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Name:_____________________________________________ Group:__________________

1. Give definitions for the terms below:

1 free morpheme

2 Bound
3 Inflectional
4 derivational

2. Analyze the given in morphological way

1. heaven 9. children's

2. prisoner 10. usually

3. relationship 11. lobster

4. greatest 12. inorganic

5. unproblematic 13. passion

6. librarianship 14. governmenta

7. unforgettable 15. classify

8. unmarried 16. childish

3. Fill the table with examples for each word formation types:

1. Affixes Compound Conversion


4. Fill in prefixes and suffixes to create acceptable words.

ir resist ible/ibl-y (g) ______ emotion ______

(b) ______ expected ______ (h) ______ act ______
(c) ______ appoint ______ (i) ______ digest ______
(d) ______ success ______ (j) ______ sincere ______
(e) ______ believe ______ (k) ______ critic ______
(f) ______ pure ______ (m) ______ formal ______

5. Find compounds in the following text.

In Norcia, nuns knelt in prayer and a firefighter appealed to a priest to help maintain calm
among dozens of residents gathered there, including some in wheelchairs. The church, which had
withstood the August earthquake in August and last week’s aftershocks, still was standing, but
television pictures showed piles of stone had accumulated at the bottom of one wall.
The European-Mediterranean Seismological Center put the magnitude at 6.6 or 6.5 with
an epicenter 132 km northeast of Rome and 67 km east of Perugia, near the epicenter of last
week’s temblors. The U.S. Geological Survey put the magnitude at 6.6. The German Research
Centre for Geosciences put the magnitude at 6.5 and said it had a depth of 10 km, a relatively
shallow quake near the surface but in the norm for the quake-prone Apennine Mountain region.

6. Match each sentence to the appropriate literary device from the list above.
Metaphor, Simile, Personification, Hyperbole, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Oxymoron,
Euphemism, Idiom
a) "The teapot screeched angrily on the stove." _______________________
b) "The river sang its soothing melody as it flowed past the ancient stones."
c) "The tree branches whispered secrets in the wind." _______________________
d) "Her eyes were as cold as ice." _______________________
e) "The darkness enveloped him like a heavy woolen blanket." _______________________
f) "The silence was a roaring waterfall in his ears." _______________________
g) "The weight of the world rested on his shoulders." _______________________
h) "Time is a thief." _______________________
i) "The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky." _______________________
j) "She sells seashells by the seashore." _______________________
k) "The sound of silence." _______________________
l) ""His bark is worse than his bite." _______________________
m) "He's in a better place now" (referring to someone who has passed away)

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