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Journal of Mathematical Sciences


M. Y. Mir1 · S. L. Wali1 · W. M. Shah1

Accepted: 20 September 2023

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023

For a rational function r ∈ Rn , Wali and Shah (The Journal of Anal., 25(1):(2017), 43-53) proved the
{ }
1 |c | − |c0 |
|r� (z)| ≥ |B� (z)| + n |r(z)|.
2 |cn | + |c0 |

In this paper, we prove Bernstein-type inequalities for rational functions with prescribed poles. The obtained
results refine some inequalities on rational functions and strengthen known polynomial inequalities.

Keywords Rational functions · Zeros · Poles · Inequalities

AMS Subject Classification (2020) 30A10 · 26D10 · 30C10


Let Pn denote the space of all complex polynomials P(z) ∶=


cj zj of degree at most n. Let

∶ P ∈ Pn , w(z) = nj=1 (z − 𝛼j ), �𝛼j � > 1, 1 ≤ j ≤ n denote the class of rational functions with poles 𝛼1 , 𝛼2 , ..., 𝛼n and
� �
P(z) ∏
Rn = Rn (𝛼1 , ..., 𝛼n ) ∶= w(z)
with finite limit at infinity. Let D−k represent the set of all points which lie inside Tk ∶= {z ∶ |z| =
k > 0} and D+k be the
set of points which lie outside Tk . We also denote ||r|| = sup |r(z)|. Also, the Blaschke product B(z) is defined as
( 1 )
∏ 1 − 𝛼j z w∗ (z)
B(z) ∶= = ,
z − 𝛼j w(z)

and satisfies |B(z)| = 1 for z ∈ T1. We observe that B(z) ∈ Rn . Concerning the estimate of |P� (z)| in terms of |P(z)| for
z ∈ T1, Bernstein [2] proved the following:
If P ∈ Pn , then for any z ∈ ℂ

* M. Y. Mir
S. L. Wali
W. M. Shah
Department of Mathematics, Central University of Kashmir, Ganderbal 191201, India

Journal of Mathematical Sciences

max |P(z)| ≤ n max |P(z)|. (1.1)

z∈T1 z∈T1

This inequality can be sharpened if there is a restriction on the zeros of P(z). In fact, if P(z) ≠ 0 in D−1 , then
max |P(z)| ≤
max |P(z)|,
2 z∈T1 (1.2)

However, if P(z) ≠ 0 in D+1 , then (1.2) can be replaced by

max |P(z)| ≥
max |P(z)|.
2 z∈T1 (1.3)

Both inequalities are sharp, and the equality in each holds for the polynomials of the form P(z) = azn + b, where |a| = |b|.
Inequality (1.2) was conjectured by Erdös and later verified by Lax [5], whereas inequality (1.3) is due to Turán [8].
Concerning the estimate of min |P(z)|, Aziz and Dawood [1] proved:
If P ∈ Pn has all zeros in T1 ∪ D−1 , then
min |P(z)| ≥ n min |P(z)|. (1.4)
z∈T1 z∈T1

Aziz and Dawood [1] refined inequality (1.2) by proving the following:

Theorem 1.1 If P(z) ≠ 0 in D−1 , then

{ }
max |P(z)| ≤ max |P(z)| − min |P(z)| .
z∈T1 2 z∈T1 z∈T1

The result is sharp and the equality holds for the polynomial P(z) = azn + b, where |b| ≥ |a|.

Li et al. [3] extended Bernstein inequalities to rational functions r ∈ Rn with prescribed poles 𝛼1 , 𝛼2 , ..., 𝛼n replacing
zn by B(z). Among other things, they proved the following:

Theorem 1.2 If all the zeros of r ∈ Rn lie in T1 ∪ D−1 , then for z ∈ T1

1 �
|r� (z)| ≥ |B (z)||r(z)|. (1.5)
The result is sharp, and the equality holds for the rational function
r(z) = aB(z) + b, |a| = |b| = 1.

