Questionbank 1

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1. Elaborate the scope of anthropology and elucidate its uniqueness in the field of
other social sciences. (2021, 20M)
2. The losses and gains of erect posture (2021,10M)
3. “The Biocultural approach is the hall mark of biological anthropology”. Explain
(2021, 10M)
4. Thermoluminescence (TL) dating. (2021, 10M)
5. What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus. Discuss in
phylogenetic status. (2021, 20M)
6. Elucidate how Darwin and post-Darwin theories of evolution results in the
development of synthetic theory of evolution (2020)
7. Jane Goodall’s contributions in studying primate behavior. (10M, 2020)
8. Critically evaluate the contesting theories of the emergence and dispersal of
modern Homoserines. (2020)
9. “Europeans are closer to Neanderthals”. Critically discuss in view of the African
origin of Humankind. (2019,15M).
10. Olduvai Gorge. (2019,10M)
11. Adaptive primate radiation. (2019, 10M)
12. Relative dating methods. (2019,10M)
13. The relevance of Anthropology (2018, 10M)
14. Describe the culture related to Homo erectus. (2018, 15M)
15. Describe the principles of radiocarbon dating. Mention its limitations. (2018,
16. Define Anthropology, Describe the major branches of Anthropology elaborating
on any one branch. (2017, 20M)
17. Bring out the comparative anatomical features of man and apes. Discuss their
evolutionary significance. (2017, 15M)
18. What are dating methods? Discuss one absolute method and one relative method
in detail. (2017, 15M)

19. Rhodesian Man (2016,10M)

20. Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in Human evolution. (2016,15M)
21. Differences between Social Anthropology and Sociology. (2016,10M)
22. Explain the skeletal changes due to erect posture and their implications.
23. Elucidate the biological and cultural factors in Human Evolution. (2015,15)
24. Describe the salient characteristics and geographical distribution of Homo
erectus. (2015,20)
25. Critically examine Darwin’s theory of evolution in understanding evolution.
26. Major subdivisions of Anthropology (2014,10)
27. Asian Homo erectus (2014,10)
28. Elucidate the skeletal differences between humans and Chimpanzees (2014,15)
29. How do you situate Anthropology in social sciences? (2013,10)
30. Role of primatology in Anthropological studies? (2013,10)
31. Discuss how Neo Darwinism integrated the fields of Genetics and Evolution
32. Carbon14 dating method (2013,10M)
33. Relative dating methods (2012,12m)
34. How natural selection acts on variation, explain with human examples?
35. Adaptive radiation in the concept of evolution(2012,12m)
36. Compare and contrast between Gorilla and man? (2012,20m)
37. Synthetic theory of Evolution (15M, 2011,2010)
38. Neanderthal man (15M, 2011)
39. Skeletal similarities and differences between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens?
(30M, 2011)
40. Man is a primate- discuss (30M, 2011)
41. What are the major craniofacial changes that occurred during the hominid
evolution? (2010)


42. Explain the structural analysis of kinship as proposed by Levi-Strauss. (2021, 15)
43. Critically evaluate different types of social stratification with suitable examples
(2021, 20M)
44. Descent groups (2021, 10M)
45. Marriage regulations and alliance theory (2021,10M)
46. Explain the impact of feminist movements on universality of marriage and family
structure (2020)
47. Human rights and cultural relativism. (10M, 2020)
48. Discuss social stratification according to any three major approaches.
49. Discuss the Evolutionary significance of bipedalism and erect posture.
50. Kinship terminology. (2018, 10M)
51. Ways of acquiring mate in tribal societies. (2018, 2012 10M)
52. Explain the biological changes that made human beings capable of making
culture. (2018, 20M)
53. Discuss the development of the concept of culture in Anthropology. (2017, 20M)
54. Elucidate the determinants of kinship terminology. (2017, 15M)
55. Discuss the different forms of preferential marriage with suitable examples from
tribal societies in India. (2017, 15M)
56. Bilineal and bilateral descents. (2017, 10M)
57. Describes the cardinal points of descent and alliance theories. (2016,15M)
58. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movements on family in India.
59. Cultural Relativism (2016,10M)
60. Lineage and Clan (2016,10M)
61. Incest Taboos. (2015,10M)
62. Define family and critically examine the universality of family (2015,15M)
63. Double descent (2014,10M)

64. Is culture unique to humans? Critically examine (2014,15M)

65. Define marriage and describe various types of marriages in human societies
66. Various types of descent (10M,2013)
67. Why has the concept of cultural relativism been so dear to anthropologists. (20M,
68. Bring out the distinguishing features of culture and civilization (15M, 2013)
69. Where do you situate live in relationship within the institution of marriage (15M,
70. Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movement on family. (20M,
71. Discuss the types of kinship groups formed on the basis of different principle.
(20M, 2012)
72. Is family a social institution? (12M, 2012)
73. Cultural relativism and subsequent violation of human rights(15M,2010)


