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With the advancement of technology that facilitates online communication, face

to face contact will soon become a thing of the past.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I. Introduction
- Definition: According to Davis Grossman (2022), face-to-face communication
is having the ability to see the other person or people during a conversation. It’s
an opportunity to exchange more than just words because both the speaker and
listener(s) can observe and adjust based on body language and expression.
- Little by little, technology has become an integral part of the way that people
communicate with one another and has increasingly taken the place of face-to-
face communication. Due to the rapid expansion of technology, many
individuals fear that people may be too immersed in this digital world and not
present enough in the real world. (Emily Drago, 2015) `
- Topic sentence: Face-to-face contact is essential in today's world of
technology. Although this is true in some ways, the effects of one-on-one
interaction are still so powerful that no artificial substitute can replace them.
● According to Patrick's survey, 80% of people preferred face-to-face
communication. When it came to group work, more individuals, who
utilized their devices for recreational use, chose to work in person rather
than using technology. Also, people use technology because it is
convenient, yet face-to-face communication is more intimate.
Comparing the results of Patrick’s survey to those from the literature
review and Emily’s research, it is clear that more individuals prefer
face-to-face communication.

II. Body
1. Mainpoint 1:Online communication can be prone to misinterpretation and
lack of the personal connection, emotional intelligence that is possible
through face-to-face communication
- Counterargument: Online contact can enhance the quality of communication
by allowing individuals to carefully craft their messages and choose their
words more thoughtfully.
>< But face to face contact helps individuals overcome social barriers such as
shyness or anxiety, enabling them to express themselves more completely.
- Supporting ideas:
+ Online communication lacks nonverbal cues such as body language and
tone of voice, which can be important for conveying emotions and
intentions accurately. Typing in all capital letters, for example, might be
interpreted as shouting to one person, while another person won't
consider that rude or overbearing at all.
+ The lack of personal connection in online communication can make it
difficult to establish trust and build meaningful relationships.
● Rather, Baym believes that research suggests digital
communications enhance relationships and that “the evidence
consistently shows that the more you communicate with people
using devices, the more likely you are to communicate with those
people face to face” (Adler, 2013).
● Nie and Erbring (2000) and Kraut et al. (1998) found that the
more people used the Internet, the lonelier they felt and the
less they engaged in interpersonal communication, even with
their family members.

2. Body 2: Face- to - face interaction increases productivity and social skills

- Counter argument: Opponents of face - to - face interaction say that it is
easier for employees to communicate via online means while the productivity
remains unchanged.
- Supporting ideas:
+ Boost productivity in business
● According to Harvard research (2020), face-to-face requests were
34 times more likely to garner positive responses than emails.
● From strengthening relationships to gathering employee
feedback, here are six good reasons for leaders to make the time
to communicate face-to-face:This method of communication is
one of the most effective ways to make sure important
information gets through to employees.
● Kellerer (2021), a leadership expert, international speaker, author
agreed with the opinion that interpersonal communication is vital
for a business to function, because face-to-face communication is
proven to boost productivity.
+ Express ourselves (by verbal and non verbal ways)
● According to Kellerer, face-to-face interaction can not and should
not be replaced because only direct communication can fully
describe what a human wants to express, not only by verbal but
also by non verbal cues.
● One of the advantages of face-to-face communication is that you
can see and respond to people’s reactions – like facial
expressions and body language – and their tone of voice.
+ Create motivation and improve one’s soft skills
● Speaking to someone in person can make it much easier to
motivate them
● Besides that, having face-to-face conversation can also improve
one’s soft skills such as listening attentively to others, or learning
how to express an idea to make other people comprehend
thoroughly, etc…

III. Conclusion
- Restate the statement: Face to face interaction is necessary in human’s life and
can not be replaced according to several advantages.
+ In the midst of a digital age, I believe that face-to-face is still the most
productive and powerful communication medium. An in-person meeting offers
the best opportunity to engage others with empathy and impact. It builds and
supports positive professional connections that we can’t replicate in a virtual
environment. (Goman, 2018)

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Source 2 (journal):

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