Personal Statement - Grace Miller 1

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Grace Elena Miller-Roulet

Mixco, Guatemala, 01057 - +502 49847198 -


Lying on my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks, I listen to the music. It is calming and cathartic at the same
time. The lyrics by Taylor Swift, “You’re on your own kid,” play through my headphones, bringing up feelings I
have been having for the last year. Things have been hard since my dad left my family and decided to live a life
separate from us. Strangely when he first left, I barely noticed a difference since he had already been gone so
much. As time went on, I started to feel the difference. I missed him, but his absence also put a weight on my
shoulders. No matter how much people had told me that I didn’t have to do everything and I didn’t have to be
perfect I always felt like I was supposed to be. I felt that I needed to take care of my mom’s feelings and make
sure my brother was making the right decisions. I needed to be the perfect person for everyone, my family, my
boyfriend, God. I always felt like there was something I could do better.

I turn over and stare at the wall as the next Taylor Swift song plays beginning with a melody that sings, “Never
be so kind you forget to be clever. Never be so clever you forget to be kind.” Kindness is something that always
comes easy to me, but maybe not for the right reasons. I want to be liked by everyone and not get into
arguments. I want to keep the peace, even if I sacrifice for it. Being kind is wonderful, but it is something I always
hide behind. I do not voice my own opinions, in favor of keeping quiet to not make anyone mad at me. I give up
being clever to be kind or give up being kind to be clever. A sense of false humility and kindness seems to
surround me as I lie there listening to music.

“I just wanted you to know that this is me trying,” (Taylor Swift) rang in my ears. I have tried so hard to be good
and be what everyone else wants when in reality I need to be what I want and what God wants me to be. Seeking
to please everyone and do everything has driven me to this state of sadness and feeling like I am not enough when
in reality I am. I can always do better, but I do not need to be perfect. The lyrics “At least I’m trying,” (Taylor
Swift) causes a sense of calm to surround me. I am trying. I am trying to be who God wants me to be and who I
want to be. It’s my life gifted to me by my creator, not my family’s life or my friend’s life. I get to be who I want
to be. I can make the most of my time and live for what truly matters.

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