74. Modes of subsistence (2021, 10M)
75. Pastoralism in India. (2019, 10M)
76. Write the characteristics of hunting and gathering economy. (2018, 15M)
77. Discuss the principles governing production, distribution, and exchange in simple
societies. (2016,15M)
78. Horticulture (2015,10M)
79. With the help of appropriate examples, explain the various forms of exchange
systems. (2017, 15M)
80. Critically examine the Formalists’ and Substantivists’ views on the applicability
of economic laws in the study of primitive societies. (2015,20M)
81. Discuss the impact of globalization on tribal economy. (2013, 20M)
82. Differentiate between Economics and Economic Anthropology (2013,10M)
83. Critically examine the debate between Formalists and
Substantivists. (2011,30M)

84. Discuss different modes of exchange in simple societies. With suitable examples.
(2011, 30M)


85. How do political organizations of simple societies establish power, authority, and
legitimacy. (2021, 20M)
86. How is the construct of power linked to the notion of conspicuous consumption
and its impact on distributive justice?
87. How does customary law function in tribal society? Discuss its different sources.
(2018, 15M)
88. Mention the characteristic features of band with suitable examples. (2017, 25M)
89. Discuss different social control mechanisms in simple societies. (2016,15M)
90. Discuss the nature of Law and Justice in simple societies citing suitable
examples. (2014, 20M)
91. Differentiate between State and Stateless Societies. (2014, 10M)

92. Animism and tribal economy (2021,10M)
93. Critically explain the anthropological approaches to religion(2019,15M).
94. Differentiate between science and magic. (2018, 10M)
95. Discuss the different traditional forms of religion in tribal societies. (2017, 20M)
96. Difference between religion and magic. (2017,10M)
97. Critically examine different Anthropological approaches to Religion. (2016,20M)
98. Totemism (2016,10M)
99. How do you relate the concepts of ‘Sacred’ and ‘Profane’ in Durkheim’s theory
of religion with a focus on the role of totem? (2015,15M)
100. Totemism (2013,10M)
101. Distinguish between religion, magic, and science (2012,20M)
102. Explain various anthropological approaches to study religion. (2011, 30M)

103. Critically evaluate Lewis Morgan’s classification of family. (2021, 15M)
104. Historical Particularism and Franz Boas (2021,10M)
105. Victor Turner and Liminality (10M,2020)
106. Elucidate the concept of thick description of Clifford Geertz with a suitable
example (2021, 15M)
107. Discuss phenomenology as a research method in anthropological studies.
108. Cultural materialism. (2019,10M).
109. The Relationship between Linguistics and Social-Cultural
110. Cultural Relativism. (2019,10M)
111. How did Radcliffe0-Brown and Levi-Strauss study kinship in terms of social
structure? (2019,15M).
112. Examine critically the contributions of Victor Turner and Clifford Geertz in
anthropology (2019,20M).
113. Gordon Childe’s theory of cultural evolution. (2018, 10M)
114. What do you understand by the national character study? Illustrate the concept.
(2018, 15M)
115. Critically examine the Stewardian view of Neo-evolutionism. (2017, 15M)
116. Explain Ruth Benedict’s patterns of culture. (2017, 20M)
117. Basic tenets of structural functionalism. (2017, 10M)
118. How do the concepts of binary opposites and exchange figure in Levi-Strauss’
structural analysis of kinship? (2016,20M)
119. According to Geertz, how does the cockfight reveal aspects of Balinese
culture? (2016,20M)
120. Functionalism (2016,10M)
121. Historical Particularism. (2015,10m)
122. How did Morgan explain the evolution of marriage, family, and Socio-Political
organization, and how did other evolutionists disagree with his explanation?

123. How do diffusionism and evolutionism differ as explanations of Culture

Change? (2015,15m)
124. Explain the basic features of ‘Postmodernism’ in Anthropology. (2015,20m)
125. What made Geertz’s Interpretive Anthropology distinct from Turner’s
Symbolic Anthropology? What does each of them mean by the terms ‘Symbol’
and ‘Symbolic’? (2015,20m)
126. What is Functionalism? Discuss the functional approach to the understanding
of Religion (2014)
127. Define Status and Role. Distinguish between Ascribed and Achieved Status
128. What is understood by ‘Rites of Passage’? Describe the various phases of the
‘Rites of Passage and their significance. (20M,2014)
129. In what way Functionalism is different from the structural functionalism
(20M, 2013)
130. Bring out the contribution of Turner and Geertz in symbolic and interpretive
theories (15M, 2013)
131. Post modernism in Anthropology (10M, 2012)
132. Explain the concept of status and role in Anthropology (20M,2012)
133. Cultural materialism (10M, 2011)
134. Critically examine the contribution of Anthropologists in the interpretation of
symbols. (30M,2011)
135. Point out the differences in the concepts of classical evolutionism and Neo
evolutionism in Sociocultural anthropology. Which stage of prehistoric culture is
known as the cultural revolution? Why? (30M, 2010)
136. What are the major criticisms of the theory of structuralism as propounded by
Claude Levi-Strauss. (2009)
137. Cultural materialism.