In the same paper, they proved the following:

Theorem 1.3 If all the zeros of r ∈ Rn lie in T1 ∪ D+1 , then for z ∈ T1

1 �
|r� (z)| ≤ |B (z)||r(z)|. (1.6)
The result is sharp, and the equality holds for the rational function
r(z) = aB(z) + b, |a| = |b| = 1.

Recently Mir et al. [7] proved the following:

Theorem 1.4 Let r ∈ Rn have all zeros in Tk ∪ D−k , k ≤ 1, then

Journal of Mathematical Sciences

kn |an | − |a0 |
( )
1 �

sup |r (z)| ≥ |B (z)| + n sup |r(z)|
z∈T1 2 k |an | + |a0 | z∈T1

The result is sharp for k = 1, and the equality holds for r(z) = B(z) + 𝜆, with 𝜆 ∈ T1.

Furthermore, Mir [6] refined inequality (1.6) by proving the following:

Theorem 1.5 If r ∈ Rn and all zeros of r lie in T1 ∪ D+1 , then for z ∈ T1

|c0 | − |cn | |r(z)|2

{ }
� 1 �
|r (z)| ≤ |B (z)| − ||r||.
2 |c0 | + |cn | ||r||2

The result is the best possible, and the equality holds for r(z) = B(z) + 𝜆, 𝜆 ∈ T1 .

In this paper, we first estimate an upper bound of the modulus of the derivative of r(z) on the unit circle when r(z)
has all the zeros in T1 ∪ D+1 .

Theorem 1.6 Let r ∈ Rn have all zeros in T1 ∪ D+1 , then for z ∈ T1

{ }
� 1 � |c0 | − |cn | (|r(z)| − m� )2 (
||r|| − m� ,
|r (z)| ≤ |B (z)| − 2 (1.8)
2 |c0 | + |cn | ||r|| − m�
( )

where m� = min |r(z)|.


The result is the best possible, and the equality holds in (1.8) for r(z) = B(z) + 𝜆 with 𝜆 ∈ T1 .

Remark 1.1 If we assume r(z) has some zero on T1 , then m� = 0, and Theorem 1.6 reduces to a result due to Mir [6].

Also, if r(z) has a pole of order n at z = 𝛼, |𝛼| > 1, then r(z) = P(z)
, so that
−D𝛼 P(z)
r� (z) = ,
(z − 𝛼)n+1

where D𝛼 P(z) ∶= nP(z) + (𝛼 − z)P� (z) denotes the polar derivative of a polynomial with respect to 𝛼 and generalizes the
ordinary derivative in the sense
D𝛼 P(z)
lim = P� (z).
|𝛼|→∞ 𝛼 − z

n ( ) ( )n
∏ 1 − 𝛼z 1 − 𝛼z
B(z) = = ,
z−𝛼 z−𝛼


n(1 − 𝛼z)n−1 (|𝛼|2 − 1)

B� (z) = .
(z − 𝛼)n+1

Also let
| P(z) |
||r|| = max || |
z∈T1 | (z − 𝛼)n ||
Journal of Mathematical Sciences

be obtained at some point z = ei𝜃 , 0 ≤ 𝜃 < 2𝜋, and

| P(z) |
m� = min |r(z)| = min || |
z∈T1 z∈T1 | (z − 𝛼)n ||

be obtained at some point z = ei𝛾 , 0 ≤ 𝛾 < 2𝜋, then

max |P(z)|
| P(z) | || P(ei𝜃 ) || z∈T1
||r|| = max || | = | i𝜃 |≤
z∈T1 | (z − 𝛼)n || | (e − 𝛼)n | |(ei𝜃 − 𝛼)n |
| |
min |P(z)|

