Why Homework Is Bad For Your Health

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The Negative Effects of Homework on Your Health

Homework has been a staple in the education system for decades. It is seen as a way for students to
reinforce what they have learned in class and develop important skills such as time management and
discipline. However, recent studies have shown that homework can actually have a negative impact
on a student's health.

One of the main reasons why homework is bad for your health is because it can lead to stress and
anxiety. Many students feel overwhelmed by the amount of homework they receive and the pressure
to complete it on time. This can result in high levels of stress and anxiety, which can have detrimental
effects on both mental and physical health.

Another issue with homework is that it often takes up a significant amount of time, leaving students
with little time for other activities. This can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which can increase the risk
of obesity and other health problems. Additionally, lack of sleep due to late nights spent completing
homework can also have negative effects on a student's health.

Furthermore, homework can also contribute to a lack of social interaction and isolation. Students who
spend most of their time completing homework may miss out on valuable opportunities to socialize
and develop important social skills. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can
have a negative impact on mental health.

So, what can be done to prevent these negative effects of homework on health? One solution is to
limit the amount of homework assigned to students. This allows them to have a better balance
between school work and other activities, promoting a healthier lifestyle. Another option is to seek
help from professionals, such as those at ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔.

⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔ offers a variety of services to assist students with their homework. From essay
writing to research papers, their team of expert writers can provide high-quality and timely
assistance. By ordering from ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, students can reduce their workload and have
more time for self-care and other activities, ultimately improving their overall health.

