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43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control ThB03.

December 14-17, 2004
Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas

A Fresh Look at
Optimal Subcarrier Allocation in OFDMA Systems
Somsak Kittipiyakul and Tara Javidi
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

Abstract— This paper considers the issue of optimal sub- in many commercial applications of future wireless systems,
carrier allocation in OFDMA. We show, via a counter example, achieving high connection speed (data rate) will be of
that water-filling based subcarrier allocation policies, contrary primary concern rather than power.
to conventional wisdom, fail to provide rate-stability for an
otherwise stabilizable OFDMA system. Water-filling is too On the other hand, most of the papers in the literature
myopic when considering long-time average performance, e.g. ([2], [6], [14], [15], and [18]) differ from our work in
delay, queue lengths, and even long-run throughput. This that they all provide solutions to a multi-user water-filling
is because such policies ignore variable state (queue length) problem achieving Shannon capacity under power constraint
information, while, in fact, such an information is necessary to at each decision epoch (in this paper, we refer to this
guarantee rate stability and/or to minimize average delay. In
this paper, we identify an optimal non-idling policy which as “instantaneous throughput maximization” or “multi-user
balances the queue lengths, when the channel follows an water filling”).
ON/OFF model. In such case, we show that such a policy In this context, the present paper is a part of an on
achieves the minimum average holding cost (mean response going effort to establish a systematic approach to a series
time) at any time. of throughput-related problems which have recently been
observed ([4], [10]) in OFDM systems. In [4], a subcarrier
allocation based solely on queue lengths for an MPEG-4
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is video transmission application is studied. It is shown that
a promising technique to provide multiple access control a static allocation performs poorly when compared to the
(MAC) in high-speed wireless applications (e.g. broad- queue-length-based allocation. The authors in [10] propose
band wireless, 4G systems, LANs) in a hostile multi- a subcarrier allocation in an OFDM system with finite
path environment with frequency-selective fading. OFDM buffer space. They show through simulations that water-
achieves high spectral efficiency in multiuser environment filling solutions perform poorly with respect to a long-run
by dividing the total available bandwidth to narrow sub- throughput criterion due to buffer overflow.
bands in an efficient way. This allows the mobiles to spread In this paper, we focus on a long-term average per-
their information selectively in order to avoid sub-bands formance, e.g. average queue backlog, rather than an in-
where (frequency-selective) fading occurs. This results in stantaneous optimization. We show that even without a
higher spectral efficiency since fading usually experienced constraint on buffer sizes, water-filling-based techniques
by different mobiles are statistically independent. In a single perform poorly when considered over a considerably long
user case, it is known that, to achieve the highest spectral time interval. We argue that maximizing instantaneous
efficiency, the optimal resource allocation must schedule throughput (water-filling) is too myopic, i.e. it fails to take
these sub-carriers with the best SNR. into account the varying state of the system and queue
The problem of optimal real-time subcarrier allocation build-ups. Through an example we show how the policy
has been recently studied ([2], [6], [8], [10], [14], [17], that maximizes the instantaneous throughput causes rate-
[19]). The prior work can be categorized into two classes instability (unbounded queue buildups) in an otherwise
based on the optimization objectives. The objective in the stabilizable system. This implies a suboptimal performance
first class of work ([8], [17], [19]) is to minimize the with respect to throughput (as well as delay and total
total transmit power given constraints on Quality of Service number of packets waiting in the system). As a result,
(QoS) requirements of each user. These constraints include we propose a long-run objective to minimize the average
fixed data rate or acceptable bit error rate (BER). holding cost in the system.
The second class of papers ([6], [14]) attempt to max- In this paper, we assume a pre-determined power allo-
imize the total throughput at each decision epoch given a cation. This power level is assumed to vary in order to
constraint on a maximum transmit power per data stream. compensate for the distances between various users and
Our work is similar to this class of papers in that we focus the base (fixed point). Under such assumption, a user’s
on maximizing the system throughput when considering channel condition (across sub-carriers) can be mapped to
the subcarrier allocation problem in an OFDM system. the number of transmitted packets at each subcarrier as
We believe that, although there will always be numerous follows. Using adaptive modulation/coding, the number of
applications for which the power maximization is critical, packets a subcarrier can transmit per time slot is expressed
0-7803-8682-5/04/$20.00 ©2004 IEEE 3289
SNR User 1's (U1) arrivals