138. Mention the main branches of linguistic anthropology and explain language
use in social and cultural settings (2021, 15M)

139. Sapir Whorf hypothesis (10M,2020)

140. Relationship between linguistics and social-cultural anthropology. (2019,10M)
141. Critically examine that the structure and content of language are influenced by
culture. (2018, 15M)
142. Nonverbal communication (2017,10M)
143. Explain the difference between emic and etic, and how does the difference
derive from the study of language? (10M,2015)
144. Write a note on Linguistic anthropology (2013,10M)-
145. State the theories regarding the origin of spoken language in human societies
both from biological and cultural points of view (2010,30M)


146. Discuss various tools of data collection in conducting Anthropological
research. (2021, 15M)
147. Evaluate participant observation in producing anthropological knowledge.
(2019, 20M).
148. How is case study method helpful in understanding social phenomena? Explain
with a suitable example. (2018, 20M)
149. Define ethnography and present a brief history of ethnographic studies. (2018,
150. Elucidate the basic characteristics of Anthropological fieldwork methods.
151. Questionnaire (2017,10M)
152. Describe the evolution of Fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. (2016,15M)
153. Explain the difference between emic and etic, and how does the difference
derive from the study of language? (2015,10m)
154. Genealogical method (2014,10m)
155. Field work tradition in Anthropology (2014,2011,10M)
156. Discuss the relevance of case study method of data collection (2013,20m)
157. What are the tools of data collection? Discuss the advantages and limitations of
participant observation as a technique of data collection(2012,20m)

158. What is acclimatization? Discuss adaptive responses to high altitude and cold
climate. (2021, 20)
159. Is Race a valid and biologically meaningful concept (2021, 10M)
160. “Chromosomal aberrations can play havoc with the human body and mind”
Explain with suitable examples. (2021, 15M)
161. Explain the genetic mechanisms of Micro and Macro evolution. (2021,15M)
162. Racism and Eugenics (2020)
163. Critically examine the demographic and epidemiological consequences with
rise in food production and sedentism. (2020)
164. Implications of mutation in evolution. (2019,10M)
165. With Reference to the Somatoscopic and Morphometric characteristics
commonly used for racial classification, make critical comments as to whether
‘Race’ is a valid concept. (2019,20M)
166. Explain the mechanisms of human variation in gene frequencies. (2018, 20M)
167. Do Allen’s rule and Bergman’s rule hold for human populations? Explain with
examples. (2018, 15M)
168. Advanced molecular anthropology techniques. (2018, 10M)
169. Categorize genes that influence human survival. (2018, 10M)
170. Describe the mechanisms for structural anomalies with diagrams. (2018, 20M)
171. Narrate evolution of disease and major causes of ill health in human
populations. (2018, 10M)
172. Distinguish between Adaptation, adaptability, and acclimatization with
examples. (2018, 20M)
173. Briefly describe the various methods used in the Genetic study of man.
(2017, 20M)
174. Discuss the responses and acclimatization to high altitude stresses. (2017,15M)
175. Concept of Race. (2017,10M)
176. Hardy-Weinberg law. (2017, 10M)
177. Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their application to human
populations. (2016,15M)

178. Explain the significance of screening and counseling for genetic disorder.
179. Describe the scope of Epidemiological Anthropology in the study of infectious
and non-infectious diseases. (2016,15M)
180. Discuss the genetic and non-genetic factors in the bio-cultural adaptations of
human beings to different environments. (2016,20M)
181. Rh-Blood Group (2016,10M)
182. Explain the role of heredity and environment in the formation of races.
183. Down’s syndrome (2015,10M)
184. Discuss chromosomal aberrations in man illustrating with examples.
185. Critically examine the physiological responses and acclimatization to cold
climate in Man. (2015,15M)
186. Define genetic polymorphism. Give details of its types with suitable examples.
187. What do you understand by Immunogenetics? Explain with suitable examples.
188. Ecological Anthropology. (2014,10M)
189. Discuss the role of anthropology in the understanding of health and disease.
What specific understanding is available with respect to infectious and non-
infectious diseases? (2014,20M)
190. Genetic Counselling (2014,10M)
191. Epidemiological Anthropology. (2014,10M)
192. Describe Turner and Klinefelter Syndromes in (2014,15M)
193. What are the stresses at high altitudes? How do better cardio-respiratory
functions help the native highlanders in combating low environmental pressure?
194. Discuss the factors affecting gene frequencies among human populations.
(2014, 20M)
195. Twin method in Human genetics (2013,10M)
196. What do you understand by Genetic load in a population? How is it measured
and what are the important factors that can influence it. (2013,15M also in 2009)

197. Elaborate on major human adaptations to heat and cold (2013,15M)

198. What are genetic markers and what is their usefulness? Why are blood groups
considered as good genetic markers? Illustrate with examples. (2013,15M)
199. What is meant by epidemiological transition? Elaborate upon its causes and
consequences highlighting major health problems of our adult population today.
200. Differentiate between race and racism. What are the three major races of the
world? Give important biological criteria used frequently for such a classification
(2013, 2010,15M)
201. Discuss the role of ABO blood group system in resolving the cases of disputed
paternity (2012,20M)
202. What are lethal and sub lethal genes explain (2012,20M)
203. give a competitive account of the variations in hemoglobin levels and
respiratory functions among the populations living under different environmental
stresses – (2012,30 marks)
204. Genetic counseling (2012,10marks)
205. Epidemiological anthropology (2012,10 marks)
206. Discuss the chromosomal aberrations and manifestations of Klinefelter’s and
Turners syndromes (2012, 2010, 20 marks)
207. Briefly discuss the important causes for variations in the occurrence of
parasitic diseases in different populations. (2012,20 Marks)
208. What are the genetic effects of consanguinity? give examples. (2012,20 marks)
209. genetic polymorphism (2011,10M)
210. conditions necessary for the operation of Hardy-Weinberg law (2011,10Marks)
211. Respiratory function (2011,10Marks)
212. Discuss monogenic and polygenic inheritance in man citing suitable examples
(2011, 30Marks)
213. Native highlanders are well adapted to the high-altitude environment.
Discuss. 2011, 30Marks)
214. Social concept of disease (2010,15 Marks)
215. Write a note on thrifty genotype (20M,250w)

