8th Grade Test Group 1

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Group 1 English language Test Name and surname ____________________________ Class ____

Exercise 1. Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Present Simple or the Present
Continuous Tense.

1. She _______________________ (not/like) chocolate.

2. Richard _________________________ (not/study) at the moment.

3. We often ____________________________________ (go) to the cinema.

4. He ____________________________ (usually /not / do) his homework.

5. ______________________ (she/go) to Scotland every summer?

6. ___________________________ (he/eat) now?

6 / ___

Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks using the present perfect form of the verb.

1. _______ you _______ (see) any good films recently?

2. I _____________________ (know) Sara for five years.
3. Helen __________________________ (live) in London for 10 years.
4. She ______ never _______ (try) bungee jumping.
5. My grandfather _______ never ________ (to be) abroad.
6. I _____________________ (have) the same mobile since 5th grade.
7. They ____________________ (not go) to the shopping center yet.
8. People ______________________ (not travel) to Venus.
9. Alex __________________ (study) two foreign languages.
10. My sister ___________________ (lose) her key to the house.

10 / ____

Exercise 3. Write the past participle form of these verbs.

grow ________________ send ________________

meet ________________ choose ______________

say _________________ run _________________

get _________________ do __________________

8 / ____

Exercise 4. Write the correct answer: already, since, for, yet, or just.
1. A: I have seen this movie twice. I like it.

B: Yes, they say it's an interesting story, but I haven't seen it .

2. A: I haven't seen John Sunday. He just disappeared.

B: I have met him at the hospital. I was there a few moments ago. He hasn't

been feeling well the farewell party we had on Saturday.

3. Alan and Pamella have been married twelve years.

4. They have lived in the same house they got married.

7 / ____

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences. Use the adverbs of frequency and the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.

1. You ________________________(usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.

2. The school bus ___________________ (always / arrive) at half past eight.

3. We _______________ (rarely / watch) football on TV. 3 / ____

Exercise 6. Form negative statements.

1. doesn't / in the evening / run / usually / Jane


2. she / often / eat / at home / doesn't / lunch


2 / ____
0 – 12 = 1 13 – 18 = 2 19 – 24 = 3 25 – 30 = 4 31 – 36 = 5

Total: __________ Grade: _____________________________________

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