SNR Threshold for 2 packet

p a c ke t s
User 2's (U2) arrivals
SNR Threshold for 1 packet Timeslot t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4
(a) (b)


subband B 1
subcarrier 1 subcarrier 2 subcarrier 3 subband B 2
t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4
Fig. 1. Mapping of a User’s SNR to packet capacity for each subcarrier. (c) (d)
The user can transmit 2, 1, and 0 packets on subcarrier 1, 2, and 3,
as function of SNR [8]. Figure 1 shows such a procedure 8

for an example. In this example, we assume that there are 6

4 b*2
two transmission types (modulation/coding) over a subband: 2
b1 b*1

the first type requires a certain SNR (SNR > S1 ) and 0 time

transmits one packet per a timeslot; the other transmission 0 10 20 30 40

type requires a higher SNR (SNR > S2 ) and transmits (e)

two packets per a timeslot. The figure shows that the user
Fig. 2. A counter-example showing that water-filling causes unbounded
can transmit 2, 1, and 0 packets on subcarrier 1, 2, and queue buildups. We assume that the packet arrival process and the channel
3, respectively. As a result we map the channel condition connectivity process have periodic structures with period of four timeslots.
given in Figure 1 to a ”connectivity profile” (2, 1, 0). (a) Packet arrivals for users 1 and 2 (b) Channel connectivity profile
(white square means ON) (c) MTLB policy π ∗ (d) Maximal Instantaneous
In this paper we identify an optimal policy where the Throughput policy π (e) Queue occupancies over time: queue lengths for
connectivities can be modeled by a simple ON/OFF (1- users U1 and U2 under π, (b1 , b2 ), and under π ∗ , (b∗1 , b∗2 ). Under policy
0) state. Furthermore, we assume that all users have the π, queue of user U2 (b2 ) is building up over time.
same priority. We show that under such an assumption a
non-idling (maximum throughput (MT)) Load Balancing
(LB) policy minimizes the expected holding cost. We then consider an alternative policy π shown in Figure 2(d). It is
propose an algorithm to construct MTLB. easy to see that under policy π the instantaneous throughput
The paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a is maximized at every time slot, but the system is unstable
counter example of how the instantaneous throughput max- as the length of the queue of user U2 grows by one every
imization fails to stabilize a stabilizable system. Section III four units of time. Note that under policy π, user U1 ’s
provides problem formulation and assumptions of our buffer is empty at time t = 2. This results in the idling of
model. Section IV defines the MTLB policy and prove subband B1 . Consequentially, policy π results in longer total
its optimality. Section V, provides a computation algorithm queue occupancies at all times and thus less total throughput
based on ideas frm bipartite graphs and matching literature. than policy π ∗ . This simple counter example shows that
Finally, Section VI concludes the paper and discusses future maximizing the instantaneous throughput is not sufficient
studies. and in general fails to stabilize an otherwise stabilizable
Consider a simple ON/OFF system with two users
Notations and Definitions
(u1 , u2 ) and two sub-carriers (B1 , B2 ). The initial queue
sizes are zero. The packet arrival processes and the channel We consider a single-hop OFDMA system composed of
connectivity processes for users 1 and 2 have periodic one cell or cluster with one base station. We assume that
structures with period of four time slots as shown in there are N users and K sub-carriers
Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b), respectively. For example, at In this paper, we use arguments to denote the time index,
the beginning of timeslot 1, two and one packets arrive for subscript i to denote specific subcarrier, and subscript j to
U1 and U2 , respectively. Furthermore, during slot 1, user denote specific user/queue. For example, wij (n) denotes
U1 can use both sub-carriers while user U2 can use only the number of packet withdrawals at time n for user j over
subcarrier B1 . subcarrier i. We use small letters without any subscription
The system is stabilizable because the periodic policy for deterministic row vectors and capitalized letters for
π ∗ , whose subcarrier allocation ∗
√ ωij at each of the four
deterministic matrices. Scripted capitalized letters for space
timeslot period is marked by in Figure 2(c), stabilizes of all possible vectors or matrices. For example, W is the
the queues by emptying the system every four time slots. space of all possible packet withdrawal matrices.
For example, during time slot 1, the policy π ∗ assigns user • b(n) = (b1 , . . . , bN ): the row vector of queue occu-
U1 with subcarrier B2 and user U2 with subcarrier B1 . Now pancies at the beginning of time n.
• a(n) = (a1 , . . . , aN ): the arrival to queue aj during Subcarriers/
time n. Users/
• C(n) = {cij }: The K-by-N channel connectivity Queues