216. Differentiate between transient and balanced genetic polymorphism. Illustrate

your answer with suitable examples from Human population. (2019,15M)


217. Discuss physiological and evolutionary theories of aging (2021,15M)
218. Human adolescent growth spurt (2021, 10M)
219. “Human adaptations are always bio-cultural in nature”. Discuss with reference
to human adaptation to high-altitude climate. (2019,15M).
220. Discuss the methods of studying human growth with their merits and demerits.
221. Genetico-environmental factors affecting human growth. (2019,10M).
222. Issues of elderly and senescence in developing and developed countries.
(2018, 10M)
223. Describe the various methods of studying growth highlighting their merits and
demerits. (2017, 15M)
224. Discuss Sheldon’s method of somatotyping. (2017, 15M)
225. Discuss different factors affecting growth and development in human beings.
226. Longitudinal method of studying growth. (2015,10M)
227. What is an anthropometric somatotype? Describe Heath and Carter’s method
of somatotyping. (2015,20M)
228. Cross-sectional methods of studying human growth(2014,10M)
229. What are the different stages of Growth? Describe any one of them in detail.
230. Discuss Ageing and Senescence. Describe either the biological or social
theories of Ageing. (2014,20M)
231. Differentiation between Child Growth and Development (2013,10M)
232. Ageing and Senescence (2013,10M)
233. Justify “Though human growth is under tight genetic control, but it is
influenced by various environmental factors.” (2013,15M)

234. explain any two biological theories of ageing based on purposeful events
235. Describe different methods of studying human growth. (2011,30M)
236. Define somatotype. Describe the salient features of different components of
somatotype. (2011, 30M)


237. Discuss the bio-social determinants of fertility and fecundity. (2021, 15M)
238. Discuss the bio-cultural factors influencing fertility in light of the relationship
between fecundity and fertility(2019,15M)
239. Define fecundity and explain major factors affecting fecundity in Indian
populations. (2018, 15M)
240. Describe the biological and socio-ecological factors affecting fertility and
mortality. (2017, 15M)
241. Age at Menarche. (2017,10M)
242. Fertility and Fecundity. (2016,10M)
243. Menopause and its impact (2015,10M)
244. Fertility and Fecundity. (2014,10)
245. Discuss the relevance of Menarche, menopause and other bio events to fertility
246. Demographic transition (2013, 10M)
247. Distinguish the terms fertility and fecundity. Are the factors influencing them
distinguishable? Discuss (2010, 30M)


248. How are the cases of disputed paternity solved? Discuss the recent techniques
(2021, 20M)
249. What is anthropometry? Discuss its role in assessing the nutritional status and
sports capability of a person. (2021, 15M)
250. “Applied human genetics has come to touch every sphere of human life”.
Discuss in light of recent advances in molecular anthropology” (2019,15M)

251. Anthropological inputs in facial reconstruction. (2019,10M).

252. What are the methods of personal identification. Critically examine how
personal identification helps in criminal investigations. (2017, 20M)
253. Anthropology and designing of equipment. (2017,10M)
254. Describe the role of Anthropology in designing defence and other equipment.
255. Forensic Anthropology. (2016,10M)
256. DNA technology in medicine (10M,2015)
257. Elucidate the role of Anthropology in selection and monitoring of sports
persons. (15M,2015)
258. Forensic Science can help in criminal investigations. Discuss. (20M,2015)
259. Application of Anthropometry in designing (12M,2012)
260. Genetic counseling (12M, 2012)
261. Personal identification (25M, 2011)
262. Role of Forensic anthropology in the field of personal identification (20M,
263. Role of Anthropology in solving medico legal problems (20M, 2009)
264. Briefly discuss the Applications of the knowledge of human osteology in
forensic investigations (20M, 2012)

TRIBAL INDIA 2020 & 2021

265. The concept of Ethnicity and ethnic conflicts (10M, 2020)
266. Critically assess the impact of Christianity on tribal culture and identity (2021,
267. Elucidate the problems and challenges in educational attainment of Scheduled
tribes. (2021, 15M)
268. Urbanization and tribal institutions (2021, 10M)
269. Concepts of tribe and Indian census. (2021, 10M)
270. Politics of recognition and deprivation. (2021, 10M)
271. Discuss the impact of the forest rights act (2006) on the livelihood and culture
of tribal people in India. (2021, 15M)
272. Examine the factors responsible for Malnutrition in tribal India and suggest
interventions required to overcome the problem. (2021, 15M)