In conclusion, while homework may be seen as a necessary part of the education system, it is
important to recognize the negative effects it can have on a student's health. By limiting the amount
of homework and seeking help from professionals, such as those at ⇒ StudyHub.vip ⇔, students
can prioritize their well-being and achieve academic success without sacrificing their health.
Our kids need exercise and play after school as it has been well documented that exercise actually
improves a child's ability to learn. Therefore if you give them homework, you are only terrorizing
their developing brains. And you know what? The kid will find the topic fun and will even tell the
guardian when being driven to school: “That tree looks like the one I read about yesterday.”.
Increased stress can seriously deteriorate children’s health. So that you know, there are accurate
statistics that back up these negative effects of homework. She dawdled, got distracted, took breaks,
made excuses, goofed off, squirmed, and generally took over 2 hours to do half an hour's worth of
work. I respect your viewpoint, although we may have some differences. Through a detailed
exploration of this symbiotic relationship, we uncover the nuanced benefits that canine-assisted
exercise bestows upon human psychological states, thereby offering a refined understanding of its
value in a comprehensive mental health strategy. Alfie Kohen has written on this subject and I agree
with the assumption that school work should be done at school. He will have to learn the rest of
life's lessons the hard way at this point. Do my homework for me Get the best PowerPoint for your
presentation We have experts who can do your PowerPoint for you. Even after factoring out
differences, the group with homework scored statistically much higher on end of module tests and
formative assessments. In this essay I will argue that homework is actually. If you’re interested in
exploring more natural options to improve your mental health, you may like to explore the following.
So, students don’t need to ask the questions ” How do I trust my paper will be written without
compromises?” or “How can I write my assignments without compromising quality and still turn it in
early?”. I saw even more evidence of broken families when my own kids were in school. Also, my
husband IS a credentialed teacher, with multiple degrees including a Master's in Social Science, and
he agrees with my position. Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on March 15, 2012: Hello Patsy,
Your question is a perfect example of why I am against homework on principle. You can conduct
interviews in get to display the candidates far better before building your final determination on the
tutor you will hire. Rather than homework supplementing learning and making it a fun activity, it is
becoming a threat to learning by all means. My father, who had only an eighth-grade education was
far smarter than many college graduates. These conclusions were made by Australian researchers who
studied the relationship between academic performance and the time spent on homework. Liz Elias
(author) from Oakley, CA on June 18, 2015: Thanks very much, Shauna. Nor would I write an article
about some aspect of chemical or civil engineering because I am not an engineer. Too many
homework activities can kill students’ interest in studying. Students who go to school have to deal
with many different in-school activities. One such set of arguments can be found on the Teachnology
site. In the 21st Century, kids are learning progressively. I do not like sitting down for too long at a
time, as it hurts my legs and, in minor cases, do damage to our spines. Just be cautious while, if the e
book dates back from several many years ago, you could want to verify if the version getting used is
even now the similar.
The paper I got here was even better than what I was working on so huge thanks to you guys. Liz
Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on February 07, 2012: Hi, mcleodgi-- Thanks very much for adding
to the discussion. They don’t like it, and they are trying to find different ways to cheat. By the time
they are done with it, they are too tired to do anything. Je ferme mon argument.;-) scribblingdaddy
on August 01, 2012: Thanks for the response. It is a very complex problem but it is not an impossible
one to solve. Thanks, also for your praise and for the support about the hard-liners' manner in
expressing their opinions. Use a family history exploration as a jumping-off point for general history
lessons. I'm more on the talented side myself (though my father is gifted, has been a school
psychologist twice and even helped establish a gifted program at one time) but I can only imagine
what they go through being bored in school all day and then having to take home and do homework
that's too easy for them. He learned things in college that were 180 degrees from what he'd been
taught up through high school. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of
visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I saw even more evidence of broken families when my own
kids were in school. They need time to digest the material, not do busy work at home. 2. Homework
Is Busywork Busywork, you say. Students who go to school have to deal with many different in-
school activities. You could approach the problem from a real-world standpoint by baking a pie and
inviting 4 of your granddaughter's friends to share, take pictures, and inform the teacher that you
figured it out by practical application. What about the kids who are in after school programs due to
working parents. Why Homework Is Good Why Is Homework Important Why Homework Is Bad
Do My Homework Do my homework for me cheap Get to Know Us In WriteMyEssay247, you have
access to top-class writers with different educational backgrounds. Great job, voted up useful,
awesome, and interesting. A child with a physical disability, who may have motor control issues, is
going to find homework more challenging than it should be. Let’s explore the realities and find out
more about homework. Test scores in the UK have been rising for years (this being used as proof that
the exams are getting easier) Homework is a vital constituent of the curriculum. Homework can
destroy students’ relationship with parents 4. There was no time left for a loving mother-daughter
relationship. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is
used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed
as non-necessary cookies. Then it repeated again as I watched my elder daughter fight the battles all
over again with her kids, and now my younger daughter is in the same fight. Liz Elias (author) from