| P(z) | || P(ei𝛾 ) || z∈T1
m = min || | = | i𝛾 |≥ .
z∈T1 | (z − 𝛼)n || | (e − 𝛼)n | |(ei𝛾 − 𝛼)n |
| |
Using these facts in Theorem 1.6, we get for |𝛼| > 1 and z ∈ T1
| D P(z) | 1 {| n(1 − 𝛼z)n−1 (|𝛼|2 − 1) | |c | − |c |
| 𝛼 0 n
|≤ |−
| | |
| |
| (z − 𝛼)n+1 | 2 | (z − 𝛼) n+1 | |c0 | + |cn |
| | | |
( ||P(z)∕(z − 𝛼)n || − min |P(z)|∕|ei𝛾 − 𝛼|n )}( max |P(z)| min |P(z)| )
z∈T1 z∈T1 z∈T1
− .
max |P(z)|∕|ei𝜃 − 𝛼|n − min |P(z)|∕|ei𝛾 − 𝛼|n |(ei𝜃 − 𝛼)n | |(ei𝛾 − 𝛼)n |
z∈T1 z∈T1

Now, letting |𝛼| → ∞, we get the following:

Corollary 1.7 Let P(z) ∶= cj zj have all zeros in T1 ∪ D+1 , then for z ∈ T1

{ ( )}
� 1 |c0 | − |cn | |P(z)| − ms
|P (z)| ≤ n− (||P|| − ms ),
2 |c0 | + |cn | ||P|| − ms

where ||P|| = max |P(z)| and ms = min |P(z)|.

z∈T1 z∈T1
�c � ∏ n
Since all the zeros zi , i = 1, 2, ..., n of P(z) lie in T1 ∪ D+1 , by Vitali formula � 0 � = �zi � ≥ 1. This in particular gives
� �
� cn � i=1
|c0 | ≥ |cn |; hence, Corollary 1.7 is an improvement of Theorem 1.1.
� �

The next theorem gives the lower bound of modulus of derivative of r(z) having all zeros inside and on the unit disk.

Theorem 1.8 Let r ∈ Rn have all zeros in T1 ∪ D−1 , then for z ∈ T1

{ }
1 |cn | − |c0 | (
� �
|r(z)| + m� ,
|r (z)| ≥ |B (z)| +
2 |cn | + |c0 |

where m� = min |r(z)|.


The result is the best possible, and the equality holds in (1.9) for r(z) = B(z) + 𝜆 with 𝜆 ∈ T1 .

Again, if we assume r(z) has a pole of order n at z = 𝛼, |𝛼| > 1, then r(z) = , so that
(z − 𝛼)n
−D𝛼 P(z)
r� (z) = ,
(z − 𝛼)n+1
Journal of Mathematical Sciences

then by using the same procedure as done in Corollary (1.7), various polynomial inequalities can be obtained by a uniform

Remark 1.2 Since m′ ≥ 0 and |r(z)| + m� ≥ |r(z)|, therefore, Theorem 1.8 in particular improves the following result.

Theorem 1.9 [9] If r ∈ Rn and all the n zeros of r lie in T1 ∪ D−1 , then for z ∈ T1
{ }
1 |c | − |c0 |
|r� (z)| ≥ |B� (z)| + n |r(z)|. (1.10)
2 |cn | + |c0 |


For the proof of theorems 1.6 and 1.8, we need the following lemmas.

Lemma 2.1 Let r ∈ Rn and all zeros of r lie in T1 ∪ D−1 , then for z ∈ T1
( � ) { }
zr (z) 1 |c | − |c0 |
Re ≥ |B� (z)| + n .
r(z) 2 |c0 | + |cn |

Lemma 2.2 Let r ∈ Rn and all zeros of r lie in T1 ∪ D+1 , then for z ∈ T1
( � ) { }
zr (z) 1 |c | − |cn |
Re ≤ |B� (z)| − 0 .
r(z) 2 |c0 | + |cn |

The above two lemmas are due to Wali and Shah [9].

Lemma 2.3 Let r, s ∈ Rn and assume all zeros of s(z) lie in T1 ∪ D−1 and
|r(z)| ≤ |s(z)| for z ∈ T1 ,


|r� (z)| ≤ |s� (z)| for z ∈ T1 ,

The above lemma is due to Li [4].

