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Mariella has been offered to judge in a variety show.

She is very excited

because it was her dream. Unfortunately, it is terribly unfair to other
contestants because her sister is part of the show and will perform on the day
that she will judge. Should she accept the offer and allow herself to benefit
from an unfair situation or think about the other contestants?
- For Mariella's situation, it's important to prioritize fairness and integrity. While it's
understandable that she's excited about the opportunity, accepting the offer would
create an unfair advantage for her sister and compromise the credibility of the
judging process. Mariella should decline the offer and perhaps suggest alternative
arrangements to ensure impartial judging.

Ericka was supposed to tell a certain guy that her best friend had a crush on
him. Instead, she ended up hooking up with the guy. And to make matters
worse, she lied to her friend about it. Should Ericka keep on lying to her friend
or just continue her relationship with the guy? What's she supposed to do?
- Ericka finds herself in a difficult situation where honesty and loyalty to her friend are
paramount. Continuing to lie to her friend would only deepen the betrayal. Ericka
should come clean to her friend about what happened, apologize sincerely, and
take responsibility for her actions. She should then discuss the situation with the
guy and determine the best course of action, considering her friend's feelings.

You are stumped on an important ethics test and you have the perfect
opportunity to cheat without getting caught. What will you do and how will you
explain your decision?
- When faced with the temptation to cheat on an ethics test, it's essential to uphold
personal integrity and academic honesty. Cheating undermines the purpose of the
test and erodes trust in oneself and the educational system. Instead of cheating,
one should accept not knowing the answer and seek help or study harder for future
tests. Admitting one's lack of knowledge and striving to improve is a more ethical
and honorable choice.

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