matrix or connectivity profile at time n where cij

denotes the maximum number of packets subcarrier 1 2
i can serve from queue j.
• (b(n), C(n)): the state of the system at time n.
• W (n) = {ωij }: the K-by-N packet withdrawal matrix 3

(also refered to as server allocation or assignment) at

time n, where ωij denotes the number of packets that
subcarrier i is assigned to serve queue j. We use both N
the matrix form of W = {ωij } and the row vector K
form ω = (ω1 , . . . , ωN ) interchangeably where ωj =
i=1 ωij is the packet withdrawal of queue j.
Fig. 3. Subcarrier Allocation Problem

Here are some definitions we will use in the paper: (1, 1, 1, 0, . . . , 0)T indicates that user 2 can transmit
Definition 1: For a row vector x = (x1 , . . . , xN ) and only on sub-carriers 1, 2, and 3.
a matrix Y = (y1 , . . . , yN ) where yi is a column vector, (A7) The packet arrival processes {A(n)} to users’ queues
a column-by-column matrix permutation Ππ corresponding during each time slot is independent across time slots.
to a permutation π is defined as, for any i and j, The packet arrival process is such that the joint pdf
is permutation invariant as defined in Definition 2.
π(xi ) = xj ⇔ Ππ (yi ) = yj This implies that within each time slot the arrivals
Definition 2: Consider a random vector x with a joint to various queues need not be independent. In other
distribution Px (x). We say x is permutation invariant if, words, there can be possible dependency of arrivals
for any permutation π, Px (π(x)) = Px (x). amongst different users.
Definition 3: Consider a random matrix Y where ele- (A8) The connectivity profiles {C(n)} is such that the joint
ments Yij are random variables with joint pdf PY (Y ). We pdf is permutation invariant as defined in Definition 3.
say Y is column-by-column permutation invariant if, for (A9) At the beginning of each time slot, the centralized
any permutation π, PY (Ππ (Y )) = PY (Y ). resource manager at the base station uses the perfect
information of queue sizes and the connectivity pro-
Assumptions files to make subcarrier allocation for that time slot.
(A1) The sub-carriers are time-slotted and have fixed and Then, the assignment is announced immediately to all
flat fading during a time slot. users via a separate control channel.
(A2) The set of modulation and coding available to various (A10) We do not allow for the sharing of the servers, i.e.
users are similar and fixed. For a given channel each server can only serve one packet at a time from
state cij and a transmission type (choice of modu- a single user’s queue (ωij ∈ {0, 1}).
lation/coding), ωij packets are transmitted by user j We believe that allowing for individual and non-identical
over subband i, with a maximum of cij packets. connectivity profile is essential in modeling OFDM. The
(A3) If a channel can serve cij packets from the j th inclusion of individual connectivity profiles in our model
queue, all of these packets will be transmitted with is essential to a reasonable modeling of OFDM systems.
probability of success equal to one. In another word, This captures the following phenomena: a subcarrier can
this model does not capture the loss probability over have a ”good” channel response for one user while on the
a wireless channel of good quality (cij > 0). same subcarrier another user may encounter severe channel
(A4) Packets are of equal length. A subcarrier can serve degradation, or ”bad” channel.
at most cmax packet per time slot when used by any
Problem Formulation
(A5) Each user has an infinite buffer. We now formulate an abstract problem that captures
(A6) The channel state of each subcarrier to a user is essential features of the described OFDM problem.
reduced to either ON or OFF i.e. cmax = 1. A Problem (P)
subcarrier is in the ON state when the channel gain Consider a discrete-time model of N queues
is less than the threshold gain meeting the minimum (Q1 , . . . , QN ) served by K servers (K > N). At
required SNR. When the subcarrier is in the ON state, each time, each server can serve one packet from
the user can utilize the subcarrier to transmit up to one queue; we allow for one queue to be served by
one packet. Thus, a subcarrier is assumed to be either multiple servers. At each time, a queue j is either
connected or disconnected from users as shown in available to be served by a server i (connected
Figure 3. For example, c2 = (c12 , c22 , . . . , cK2 )T = or ON) or it is not available (disconnected or
OFF) (A6). At each time, the connectivities of all In addition, the model used in [1] is similar to the one
queue/server pairs are known for that time. We used in our paper. The authors in [1] consider the problem of
allow for arrivals at each queue at each time and batch allocation of bandwidth or servers to multiple queues.
arrivals at a given time are assumed to occur after The study is focused on the delay in the observations of
server allocations at that time. The statistics of channel and queue lengths. Again, the difference with our
arrival and connectivity processes are assumed to model is that [1] assumes identical connectivity profile
satisfy (A7) and (A8). We wish to determine a while we allow for distinct connectivity profiles across
Markov server (subcarrier) allocation policy π that queues. However, we do not consider observation delay with
minimizes the cost function at the finite horizon respect to queue length nor do we address imperfect channel
T: estimation.