Lemma 2.4 Let r ∈ Rn and r∗ (z) = B(z)r , then for z ∈ T1 ,

|r∗ (z)| + |r� (z)| ≤ |B� (z)| sup |r(z)|.

The result is sharp, and the equality holds for r(z) = 𝜆B(z) with 𝜆 ∈ T1 .

The above lemma is due to Li et al. [3].

Proofs of theorems

Proof of Theorem 1.6 We assume all the zeros of r(z) lie in D+1 , as if any zero of r(z) lie on T1 , then m� = min |r(z)| = 0. So
the result holds trivially from Theorem 1.5. Hence, we assume all zeros of r(z) lie in D+1 , then for any complex 𝛼 with
|𝛼| < 1, we have

m� |𝛼| < |r(z)| for z ∈ T1 .

Journal of Mathematical Sciences

It follows by Rouche’s theorem that T(z) = r(z) − 𝛼m� and r(z) have the same number of zeros in D−1 . Since r(z) has no
zero in D−1 , therefore, T(z) has no zero in D−1 . Now, using Lemma 2.2 for the rational function T(z), we get
( � ) { }
zT (z) 1 |c0 | − |cn |

Re ≤ |B (z)| − .
T(z) 2 |c0 | + |cn |

T ∗ (z) = B(z)T ,

� (1) B(z) � ( 1 )
zT ∗ (z) = zB� (z)T − T .
z z z
Now, for z ∈ T1 , we get by straight forward computation
n (
zB� (z) ∑ −𝛼j z
= − .
B(z) j=1 1 − 𝛼j z z − 𝛼j
∑ |𝛼j |2 − 1
|z − 𝛼j |2

zB� (z)
Since |𝛼j | > 1 for j = 1, 2, ..., n, it follows that is real and positive number hence
zB� (z) || zB� (z) || �
=| | = |B (z)|.
B(z) | B(z) |
Therefore, we get for z ∈ T1

|zT ∗ (z)| = |zB� (z)T(z) − B(z)zT � (z)|
zB� (z)
= || T(z) − zT � (z)||
= |||B� (z)|T(z) − zT � (z)||.

Since |B� (z)| is real, we have

|zT ∗ (z)| = |||B� (z)|T(z) − zT � (z)||.

This gives

| zT ∗� (z) |2 | zT � (z) ||
| = ||B� (z)| −
| | |
| |
| T(z) | | T(z) ||
| | |
| zT � (z) |2 ( � )
zT (z)
= |B� (z)|2 + | | − 2|B� (z)|Re .
| |
| T(z) | T(z)
| |
Therefore, using (3.1), we get for z ∈ T1
Journal of Mathematical Sciences

| zT ∗� (z) |2 | zT � (z) |2
| ≥ |B� (z)|2 + |
| | | |
| |
| T(z) | | T(z) |
| | | |
{ � }
� |B (z)| 1 |c0 | − |cn |
−2|B (z)| − .
2 2 |c0 | + |cn |

This implies for z ∈ T1 ,

� |c0 | − |cn |
|T ∗ (z)|2 ≥ |T � (z)|2 + |T(z)|2 |B� (z)|.
|c0 | + |cn |

Since T(z) = r(z) − 𝛼m� , hence

T ∗ (z) = B(z)T = r∗ (z) − 𝛼m� B(z).
This gives
� �
T ∗ (z) = r∗ (z) − 𝛼m� B� (z).

Also T � (z) = r� (z), therefore, we get

|r∗ (z) − 𝛼m� B� (z)|2 ≥
{ }
|c | − |cn | �
|r� (z)|2 + 0 |B (z)||r(z) − 𝛼m� |2 .
|c0 | + |cn |

Since r(z) has all zeros in T1 ∪ D+1 , it follows that all the zeros of r∗ (z) lie in D−1 . Also for z ∈ T1

|𝛼m� B(z)| ≤ |r∗ (z)|. (3.2)

