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Mill status.


रिववार, माच 19, 2023 20:31:00

Unit#1 Remarks
Mix and hot PA duct insula on damage. (BMD-29555).
MILL#1A Available
MIll-1A:PA flow tx devia on(58/51mmwc).C&I-31233.
MILL#1B MIll-1B:PA flow tx devia on(58/49mmwc). C&I-31235 , Boulders coming heavily I/S
MILL#1C HAD passing 30 Tons. stones coming heavily in reject I/S
MILL#1D i/s
PA flow tx devia on(59/76mmwc), C&I-31246.
Hot PA duct insula on damaged. BMD-30200.
Under PTW for labyrinth seal leakage
MILL#1F Coal Pipe-4 choke, Reject choking suspected Available

Labyrinth seal leakage , Reject choked.BMD(32566)

RCF-1G: COC NOT RUNNING BMD(motor running)(32832)

MILL#1H Mix, Hot and Cold PA duct insula on damage . AVAILABLE

MILL#1J PF leakage from Centre feed pipe & pipe-2 a er MDV Available

Unit#2 Remarks
MILL#2A Available
Thrust brg/IS Brg and lub oil temp running high
High Reject(32905) I/S
O/L temp tx hun ng(C&I-32327)
MILL#2C Mix PA flow tx mismatch(C&I-32837), I/S
PF Lkg From MDV-1
MILL#2D High reject (BMD-32830) I/S
MILL#2E Sha brg temp running high(78 Deg, 41TPH) I/S
MILL#2F pipe bend-1 PF leakage U/PTW
I/P sha Tx#1 erra c-C&I-32499
PF leakage from MDV-1
Thrust bearing temp high
MILL#2H Available
reject oversize valve inopera ve, actuator seal leakage(C&I-32678)
MILL#2J MILL-2J oil leakage from input sha in mill stop condi on. (BMD-32474) Available
Unit#3 Remarks
Mill reject very high, BMD 32581
MILL#3A Labyrinth seal lkg, BMD-30963 Available
Bowl DP erra c value, C&I-31768 (line choke)
Labyrinth seal lkg, BMD-31195, Reject Bypass line damaged Frequently choking
tendency.Mix air duct insula on damage.
MILL#3B in service
PF pipe#2 OWS/LOCAL TEMP MISMATCH(65/55). C&I 31131
Labyrinth seal heavy lkg (31196);
Mix air duct insula on damage;
MILL#3C thrust brg temp very High (95 degree at 25 TPH) in service
Reject bypass line damage, Feeder Gear box oil leakage
Rat Hole in Bunker at 8 mtr level. MIV inopera ve
high labyrinth seal leakage with spark.32981., reject bypass line damage,
Rat Hole in Bunker at 8mtr level.
MILL#3D air flow TX 1-52, 2-62 at 100 tph air-woc 31245. in service
Mill taking high current. 40T/100A , BMD 31489

Heavy Labyrinth seal lkg. BMD 32693.Reject bypass line damage

Mix air duct insula on damage. HIgh reject accumulated around mill
MILL#3E in service
air flow TX 1-39, 2-59 at 90 tph air-woc 31129.
motor DE temperature erra c--32980
Heavy Labyrinth seal lkg,CAD passing 25 TPH, BMD-31030.MIV inopera ve in
open condi on.BMD/C&I
MILL#3F I/P sha oil leakage in shut down condi on BMD-30957. O/S
Reject choke . 32984
air flow TX 1-73, 2-64 at 96 tph air-C&I-31231. Thrust brg temp-HFC16CT102 bad

Labyrinth seal lkg (BMD-31198), Mix air duct insula on fall to the ground.
MILL#3G High reject with Coal, Reject Bypass line damage. In service
Thrust brg temp-HFC17CT102 bad. C&I-30176 , MIV inopera ve C&I/BMD
Seal air damper inopera ve (C&I-31203).
High reject with Coal & choking tendency
MILL#3H PTW issued to BMD.
Sparking and heavy reject, BMD 32576
abnormal sound+current hun ng,
Labyrinth seal lkg( BMD-31200);
Very High fine reject with coal, BMD 31752
MILL#3J LOP-A NRV passing, BMD 32577 Available
bowl DP running high.
MIV Inopera ve.BMD/C&I

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