In this section, we identify load balancing (MTLB)
where F0 summarizes all information available at subcarrier allocation policy, as optimal with respect to the
the beginning of the allocation period. CTπ is the cost function in Problem (P). We use dynamic programming
cost under Markov policy π over horizon T . to establish the optimality of MTLB.
 N Definition 4: Given state (b, C) at the beginning of time
CTπ = φ(bj (t)) (2) slot n, an allocation W = {ωij } is a feasible allocation iff
t=0 j=1 • (C1.a) ωij ≤ cij ;
• (C1.b) j=1 ωij ≤ 1, ∀ i = 1, . . . , K; and
where φ(.) is any convex and increasing function K
and bj (t) is the queue length of Qj . • (C1.c) i=1 ωij ≤ bj , ∀ j = 1, . . . , N .
Given a state (b, c), the set of all feasible row allocations
Restriction to Markov policies does not entail any loss
ω = (ω1 , . . . , ωN ), ωi = j ωij , is denoted by W(b, C),
of optimality because Problem (P) is a stochastic control
Definition 5: Given state (b, C) at the beginning of time
problem with perfect observations [9].
slot n, the MTLB policychooses  a (feasible) packet with-
One simple example of φ(.) is identity function.
  In that drawal matrix W ∗ (n) = ωij ∗
such that
case, Problem (P) reduces to a total backlog ( t j bj (t)) (C1) Maximum Throughput: W ∗ (n) ∈ W(b, C) achieves
minimization problem over horizon T . the maximum throughput, i.e.
In Problem (P) we have assumed that the horizon T
is finite. We first analyze Problem (P) and its refinement  K
N  N 