Using Lemma 2.3 and choosing the argument of 𝛼 suitably on the left-hand side, which is possible by (3.2) and using
triangular inequality on the right-hand side, we get
( )2

|r∗ (z)| − |𝛼|m� |B� (z)| ≥
{ }
� |c0 | − |cn | � (
2 � 2
|r (z)| + |B (z)| |r(z)| − |𝛼|m .
|c0 | + |cn |

Letting |𝛼| → 1, we get for z ∈ T1

( )2
∗� � �
|r (z)| − m |B (z)| ≥
{ } (3.3)
|c | − |cn | � ( )2
|r (z)| + 0
� 2
|B (z)| |r(z)| − m� .
|c0 | + |cn |

By Lemma 2.4, we have

|r� (z)| + |r∗ (z)| ≤ |B� (z)|||r||.

That is,

|r∗ (z)| ≤ |B� (z)|||r|| − |r� (z)|.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences

This gives for (3.3)

{ }2
� � � �
|B (z)|||r|| − |r (z)| − m |B (z)| ≥
{ }
|c0 | − |cn | � ( )2
|r� (z)|2 + |B (z)| |r(z)| − m� .
|c0 | + |cn |

Equivalently, for z ∈ T1
{ }2
� � �
( )
|B (z)| ||r|| − m − |r (z)| ≥
{ }
|c0 | − |cn | � ( )2
|r� (z)|2 + |B (z)| |r(z)| − m� .
|c0 | + |cn |

That is, for z ∈ T1

|B� (z)| ||r|| − m� + |r� (z)|2 − 2 ||r|| − m� |r� (z)||B� (z)|
( ( )

|c | − |cn | � ( )2
≥|r� (z)|2 + 0 |B (z)| |r(z)| − m� .
|c0 | + |cn |

Equivalently, for z ∈ T1
)2 |c | − |cn | ( )2
2 ||r|| − m |r� (z)| ≤ |B� (z)| ||r|| − m� − 0 |r(z)| − m� .
( ) (
|c0 | + |cn |

That is
� 2
{ ( ) }
1 0 − n
|r(z)| − m
|r� (z)| ≤ |B� (z)| − ||r|| − m� .
|c | |c | ( )
2 |c0 | + |cn | (||r|| − m� )2

This completely proves Theorem 1.6.

Proof of Theorem 1.8 We assume all the zeros of r(z) lie in D−1 . Let m� = min |r(z)|, then

m� ≤ |r(z)|, for z ∈ T1 .

As if there exists a zero on T1 , then m� = 0; hence, in this case, theorem holds trivially. Hence, for some complex 𝛼 with
|𝛼| < 1, we have

|r(z)| > |𝛼|m� for z ∈ T1 .

Therefore, it follows by Rouche’s theorem T(z) = r(z) − 𝛼m� and r(z) have same number of zeros in D−1 . Now, using Lemma
2.1 for the rational function T(z), we get
( � ) { }
zT (z) |c | − |cn |
Re ≥ |B� (z)| − 0 .
T(z) |c0 | + |cn |

Hence, for z ∈ T1
| T � (z) |
( � ) { }
| | ≥ Re zT (z) ≥ |B� (z)| − |c0 | − |cn | .
| T(z) | T(z) |c0 | + |cn |
| |

That is, for z ∈ T1

Journal of Mathematical Sciences

{ }
1 |c0 | − |cn |
|T � (z)| ≥ |B� (z)| − |T(z)|.
2 |c0 | + |cn |

{ }
1 |c | − |cn |
|r� (z)| ≥ |B� (z)| − 0 |r(z) − 𝛼m� |.
2 |c0 | + |cn |

Choosing argument of 𝛼 on right-hand side and letting |𝛼| → 1, we get

{ }
1 |c | − |c0 | (
|r� (z)| ≥ |B� (z)| + n |r(z)| + m� .
2 |c0 | + |cn |

This completely proves Theorem 1.8.

Acknowledgements The authors are highly grateful to the referee for his/her useful suggestions.

Funding The first author is highly thankful to the funding agency DST-INSPIRE for their financial support.

Data availability Not applicable for our paper.

Conflict of interest The authors declare no competing interests.

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