273. Explain the impact of successive land acquisition acts on tribal social
organization. (2021, 15M)
274. Discuss the problems involved in rehabilitation and resettlement of tribals
displaced due to development projects in India. (2021, 15M)
275. Discuss the interventions made by the nongovernmental organizations for
empowering tribal women. (2021, 15M)
276. Delineate the constitutional safeguard for religious minorities in India. (2021,
277. Identify the causes of tribal unrest with special reference to north-East India.
(2021, 15M)


278. Education and health among tribal women. (15)
279. The problem of bonded labor among Indian tribes. (15)
280. Panchayati Raj and the tribes. (15)
281. Tribal displacement. (15)
282. " Land and forest are the twin problems of the tribes." Explain. (40)
283. Discuss the relevance of traditional wisdom and knowledge of the tribes with
reference to health in the present-day context. (20)
284. Discuss and compare the approaches towards the tribes during colonial and
post independent India. (45) Do you find any significant change in the
approaches? Asses. 15
285. Critically examine the various structural constraints in the educational
development of Scheduled Tribes. 30
286. Analyze the factors influencing tribal regionalism, citing Indian examples. 30


287. Factors contributing to communalism (10M)

288. Forest Rights Act – 2006 (10M)
289. Tribal Panchsheel (10M)
290. Future of Hunting and Gathering Tribes (10M)

291. Left-wing extremism and tribals in India. (10M)

292. Discuss the impact of Hindu Society on tribal population in India. 30
293. Discuss the problem of displaced tribal communities with the help of recent
examples. 30
294. Compare the approach adopted towards tribal communities during Colonial
and Post-independence periods. 30
295. Discuss the distinctive features of tribes in North-east India. 30
296. “Tribes in India are not homogeneous group.” Discuss. 30
297. Discuss the impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on tribal women. 15


298. Discuss the concept of indigenous people as per the relevant UN Convention.
Are the tribals of India indigenous people? Comment.
299. Critically examine the relationship between tribal communities and the nation
– State on the issues of governance.
300. Examine the relevance of tribal Panchsheel by Jawahar Lal Nehru in the light
of emerging development practices.
301. Using the ethnographic examples, highlight the process of religious
conversions in tribal India.


302. Role of Gram Sabha under PESA. (10, Marks)

303. Impacts of sanctuaries and national parks on tribal populations. (10
304. Linguistic classification of Indian tribes. (10 Marks)
305. Ethnic movements in India. (10 Marks)
306. Fifth Schedule and Sixth Schedule of the constitution are built on the
foundations laid by the colonial Government. Discuss. (20 Marks)

307. Discuss the significance of cultural and administrative factors in tribal

development. (15 Marks)
308. Discuss the criticism leveled against anthropology in the context of
‘Isolation, and assimilation debate on tribal populations. (20 Marks)
309. Discuss how British policies dispossessed tribals of their communal
properties and agricultural lands. (15 Marks)
310. Discuss the alternatives for shifting cultivators in the context of
ecological costs and humanistic concerns. (20, Marks)
311. Examine the impact of non-tribal contact on socio-cultural institutions of
tribal people with suitable examples. (15 Marks)


312. Biogenetic variations of Indian tribes (10 marks)

313. Social and economic marginalization of tribal people(10marks)
314. Forest policy and tribes(10marks)
315. The concept of PTG (10 marks)
316. Impact of Christianity on tribes (10 marks)
317. Critically examine the constitutional provisions for safeguarding the
interests of Scheduled Tribes in India. (20 Marks)
318. Discuss the impact of land alienation on the tribes of Central India. (15
319. Critically evaluate the National Tribal Policy. (15 marks)
320. Discuss the impact of Globalization on the livelihood of the tribal
populations. (20 Marks)
321. What are the significant factors responsible for tribal unrest? (15 marks)
322. Discuss the rise of ethno-nationalism among Indian tribes with specific
example. (15 marks)
323. Critically examine the role of NGOs in promoting health and education
in tribal areas. (15 marks)
324. Describe the history of tribal administration in the colonial period. (15


325. Relevance of tribal Panchsheel today (10 marks)
326. Rights over resources and tribal unrest
327. Briefly describe the classical models of ethnic and linguistic
classification of Indian population. Discuss its relevance today.
328. Discuss how constitutional provisions in India have built-in mechanisms
for dealing with the problem of land alienation in tribal areas.
329. Discuss the impact of Hinduism on the status of tribal women in Central
330. Critically examine the concept of communalism religious and
multiethnic polity of India. (20 Marks)
331. Examine in detail the role of anthropology in planning for tribal
development. (15 marks)
332. Critically compare ‘Affirmative Action’ of USA and ‘Protective
Discrimination’ for Scheduled Tribes in India. (15 marks)
333. Islam and Matriliny (10 marks)
334. Elwin Ghurye debate on Tribes (10 marks)
335. Role of Governor in Fifth Schedule Areas (10 marks)
336. Discuss the nature of social change in tribal India under the impact of
developmental programmes. 15
337. Discuss the sociocultural, economic and psychological constraints
responsible for low literacy in tribal areas.
338. Tribe and nation state


339. The role that regionalism plays in demand for autonomy among Indian
Tribes. (10 marks,150 words)
340. Bio-genetic variability of Indian tribes (10)
341. Impact of industrialization on scheduled tribe population of
Jharkhand (10)
342. Tribe as a colonial construct (10)

