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Activity 1.3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variable.

In this activity, we shall learn the graphical method of finding solution of a pair of linear equatione
We can graphically represent a pair of linear cquations as two lines. These two lines may
may be parallel or may coincide.
We can now summarise the behaviour of lines representing a pair of linear equations in two
the existence of solutions as follows: variables:
(a) the lines may intersect in a single point. In this case, the pair of equations has a unique
(consistent pair of equations).
(b) the lines may be parallel. In this case, the equations have no solution (inconsistent pair of
(d the lines may be coincident. In this case, the equations have inânitely many solutions equations,
(consistent) pair of equations]. (dependen
To obtain the conditions for consistency of a system of linear Materials Required
equations in two variables by graphical method. White paper
Graph paper
Pre-requisite Knowledge Geometry box
(i) Coordinate system.
(tä) Concept of plotting of points on a graph paper.
(üi) Concept of a linear equation in two variables: It is in the form of
ax+ by + c, where a, b and care constants; a and b 0.
(iv) Graph of a linear polynomial in two variables: It is always a straight line.
(v) Concept of a pair of linear equations in two variables x and y: It can be taken in the form:
a4x+ b,y+ =0|
a,x+ b,y +C, =0 where a,, b,, C,, a,, b, and c, are non-zero real numbers.

(i) Consider three pairs of linear equations, say:
(A) 5x +2y=-3
3x- 4y =-7
(B) X+ 2y =5
2x +4y =7
(C) 4x- 3y + 5=0
8x- 6y+ 10 = 0
(i) First take the pair A of linear equations, i.e.
5x + 2y + 3 = 0
3x - 4y+7=0
(iüi) Obtain tables of values for these linear equations:
For 5x +2y +3= 0, we have
X 1 -1 -3
-4 1 6
(x, y) (1, -4) (-1, 1) (-3, 6)
For 3x - 4s+ 7 = 0, we have
X -1 3 -5
1 4 -2
(x, y) (-1, 1) (3, 4) (-5, -2)
( ) Plot both sets of points on a graph paper.

2y +3= 6

=0 (3, 4)

(-1, 1) 1

+ 7 = 02 (a, 0) 2 3
5 -2

- 4y

-5, -2)

-4 (1, -4)

Fig. 1
(-3, 6) and joining them, a straight line is obtained.
1) and obtained.
Plotting the points (1, 4), (-1,
(-5, -2) and joining them, a straight line is
the points (-1, 1), (3, 4) i.e.,
pair of linear equations x+ 2y =5
(v) Take the second
2x + 4y =7
values of x and y for these linear
tables of
(v) Obtain the 2x +4y= 7
X+ 2y = 5 1
2 2
1 3


(3, 1)
(x, y) |
(1, 2)
(x, y) (5, 0)
on a graph.
(i) Plot the ondered pairs


(3, 1)


(0, 0)|
X -5



Fig. 2
Plotting the ordered pairs, we obtain the graph of the pair of linear equations.
(vii) Take the third pair of linear equations, ie.,
4x-3y +5 =0
8x - 6y + 10 = 0
(ix) Obtain the tables of values of x and y:

4x-3y +5 = 0 8x- 6y + 10 = 0
1 -2 -5 X 1 -2 -5
y 3 -1 -5
y 3 -1 -5
(x, y) (1, 3) (2, -1) (-5, -5) (x, y) (1, 3) (2, -1) (-5, -5)
l) Plot these points on a graph and join them.

=s+Ág 0

(1, 3)

X 5 -3 -2 -1
(0, 0) 2 5 6 X
1 3

-2, -1) -1


+kg-x3 0=0)

(-5, -5) 5

Fig. 3
Plotting these points the graph lines of the pair of linear equations are obtained.
() The graph lines of the pair of linear equations of set A intersect at the point (-1, 1). Therefore, the
solution of the given equations is x=-1, y = 1.
b 2 1
Here, 3
b, -4 -2
(ii) The graph lines of linear equations of setB are parallel. They have no point in common. Therefore,
the given equations have no common solution.
1 -5 5
Here, and b C
a, 2' b, 4 2 Cz -7 b, C
(i) The lines representing the equations of set C coincide. Therefore, every point on the line is a common
solution of the given equations. Hence, the given equations have infinitely many commnon solutions.
b, -6 2
b, Ca
5 1
10 2

tivityPlus in Mathematics-10 25
We conclude that the equations are consistent if a pair of equations in two variables has a
tion (unique or infinitely many). so Ac
Therefore, conditions for consistency of a system of linear equations are:
b In ge:
and meth.
b, a, b, C

Learning Outcomes
unique solution.
(a) If then the lines are intersecting and the given equations have a
b, b,
then the lines are parallel and the given equations have no common
(b) If
a, b, C,

then the lines coincide and the given equations have infinitely many common
a, b,

many), then t
(a) If a pair of equations in two variables has a common solution (unique or infinitely
equations are called consistent.
(b) If a pair of equations in two variables has no solution, then the equations are called

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