Oakley, CA on July 26, 2012: Hello, Greg Horlacher, Thank you very much for your supportive
comment. You can hardly find any task stimulating children’s interest in exploring a subject more
deeply. They have looked at questions like how homework is bad for students and come up with
unrefuted findings. They can also offer additional classes for the students who lag behind. I've
argued this point with nearly every teacher my kids had; all to no avail.
However I'd go a bit further down that road and say all government school systems should be
eliminated. Most of us had no clue what in the world this was about--it was a totally foreign concept
of how to teach. Do you know that many schools require teachers to assign homework, and that
parents have been known to become angry at LACK of homework. You are quite correct that we will
probably never convince each other of our respective positions, so we will agree to disagree. That
said, it is my own frustrating experiences WITH those homework assignments that led me to my
current position on the matter: that, and my further experiences in frustration while having the same
battles over homework with my own kids that my mother had with me. Children who have a large
quantity of homework have less time to spend with their families and friends as regular social
interaction plays a critical role in brain development. All these are violations of the standards set by
the NEA and NPTA. Rhys Baker from Peterborough, UK on April 27, 2012: How else do you
suggest we assess the knowledge gained through education without testing. Being more of a
kinesthetic learner myself, I learn best by doing things practically, rather than sitting down writing
stuff down on a sheet of paper. However, I know that homework improves the attainment and
progress of my pupils. I homeschooled my two youngest children most of their childhoods. Liz Elias
(author) from Oakley, CA on March 16, 2012: Hello freemarketingnow, Thanks for stopping by. Liz
Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on October 01, 2010: Hi, there, triosol, Thanks for stopping by. But
opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Kids need time to just be
kids, and forget about schoolwork. If you add up the total you will be amazed that how much
homework students have. Children generally have short attention spans, and having to sit and do
homework after they've had to sit through the same material all day at school is a recipe for
resentment and frustration. Cooking isn’t just about preparing meals; it’s a therapeutic journey that
nurtures both the body and soul. Going to higher education usually means rooming up with other
learners and coming into make contact with with your classmates. They also follow with arguments
supporting my premise. Best wishes. Jason B Truth from United States of America on July 20, 2019:
Liz Elias. It also brings to mind this one shirt that was out there when I was in the fifth grade, that
said that homework caused brain damage. It's really awesome and I totally agree; learning can and
should be fun. Based on his opinion, Homework will help him to more understand ing. Heavy
homework is why college students suffer from sleep disorders. Why Is Homework Bad Facts
magnetite case study homework help henry v111 undergraduate dissertation conclusion example. If
they engage in extracurriculars, they are still related to school and considered as homework. Whether
you enjoy vegan soul food or learning to bake, there are endless possibilities for your inner chef to
explore. If the lesson was presented well, and the student understood it, they will remember it. Such
a failure to complete tasks leads to increased stress levels and worsens the situation.
Whether or not the lessons have been learned can and should be fully obvious by means of test
results at mid-term and finals. I respect your right to your opinion, and I'm pleased you actually
enjoyed the article, but in the end, I'm afraid we'll remain unable to convince each other of our
respective opinions. Trying to ensure they don’t miss out on submission deadlines, one would find
scholars go at their homework for long periods with little or no breaks in between. It's to much and
as for as I'm concerned the teachers are there to teach and that's what they should do in class.
Initially, some homework was thought to provide students with time to do more practice. It is this
being familiar with that also aids buyers to attain greater results at the conclusion of the day. Thanks
for sounding off on this very important topic and speaking up for common sense to prevail. The
implication of this is that such students will send their homework to an essay writing service or copy-
paste answers from the internet. WriteMyEssay247 provide academic writing services such as
homework, research papers, essays, and PowerPoint. Just because you went to school, have children
who went to school, and have grandchildren who went to school, doesn't mean you are an expert on
teaching. It thus affects their relationship with their parents and siblings as well. And I learnt a lot
from doing this exercise and my parents were proud. Majority doesn't equate to accuracy, as was
demonstrated by the Civil Rights Movement in which the minority resoundingly went against the
status quo at that time and created positive change. - Classroom Resources For All Liz Elias (author)
from Oakley, CA on March 16, 2012: Hello again, freemarketingnow, Again, I must point out we are
comparing kids against adults, who have willingly chosen their professions along with any extra
hours of work those jobs may entail. So, believing that they understand, see no need to ask for
clarification. I assume my students will read at home and occasionally I will ask them to work on
finishing an essay, etc. Well, I was an only child, and my mother did the best she could, rest her
patient soul. Cooking isn’t just about preparing meals; it’s a therapeutic journey that nurtures both the
body and soul. Thanks for the additional comment and point of reference. Everyone has heard of
Freud, from the stranger to psychiatric science to the Master of Mental Health graduate, and with
good reason. The reason is that everyone has problems, everyone is different and everyone is special
and unique in their own way. If it's because they're not understanding it even with an answer key,
maybe you give them a phone number or an email. The body requires an average of at least 7 hours
of sleep daily, most scholars end up getting barely 5 hours of sleep daily due to taking on their
homework late into the night. They may think they understood, but they may have missed some
salient point or misinterpreted something the teacher said. Best wishes for world peace.:) Liz Elias
