militants. Yet the ISI was
as Professor of Strategy in the Strategic and
Operational Research Department at the U.S. Published in early 2018, Directorate covertly enabling its Taliban proxies
Naval War College. S picks up the story of America, Pakistan, from semi-feudal towns, refugee camps,
and Afghanistan on September 11, and jihadist safe havens inside Pakistan

JFQ 91, 4th Quarter 2018 Book Reviews 91

to attack Afghan government and in- biography to consult for decisionmaking led Obama to freeze the drawdown of
ternational forces there. In this “double context or to balance against the impres- U.S. forces and make changes in rules of
game,” the ISI continued Pakistan’s sions of subordinate staffers or the naked engagement to allow for greater pressure
decades-long security imperative of fa- text Coll cites from Wikileaks cables. Yet on these international terror groups.
cilitating and managing Islamist militant as Coll writes, Admiral Mullen had 27 U.S.-Pakistan relations also took a
groups like the Afghan Taliban—groups separate meetings and more than 100 noteworthy turn beginning in early 2015.
deemed essential to Pakistan’s existential phone calls with Pakistan’s all-powerful Pakistan’s military undertook an exten-
struggle with India. army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, from sive antiterrorist operation in its western
Coll’s conclusions are solid and well 2008 to 2011. Coll speculates about North Waziristan Province that ran from
documented. He finds that the “failure to the degree to which Mullen knew about 2014 to 2017. Simultaneously, U.S.-
solve the riddle of the ISI and stop its co- the Pakistani military’s intransigence Pakistan strategic interactions withered
vert interference in Afghanistan became, and duplicity. His speculation seems to and tense rhetoric between the two be-
ultimately, the greatest strategic shortfall derive from Wikileaks extracts and from came far more common, but still with no
of the U.S. war” and that successive the perspectives of other U.S. actors— real change in Pakistan’s approach toward
American Presidents “tolerated and even few, if any, of whom were on Mullen’s Islamist militant groups.
promoted stovepiped, semi-independent staff or in the meetings to see Kayani. The Trump administration has added
campaigns waged simultaneously by Consequently, several critical elements of yet another major act to the arc of U.S.
different agencies of American govern- the U.S.-Pakistan interactions are poorly strategy in Afghanistan and Pakistan dur-
ment.” Coll also chronicles the divide developed or untold, including the criti- ing 2017–2018. In August 2017, Donald
that far too often bedeviled U.S. military cal yearlong buildup to Mullen’s famous Trump formally reversed the U.S. troop
interactions with Afghan culture and tra- call-out of Pakistan’s duplicity with the drawdown planned and then halted
ditions, featuring the tragedies of Afghan Haqqani Network in front of Congress in under President Obama, threatened
civilians killed in U.S.-led military opera- September 2011. greater pressure on Pakistan if it did not
tions and American personnel killed by Directorate S also is a bit misrepre- alter its policy toward the Afghan Taliban
supposedly friendly Afghan military and sented as chronologically complete. Coll’s and Haqqani Network, and called for
government personnel. introduction advertises a comprehensive greater Indian economic engagement
Despite the myriad of personalities history of the U.S. role in Afghanistan in Afghanistan. This strategy has yet to
and region-specific organizations and and Pakistan from 9/11 to 2016. But produce any major change in the general
terminology, Directorate S is crisp and its 35 chapters culminate in late 2014 as framework of the policy conundrum
engrossing. Even casual readers should the United States was making good on faced by the United States in Afghanistan
find it to be a page-turner. But 14 years President Barack Obama’s 2013 decision and Pakistan. Thus, Coll’s general
is a long period to cover in an interview- to draw down almost all U.S. military conclusions about the vexations of U.S.
driven narrative and many readers may forces by the end of 2015. Coll offers strategy in the region remain largely
find 784 pages more than a bit daunting. the reader a short epilogue that covers germane. However, salient contemporary
The pacing slumps a bit with Coll’s excur- a couple of the major happenings in policy dimensions are left unaddressed
sions into the personal stories of individual Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2015 to in Directorate S, and many of its details
U.S. and British soldiers in Afghanistan. 2017. Despite the epilogue, Directorate already require updating. Coll’s basic
Understandably, Coll’s editors may have S already feels dated in mid-2018. The insights remain sound, but Directorate S
wanted to interweave the human toll of story of the United States in Afghanistan already needs a chronological successor.
complex policy decisions into the narra- and in bilateral relations with Pakistan has Its limitations notwithstanding,
tive, but the micro-level discussion of the moved far, far along since 2014. Directorate S is valuable. It is not quite
personal and often tragic stories dragged In fact, the full story has at least two as invaluable as Coll’s Ghost Wars, but it
on the otherwise crisp pace. other acts since 2014. In its next act, is pretty close. Directorate S is readable,
If there is a downside to Directorate staged from 2015 to 2016, the Obama compelling, and an important contribu-
S, it is found in two missing dimensions. administration encountered the incon- tion to the literature on the topic of
Despite its commendable detail and venient truth that a too-rapid exit from U.S. strategy in an almost 20-year his-
voluminous, if often anonymous, use of Afghanistan led to alarming Taliban gains tory across Afghanistan and Pakistan.
first-person interviews, it seems to lack in territory across south and southwest Directorate S merits a prominent place
direct interviews with a couple of critical Afghanistan. Later in 2015 and into among the most important books on U.S.
personae. Among them, Vice President 2016, fragments from Afghan Taliban national strategy published in 2018. JFQ
Joe Biden, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan and Pakistan Taliban units declared them-
from 2007–2010 Anne Patterson, and selves to be affiliated with the so-called
former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Islamic State and began low-level guer- Dr. Thomas F. Lynch III is a Distinguished Research
Fellow in the Center for Strategic Research,
Staff Admiral Mike Mullen stand out. rilla operations across Afghanistan. Coll Institute for National Strategic Studies, at the
These key characters have no written notes this, but not the fact that the alarm National Defense University.

92 Book Reviews JFQ 91, 4th Quarter 2018

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