Task 2 HW 16

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In a hectic pace of life, people have a tendency to live independently instead of staying under a roof with

their family members. It is said that this kind of living can be beneficial for people, while others hold the
view that it is an adverse development. From my viewpoint, this phenomenon has both sides, while the
benefits may be greater than the drawbacks.

First and foremost, the “live alone” trend is undoubtedly a positive development. Thanks to living by
themselves, people have a wide range of personal skills which play a crucial role in daily basis. Self-
consciousness seems to be a personal quality that almost all of people will be able to obtain when they
live separately. To illustrate, a boiled boy knows how to cook which is one of survival skills when he live
far from his parents. Furthermore, privacy is ensured exhaustively when it comes to living alone. Living
in an extended family may lead to some negative points, for instance you have to listen to every
member’s perspective before giving your own. In case of living far from family, people have a chance to
make a decision in every field in their life.

By the contrary, living alone may result in several unavoidable harmful effects on people’s life in some
cases. When people start to live alone, they may lose sense of belonging and accidentally break a bond
between people themselves and their relatives. Leaving home to start a new life in a place means
people do not meet their family members regularly, which probably mold a gap among their
relationships. Moreover, a family reunion may find it difficult to be organized because most of members
choose to live alone. As a result, people will comparatively miss a chance which they will be able to
enjoy dinner and share everything happening to their life.

To conclude, I suppose that living alone has a variety of benefits, however, it still has several detrimental
impacts on people’s lives. Therefore, people should know how to get rid of these demerits to turn live
alone development into more positive.

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