343. Anthropological interpretation of ethnic and political movements (10)

344. Explain the difficulties experienced by scheduled tribes with regard to
implementation of the 'Recognition of Forest Rights Act, 2006' (15)
345. Discuss the impact of Islam on scheduled tribes of India. (15)
346. Describe how various tribal development programmes and plans have
impacted the process of social transformation among tribes. (15)
347. Write in detail various provisions provided by the Constitution of India
for the scheduled tribes under Vth and Vl th Schedules. (20)


348. Critically discuss the constitutional safeguards for the scheduled castes
349. Indebtedness among tribal communities. (10)
350. Ethnicity and regionalism (10)
351. Particularly vulnerable tribal groups (10)
352. Impact of Christianity among Indian tribes. (10)
353. Discuss the impact of displacement on the health and nutritional status
of tribal communities. (20)
354. Discuss the emergence, salient features, and limitations of tribal sub-
plan. (15 marks,200 words)
355. Critically evaluate the term tribe (as used in India) as compared to the
term indigenous in some other countries. (20)
356. Discuss the contribution of anthropology in understanding the loss of
livelihood of tribal communities due to economic and ecological factors.
(15 Marks, 200 words)


357. Distinctive cultural features of tribes in Andaman Islands (2018, 10M)

358. Examine the colonial administrators’ view that Indian villages can be
considered as ‘Little republics. (2018, 15M)

359. Youth dormitory as an administration. (2018, 10M)

360. Tribe and scheduled tribe. (2018, 10M)
361. Compare and contrast the economic typology of tribes given by different
anthropologists. (2018, 20M)
362. Examine the advancement made in the land acquisition and
rehabilitation act of 2013 over the land acquisition act of 1894.
363. Discuss various factors resulting in tribal unrest in various parts of India.
(2018, 20M)
364. Discuss the salient features of PESA act of 1996 and attempt a
comparison with the features of VI schedule. (2018, 15M)
365. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of anthropology in the context of
its role in tribal and rural development. (2018, 20M)
366. Discuss the significance and implementation of ‘Recognition of forest
rights act 2006. (2018, 15M)


367. What has been the impact of development projects on the environment
and livelihood of forest-dwelling tribes? (2019,15M)
368. Identify some special programs for particularly vulnerable Tribal Groups
(erstwhile PTGs). (2019,15M).
312. Discuss how indigenous people encounter globalization(2019,20M)
313. Issues relating to tribal education. (2019,10M).
314. Critically discuss the role of NGOs in tribal development. (2019,15M)
315. What are the Constitutional safeguards to protect the interests of the
Indian Tribes? (2019,15M)
316. What has been the impact of non-Hindu religious on the emancipation
of Schedule Castes in India? (2019,15M).
317. Discuss with appropriate examples how tribal unrest may be understood
as emerging out of an incompatibility between tribes and the nation-
state. (2019,20M)
318. Discuss how the elements of little and great traditions combine in the

emergence of social/political/religious movements, giving any one

example to illustrate the issue. (2019, 20M)
319. What are the salient issues faced by pastoral communities in India?
Discuss with suitable examples. (2019, 15M)
320. What has been the contribution of Tribal people to the Indian
independence movement. (2019, 15M)
321. Ethnicity and regionalism (2019, 10M)


322. What kind of society may be reconstructed from the archaeological

evidence of Harappan culture? (2019,20M)
323. Phylogenetic position and morphological features of Ramapithecus.
324. Describe the Paleolithic culture with special reference to Soanian
tradition. Indicate the problems of describing the Indian Paleolithic.
325. Ethno-archaeological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal
communities. (2019,10M).
326. Distribution of Neolithic sites in India. (2019,10M)
327. Discuss with examples the Megalithic culture of India in the
Archaeological context. (2019,20M).
328. Elucidate Mesolithic culture and associated rock art with examples from
India. (2019,15M)
329. Town planning in Harappan culture. (2018, 10M)
330. Give an account of the consequences of food production of Neolithic
culture. (2018, 15M)
331. Give an account of the field methods used in the study of Archaeological
Anthropology. (2018, 15M)
332. Ethnoarchaeology as a research strategy. (2018, 10M)
333. Describe the salient features of Sivapithecus. (2018, 15M)
334. Explain the regional variations of Mesolithic cultures of India.