(author) from Oakley, CA on February 01, 2012: MjFan4Eva1170-- Thank you very much for your
well-thought-out comment, and for sharing your experiences. They can invite the students in a
private Facebook group, where they will learn through discussions. For those who aren’t inspired to
learn, homework adds yet another burden that makes the process boring and unappealing. Also, my
husband IS a credentialed teacher, with multiple degrees including a Master's in Social Science, and
he agrees with my position. Gail Sobotkin from South Carolina on December 17, 2010: Oh wow, I so
agree with you, especially since we're now in the age of computers where the learning of rote facts
doesn't make much sense. Can you help me with this? 5 people sit down to have a piece of pie. I just
think that the times have really changed with technology, and the help that a kid can get access to
these days is probably vastly different than what was available to you when you were in school.
My brother is 18 and he's going to Japan to teach English. I reserve that right, and continue to
disagree vehemently with your statements. However, the misuse of this noble assignment by tutors is
what waters it down. Thank you again for stopping by and adding your experiences to the
discussion. I've argued this point with nearly every teacher my kids had; all to no avail. I would not
write an article about a point of law or type of medical procedure because I have no training in either
of those professions. As researchers sought to answer this question, it emerged that homework
indeed causes more damage. This is a waste of time, paper, and face it, a cause of frustration, extra
tiredness, and sloppy penmanship. The school that I currently run is also a Title 1 Academically
Distinguished School. Being more of a kinesthetic learner myself, I learn best by doing things
practically, rather than sitting down writing stuff down on a sheet of paper. Raised in a somewhat
more strict household than many of today's kids, I was 'terrified' of getting a failing grade, so I did
not totally slack off. Imagine after the long day’s school work, you get home and have no time to
freshen up. According to American researchers, Heavy reading drastically increases stress levels in
children. You might want to look up the type of problem you describe here: Thank you for stopping
by. Will not be frightened to consider absent privileges: I just took away the pc tricky travel until
finally research receives carried out. He learned things in college that were 180 degrees from what
he'd been taught up through high school. Nevertheless, great presentation of your points and I
admire you for sharing this. She creates high-quality content that captivates the readers’ attention and
ensures you get the best grade in your research papers and essays. Thirdly, I have taught children
during extra-curricular activities, and I do understand how children learn. The occasional homework
assignment is fine, but giving too much homework is bad. Period. Sometimes, he'd even do them.and
just not turn them in. Losing the ability to think creatively You might have heard that some scientists
suggest that schools kill creativity. It does not seem so, given the continually falling qualilty of high
school graduates who cannot read at grade level, for one thing. And you know what? The kid will
find the topic fun and will even tell the guardian when being driven to school: “That tree looks like
the one I read about yesterday.”. Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. I despise
politics!;-) Thanks so much for your well-thought-out comment. Furthermore, their concentration
capacity cannot exceed one hour. Necessary Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are
absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Based on their results (85% of kids going to
and through college), I would say that it has turned out pretty successful. Moreover, the figures may
reach a whopping 300 billion dollars by 2024.
Rhys Baker from Peterborough, UK on April 27, 2012: As a teacher I have to disagree. In this
article, you found out why homework is bad. I would also like to see how the answer was arrived at.
You cannot learn if you are uncomfortable, or worse, in pain. Rather than homework supplementing
learning and making it a fun activity, it is becoming a threat to learning by all means. If you add up
the total you will be amazed that how much homework students have. The journey into dependence
is a quiet one, laden with promises of relief that gradually en. I'm pleased you found it well
presented, and am grateful for all the votes. Without ever having taken advanced math (perhaps
elementary algebra), he went online and found trigonometric formulas, understood them, and applied
them in designing model rockets for his hobby. I believe they are now written for a reading level
somewhere between 5th and 8th grade. That implies that you need me, and I need you for the world
to be what it is, a social society. It will have negative effects on different facets of your life, all of
which are essential for your growth and development. I think I would agree with you but have to
give this another read as well!:) I am sorry for all the people who have responded with harsh
comments. Before Freud, most psychotherapy simply consisted of getting the mentally ill and
psychotic out of the way of “normal” society. This same boy is now studying Gaelic online, on his
own time, and learning this ancient language--just for fun. I've known a good number of kids who
earned poor grades as a direct result of not wanting to do homework, in spite of their full grasp of the
subject. I recently saw a page of math my granddaughter had been assigned. Use a family history
exploration as a jumping-off point for general history lessons. Increased stress can seriously
deteriorate children’s health. It is the rare child who enjoys homework and whose parents do not
wage battles over the subject. This is while tasks are designed for a child’s POV. There could have
been so much more peace and harmony in the home had it not been for these homework assignments.
Answer: Primarily, homework is still around because it's an entrenched concept that's been around for
centuries. Kids need the break from study, and time to recharge. That is why they may have little to
no interest in completing their tasks. Your article reminds me of how frustrating homework could be
as a kid, especially as I got older and my schedule became tighter. I have also been diagnosed with
Asperger's syndrome, through no fault of my own. Thanks for the additional comment and point of
reference. The school that I currently run is also a Title 1 Academically Distinguished School.
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