and then show that the result of the analysis hold for the ωij ≥ ωij for all ω ∈ W(b, C) (3)
j=1 i=1 j=1 i=1
corresponding infinite horizon problem.
(C2) Load Balancing: Let L be the maximum throughput
Prior Work achieved in (C1) and WL (b, C) ⊂ W(b, c) contains all
Our problem formulation is very similar to the problem possible assignments achieving throughput L. ω ∗ (n) ∈
of transmission scheduling for wireless and satellite nodes WL (b, C) produces the most balanced queue i.e.
where a limited number of transmitters (servers) or channels (b − ω ∗ ) ≤LQO (b − ω) for all ω ∈ WL (b, C) (4)
have to be allocated to competing users with varying
connectivity ([1], [3], [11], [16]). Theorem 1 summarizes the main result of our study.
Theorem 1: Consider Problem (P) with a finite horizon
The authors in [16] consider the server allocation problem
T . MTLB policy is optimal for any initial state F0 = (b, C).
of a single server to N competing queues. At each time slot
Note that condition (C1) is a water-filling condition. In
each queue may be connected or disconnected to the server,
other words, Theorem 1 implies that water-filling criteria is
depending on a binary connectivity random variable. They
not sufficient to guarantee long-term throughput optimality
show that the Longest Connected Queue (LCQ) policy sta-
unless it is complemented by a load-balancing criteria
bilizes the system if the system is stabilizable and minimizes
(condition (C2)).
the delay for the special case of symmetric queues.
Outline of the Proof: (see details in [7]) Given a horizon
The authors in [3] further show that, in the case of K
n, define Vnπ (b, C) the cost-to-go under Markov policy π.
servers = N queues and the constraint that at most C packets
can be served in total in each time slot and fractional packets 
are allowed to be served to each queue, the optimal policy Vnπ (b, C) = φ(b) + π
pA (a)pC (C̃)Vn−1 (b + a − ω, C̃)
is to serve the queues such that the resulting queue lengths a,C̃
are most balanced. The authors in [3] allow for sharing N
where φ(b) = j=1 φ(bj ).
of the servers (serving a fraction of packet from a set
From dynamic programming, we have the following
of queues). Furthermore, they do not allow users to have
recursion for the optimal cost-to-go Vn∗ (b, C):
distinct connectivity profiles (In this case C(n) are reduced
to a vector). V0∗ (b, C) = φ(b)
and interpreted as the convexity of vn in a discrete setting and
 (H4)n establishes the balancing advantage.
Vn∗ (b, C) = φ(b)+ inf ∗
pA (a)pC (C̃)Vn−1 (b+a−ω, C̃)
ω∈W(b,c) Specifically, we outline how (H3)n and (H4)n are used
to inductively establish the induction step via the following
Define lemmas (see [7]):
∗ Lemma 1: (H0), (H2), (H3)n and (H5)n =⇒
vn (b) = Ea,C [Vn−1 (b + a, C)] (H3)
 n+1 .