335. Neolithic cultures of south India (10M, 2017)
336. Ethno-archaeology. (2017, 10M)
337. Discuss the salient features of Chalcolithic cultures of the Deccan.
338. Describe the salient features of Ramapithecus. (2017, 15M)
339. Describe various aspects of trade and religion of Harappan civilization.
(2017, 15M)
340. Discuss the relevance of Art and craft traditions in the understanding of
Indian Anthropology. (2017, 15M)
341. Delineate the salient features of Chalcolithic cultures (2016, 15M)
342. Neolithic Cultures of India. (10M,2016)
343. Significance of Mesolithic findings from Belan Valley (2016,10M)
344. Ethno-archaeological evidence for the survival of hunting-gathering
traditions in India (2016,10M)
345. Delineate the salient characteristics of 'Narmada Man' and examine its
phylogenetic significance (2016, 15M)
346. Archaeological Anthropology. (10M,2015)
347. Paleolithic culture. (10M,2015)
348. South Indian Palaeoliths (10M,2015).
349. Describe the paleo-anthropological fossil finds from Siwalik hills.
Examine the contribution of Siwalik fossils to paleoanthropological
knowledge (2015,15M)
350. Prehistoric Rock Art of Central India (2015,10M)
351. Discuss the significance of Harappan Civilization sites from India
352. Describe the absolute dating methods in Archaeology, highlighting the
importance of each method (2014,15)
353. Describe the Neolithic culture of India. (15M,2014)
354. Neolithic cultures of N-E India(10M,2014)
355. Describe what is known of Harappan Religion. Have some of its elements
continued into later Hinduism? Discuss. (2014, 20M)

356. Discuss the importance of the ethno-archaeological approach to the study

of indigenous craft in India. (2014,15M)
357. Describe the evolutionary significance of the fossil finds of the Narmada
Basin. (2014,15 M)
358. Give a broad outline of Patheolithic culture emphasizing upon its tool
technology. (20M,2013)
359. Examine the debates related to Ramapithecus (2013,10M)
360. Indian Paleolithic culture can neither be conceived chronologically
homogeneous nor as a uniform cultural phase. -Discuss. (15M,2013)
361. Discuss salient features of Mesolithic culture in India with special
reference to western India. (10M,2013)
362. Discussed the typology and distribution of upper Paleolithic cultures in
India (20M,2012)
363. Paleolithic Art (12M,2012)
364. Narmada man (2012, 12 M)
365. compare the salient features and distribution of middle Paleolithic and
upper Paleolithic cultures in India. And add a note on tools traditions of
upper Paleolithic period. (20M,2012)
366. Soan culture (12M,2012)
367. Comment briefly on the phylogenetic status of Australopithecines
368. Discuss the typology and distribution of upper Paleolithic cultures in
India (2012,20m)
369. Describe the characteristic features of Mesolithic Cultures in India
370. Discuss the significance of Sohan in Indian Prehistory. (2011, 30 M)
371. What stage is known as incipient stage of food production? Point out
major features of this cultural stage. Illustrate your answer with suitable
examples from specific area in the world? (2010,30M)
372. Which stage of prehistoric culture is known as the cultural revolution?
Why? (2010)
373. Natufian culture (10M, 2020)

374. Discuss the importance of Ethno-Archaeology in reconstructing the past

citing Indian examples. (2020)
375. Describe the features of early farming cultures and Neolithic of the Near
east. (2021, 15M)
376. Describe the salient features of different traditions of European
Mesolithic. (2021,15M)
377. Harappan seals (2021, 10M)
378. Critically discuss the origin of Indus valley civilization. Mention the
evidence of its endogenous origin from the pre Harappan sites.
379. Give the distribution and characteristic features of Upper Paleolithic
culture in India. (2021,15M)
380. Discuss the Morphological features and Phylogenetic position of Rama
pitchecus. (2021,15M)


382. Examine the contributions of S.C. Roy in highlighting the role of

customary laws in Tribal life. (2021, 15M)
383. Discuss the contributions of N.K. Bose in understanding tribal
communities and their place in Indian civilization. (2021, 15M)
384. Give an account of the contributions of Iravati Karve and B.S Guha to the
analysis of race and caste in India. (2019,20M)
385. Discuss the contributions of S.C. Roy in the study of tribal cultures in
India. (15M, 2018, 2014).
386. Discuss the contribution of Nirmal Kumar Bose to the understanding of
Indian society. (20M,2017)
387. Write about the contribution made by Christoph von Furer – Haimendorf
to tribal anthropology in India. (20M, 2016)
388. Compare the contribution of L.P. Vidyarthi and D.N. Majumdar to the
study of Indian tribes. (15M,2016)

389. Discuss the contributions of M.N. Srinivas to the study of Indian society.
Examine the influence of British anthropologists on him. (15M, 2015)
390. Examine the anthropological contributions dealing with tribes and Indian
civilization. (20M, 2013)
391. Discuss the contributions of H.D. Sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in
India. (20M, 2013).
392. Trace the trajectory of encyclopedic works on tribes and castes of south
India with special reference to Anantha Krishna Iyer’s contributions.
393. Compare the contributions of S.C. Roy and Verrier Elwin to tribal
ethnographies in India. (20M, 2012).
394. Asses the contribution of Verrier Elwin to Indian anthropology. (15M)


395. Delineate the factors influencing fertility in Indian population. (2021, 15

396. Debates on Aryan invasion (2020)
398. Distribution of Tibeto-Burman group of languages in India. (2019,10M)
399. Race is a myth. Justify its present-day relevance. (2018, 10M)
400. Endangered languages. (2018, 10M)
401. What are the various factors influencing population growth in India.
Discuss. (2018, 15M)
402. Austro-asiatic linguistic groups in India. (2017, 10M)
403. Give your assessment of the reasons for the imbalance in the sex ratio in
India. (2017, 20M)
404. Give a critical assessment of 'Negrito Problem' in India. (,2016,15M)
405. Briefly describe the classical model of ethnic and linguistic classifications
of Indian population. Discuss its relevance today. (15M, 2015)
406. Outline the distribution of Dravidian languages in India and describe their
cultural significance. (2015, 15M)