= pA (a)pC (C̃)Vn−1 (b + a, C̃). (5) Lemma 2: (H0), (H2), (H3)n , (H4)n , (H5)n =⇒
a,C̃ (H4)n+1 .
Lemma 3: (H0), (H2), (H4)n+1 =⇒ (H5)n+1 .
Since W(b, C) is finite, there exists an optimal packet
In addition, we prove the following Corollary in [7] to
withdrawal ω ∗ (n, b, C) at time n when the state of the
extend Theorem 1 to the infinite horizon Problem.
queue backlogs is equal to the vector b and the connectivity
Corollary 1: Consider an infinite horizon version of the
profile is C. The optimal cost-to-go can be rewritten as:
Problem (P), where the cost is modified to be the average
V0∗ (b, C) = φ(b) expected cost at each stage. Then MTLB is optimal for any
initial state F0 = (b, C).
Vn∗ (b, C) = φ(b) + min vn (b − ω)
ω∈W(b,C) Using concepts from graph matching literature ([5],[13]),
= φ(b) + vn (b − ω ∗ (n, b, C)) (6) we propose an iterative algorithm (iMTLB) to construct
MTLB allocation. We consider our subcarrier allocation
In order to show that MTLB is optimal, we need the problem as a matching problem over a graph G where
validity of the following statements (proved in [7]). the queues and servers are considered as nodes and the
(H0) vn (b), n = 0, . . . , T , are permutation invariant and connectivities between them as edges.
strictly monotonic. Equivalent Bipartite Construction (EBC)
(H1) If a feasible allocatin w does not satisfy (C1), then
1) Associated with each queue j, construct mj =
there is a j such that w + ej ∈ W(b, C).
min(bj , cj ) nodes labeled as aj1 , aj2 , . . . , ajmj .
Note, assuming the validity of (H0), all MTLB policies
2) Let U X = {a11 , a12 , . . . , a1m1 , a21 , . . . , aN mN } be
have the same expected cost. In other words, define
the set of all such nodes.
  3) Let V = {v1 , . . . , vK } be the set of servers.
W ∗ (n, b, C) := ω ∗ : vn (b − ω ∗ ) = min vn (b − ω) 4) Let E X = {(ajm , vi )} if cij = 1 be the set of edges
ω∈W(b,C) representing connectivities.
  Iterative Algorithm (iMTLB)
∗ ∗ ∗
B (n, b, C) := d : vn (d ) = min vn (b − ω) 1) Use (EBC) to construct an equivalent bipartite graph
ω∈W(b,C) Geq = (U X , E X , V ) from the given (b, C).
In [7], we present the following statement: 2) Find a maximum matching M in Geq .
∗ ∗
(H2) If ω (n, b, C) ∈ W (n, a + b, C), it satisfies 3) Convert M to subcarrier assignment in G.
Condition (C1) in the definition of MTLB. 4) While there exists a balancing path ω with respect to
We prove the rest of Theorem 1 by an induction on n, G, balance G by ω (see [7]).
the number of stages to go. For that matter we define An example of iMTLB algorithm is shown in Figure 4. In
[7], we show that the proposed iMTLB algorithm converges
to MTLB allocation in finite time. We conjecture that our
Gn (b) = [vn (b + ei + ej ) + vn (b)] iterative algorithm is equivalent to an existing maximum
− [vn (b + ei ) + vn (b + ej )] (7) weighted matching for the equivalent bipartite graph and
Dn (b) = vn (b + e1 ) − vn (b + e2 ) (8) its worst case running time is O(K (N + logK)) [13].
Using the above expressions, we state the induction VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE R ESEARCH
hypotheses for stage n as In this paper, we showed through a counter example that
(H3)n Gn (b) ≥ 0, for every state b and indexes 1 ≤ although water-filling based subcarrier allocation policies
i, j ≤ N . maximize the instantaneous throughput, they in general
(H4)n Dn (b) ≥ 0, for every b such that b1 ≥ b2 . fail to provide rate-stability for an otherwise stabilizable
(H5)n Policy g ∗ , that allocates servers according to OFDMA system. We used this example to argue that water-
MTLB, is optimal at stage n. filling is too myopic and ignores variable state (queue
We note that (H5) is sufficient to assert the validity of length) information. We then identified a MTLB policy
Theorem 1. However, to prove inductively that (H5)n+1 that achieves the instantaneous maximum throughput as
is true we need (H3)n -(H5)n . Specifically, (H3)n can be well as balancing the queue lengths. Such a policy always
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instantaneous throughput in order to set the state of the based broadband wireless systems,” Globecomm ’00, San Francisco,
system in ”better” (more balanced) state in anticipation of USA, 2000.
loss of connectivities in the future. This is a manifestation
of known results in queuing theory and switching. The
MDP technique used in this paper is not expected to result
in identification of an optimal policy under these more
complicated channel models. We hope to use fluid flow
analysis to establish rate-stability for a load balancing policy
in such scenarios.
This research was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation ADVANCE Cooperative Agreement No. SBE-
[1] N. Ehsan and M. Liu, ”On the optimality of an index policy for
bandwidth allocation with delayed state observation and differenti-


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