407. Major linguistic divisions of India (10M,2014)

408. Biogenetic variations of Indian tribes (2014,2005,2003) (10M)
409. Major linguistic divisions of India (2014, 10m)
410. Contribution of H. H. Risley to the ‘Aryan’ debate (2014, 10m)
411. Describe the linguistic elements in Indian population. (15M, 2011)
412. Discuss the relevance of Guha’s classification in the context of India’s
ethnic groups (2010,15M)
413. Critically examine the factors responsible for high population growth in
India and suggest suitable measures for population control (30+15 marks
414. Mediterranean element in Indian population (2008, 10M)
415. Is Risley’s classification of Indian population valid? critically discuss with
the suitable examples (2008,15M)
416. Describe ethnic elements in the Indian population focusing either on
Risley’s or Guha’s classification (2007, 15M)
417. Write in brief about the population growth in India indicating causes and
measures of its control (2006, 30M)
418. Demographic transition in India (2004)


419. Examine how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional
social relationships in agrarian society (2021, 15 marks)
420. Discuss the role of Panchayati Raj institutions in transforming traditional
power hierarchy in rural India. (2021, 15M)
421. Purushartha and righteous living today (2021, 10M)
422. Relevance of Tribe caste continuum (2021, 10M)
423. Caste and social capital (2021, 10M)
424. Explain the impact of the concept of Nature-Man-Spirit complex on
sustainable use of natural resources with suitable examples. (2021, 20M)
425. Explain the reasons of caste violence in Indian with suitable examples. (20
M, 2020)
426. Discuss the characteristics of caste system in India. (2020)
427. Discuss the impact of globalization on Indian villages. (2020)

428. Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India (2020)

429. Concept of Sanskritization (2020)
430. Concept of Dominant caste (2020)
431. Describe the impact of Buddhism on the tribal populations of India.
432. Use of doctrine of Karma and rebirth in justifying the Varna system.
433. The Jajmani system and contemporary market economy. (2019, 10M)
434. Panchayati Raj as a facilitator of social inclusion in rural society.
435. Describe the impact of industrialization on the economic and social
aspects of Indian villages. (2019, 15M)
436. Identify the theoretical concepts that emerged out of village studies in
India. (2019, 20M)
437. Discuss the impact of media on the social life of Indian villages.
438. Philosophy behind purusharthas. (2018, 10M)
439. Explain the impact of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian society. (2018,
440. Agrarian social structure. (2018, 10M)
441. The impact of Panchayati raj institutions in rural areas. (2018, 10M)
442. Modernization. (2018, 10M)
443. Explain the significance of tribe-caste continuum in the present context.
(2018, 15M)
444. Critically examine the contributions of Makhan Jha and B.N. Saraswati to
the study of sacred complexes in India. (2018, 20M)
445. Discuss the view that caste is not social stratification, but a system of
hierarchy. (2018, 15M)
446. OBCs among non-Hindu communities. (2018, 10M)
447. Explain the contribution of tribal culture to Indian civilization. (2018,
448. Discuss the impact of market economy on Indian villages. (2018, 15M)

449. Based on historical and contemporary evidence discuss the future of caste
system in India. (2018, 15M)
450. Varnashram and the concept of Rina. (2017, 10M)
451. Nature-man-spirit complex. (2017, 10M)
452. Discuss the impact of market economy on the Jajmani system. (2017,20M)
453. Discuss the social, political, and economic status of Muslims in India.
(2017, 20M)
454. Explain how the Buddhism influenced the economic and cultural
transformations of Indian society. (2017, 20M)
455. Discuss the impact of media as an instrument of social change.
(2017, 15M)
456. Other backward class. (2017, 15M)
457. Give a critical evaluation of any one Anthropological village study in
India. (2017, 15M)
458. Discuss the impact of Panchayati Raj institutions on the empowerment of
rural women in India. (2017, 15M)
459. How is the concept of tribe-caste continuum different from
Sanskritization? Comment. (2016, 15M)
460. Explain Indian village as a social system with suitable examples.
(2016, 20M)
461. Explain the nature of interplay of little and great traditions in the context
of globalization. (2016, 15M)
462. Scared complex as a dimension of Indian civilization. (2015, 10M)
463. Panchayati raj institutions and social change. (2015,10M)
464. Discuss the problems faced by religious minorities in India.
465. Examine the contribution of village studies towards the understanding of
Indian social system.
466. Discuss the impact of globalization on village economy in India.
467. What do you understand by dynamics, of caste mobility? How did the
concept. of Sanskritization contribute to its functionality?
468. Critically examine the concept of tribe-caste continuum and its relevance
in contemporary India.
469. Tribe-Caste continuum (2014, 10m)

470. Great tradition and little tradition (2014, 10m)

471. Describe the concept of ‘Sacred Complex’ with an ethnographic example.
(2014, 15m)
472. Do you think caste persists in contemporary India? Critically discuss.
473. Define the concept ‘Dominant Caste’ and examine its relevance in the
contemporary Indian village with suitable examples. (2014, 20 M)

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